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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

02-02-2016 , 06:08 PM
Hey thanks everyone for the continued support, I really do appreciate it . I really want to get better about updating haha, even if it is just daily results + confirming I went to gym etc, feel it helps keep me on track.

Originally Posted by meSLYFOX
Hey man, long time lurker itt! Sick start to the year, mbn to get confirmation that games are still so crushable, esp this year considering the changes etc... I have one question: Me and some friends of mine who plays poker are going to do a fantasy draft for highrollers/superhighrollers, and were picking 3 guys each. Im very happy with my first two picks, but have trouble picking the last guy. Im torn between picking either pokerkluka og WushuTM. Do you have any inside info on who you would pick? Ty, and glgl!
Games are not that crushable unfortunately, was running ridic hot, now back down to earth as I went on a big DS to end the month.

I'm not sure if Kluka (nor Wushu) actually play every single SHR, but I'm also not in touch with that scene whatsoever. I'm in this 5k 6m sng conf that they are both in (along with a ton of other crushers, obv) but other than occasionally someone selling action (or celebrating that 3way chop of the 50k WCOOP SHR where 2/3 of the guys involved in the chop are in the conf), there's not much chatter. Have gotten in trouble in that conf with Dan Smith and Fish2013 for trying to get guys to play the 1.7k/3.5k hyper sats haha , so much so that we finally created our own separate conference for guys also interested in playing the nosebleed I try to avoid saying much in there these days . It's obv been quite dead this yr thus far as well given the fact that the majority of regs sat out for the month of January at SNGs.

Anyway, short answer, I don't really know, but I would expect Wushu to actually play more live events (and SHRs specifically) than Kluka, but that is really just a guess.

__________________________________________________ _

Gonna screenshot this massive wall of text that I posted on another site where I occasionally post, most of ya'll have read +/- read this, but will go a bit more into detail about how (un)rich I am .

Edit: Lol not sure how the screenshots got distorted, but #DealWItShades

Storm was pretty ****ing crazy, here's those pics I linked to ITT. Beautiful out today, wouldn't even know we had a storm lulz. Our internet has held strong today, so hoping to put in a session starting in about an hour or so for the evening, feel I've missed so much grind time!

And as daddyrnac dubbed her about 8 months ago, my poor cutie w the bootie . Wasn't allowed to include her face in any pics as "Nobody can see me like this" (lolwomen ). She's been better the past couple days, lets see if it holdssss, feel so helpless when she's feeling awful and I can't do anything to make it better

As I said above, hoping to get in a nice little night grind tonight to (finally) start off the month. Maybe can just have a nice little MTT bink to start the month (monkey). January ended pretty terribly, and I decided to actually move down stakes a bit when the games get bad at HS's, essentially trying to only play them now when they are quite soft. This def is better for my personal EV given how much action I am selling off the stake BR, so hopefully can just grind em out at the lowstakes and print it up . This is how January ended up

Might post a freeroll for gym/working out in the next 24ish or so hours, gotta figure out what I wanna do heh . Gla on the tables, hopefully I'll be back with an MTT sweat
02-06-2016 , 04:00 AM
Always interested in how those backing deals work.

When you sell action to a 3500 and you only have around 150-300 worth of action who buys the rest? Do people charge markups? If not why not? What's the most money somebody has profited from you and lost from you?

Think all of that is really interesting.

Regarding the girlfriend stuff obviously won't tell you what to do, $60 nails in a place with $2 salary is like a weeks wages though how can the salon justify staying open? Is there a really polarized economy or do they just look for a few "suckers" a week? Do you think there's any way they ripped you off? I've lived in Eastern Europe with an Eastern European girlfriend and don't speak a word of the language so I "get it" not hating.
02-06-2016 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Always interested in how those backing deals work.

When you sell action to a 3500 and you only have around 150-300 worth of action who buys the rest? Do people charge markups? If not why not? What's the most money somebody has profited from you and lost from you?

