Originally Posted by JoshK
How long does it take to get to a point where you're not -100% roi on drafts?
Any good sites/guides/training sites?
In addition to reading up about draft archetypes and watching videos, the best advice I can give you is to play swiss drafts. There are a few reasons for this:
1) You will be up against easier competition in swiss. They will pass you better cards, build inferior decks and make mistakes in the games.
2) Once you get a little experienced, it is not that hard to go 2-1 in a swiss. If you can average a 2-1 finish, that will cut down on your costs quite a bit. Furthermore, it is very hard to go 0-3 in a swiss (although it has happened to me a couple of times).
3) You get to play all 3 rounds regardless of how you do. So, that gives you more experience in the format and it also takes up more of your time so you have less time to fire up another draft and spend more money!