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07-03-2014 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Can't fathom buying anything like this when there's free apps out there which do the same thing on those devices which have already been purchased...

Kind of on this topic: Has anyone used a surface pro? The idea of having HEM on a tablet sized device sounds too good to be true, so the surface pro 3 sounds amazing to me, but I've got no idea how good the things actually are. Also 1500 + shipping to China for something I can't test myself is a lot.
Did a lot of research on the Surface at one point because I don't even have a computer. Supposedly they're pretty sluggish and the Microsoft apps are lulz.

Also, shipping to China? Isn't that where they make them
07-03-2014 , 03:44 PM
I think I'd have to order to a US address then have it shipped to me in China. Not sure but, I think that's the case. I remember some pretty lol stories like that for people who wanted the new iphones that were made in China but not released in China until months after the US releases.

Thanks for the feedback. Were you doing the research for the new 3.0 coming out or an older model?
07-03-2014 , 03:46 PM
Definitely older, and actually iirc it wasn't the Pro (I was looking for a tablet and ended up with a Kindle Fire HDX), but I dunno, just never heard anything good about the Surface as useful as it looks. Prob worth taking another look as it's been a while.
07-03-2014 , 03:47 PM
ok thanks.
07-03-2014 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Can't fathom buying anything like this when there's free apps out there which do the same thing on those devices which have already been purchased...
Only reason to get a Kindle is to read in the sun.
07-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
Ya, I live on the beach. Paperwhite is GOAT and gets a lot of usage from me.. I don't even laptop or tablet.
07-03-2014 , 04:31 PM
I love surfing the web on the e-ink readers. By love I mean it's hilarious to see the device have to re render the webpage every time you scroll up or down.
07-03-2014 , 06:55 PM
in that vein, mechanical scoreboards are hilarious

*scroll scroll scroll*
*scroll scroll*
07-03-2014 , 07:12 PM
"What do you and my big toe have in common? I'm going to bang both of you on my couch."

I should just get one of those messaging bots on okc and open every woman in a 25 mile radius with this.
07-03-2014 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
"What do you and my big toe have in common? I'm going to bang both of you on my couch."

I should just get one of those messaging bots on okc and open every woman in a 25 mile radius with this.
Hasn't everyone heard that line before?
07-03-2014 , 07:23 PM
I'd be surprised if you get a 5% success rate (not including "haha that's funny").
07-03-2014 , 07:24 PM
It's new to me. 5% would be wayyyy higher than I'd imagine.

OKC is way different in AZ than NC. In NC, a very high % of girls I sent messages to would click my profile, but a low % of those would message back. This time a much lower % of girls click the profile but nearly all of those message back. Overall getting marginally more response, but it always feels somewhat bad when you spend a good 10-15 minutes reading a profile and composing a specific message and it doesn't even register.
07-03-2014 , 07:26 PM
Totally agreed. Just moved to Boston and I'm getting way less hits than I thought. My messaging is probably poor, but I'm just not that creative...
07-03-2014 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
It's new to me. 5% would be wayyyy higher than I'd imagine.

OKC is way different in AZ than NC. In NC, a very high % of girls I sent messages to would click my profile, but a low % of those would message back. This time a much lower % of girls click the profile but nearly all of those message back. Overall getting marginally more response, but it always feels somewhat bad when you spend a good 10-15 minutes reading a profile and composing a specific message and it doesn't even register.
Originally Posted by saw7988
Totally agreed. Just moved to Boston and I'm getting way less hits than I thought. My messaging is probably poor, but I'm just not that creative...
In my professional opinion, what matters most is showing it's not a canned message. I used to write long messages, then shorter (2-3 sentences) and now I almost always just go with one line about something they have in their profile. The honest truth is that if they like your profile they will always write back. If not, they won't. I used to think I could write some creative message and hook them in but that's what your profile is for. Mine is pretty good I'm told, since the average one is crap. Spend more time making your profile appealing and less on the messages imo.
07-03-2014 , 08:05 PM
Whenever you see a genuinely hot woman on okc with a "replies often" response rate she has explicit references to her single motherhood in the first few lines of the profile. When the single motherhood is more concealed and just on the right side info bar she usually has the "replies selectively" response rate.

