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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

09-29-2015 , 07:08 PM
jesus f christ 800k vpps in 1 month
09-29-2015 , 08:10 PM
You're a goddam ******* and I hate you so much.

(Read that as you're a goddam hero and keep crushing bro.)
09-30-2015 , 04:20 AM
I didn't realise that many VPPs existed on the entirety of pokerstars. Well surely they have run out now?
10-01-2015 , 09:28 PM
Thanks for the support everyone, it was very much appreciated! Super long month, and glad it's over, but also glad I put in the effort the massive effort in as it paid off quite nicely.

This is going to be a semi withered response if I had to guess, just super busy anytime I'm on my comp lately and have barely been on it this week since WCOOP wrapped up. At some point, not sure when, I'll finally catch up and be able to respond to some stuff I've wanted to and write out a long post with some additional thoughts on poker, life, etc, just don't know when it will be.

So yea, since WCOOP wrapped up, I've been quite busy IRL, mostly doing some hanging out with friends as it was oct_c's last week in Rosarito and wanted to see him while he was still around. Actually invited one of the HK girls (Sinaloan chick I posted pics of above) out the afternoon of his going away party, which was Tuesday afternoon, and she just finally left my place like 6 hours ago lolz; was not expected but we had a lot of fun and it was nice to just turn my brain off of poker 95%+ of the time. I am so used to being around poker players nearly 24/7 that even when not grinding, the convo usually doesn't stray far from poker, sports or something like that; was quite nice to just have some 'normal' conversations with someone that obviously knows nothing about poker . On that topic as well, I met Cal and Ricestud the evening of the going away party; both super chill guys and liked a lot of what Ricestud had to say about diet/health/etc.

Other than chillin with the bros + sofia, I got a massage right away on Monday (got one last Saturday too) and my body is still pretty ****ed from the WCOOP grind; even with the sit/stand desk it just doesn't matter after a while...being in front of a computer 12-16 hours at a time and getting about 0 exercise and not eating that well is just gonna take its toll on the body lulz. Have another massage tomorrow morning, gonna try to hit the bike tonight for a bit and then the steamroom, probably do the same in the morning before my massage as well. I am hoping to be able to start lifting again next week, probs will book another massage for Monday or Tuesday and see if she thinks I am good to go to lift; atm am limited to walking/bike/very light exercise like shooting around at basketball etc.

Anywhooo, yea, time for me to finish up the stable books and then hit the study grind for a bit. Couldn't sleep that well Tues night so woke up at 7:30am and plugged away on them until Sofia woke up 5 feet away from me and was like 'why are you doing accounting at 9am, that seems awful' . Probably will be to bed early tonight, am quite tired after a lot of boozing/smoking/beach/craziness the past 4 days, totally forgot until literally right now as I am wrapping up this post that I was in Tijuana Monday night/Tuesday morning until like 5am with a couple locals who work at one of our favorite restaurants; was quite the ****show but a blast as always obv.

SS graph of September

Gl everyone on the tables
10-02-2015 , 05:07 AM
[ ] 91+ ability. Op confirmed fish

Gl feet of the year bud
10-03-2015 , 07:28 AM
Congrats Josh!!! Awesome year!!!!!
10-03-2015 , 07:38 AM
[x] 150k downswing
[x] 140k month
[x] craziness

unreal effort man, vwp
10-03-2015 , 03:05 PM
Haha d7 summed it up pretty perfectly, really was sick

Anyway, just popping in real quick to give out some freerolls. I REALLY want to get back into shape, and was doing really well all summer long....until WCOOP came around, and I became a lazy pig again and was drinking/eating too much.

The Freerolls:
A. 5x$50 Hit the gym 4 times this week (monday morning until sunday night timeline)
B. 5x$50 No drinking alcohol unless I am with a girl and we are at a place where we should be drinking lol (restaurant, party, bar, etc) No soda, period. Same timeline as A

Just post with whether you want A or B, easy game

I rarely take pics, but here's some pics from night of Octavian_c's going away party. Should note we went to this awesome bar called Beer Nights which has a bunch of great beers from all over the US/world and also has Beer Pong, an old school Nintendo (which Sofia surprised me with how good she was at it haha) and then sometimes this massive Monopoly board where we get some big peso games going

Lol, Oct_c gettin turnttt up on his last night, playing his usual part of the crazy ginger, which he plays quite well (bandit)

I am obv 100% sober lol, soda can hits of chronic + lots and lots of alcohol will wither a bro

Anyway, so this weekend is gonna be a lot of fun. Sofia coming back this afternoon to chill as tomorrow morning starts a huge party at this resort about 5 mins down the street from me; huuuuge party bus coming from San Diego and there's going to be a ton of DJs from San Diego/So-Cal area playing, expecting it to be a grand time!
It is taking place here:

If I remember, will try to take some pictures but I am awful at that sort of thing lol

Gl to everyone grinding!
10-03-2015 , 03:08 PM

10-03-2015 , 03:11 PM
Also A for me boss, glgl
10-03-2015 , 03:19 PM
That girl looks awesome.

