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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

11-02-2015 , 04:26 PM
He used about 10 emoticons too many
11-02-2015 , 06:16 PM
Ledge does not look like the best place to sit when smashed.
12-04-2015 , 11:28 AM
Congrats on 3rd for $30K in Thursday Thrill!!!
12-11-2015 , 10:23 AM
12-11-2015 , 02:44 PM
maybe depression over sne being scrapped. its like stars took his identity
12-13-2015 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Siggo
Congrats on 3rd for $30K in Thursday Thrill!!!

Am sitting at my parents house right in northern Illinois and figured it was time to make a quick update. Haven't really felt like writing and still don't really if I were to be honest.

Guess I'll roll back to my last update which iirc was 31st of October; October was alot of fun IRL but had a terrible month of poker although my EV stayed good during the DS which is always good ofc. Graph of October here as I never posted one

November started off terribly, getting the news about the VIP changes before I had even played a hand of poker on the month. Was pretty upset about it, and then almost immediately got into an argument with my now ex gf, Alisha. Long story short, we broke up the very day VIP changes were announced (pretty much told her to **** off as I was in a terrible mood and she was being obnoxious), then didn't talk for a while and have since talked a tad but I basically told myself (and then her) that I don't have time for a GF right now unless it's really 'easy.'

Basically realized that my earning potential might be gggg soon and I really need to take advantage of the time I still have. Being with her was doubly bad, not only was I missing a ton of grind time, but was also spending much more money going out for nice dinners in Tijuana, on drinks at clubs, etc etc. The 'easy' part I mentioned above is just basically this....the girl needs to live in Rosarito as I was spending about 1 hr 30 mins just driving to and from Alisha's house, and then also needs to have a more normal job to where she is busy with her day to day routine and we'd just see each other a few times a week while dating. Wasn't helpful that Alisha didn't work regularly and then would always want to hangout, and I obv wanted to be around her, just led to zero grinding heh.

There's 1 girl I can think of right now that would fit this bill, and I am honestly hoping I get a chance with her in 2016 as everything I know about her and the bit of interaction we've had has me wanting to get to know her better.

Will get to my grind plan a bit later in the post, but as I'm sure you can tell here, I essentially plan to just grind my ass off all of 2016 while I at least have some okay rb bc who the F knows what 2017 will bring.

So yea, with Alisha out of the picture, and Sophia down in Sinaloa with her mom and daughter, I ended up grinding quite hard in November and put up a good number of VPPs and won a fair bit of $ as I heatered at the 357s; always nice to run good at the top of the bi range .

Nov Graph (14k games compared to 4.3k in Oct):

Takes us to December and I was still grinding quite the first few days of the month and started to add in some more MTTs with my sessions once again. Ended up taking 3rd in the 1k on Thursday the 3rd for ~30k. Ended up going out to TJ that night to celebrate with Sophia, she had been chatting with me on and off from 50 players on down and was having fun getting the updates from me; had a nice night with her on Thurs night and then we confirmed plans for Sunday as she had already been planning to come hangout that day as I was leaving Tuesday morning the 8th for the US.

Ended up not playing on Friday (idr what I did), grinding on Saturday before Ruse and I went out (idr what i did that day either lol) and woke up on Sunday hungover and ended up being OI and not playing and went to watch NFL instead. Sophia came out in the late afternoon and had already invited me to be her date at a get together on Monday night, really wanted to go but couldn't pull the trigger as there was no way I would have made my flight up in San Diego if I went with her so ended up making the smart decision and declining . Did have a great night w her on Sunday night and she ended up chillin til about 5:30pm on Monday, then I got my **** ready to head to the US the next day!

Graph of December thus far:

Been alright being home but am certainly ready to leave (Thursday) and get back to my life in Mexico. Ended up making a trip to an outlet mall and getting a lot of stuff that I needed; had already bought a ton of dressier clothes online and already have all that packed up and ready to head back so this trip was mainly to pick up more day to day clothes and whatnot (wanted to hit up the Nike factory store especially).

