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07-02-2014 , 10:54 AM
Whites prefer expatriate
07-02-2014 , 11:04 AM
Lol at comparing gourmet mexican like chipotle with cheap chinese street food. at least compare it to pei wei so its in the same food category...or filobertos or robertos or mariscos or mauricios ffs.

Oh really you plebeians enjoy quad meats at chipoopoo? because i prefer mortons.

Really crazy story syndr0m. the twist ending that this didnt occur in china was a huge shock too. ive had one similar situation. after eating dinner with two friends we started walking down the street looking for a taxi and heard two guys fighting. this was in guangdong and the cantos usually just yell at each other and never fight but as we got closer this was clearly different. there was blood everywhere there was a butchers cleaver on the cement and one was guy was on top of the over holding another butchers cleaver. the guy on the bottom was bleeding profusely and quickly losing his strength. at the time he was able to hold onto the attackers knife hand but was clearly losing that ability. anyways i stepped up told the guy in chinese that he needed to hand me the knife... And both goys just stopped everything and looked at me like i was an angel or a ghost. after the shock wore off the guy handed me the knife and they both went and sat on the curb. it was pretty crazy how quickly their demeanour, expression... everything changed as they cooled down and the testosterone faded. not quite running into a burning building but damn it was pretty scary at the time.

Also pretty lol imo: about ten minutes later the cops showed up and just started looking around. i wasnt really sure what to do so just walked up handed them the bloody knife and walked off with my friends. police didnt question us or anything.
07-02-2014 , 11:05 AM
Sexpats arent immigrants until they get married and settle down there.
07-02-2014 , 11:07 AM

I actually prefer Capital Grille and Fogo to Morton's (barely, although all are delicious), but to each his own.
07-02-2014 , 11:10 AM
That's a pretty sick story

And lol standard police
07-02-2014 , 11:11 AM
Theres actually several steakhouses i prefer over mortons (actually i prefer ruths chris even) but look at the audience... I had to use an example that people here would have at least heard of and maybe aspire to taste for themselves one day.
07-02-2014 , 11:13 AM
I prefer to kill the animal myself and roast it over an open fire. lol steakhouses.
07-02-2014 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Cake shaming can't be real. How can one person be that anxiety ridden and unable to function in real life? "They're going to throw me a birthday party; where's my Xanax?" At least chicks like that tend to be psychologically incapable of handling the thought of pregnancy and motherhood so their genes die out.
Friend's sister literally can only eat like 3 things at home and the only food she can eat out is pizza hut and booze. So I mean, some cake shaming seems pretty mild relatively.

Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Lol at comparing gourmet mexican like chipotle
Paging JonFon. JonFon you are needed immediately for a Chipotle debate in the LC thread.
07-02-2014 , 11:13 AM

I hope you're not including Sullivan's on that list. Del Frisco's is decent.

I'm surprised you're denigrating the overall taste of H&F, as the amount of fancy lad **** in here, even from people like DT, blows my mind.
07-02-2014 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Theres actually several steakhouses i prefer over mortons (actually i prefer ruths chris even) but look at the audience... I had to use an example that people here would have at least heard of and maybe aspire to taste for themselves one day.
The only thing I aspire to taste is Kate Upton.
07-02-2014 , 11:25 AM
Im just playing overall taste in foods and whiskey itt is top shelf stuff. im also not at all a food snob... I live in china afterall.

My best steak going experience was the palazzo in vegas. i had been in china for two years and not had a decent steak the entire time and was in vegas visiting my sister who had a pretty unique job. she would get informed of any celebrities visiting vegas and then have to follow them to try to write a story or something along those lines. kirsten dunst was in town and eating there so my sister booked the table next to hers and invited me and several friends. so im not sure if it was the best steak ive ever had but between spying on kirsten dunst having my first real steak in two years and expensing a few grand it was a fantastic night.

As far as high end chain steak houses im so out of the loop i couldntreally participate in that conversation.
07-02-2014 , 11:26 AM
FANCY LAD UPDATE: I can confirm that I have not worn socks, outside of the gym, in like two months. This is despite the fact that my quoddy boat mocs are still not here. Due to getting most of my news from Facebook and Youtube, I fear Obama and the SCOTUS have something to do with it.

Carry on naming chain steakhouses now. k.
07-02-2014 , 11:32 AM
Logan's is quite nice. Might go there next week.
07-02-2014 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
FANCY LAD UPDATE: I can confirm that I have not worn socks, outside of the gym, in like two months. This is despite the fact that my quoddy boat mocs are still not here. Due to getting most of my news from Facebook and Youtube, I fear Obama and the SCOTUS have something to do with it.

Carry on naming chain steakhouses now. k.
I recently purchased a dozen pairs of socks. None are white, black, grey, or any solid color actually.
07-02-2014 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Carry on naming chain steakhouses now. k.
Comiskey Park prime rib buffet!
07-02-2014 , 01:29 PM
At first I was like

Originally Posted by allinontheturn
LoL $7? Do you even double meat?

but then I was like

Originally Posted by Montecore

What is this double meat ****? Triple is the absolute minimum, but quad meat is where it's at.

Originally Posted by downtown
I went to a buffet at... a baseball game (lol me) last night. I ate ~3.50 lbs of prime rib. This morning, I weighed 3.50 lbs more. That is some mother****ing science for you.

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
That's a pretty sick story

And lol standard police
+1 sick
07-02-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
I recently purchased a dozen pairs of socks. None are white, black, grey, or any solid color actually.
So you're a woman?

Originally Posted by downtown
FANCY LAD UPDATE: I can confirm that I have not worn socks, outside of the gym, in like two months. This is despite the fact that my quoddy boat mocs are still not here. Due to getting most of my news from Facebook and Youtube, I fear Obama and the SCOTUS have something to do with it.

Carry on naming chain steakhouses now. k.
Applebees has a fantastic New York Strip.
07-02-2014 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
I recently purchased a dozen pairs of socks. None are white, black, grey, or any solid color actually.
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
So you're a woman?
I'm with KP on this one. My last several sock purchases have either been odd colors (turquoise, red) or patterned. Contrast socks definitely legit.
07-02-2014 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
I'm with KP on this one. My last several sock purchases have either been odd colors (turquoise, red) or patterned. Contrast socks definitely legit.
I have a few pairs of patterned socks and I kind of get excited when they're newly washed and clean in the sock drawer. I should probably buy some more of them at some point, I guess.

I feel the same way with my boxer briefs, which I switched to when I lost all my weight; there's a definite feeling of ennui that comes over me when they're all dirty and I have to wear an old pair of straight boxers.
07-02-2014 , 01:51 PM
My biggest concern with patterned socks is having to spend the effort finding the matching pair. I generally just throw all my socks in a drawer and they land however they land.
07-02-2014 , 01:53 PM
I think I speak for everyone when I say that I'm surprised that you don't iron and catalog your socks.
07-02-2014 , 01:56 PM
I assumed he had an electromagnet in his sock drawer and tagged his socks with magnets of varying charge magnitudes so they sorted themselves after he tossed them in.
07-02-2014 , 02:02 PM
Socks are dumb. Flip flops 100% of the time unless im working out.
07-02-2014 , 02:03 PM
Why is Syndrom posting today? He should be banned for the disgrace of how his home country cheated USA#1 of their manifest destiny of #1. The fact that he was 10,000 miles away and instead of watching the game was playing Counterstrike and/or getting it on with a ladyboy prostitute is the only reason it is only a 1 day ban and not more.

Adian, please get on this
07-02-2014 , 02:03 PM
Flip flops? Doyouevencallousyourfeet