Also if freeroll is still open: A
10-03-2015 , 03:26 PM
I'll take b. Keep crushing brah
10-03-2015 , 03:36 PM
10-03-2015 , 03:45 PM
I will take B gl man
10-03-2015 , 03:58 PM
4 A's gone (1 left)
2 B's gone (3 left)

@robwa, girl confirmed beautiful but even better than that she's a super chill, down to earth, legitimately nice chick. And on top of that, she's always super honest and upfront with me which is always great and makes things oh so much more simple. Like I think I've said in here in the past, she is 100% not gf material, but she's perfect for someone to go party/have fun with or just chill with at my place, we have an eerily similar personality and taste given we're from completely different worlds.

Thread could always use more pics of her amirite . She sent me these from her recent trip to Cancun, looked like a ton of fun

Anyway yea, about to run some errands, will update with final tally for freeroll if I can tonight, not entirely sure what the timeline is going to be etc


Last edited by slayerv1fan; 10-03-2015 at 04:05 PM.
10-03-2015 , 04:03 PM
A sir, GL
10-03-2015 , 04:08 PM
B sir
10-03-2015 , 04:23 PM
B please!

Congrats on the insane month. I'm mostly a lurker and I lurked your threads years back during some real struggles. Crazy how far you've come, vwp.
10-03-2015 , 05:06 PM
B freeroll plz

Nice to see you turn it around on and off the felt, keep up da grind!
10-03-2015 , 05:18 PM
New girl? Not with that other girl anymore?
10-03-2015 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by playr
A sir, GL
Originally Posted by YoungPokerStar
B sir
Originally Posted by TDTheTruth
B please!

Congrats on the insane month. I'm mostly a lurker and I lurked your threads years back during some real struggles. Crazy how far you've come, vwp.
Originally Posted by Dadonk612
B freeroll plz

Nice to see you turn it around on and off the felt, keep up da grind!
Freerolls all gone after these guys, gl!

And thanks for the kind words once again everyone, definitely is wild to see the progression of myself over the past couple of years heh...some real bad times but I learned a lot and think it made me both a better poker player + person as well

Originally Posted by TheBirdman
New girl? Not with that other girl anymore?
I'm kind of in the writing mood, so guess I'll tell the story/some of my views/ramblings/whatever, hopefully be back with this in not too long!
10-03-2015 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by ThePressure
Jdawg - there are all hoes man, when u gonna wise up. they see a white guy with money.
So to tell the whole story, I'm going to just quote this post from a while back as it was probably the most relevant post. Gonna probably be quite the honest, open post about not only my actions and the story behind the last few months, but also my opinion towards girls down here etc.

Sorry in advance for the likely massive wall of text , obv won't be proofreading either so sorry if there are errors, although I am usually good at catching most

So, lets take a look back at the entire 4 years I've been down here. I've met a ton of strippers and a ton of 'normal' (whatever that is) girls and there's usually not that much of a difference between them; the strippers are just hot enough to be able to work in the clubs and they are maximizing the amount of $ they can make to support their family. And guess what, I totally get it and am fine with it; as my ex gf Alisha said, 'I don't want to work here, but I can make $1000/week here and be my own boss; if I was lucky enough to find a job in the real world, I'd be making like $100-$200 per week most likely....what am I supposed to do other than work here?'

Like, simply put, people are ****ing broke down here. They aren't making ****, a job that pays 1500 pesos per week (which is <$100) is what most ppl are making. And down here, you individually, as part of a family, are supposed to make the most $ that you can to help take care of/pitch in with your these girls working in the clubs, they are doing what is best for both them and their family and I 100% get it and am fine with it.

Now yes, a lot of these girls have major problems, or become drug addicts because of this job (some already were before this too obv), but the girls I associate myself are not like this at all. Alisha legitimately got pissed at me for doing a couple of lines in front of her and said I better never do that again, that she didn't want me doing it anyway, but if i did, it better not be around here.

So anyway, on that topic, I've gotten to know probably 6 girls from the club pretty well over the years. There was 1 in early 2012, 1 end of 2012-middle of 2013 when she moved back to Chihuahua and then since then there's been 4, including Alisha and Sofia who I've gotten to know since the end of SCOOP. That is not that many girls I have actually tried to get to know out of the probably 50 girls I've exchanged numbers with from the clubs.