Unfortunately they didn't have any Lebrons in size 15 and overall there wasn't much in sizes 14+ . I did manage to find a pretty sharp looking pair of kicks though and then restocked a bit on my nike shorts. Here's a pic of everything I picked up that day, did buy my first pair of Oakleys and am excited about them!

Haven't snapped a pic yet, but my favorite thing I've gotten so far since being back is my Christmas present from my parents; a Vidal Bayern Munich jersey! Can't wait to wear that back in Mexico; with Vidal being Chilean and known for finishing tackles/overall being a tough, gritty player, the Mexicans in general are not a fan of him so should create some fun atmospheres when I make my entrances to watch games!

Anywho yea, been quite busy here visiting family and friends, but am certainly ready for Thursday to roll around so I can get back to finish my 101k VPPs I have left until 2,750,000 VPPs for the yr.

I have a feeling I will be grinding like a ****ing madman, so am going to take this chance, when I am doing absolutely nothing, to post some graphs in case I am too OI to do it at the end of the yr (or snap hit the 2016 grind, which I will be doing with it being TCOOP season). Posting separate graphs for up to $1050 and then the nosebleeds as the super small sample of nosebleed games really skews the hell out of the overall graph lol. Also sold lots of action at $357+ stakes and had very little of the $1770s+ on the stake BR (although sold tons of the $714s too which I heatered v hard as they are usually the toughest stake (and were again this yr, I just sunran v hard ))

2015 $0-$1050

2015 $1700-$3510

Post Spins released (Oct 1, 2014) $0-$1050 (+SS Stars) : Always post this one as my grind plan changed then after WCOOP 2014 and I started having more success while many non spin sng players started the trend of losing pre rb/losing more pre rb/etc.

2016 Plan

In short, I am going to grind insanely hard. I plan to essentially be playing MTT player hours (grinding lots of MTTs) and adding in a ton of hyper sats (and other SNGs if need be), taking advantage of the fact that I have at least some okay RB for the entirety of the year. Will be focusing on essentially playing reds during peak time with all the SNGs and then will just play everything $33+ MTT wise when I play at night with 25bb/any sats that go off/likely 18mans and maybe 9mans if Ruse isn't playing them.

But yea, just rly plan to be pounding out insane hours, something I've never been able to do but mostly because I'm out drinking and watching sports much too often . Some soft goals below, can't really guess on SNGs as it depends on how the hyper sats and honestly sngs in general are

-2500 hours
-7500+ MTTs, focusing highly on game selection
-Gym 5+ times a week
-Halve my alcohol intake and number of meals out
-Lose 40 lbs (goes hand in hand with the above 2 obv)

I don't really ever get too specific as I'm always willing to adjust my grind plan to make myself the most money; but definitely want to be grinding my ass off and really want to work on getting in shape. I've gotten a lot of compliments while home, so apparently I have lost a fair bit of weight since last year, but have certainly gained back 20 lbs from my low and want to lose that back + 20 more while adding a lot of muscle, certainly doable if I keep myself focused on my goals.

Anyway getting ready to turn in for the night, hope everyone is doing well and gl on the tables! Will tryyyy to get better about updating throughout the rest of the year, but we will see
12-13-2015 , 11:15 PM
Oh **** forgot to say, for those ppl who I owe freeroll $s to, I'm going to donate it + match it myself to REG charity if that's cool; plan to do it next week once I get back to Mexico
12-13-2015 , 11:28 PM
Cool with me. Great update.

Kill 2016.

Live frugaly, get fit, stack cash.

You should definitely get active on my fitness pal.
12-14-2015 , 12:29 AM
Sweet Jesus at that 0-1000 BI graph!!

Do work in 2016 man definitely would like to see you updating regularly with MTT scores and possibly gym updates too!
12-14-2015 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Cool with me. Great update.

Kill 2016.

Live frugaly, get fit, stack cash.