I'm actually kind of surprised it carries such a huge penalty.

I have my first ever internet date! (possibly, let's assume >50% flake chance)

5'8 vball player. Not exceptionally pretty but v good body which is basically a given for all female volleyball players.
07-03-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
In my professional opinion, what matters most is showing it's not a canned message. I used to write long messages, then shorter (2-3 sentences) and now I almost always just go with one line about something they have in their profile. The honest truth is that if they like your profile they will always write back. If not, they won't. I used to think I could write some creative message and hook them in but that's what your profile is for. Mine is pretty good I'm told, since the average one is crap. Spend more time making your profile appealing and less on the messages imo.
Definitely agree with a lot of that, but I didn't know/good to hear that short messages work just as well. Got a couple examples? I assume you're not just like "oh fitness i like that too"
07-03-2014 , 08:43 PM
The OKC software is bugged and has been for some time. If I see a "replies very often" my first thought is she hasn't logged in for quite some time and I'm seldom wrong. It seems to be an inverse to the truth.
07-03-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Whenever you see a genuinely hot woman on okc with a "replies often" response rate she has explicit references to her single motherhood in the first few lines of the profile. When the single motherhood is more concealed and just on the right side info bar she usually has the "replies selectively" response rate.

I'm actually kind of surprised it carries such a huge penalty.

I have my first ever internet date! (possibly, let's assume >50% flake chance)

5'8 vball player. Not exceptionally pretty but v good body which is basically a given for all female volleyball players.

yeah they probably get more canned messages! And people that don't really look at the profiles and just comment on a single pic or something.

A hearty good luck on your date! TR please! When is it?

Originally Posted by saw7988
Definitely agree with a lot of that, but I didn't know/good to hear that short messages work just as well. Got a couple examples? I assume you're not just like "oh fitness i like that too"
Yeah it's something that took me too long to figure out. In fact, a long message could be a deterrent, too.

Right, I'm not asking them some dumb question, instead I'm generally commenting on something in their profile in a joking way.

Two examples:

This one girl mentioned her love of margaritas like three times so I said "I can't tell from your profile but what's your stance on margaritas? There are few things better than fajitas and margs from so and so."

Another one had the "tell me what you noticed first..." line so I said "If I told you what I actually noticed first we'd be having a totally different kind of conversation..." And this one was megateds She said liked that I was honest, lol.
07-03-2014 , 08:48 PM
Almost all guys are "replies often" or orange. I'm red and many girls have commented on it, lol
07-03-2014 , 08:50 PM
I just got an email from a recruiter. It's for a job that I'm 99% sure is where I work now.
07-03-2014 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I just got an email from a recruiter. It's for a job that I'm 99% sure is where I work now.
07-03-2014 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I just got an email from a recruiter. It's for a job that I'm 99% sure is where I work now.
It's for your job.

Sorry bro
07-03-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I just got an email from a recruiter. It's for a job that I'm 99% sure is where I work now.
Score an interview and see if you can get a pay raise out of it
07-03-2014 , 10:08 PM
That happens constantly where I work. Huge company and recruiters hustling hard to fill positions.
07-03-2014 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Can't fathom buying anything like this when there's free apps out there which do the same thing on those devices which have already been purchased...
There's a huge user experience difference between ipad/kindle for reading books. Kindle>>>>iPad for reading. Feels so much more like reading an actual book. Plus it's a lot smaller and weighs nothing. Carrying an iPad in your purse sounds horrible.

I have a Kobo (similar to Kindle) and only thing that sucks is that it feels so slow to scroll between pages. Because of the e-ink it sometimes has to "render" pages or something. But I'm guessing the newer Kindle's are going to be a lot faster.

Actual books are still the nuts though. I just like having them lying around too. Good conversation openers.
