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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

01-04-2016 , 12:20 AM
Congrats on the deal for 33k!

Last edited by Ice_W0lf; 01-04-2016 at 12:22 AM. Reason: and the w
01-04-2016 , 12:27 AM
Thanks lads!

Got bit extra in the deal, def a good start to the yr

01-04-2016 , 04:37 AM
gg man, very nice start indeed
01-04-2016 , 04:50 AM
Congrats on the 33 large sir!
01-04-2016 , 05:25 AM
MTT Pro 2016?
01-04-2016 , 06:54 AM
Wooot congrats man
01-04-2016 , 10:11 AM
Nice score Josh!!
01-04-2016 , 04:20 PM
Thanks guys, much appreciated . Haven't seen some of you posting in a while (I might just not be looking in the right place), glad to still see you around and hope ya'll had a good holiday season!

So, most of you probably don't know, but PS changed the hyper sat offerings as they are continuing to try to 'kill' the format. It's absolute lunacy given how profitable the format is for PS, but w/e; but yea started off the yr on the 1st kinda going WTF, but I'm actually not that upset w how the lobby is set up, although it only functions super well if you are planning to play the target mtts (which I was planning to do anyway before this change happened).

Was kind of a shock at first, and my initial reaction was to be upset, but it hasn't been all that bad, although there's still a few things that they (don't) do that piss me off

Anywho, so one of the first girls I started talking to from HK in Tijuana is back in town for 7 days, I've probably posted pics w her in past PG&Cs. Have seen her already at the club (last night, little victory party obv ) and today she's coming to chill for the afternoon until tomorrow. Super nice girl, she now runs, and has an ownership interest in, a huge gym down in Chihuahua which is where she's from. She does some fitness modeling and really has a super nice body, the thread needs pics ldo

Anyway, have some bookkeeping to do before she gets here, she is planning on getting super turnt up w me tonight so should be an entertaining evening; we'll have to make our own fun as Rosarito is super dead Mon-Wed during the dead of the offeason, but I'm sure we're more than qualified in that department

Hope everyone is doing well, want to get to updating more regularly once I settle into a normal grind routine, still trying to fig out optimal sched etc. Glgl out there!
01-04-2016 , 10:00 PM
oh mah gawd, dat ass.

rough couple months but some binkage always makes it feel better.

Keep killin it man
01-07-2016 , 02:02 AM
keep killing it bro, nice win...I actually saw it from reading it somewhere else, haha. Not like us in the states are following PStars, you lucky bastard, lol. You'll win more this month, its coming. They mess up SNE, you'll just have to win a milly this year in MTTs!
01-16-2016 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
oh mah gawd, dat ass.

rough couple months but some binkage always makes it feel better.

Keep killin it man
Indeeeeed, gonna try!

Originally Posted by RunninMan5K
keep killing it bro, nice win...I actually saw it from reading it somewhere else, haha. Not like us in the states are following PStars, you lucky bastard, lol. You'll win more this month, its coming. They mess up SNE, you'll just have to win a milly this year in MTTs!
Haha nice, assuming on pokernews (iirc that's where scossett also saw it). You were right, still winning over here! <3


Guess I'll take this chance to update since I'm literally not able to grind any SNGs right now. In short, daddyrnac and I noticed on Thursday that we were short money in our cashier after playing. We both spent 8+ hours yesterday back and forth with Pokerstars Bryan, Pokerstars Luke and a couple other employees.

It was quite the ****show, I literally, by hand, wrote out what Sharkscope/HM2/PS Audit came up with for all my games on Thursday to first prove to PS that something was wrong internally and that I was indeed short $2800 in my cashier. After that, I then went line by line through my PS audit to find the 4 instances where I was not credited $700 for winning a $240>$700 hyper sat. I then went all the way back through Sunday to make sure I wasn't shorted in past days (there was a server reset on Thurs morning so I figured this is where the issue started), and indeed was correct with that thought, at least for my own account . Took a v long time, I was quite annoyed most of the day, but it's getting sorted as quickly as possible.

Until then though, the sat lobby has been cleared (correctly) by PS Baard and PS Bryan. Add in the fact that I am still sitting out with the other HS 25bb cash hyper regs, and I'm literally not able to SNG grind! Kind of annoying, but what can ya do. I did put in some zoom hands last night and will probably do the same today before the Packer playoff game; planning to put in a good sized hyper sat study sesh first though!

Anywayyy, other than that, just been grinding away and then shooting a lot of pool with Ruse and watching sports, the usual. I rarely sportsbet, mainly bc I run ****ing terribly at it, so much so that even Ruse is like 'just lol @ how we run betting,' and I was ****ed again on Monday during the NCAAF Championship game. Put 500 on Bama -7 and that meaningless TD with ~15 seconds left ****ed me as I'm sure it did many others; Bama still wins but doesn't cover

I am thinking of putting a bet on AZ today to hopefully help the Packers win (lolz), but I'm just ****ing positive if I do that, AZ will win by 3 so I'll be left insanely tilted....Packers still lose and AZ won't cover, so I think I will just pass on that .