You should definitely get active on my fitness pal.
Cool, will post a receipt once I've actually made the donation. And yea that tis indeed the plan,will have to check out my fitness pal but am usually pretty withered when it comes to stuff like that heh. Once i get a bit more serious (and lose the weight) might start going to a bigger gym; know Ruse was talking about it and he was even looking at getting into boxing as it's such a good workout so we'll see.

Originally Posted by Everest17
Sweet Jesus at that 0-1000 BI graph!!

Do work in 2016 man definitely would like to see you updating regularly with MTT scores and possibly gym updates too!
Yea I think once I get back I will start making more regular updates, especially as it is more fun with the MTT sweats and whatnot! Working on making myself a good schedule now, probably will be selling a lot of MTT action in 2016 just to lower my variance


Had a nice day today visiting my grandmother in towards Chicago; my parents and I met her at a Chili's near her house. I hadn't seen her in about 2 years and in that time my grandfather had passed away and she is still struggling with that, so was nice to make her day. She did get me a really awesome gift, as many of you know I grew up playing travel hockey, so this was a really nice autographed Denis Savard photo

Other than that, also wanted to share that I just bought a new desktop and so will be taking this badboy back with me to Mexico. Will just make my current grind computer my new backup computer that I use for skype/browsing/music/tv+movies/etc. Hoping to get everything from this current grind comp uploaded to google drive so I can swiftly make the transition to the new comp and have everything set up by the time I return to Mexico...really don't have a lot of extra time so hoping there will be no problems!


Next update will likely be after I get to Mexico, although maybe something else exciting will happen while I'm home! Gla on the tables
12-14-2015 , 06:44 PM
Nice updates. I'm a huge computer noob, does that mean you can just copy all notes and hands/ stars set up from your old pc to the new one trough google drive?

Also if you want to share, how much are you up roughly after chopping/sold shares etc for the year? Kinda hard to guess with that many different stakes and deals. Gl for the rest of the year!
12-14-2015 , 06:54 PM
Very nice! I just built one over thanksgiving that's very similar. You should have zero problems loading up tables on that beast
12-15-2015 , 04:20 AM
I ended up grinding quite hard in November and put up a good number of VPPs and won a fair bit of $ as I heatered at the 357s; always nice to run good at the top of the bi range .

Nov Graph (14k games compared to 4.3k in Oct):
I love everything about your thread, the updates and your future plans.

Reading that you "heatered" in November and only managed to ~breakeven Pre-RB is a little worrying. With you being one of the sickest hyper grinders and RB being cut drastically, will there be any chance to be winning highstakes-hypers next year?

Best wishes and merry XMas.
12-15-2015 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by that_anon_pgc
Nice updates. I'm a huge computer noob, does that mean you can just copy all notes and hands/ stars set up from your old pc to the new one trough google drive?

Also if you want to share, how much are you up roughly after chopping/sold shares etc for the year? Kinda hard to guess with that many different stakes and deals. Gl for the rest of the year!
I too am not very good with computers , but have learned a bit and am getting better. Basically anything that took very little space I just uploaded to google drive. This would be things such as charts, HUD layouts, ahk scripts, etc. I then put a lot of my HHs on my external HD and will transfer them over to the new computer that way.

I already back up things such as my pokerstars settings folder, my pokerstars player notes and the like every month (and have a copy on google drive), I think doing that is a good idea and not many ppl do it.

In terms of my pesonal profit, I'm not really sure heh. It is for sure a ****show and I don't even really have a guess. I will just say I have farrrrr less money than pretty much everyone thinks, and ppl need to remember I had a humongous amount of makeup to clear + debts on top of it. Still been a good year though ofc.

Originally Posted by xazel
Very nice! I just built one over thanksgiving that's very similar. You should have zero problems loading up tables on that beast
Sick, yea I'm excited for it! It'll be coming at some point today and I'll be working on getting it set up!

Originally Posted by Shoving
I love everything about your thread, the updates and your future plans.

Reading that you "heatered" in November and only managed to ~breakeven Pre-RB is a little worrying. With you being one of the sickest hyper grinders and RB being cut drastically, will there be any chance to be winning highstakes-hypers next year?