Think all of that is really interesting.

Regarding the girlfriend stuff obviously won't tell you what to do, $60 nails in a place with $2 salary is like a weeks wages though how can the salon justify staying open? Is there a really polarized economy or do they just look for a few "suckers" a week? Do you think there's any way they ripped you off? I've lived in Eastern Europe with an Eastern European girlfriend and don't speak a word of the language so I "get it" not hating.
I've actually never gone to a salon nor paid for her nails/hair/etc ever before, that's on her. I think there is a really polarized economy, as people actually working in the real business district in Tijuana and high end places are making a good wage afaik. I don't really know how to explain it either, my friend and the massage therapist to all the poker players, who has lived here for 9 years now and really essentially is a local, says essentially "Not sure how the **** these women do it, but they work their asses off to be able to afford these things. Normal job, then at night got their side hustle on, weekends got another hustle on, it's just never ending." And it certainly seems to be true, ppl just never quit grinding.

But yea, I don't buy things like that for her, I'm all for helping her with essentials like rent/electric bill/internet bill/etc, and I have spent a lot on her in the past on non essentials too (mainly absurd shopping sprees we've gone on together), but been cutting back on that this year. One of our other worst leaks was just ending up going out drinking for the night, and we'd be buying bottles etc and would end up being a super expensive night...we've actually not done that yet since we got back together and I am 100% fine with that/actually happy v happy w that heh, would much rather just be hanging out with her at one of our houses or on the beach or something like that anyway. Her having her mom and little brother and niece living with her makes it such that she has to be a lot more responsible which is cool w me, I wouldn't be with her if her situation hadn't changed as she had to mature/grow the **** up real quick; this new and improved Alisha is wonderful .

Better pic of her nails btw, since we were on the subject heh

In terms of the backing deals I had in place, basically everything $1k and under my actual backer and coach just split the action I sold for. So for most of the 'normal' (non COOP) months, I just sold 50-65% of the $357 hyper sats and 25-30% of the $181s off the stake br directly to them. Obv same type of thing during the COOP months. They received their portion of RB as well, based on the % they had of the game, and no markup.

I also just have 1 nosebleed investor, and was the same exact deal, just at much larger stakes. IIRC during SCOOP I sold him 95% of the $3502s (I had been playing like a $50 abi coming into SCOOP instead of my much larger one by the time WCOOP rolled around) and during WCOOP he had 75% of the $1770s, 87.5% of the $3510s and then 95% of the 1 $17,340 that went off.

Unfortunately, we got absolutely crushed during SCOOP and took heavy losses, pretty sure he also lost during WCOOP but wasn't such a bloodbath, ran quite quite badly at the big boys last year and not thinking I will be playing them this year, although who knows for sure.

My backer and coach did super duper well though, both profiting a bit over 100k taking pieces of me last year. My best month for them would have been WCOOP 2015, think they each profited something like $40k that month.

I posted that data at the end of last year where post RB, in a 280,000 game sample, the rest of the reg pool was barely winning money in games vs me last yr post SNE rb; no way to justify selling at a markup, and a ton of the games that went off during the COOP seasons were not even really profitable post RB for me.

Hoping that was about what you were looking for, this is also much more than I have shared in the past on the subject heh; look at you, getting me to open up


Ridic busy since my last update on Tuesday. Basically barely got to play any poker at all. If you're not interested in hearing about my 'normal' life, you can quit reading haha. This is all so new to me still, I have literally just lived with poker players and not done anything really at all that is even close to living a 'normal' life since I moved to Vegas pre BF when I was 19, which is why I am fairly excitedly talking about a lot of this stuff...know for many readers it just seems like super duper normal **** to them, but it really is all new to me, plus I'm doing it in another country and in my non native language which makes it even more exciting to me. Plus everyone knows that for the most part I am pretty open and talk about most stuff that is going on, although I am starting to retract from talking about what I do with Alisha, just posting this one as I'm feeling pretty good after this all transpired. So basically I guess I'm saying sorry but also #dealwithitshades it seems .