Anyway, I could go a few different directions at this point with what I want to say. I guess I'll stay on the topic of the girls from the club and move on to Alisha. She is the only girl I've met from the club where I've been like '****, she could be gf material.' We shared a lot of the same views, similar personality (which ended up being not so great at the end heh), enjoyed the same type of things with our spare time, and we had a great time for about 3 months, enough so that around the end of August, I asked to be exclusive with her outside of her job to see how it would go. She agreed and things were fine, until about the 2nd week of WCOOP.

She had been having personal problems, and she, just like me, likes to shut the world out when she's having trouble/doesn't like to open up and share. Obviously in any relationship being open and honest and communication in general is hugely important, and even more so when it's a 'weird' relationship that also has some distance involved. Anyway, she kept shutting me out, while also asking me to do stuff and kind of getting pissed when I'm like 'I'd love to, but WCOOP, yaknowwww' (and yes, I explained the significance of WCOOP to her and essentially said I make about 50% of the money I make all year in those 21 days). So then, on the eve of independence day, where she asked me out for the evening and I said I'd happily skip the mtts/quit early because it's an important day of the year and I've love to spend it with her, I had high hopes that we'd be able to talk a bit face to face and could sort through what's been troubling her. When she cancelled on me, I was kind of pissed but mostly kept it to myself, just said 'Well, I'm gonna go have fun with my friends, gl hf with w/e it is that you are doing tonight.'

Anywhooo, so that was the night I met Sofia and we had a great time and I actually then hungout with her a few nights later outside of the club. At this point, Alisha was barely communicating with me and I was sure we were done the next time we saw each other and we were able to talk, which was precisely how it went down lol. It was fine though, I learned a lot from Anna and also have her to thank for many things:
-Learned that none of these girls in the club, no matter how normal they see, are gf material as it is just too complicated and crazy given their life
-She made me more interested in dating. I hadn't had a GF or even a real date since I was 18 and living in Illinois; my life had been poker and chillin with the bros. I was super duper happy for those 3 months, it was nice waking up and wondering how someone elses night was, how she was feeling, what she was thinking about, etc etc...just normal relationship stuff I hadn't been around in 5+ yrs.
-Because I am now more interested in dating, I'm more interested in working out, losing more weight, and feeling really good. Working on that rly hard the rest of this yr
-For the same reason as above, I'm finally getting an upgraded wardrobe lol. I'm pretty much always in tshirt + shorts because that is what I'm comfortable in, but as one of the other poker players gfs pointed out to me, "People in general judge you by your appearance, if you don't put a little effort into how you look when you are on the prowl for girls, then they won't even give you the time of's unfortunately just a truth. They lose out because they don't get to meet a super cool guy like you and you lose out because you don't even get the chance to show them that super cool guy." Was a good chat heh, and am bringing back a suitcase full of more dressy clothes when I come back from my trip home for the holidays.

But yea, thanks to Alisha for all of this, I'll always have her to thank for the above and I told her this the night we talked and ended it (which we ended on semi good terms/have chatted a bit since then on 4 or 5 occasions)

Okay, took a couple of short breaks/got distracted while writing and now I am getting kind of OI. I was going to next go into the topic of why I choose the strippers over 'normal' girls most of the time. I no longer want that, as I said above, I now am ready to try to find a normal relationship and am interested in trying to date; I was completely not looking for that at all in the past and was just looking for random fun/hookups and the strippers are pretty god damn perfect for that, lolz, which is why I preferred them over putting in any effort for a normal chick

Like just this week was a great example, I hit up Sofia on Tuesday afternoon and asked if she wanted to come out for the going away party and to chill. She's like 'sure, will skip work and be out.' Next thing you know, its Thursday and she is just finally leaving. These girls, just like us poker players, have a lot more freedom and can just do things on a whim, which is also right up my alley. And with the girls I get close with, they know I"ll take care of them so there's not even talk about money. Sofia is going home very soon as her daughter is turning 7, so going for that + to see the family. After she was with me for like 2 days straight, I gave her $400 and said to pay for her flights with this or buy her little girl something with it, w/e she needs it for obv. But yea, she knows I'll take care of her as she is skipping work to hangout with me and I don't mind helping her out; the $400 means a helluva lot more to her than to me

Anywayyyy, getting really OI typing and this is not being wrapped up well at all but w/e, #dealwithitshades. I hope I didn't get mixed up with where I was at any of my stopping points, didn't go back and reread, just kept writing heh. Just is a little look into my thoughts/life the past few months, whether you agree or disagree with me idc really, and I will always do what I want in any situation.

Sofia is going to be waking up to this picture heh, she was already planning to come out on Sunday but hoping she can come out tonight, lets getthereeee

Finally found the listing for the party too, should be a lot of fun!
10-03-2015 , 07:23 PM
good post and its great to see you having fun
10-03-2015 , 07:37 PM
nice month, gg
10-03-2015 , 07:42 PM