Best wishes and merry XMas.
No, I don't think given the current game conditions that Pokerstars is offering a beatable game at games like $500-$1000 6max 25bb hypers. Us regs have a big skype group and data has been compiled etc and hopefully Pokerstars will make some changes.

Regarding my main game, the hyper sats, I've already made a pretty ridiculous post in the past, think it is pretty eye opening tbh and if I have time, I'm going to go through and do it again now that we are at the end of the yr.

Think a lot of regs will be having a vvvv tough year in 2016 if nothing changes, I myself am kind of worried as well but hopefully everything will work out!
12-15-2015 , 05:56 PM
Just remember it's near impossible to out work a bad diet. You burn around 100 calories per mile of running (you burn more prob), so you could undo 3 miles of running with a single bad snack.

Drink water when you feel hungry.

Another tip would be to move away from 3 meals, do like 4 500 calorie meals and you will go less time between something substantial.

25 lbs in a year is a 240 calorie deficit per day. If you aim for 2500 calories per day you will be well below that and you can eat plenty on 2500 calories.

Just use my fitness pal for like a week and you will start to get a feel for what 2500 calories feels like and you won't really need to track. Just be honest when tracking and if anything over estimate portion sizes.

Again, water is your best friend.
12-15-2015 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Just remember it's near impossible to out work a bad diet. You burn around 100 calories per mile of running (you burn more prob), so you could undo 3 miles of running with a single bad snack.

Drink water when you feel hungry.

Another tip would be to move away from 3 meals, do like 4 500 calorie meals and you will go less time between something substantial.

25 lbs in a year is a 240 calorie deficit per day. If you aim for 2500 calories per day you will be well below that and you can eat plenty on 2500 calories.

Just use my fitness pal for like a week and you will start to get a feel for what 2500 calories feels like and you won't really need to track. Just be honest when tracking and if anything over estimate portion sizes.

Again, water is your best friend.
Agree, do what he said!
12-16-2015 , 01:55 AM
And don't forget to get an adjustable-height desk and stand while you work, eg

I don't know your weight or how many hrs you work each day, but if a 250 lb person stood vs. sat for 8 hrs a day that burns an additional 500 calories, That is nearly four twinkies!

Last edited by sharknegie; 12-16-2015 at 02:01 AM.
12-16-2015 , 03:13 AM
Crush it in 2016 Josh. Should have hit me up earlier in the week for a beer, I'm slammed @ work tomorrow =(.
12-16-2015 , 03:49 AM
Don't drink water when your hungry,

snack on fruit, nuts, vegetables (carrot sicks, sweetcorn in a bowl with some kind of dressing/mayo). Have a smoothie, maybe a glass of Milk, but my personal favourite is, rice cake covered in full fat yogurt/mayo, with some kind of meat and a slice of cheese finished of with some pepper or chilli.

We should consume a lot of water throughout the day every day as part of a normal healthy balanced lifestyle and we consume extra quantities when THIRSTY. (FWIW, if you feel thirsty - you are dehydrated)

Water is not food so should not be treated like one. It should not replace food. If your are hungry on your food plan, you are doing it wrong. There is always something to snack on It's just gotta be the right thing!

Hope your doing good Josh
12-16-2015 , 04:03 AM
Happy to help with your nutrition as my real life profession is dietitian-nutritionist.
Feel free to pm or just post here and i will answer so everybody benefits!
12-16-2015 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Grammen1985
Happy to help with your nutrition as my real life profession is dietitian-nutritionist.
Feel free to pm or just post here and i will answer so everybody benefits!
Interested! Please ask a lot of good questions!
12-16-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Solidthought
Don't drink water when your hungry,

snack on fruit, nuts, vegetables (carrot sicks, sweetcorn in a bowl with some kind of dressing/mayo). Have a smoothie, maybe a glass of Milk, but my personal favourite is, rice cake covered in full fat yogurt/mayo, with some kind of meat and a slice of cheese finished of with some pepper or chilli.