On the poker front, since the Bigger 109 chop+win, I haven't been running that nicely at MTTs, but can't complain I suppose after just getting 3rd in the 1k literally <50 MTTs before the Bigger 109 bink . I've been making a ton ton ton of runs though, feeling quite good about my game, and know it's just a matter of time! Don't like to bitch really at all, but this was pretty annoying the other night for a ~5th place stack in the 1k with 20 left; obv this is against a huge fish (given my line OTF)

    Poker Stars, $1,000 Buy-in (1,800/3,600 blinds, 450 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 7 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37217135

    BTN: 118,345 (32.9 bb)
    SB: 61,905 (17.2 bb)
    BB: 91,445 (25.4 bb)
    MP1: 136,867 (38 bb)
    Hero (MP2): 60,675 (16.9 bb)
    MP3: 251,782 (69.9 bb)
    CO: 91,924 (25.5 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is MP2 with K A
    MP1 folds, Hero raises to 7,500, 4 folds, BB calls 3,900

    Flop: (19,950) 7 9 A (2 players)
    BB bets 9,975, Hero raises to 21,500, BB calls 11,525

    Turn: (62,950) 8 (2 players)
    BB bets 31,475, Hero calls 31,225 and is all-in

    River: (125,400) 6 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: 125,400 pot
    Final Board: 7 9 A 8 6
    BB showed T 9 and won 125,400 (64,725 net)
    Hero showed K A and lost (-60,675 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Cashed the 1k Thrill on Thurs, think I've got a nice streak going in those, cashing something like 4 of my last 6 1k's played including a 3rd and 20th.

    I should try to get better about posting updates in here, just don't know what to say haha! Here's my YTD graph so far, nice start to the yr

    Gla on the grind and lescooo Pack!
    01-16-2016 , 02:08 PM
    Originally Posted by jdawg91
    I am thinking of putting a bet on AZ today to hopefully help the Packers win (lolz), but I'm just ****ing positive if I do that, AZ will win by 3 so I'll be left insanely tilted....Packers still lose and AZ won't cover, so I think I will just pass on that .

    GL in 2016!
    01-16-2016 , 02:29 PM
    you're sick man, I love it

    last page I read your update and then saw those pics and immediately forgot what I read lol so kudos on that
    01-17-2016 , 10:55 PM
    Originally Posted by Max Cut

    GL in 2016!
    Lol, woulda happened just like I thought! Glad I didn't

    Originally Posted by Everest17
    you're sick man, I love it

    last page I read your update and then saw those pics and immediately forgot what I read lol so kudos on that
    Hahah, well I've got some more pics to post then too

    New girl I've seen at the club a few times and that I accidentally showered now 2x on coming to hangout in Rosarito (whoops). She's super chill, would assume I will do some stuff with her this Summer since she is a Tijuana native like my ex Alisha, so they're more down for/into a lot of the local festivals and whatnot

    Edit: Forgot about this gem lol, reppin ole Aaron Rodgers

    And a couple nights ago got these 2 pics and a 'u like it?' from some number I don't have saved on whatsapp. It's definitely a HongKong girl, been talking to her a bit and still not sure who it is...would have felt like a dick if I'm like 'yea all bout dat ass, wug IRL and stripper handle though cuz I don't recognize you ' hahah

    Anyway, on to poker! Got like 22k VPPs today which was ridiculous, ton ton ton of $181-$720 action which was great. Didn't run so hot at SNGs, but made up for it by chopping the Hotter 162

    Real tired as I was up pretty late last night (wtf Packers ), so going to try to get some study in and then will be off to bed early! Updated YTD graph below, lets keep it rollin through TCOOP!

    01-18-2016 , 02:21 AM
    keep crushin
    01-19-2016 , 10:24 AM

    keep crushing
    01-19-2016 , 12:32 PM
    Subbed keep owning, love ur threads. You've come a long way from Rockford charitable games I'm still crushing lol
    01-19-2016 , 09:42 PM
    <3 <3 bros

    First person to earn one of these; sliiiiight chance I'm the first person to buy one of these, although I'm assuming there is some dolt that forgot to convert their FPPs before (and lost heaps of $) that has bought one of these bonuses

    Put up a huge grind today, day and month graph below. TCOOP starts Thurs...should be funnn

    01-20-2016 , 03:00 AM
    No new thread for 2016?
    01-20-2016 , 08:00 AM
    not a bad start to 2016

    heres to more 86k months and smokin hot latina ass
    01-20-2016 , 01:57 PM
    The woman seems good indeed. It seems your life is turning to be really solid. I was here in your dark days and i am very happy that you did a u-turn
    01-20-2016 , 11:15 PM
    Originally Posted by trent32la
    No new thread for 2016?
    Nah, will just keep this one going, seems easiest given my lack of updates for weeks on end

    Originally Posted by thabighurt35
    not a bad start to 2016

    heres to more 86k months and smokin hot latina ass
    Haha, cheers to that my friend

    Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
    The woman seems good indeed. It seems your life is turning to be really solid. I was here in your dark days and i am very happy that you did a u-turn
    Thanks man, yea seems like both of us have had a nice turnaround which is good to see . Hope you have a great 2016


    Put in a decent sng grind today and also got a bunch of **** done IRL so I can just grindgrindgrind during TCOOP.

