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Magic: The gathering Online Magic: The gathering Online

12-30-2011 , 07:04 PM
Not many people play MM. I may have drafted inn 100 times, mm twice. MM isn't very fun.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
12-31-2011 , 12:58 AM
It's also the only card (well, rare) worth a **** in the whole block.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
12-31-2011 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by da_fume
It's also the only card (well, rare) worth a **** in the whole block.
Tangle Wire!

Misdirection is also double digits.
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01-01-2012 , 12:10 AM
scars 64 man, GBu infect splashing tezz

got passed a surgical 3rd somehow, lol free tix
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-03-2012 , 04:00 AM
4-0'ed a daily and won a 64 man draft. apparently 2012 is way better than 2011 already?
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-03-2012 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
I dont get how it can be so expensive when there are MM limited events going on. what am I missing?
In addition to Masques queues not running nearly as often as things like Innistrad, the Masques packs are Masques block packs, so they not only contain cards from Mercadean Masques but also from Nemesis and Prophecy. This means you don't have people cracking three Masques packs at a time like you do when new expansions come out.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-03-2012 , 05:48 PM
Selling 21 tickets and rest of my collection 70 or so rares anyone wanna take a look?
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Selling 21 tickets and rest of my collection 70 or so rares anyone wanna take a look?
I'll give you a $25 AMEX gift card I got for X-mas for it.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:36 AM
You havent even looked. I could have 100 dollars in rares lol
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
You havent even looked. I could have 100 dollars in rares lol
yeah but 70 rares worth $5 is a lot more likely than 70 rares for $100.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 01:01 AM
Yea, I assumed if you had Snapcaster Mage and good mythics you would of mentioned it. As is, 70 Rares at .03-.10 isn't very appealing.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 01:22 AM
Fun deck to play, first time I've done the bump in the night thing.

I don't think starting the skeleton was good; thought he would be a good wall but he never helped.

Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 01:57 AM
Anyone playing pauper? I haven't played MTG in like 10 years, and I'm just sort of getting back into it. I suck, but I've at least been trying to pay attention to what decks are most popular at the moment. Right now it looks like it's mainly Blue Faeries, Red Goblins, White Weenies and Blue(/Red) Post decks. Affinity and Empty the Warrens (ridiculous combo) seem really strong too.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 04:05 AM

That is a hilarious and awesome deck. I have never in my life (~30 drafts) seen 4 Geistflames and 3 Brimstone Volleys in a single draft, let alone the other sweet stuff you have. Manor Skeleton is a durdle and you should play Walking Corpse ahead of it. Black/Red is one of my favourite ISD archetypes to draft and I pretty much never start that guy.

Your deck looks like 3-0 to me, please tell me that's what happened.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by ***

That is a hilarious and awesome deck. I have never in my life (~30 drafts) seen 4 Geistflames and 3 Brimstone Volleys in a single draft, let alone the other sweet stuff you have. Manor Skeleton is a durdle and you should play Walking Corpse ahead of it. Black/Red is one of my favourite ISD archetypes to draft and I pretty much never start that guy.

Your deck looks like 3-0 to me, please tell me that's what happened.
manor seems strictly better, he is just attempting to not lose until burn comes online.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Maybe
Fun deck to play, first time I've done the bump in the night thing.

I don't think starting the skeleton was good; thought he would be a good wall but he never helped.

Your deck would have been so much better without the Bumps. Rage Thrower is also crap in that deck even though it is nice with Blast. Burning Vengeance is also pretty awkward with Bumps. I'd cut those five for Ghoulcaller's Chant, Walking Corpse, Rakish Heir, Village Cannibals and... hmm, at this point I'd probably keep Rage Thrower since now you have more guys which makes it better.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by foal
Anyone playing pauper? I haven't played MTG in like 10 years, and I'm just sort of getting back into it. I suck, but I've at least been trying to pay attention to what decks are most popular at the moment. Right now it looks like it's mainly Blue Faeries, Red Goblins, White Weenies and Blue(/Red) Post decks. Affinity and Empty the Warrens (ridiculous combo) seem really strong too.
haven't played pauper in a couple of months, but you've pretty much got it. you missed mbc (mono-black control) which is usually a top deck as well. but my experience is pre-innistrad, so i'm not sure how much changed
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:44 PM
only big blunder is rage thrower imo,
Way too unlikely his upside will be realized.
Id put in a walking corpse instead.