GF had a few doctors appoints between Wed and Thurs and we had planned out getting everything done that we needed to get done on Wed and Thurs, including taking her car to the mechanic on Wed as she knew it would need to stay overnight (knowing I'd be coming to pick her up on Thurs so she didn't actually need her vehicle). Down here, ppl really suck at planning anything out in any advance whatsoever, it's actually super laughable how much of a ****show basically everything is, but we REALLY had everything planned out in advance and really well, with the idea that I'd be able to grind my ass off on Fri/Sat/Sun morning before the Super Bowl.

But then, we get to her last appointment on Thurs, which happens to be an appointment to check on her molars/wisdom teeth/etc (she has braces, has had them for 8 months), and she comes out and tells me she needs to have her wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, that they say it's an emergency and they really need to come out. So obv say it's fine and I'll bring her nps etc.

We leave and I quickly realize she isn't thinking anything of this procedure and I start warning her that there's a 0% chance she's going to be able to work tomorrow night, and she's actually going to feel vvv badly. I am offering to take care of her, saying I should stay with her at her house until her mom gets home from work or that she should just come to Rosarito with me for the night. I even get approval from Ruse to bring the kids + puppy for the night as she said that was the only way she'd be able to come to Rosarito (again, thinking I'm being way over the top about this and that she'd feel fine post operation). Anyway, basically tell her 'You really need to talk to your mom, I promise you this procedure isn't as easy as you think it's going to be.'

Anyway so take her yesterday and she gets out and obv can't talk and is in a ton of pain etc, just like I knew she would be. Didn't realize it until post procedure,but her mom had 100% defended what I had said and we actually had a nice plan put together. Her mom had called about 5 mins after we left the dental office and about 1 minute into the conversation said something I had never imagined I'd really ever hear, "just put Josh on." I've only super briefly met her mom a cpl of times, and haven't seen her at all since the gf and I have gotten back together, so wasn't really expecting that one haha . She basically said that she had gotten back to the house from picking up the kids from school and that it was important I brought her daughter straight home, and I assured her that's exactly what I was doing, that she felt like **** (obv) and we'd be there as quickly as possible. Said I'd come in and see if they needed anything before I took off as I would happily go to the store or do anything like that.

Was only slightly awkward when we got there, my gf couldn't really talk which is the only reason it was slightly uncomfortable, as in any normal circumstance she would have obviously fully taken the lead in REALLY introducing me to her mom and I would have just had to fill in, but yesterday I had to come in and fend for myself . It went well though, lot of things played heavily in my favor in that situation and honestly might have been one of the better ways to meet her.

Biggest one is obv that a mom is going to love that I had taken care of her little girl, and then came in the house with her, speaking a language that I'm pretty obviously not fluent at (though I do speak quite well overall and can read/write vv well, just have problems with verbal comprehension still), and telling her what the doctor had said and what the pharmacy next door had said with all the meds that we had to pick up for her etc. Next one def would be that Alexa and Brayan were excited to see me, as soon as we walked in the gate (not even the door to the house) it was them running up to both of us together and going 'Alisha! Josh!,' and then me insta asking them both how school was, if they were gonna do anything fun tonight etc etc. At that point, hadn't even talked to her mom as she was back at the doorway, but I'm quite sure she took note of how much they like me and that I take an interest in them (something most Mexican males do not do, even when it is their own kids). Plus obv, I'm such an adorable gringo, trying my heart out in every regard...what mom isn't going to love that

But yea, all went well, I even remembered to use the more formal conjugation in every situation, which is something I was terrified of ****ing up. Basically in Spanish there's different ways of saying things, formal and informal, and people actually do get really offended if you **** up. So even something as simple as 'How are you?' can get you in trouble
To Alisha/a friend/etc (most ppl): 'cómo estás?'
To Alisha's mom/older ppl/authority figure: 'cómo está usted?