    I hit 150k VPPs for the year today (obv the VPPs don't mean anything, but easiest way for me to track how much I've been grinding) which was cool; one of my main focuses this year is to (hopefully) get to 10million lifetime VPPs so I can get that $20k trip of a lifetime bonus from PS.

    PS is only honoring this through the end of 2015, so I am on the clock. I believe only 5 people have ever gotten it thus far (Gramps being the 5th), it's definitely not more than 6. I'm assuming that this year there are a half dozen or so of us that could potentially get it, so should be interesting to see how many of us can/choose to finish!

    I certainly will not wind up short of the 10million for lack of trying; I have already grinded ~150 hours for the year and will definitely get to 275 by the end of the month and potentially 300, given the fact it's TCOOP and there will be a ton of days I hit the grind between 6-7am and play straight through til 6-9pm.

    On the non poker front, been talking to my ex gf a lot the past ~10 days and think we are potentially going to get back together. She is ridiculously busy these days, essentially is the guardian of her niece at this point and is the main provider for her niece (8) and little brother (12), both of whom are living with her now and have been since November.

    She's working absurd hours at the club and then gets home at about 5am or so, takes a nap before getting up at 7am to get them ready for and to school, then back out in the afternoon to pick up Alexa and do anything that needs to be done for herself or them. She also has a few side projects that she's saving up for/starting, so yea, she's essentially ridiculously busy and doesn't have a lot of spare time, which goes hand in hand with me trying to grind my ass off, so won't be seeing a ton of each other, but think we're gonna give it a go.

    For me, besides the few times she's absolutely flipped out on me, usually over ridiculous/insane things (std latina chick lol), the happiest times I've had down here in 4.5 years are with her. I was spending wayyy too much money (and time) on/with her after WCOOP and it kind of hit the breaking point where I was like 'okay I gotta quit spending money and I've gotta start working,' and the complete 360 turnaround threw her for a loop, especially since she had essentially quit working at that point, only doing ~1 day per week on avg to have cash for her few expenses. But yea, her being super busy will definitely help a lot given my goals this year, hoping we can find ~1 day per week to spend together for the time being since we're both so busy and we're both hoping I can get a bit more involved in the kids lives, especially Alexa's as she has had quite the ****ed up upbringing thus far.

    But yea, I'm excited about it as I tend to be a lot more healthy and do a lot less degening when I've been in a relationship with her. And even though we broke up and didn't talk for 3 weeks afterwards, we've still always talked at least once a week to catch up with each others lives, still absolutely feel much closer to her than anyone other person I've met in my time in Mexico and have a lot of <3 for her and absolutely believe it when she tells me the same; everything was always great minus her few ridiculous blowups heh. Should be interesting to see where it leads...

    Anyway, I will stop rambling there and post my day graph and updated YTD graph. Hope everyone has a great TCOOP, should be some fun graphs I get to post and will try to post each day!

    01-21-2016 , 05:40 PM
    Meh not worth the crazy and risks of blowups + you spending money on her. Keep having fun with rando strippers who post butt pics like the ones you've been posting. Worry about wifey material girls when you are done doing the poker thing.
    01-21-2016 , 11:34 PM
    i really like ur thread and accomplishments but..... the captain save a ho game you are playing is going to be your downfall. whether its a few months or a few years from now its going to happen.

    if ur really longing for a non-hooker relationship get tinder, okcupid,match etc. IMPORTANT: connect it to your instagram and takes pictures of ur baller ****. you will be able to find plenty of campesinas from the neighboring towns looking for their ticket out of poverty.
    01-21-2016 , 11:47 PM
    Originally Posted by coinflipper
    i really like ur thread and accomplishments but..... the captain save a ho game you are playing is going to be your downfall. whether its a few months or a few years from now its going to happen.

    if ur really longing for a non-hooker relationship get tinder, okcupid,match etc. IMPORTANT: connect it to your instagram and takes pictures of ur baller ****. you will be able to find plenty of campesinas from the neighboring towns looking for their ticket out of poverty.
    So dating a girl that works in a club is bad, but trying to get a "normal" girl to date him for a ticket out of poverty is not bad? Genuinely confused by your position.