insane deck wtf,
next time try to draft more brimstones and falkenrath nobles tho

Last edited by Heisenb3rg; 01-04-2012 at 12:54 PM.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 01:17 PM
Heh, I knew that not running the bumps may have been 'strictly better', but honestly it was just more fun this way. The rage thrower won me one game, but yeah, he should have been cut.

My first picks in this draft were slayer, then grasp, then brimstone, brimstone, geistflame. Signals much? I actually only 2-1'ed though, stomped 2 matches and lost to a fast G/W with butchers cleaver that gained him tons of life. Still it was a super close match and tons of fun to play. A fourth pick foil Essence of the Wild netted 6 tix as well, so it worked out overall.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Anssi A
Your deck would have been so much better without the Bumps. Rage Thrower is also crap in that deck even though it is nice with Blast. Burning Vengeance is also pretty awkward with Bumps. I'd cut those five for Ghoulcaller's Chant, Walking Corpse, Rakish Heir, Village Cannibals and... hmm, at this point I'd probably keep Rage Thrower since now you have more guys which makes it better.
You so cray. 4x Geistflame by itself almost makes the Vengeance worth it much less having Bumps also. I'd maybe cut a bump or the rage thrower for the grizzly bear zombie, but that's about it.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by tabako
I got boomswitched for the PTQ today:

Wish me luck in top8!
Vampire interloper in there for sure, probably over the delver considering you have a <20% chance of flipping him each turn.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 03:35 PM
Are there still casual drafts? We should def do 2p2 8 mans where we put tixs up on the side
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by bugstud
manor seems strictly better, he is just attempting to not lose until burn comes online.
This was my thinking too.

As for the Bump in the Night discussion, Bump really doesn't work very well in control decks. It's much better in BR super aggro where you have a couple of Reckless Waifs, a Diregraf Ghoul, a couple of Ashmouth Hounds and Vampire Interlopers, some Kessig Wolves and Crossway Vampires, a Nightbird's Clutches and a Traitorous Blood and some burn. Because it cannot target creatures, it becomes much less desirable in controlish decks. What happens when your starting seven are swamp, swamp, mountain, bump, geistflame, noble, pitchburn devils? Do you mull? Do you keep and just hope you draw Watchkeep or Abbatoir Ghoul? Because drawing more bumps here means you pretty much just lose.

Rage Thrower is not as bad as others are making it out to be. Sure it is a little awkward in this deck as you don't have a lot of creatures, but with that much removal Rage Thrower can just machinegun down their board. And of course Rage Thrower combined with Blasphemous Act will end the game on its own.

I would have tried to pick up a Scarecrow or two for the board as you pretty much just lose to Stitched Drake. But we're getting to sound too negative. Pretty cool deck
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-04-2012 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by BBKPoker
You so cray. 4x Geistflame by itself almost makes the Vengeance worth it much less having Bumps also. I'd maybe cut a bump or the rage thrower for the grizzly bear zombie, but that's about it.
Like Deorum said, the bumps just aren't good there since the deck doesn't have any early pressure. The reason to play Lava Axe is to deal the last damage after you no longer can deal damage with creatures. In most cases a creature will deal or prevent more damage than Bump can. The deck also has a lot of powerful cards, so I really want to be take advantage of them. Burning Vengeance would obv be good if I wanted to play the Bumps.

While the deck actually has enough burn that it can reasonably deal 15 dmg or so with burn, another issue is whether it has time to. Flashbacking Bump costs a ton.
Magic: The gathering Online Quote
01-05-2012 , 12:21 AM
Just realized I posted as if Rage Thrower could target creatures. No idea why I was thinking that at the time. Must be a result of my just not having drafted red in forever.
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