I did quite well with all of that, pretty happy with myself heh . Hoping the GF is feeling pretty much back to normal by Sunday, she might come out to watch the SuperBowl with us, but I would assume that won't happen, feel she will still be trying to rest up as I remember I didn't sleep for **** the couple of days after I had my wisom teeth yanked.

Am hearing what seems to be a storm potentially brewing up outside, at the very least some more insanely strong winds...lets hope I can grind today . Def picked a good 6 days to not really be able to grind, got that huge storm with the power outage Sun-Mon, internet wasn't really back to working yet by Tues, Wed/Thurs were alright but had very high winds yesterday and roommate said the internet had been ****, and the very small amount I played I had a few DCs so not too upset I couldn't play! Hopefully once the SuperBowl is over, life will start to settle down some; obv a lot of this has been non expected and very nonstandard, want to attempt to get into a better grinding routine asap!

Gla on the grind, weather permitting, I will be on the grind in the next cpl of hours myself
02-06-2016 , 01:34 PM
not a fan of those nails, get your ass in the gym bro!
02-06-2016 , 03:40 PM
damn jdawg91 you are so open about sharing everything in your life, whether its poker or your private life. Couldn't be happier for you, keep on crushing and best of luck with everything.
02-06-2016 , 08:10 PM
Just to chime in; I enjoy reading this blog, and I definitely enjoy the real life stuff 10x more than the poker stuff GL in everything!
02-06-2016 , 11:46 PM
Those nails (talons) are horrible
02-07-2016 , 11:41 AM
have you published your book yet chuck?

@Jdawg91, the nails & color are great but tell her to remove the bubble bits on them
02-07-2016 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Lin Baba
Those nails (talons) are horrible

Love logging onto poker websites to criticize a woman's nails.
02-07-2016 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss

Love logging onto poker websites to criticize a woman's nails.
Hahahaha wtf
02-15-2016 , 12:38 AM
Hey guys, will def respond more in depth at some point with some stories etc, been very busy lately IRL and anytime I'm home, I'm either grinding or studying for the most part!

Making this post to (obv) brag about being back up 6figs on the year, for the time being . I will quickly include a few pics from Valentines Day with my GF, which we celebrated on Friday as I wanted to grind on Sunday and she had to work (how perfect!). Her mouth is still a bit inflamed after the wisdom teeth removal, but she is doing pretty well overall

She took these and sent them to my mom while we were waiting on our food, hence the goofy looking waving going on in the one pic

Hope everyone is doing well! Going to offer 2 different freerolls for the rest of the month

1. No soda/alcohol/bud/blow/cigs while at home (can't think of any other super bad substances I could put in my body while at home...going for that with this freeroll lol), 3x$50 freerolls

2. Hit gym 8 times, 3x$50 freerolls

Just post #1 or #2, will be back to post at some point, i sware!
02-15-2016 , 12:41 AM
#2 gimmeh

02-15-2016 , 12:43 AM
I'll take freeroll #2

Keep up the good work!
02-15-2016 , 12:45 AM
Freeroll #1 for me. Good/bad luck!
02-15-2016 , 12:51 AM
#1 in
02-15-2016 , 12:53 AM
#2 GL!
02-15-2016 , 12:53 AM
1 weeee
02-15-2016 , 01:35 AM
She's cute bruh.

I'll take any freerolls left
02-15-2016 , 01:44 AM
#1 seems really hard !

keep the gj
02-15-2016 , 02:27 AM
#1 obv.

you can still manage to bink #2 while blowing #1
02-15-2016 , 04:32 AM
02-15-2016 , 04:45 AM
btw if you don't smoke it, bud isn't a bad substance.
02-15-2016 , 06:06 AM
# 1
02-15-2016 , 06:11 AM

Good luck
02-15-2016 , 08:26 AM
#toolate #whenwillitend

gl man, year is looking awesome so far!