We should consume a lot of water throughout the day every day as part of a normal healthy balanced lifestyle and we consume extra quantities when THIRSTY. (FWIW, if you feel thirsty - you are dehydrated)

Water is not food so should not be treated like one. It should not replace food. If your are hungry on your food plan, you are doing it wrong. There is always something to snack on It's just gotta be the right thing!

Hope your doing good Josh
Lol dude, drinking water is like dieting 101. It's so basic I am not even going to bother explaining it's benefits. A simple Google search will return an encyclopedia of information.

You have to realize, people who have bad habits don't drink a lot of water, so it's a good appetite supressent and solves oral fixation.

Last edited by CCuster_911; 12-16-2015 at 10:29 AM.
12-16-2015 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by sharknegie
And don't forget to get an adjustable-height desk and stand while you work, eg

I don't know your weight or how many hrs you work each day, but if a 250 lb person stood vs. sat for 8 hrs a day that burns an additional 500 calories, That is nearly four twinkies!
Yep I've had a geekdesk for a long time now, they are indeed wonderful!

Originally Posted by BAEVentures
Crush it in 2016 Josh. Should have hit me up earlier in the week for a beer, I'm slammed @ work tomorrow =(.
Sorry man, was ridiculously busy every single day I was here, never really got the chance. Only was able to have dinner really quickly with my best friend Lori and her BF + another cpl on Fri night and then had my buddy GB and his wife over to watch the Bears game on Sunday, otherwise was busy with my family literally the entire time.

Hopefully next time!


Last night in town, just got back from dinner with my parents + exchange student + my aunt, was a nice time. Earlier in the day went to another outlet mall in towards Chicago as we called in and they actually had some Lebrons in size 15, ended up getting those, a pair of Timberland boots and then another cap, so was a nice lil trip!

Want to mention @ whole diet etc thing, Ruse and I honestly eat pretty well when we stay in for meals (and I drink only water and then a bit of soda although will be cutting that back out completely), the problem is definitely going out for dinner + beers, which ends up being hogfests quite often . If I can cut out a lot of the going out for dinner + drinks, and then quit eating after blazing before bed, I'll be in fine shape for next yr and I certainly intend to do all those things. I definitely do appreciate the effort ya'll are putting in for me though, so tyvm

Anyway, about to get in a bit of studying + do some other little things I want to get done before tomorrow, next post should be from Mexico! Gla on the grind
12-16-2015 , 11:32 PM
Lol was bored so went through and looked....this is everyone who played 3500 or more hyper sats vs me in all of 2015 WITH 68% (SNE) RB. The guys who play the nosebleeds I filtered those games out as they skew the data quite a lot. Don't think I forgot anyone, went through my HM2 DB and searched everyone who had 15k+ hands played against me on the yr. Missing 2 players who very recently reset their SS's so didn't have data vs them

Remember, RB adds like 1.36% ROI (rake is 2% on the hyper sats across the board) to the post RB avg ROI; those ROI's are quite ugly overall .

Added it up, and post SNE RB, the sample of players is +$73,813.74 in 269,049 games vs me this yr at up to $720 stakes

Fun stuff, lot of guys are going to be in for a world of hurt next yr with 45% rb lol
12-17-2015 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Lol dude, drinking water is like dieting 101. It's so basic I am not even going to bother explaining it's benefits. A simple Google search will return an encyclopedia of information.

You have to realize, people who have bad habits don't drink a lot of water, so it's a good appetite supressent and solves oral fixation.
Hey, no-one here rates the importance of water higher than me. We should be drinking it all the time! It is of course essential and almost everyone, like you say, does not drink enough. Sure you can feel "full" if you drink tons of water.

I simply said it should not be replacing food in our diet when there are clearly lots of nutrient and mineral requirements we should be meeting on a regular basis.

I think we simply slightly misunderstood each other. I though you we straying close to "meal skipping" or replacing it with water as some sort of diet plan that's all. Anyway, you are probably much more qualified in this matter as me as I have no qualifications in health or exercise. Just a passion for me and it is certainly true a lot of misnomers appear to be repeat offenders.

Water FTW
