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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-06-2010 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
you mean oversized jeans + hoodie isn't the new hotness?

ive found most success when i wear a blazer w/ nice jeans and a dressy t-shirt
this or nice jeans + button-up
08-06-2010 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by heyyou24
i dress in a "standard" way I think : not too classy but i don't wear sport clothes all day long. i wear almost everytime jeans, with basic shirts, I mean like most of men of my age.
honestly, I think my clothes are pretty fine.
i'm a bit skinny and short, not too much and i do play sports pretty often so i'm an okay sharp I guess ..
It's not what you were, it's the fit that makes a good outfit.
Most people cant dress correctly, they were clothes which are way too wide. Americans are especially guilty of this, it's for some absurd reason gay, if you were good fitting jeans.
I am far from dressing perfectly, but wearing clothes two sizes too big makes you look like a clown.

Most men of your or our age, cant dress correctly and furthermore do clothes reflect your personality in a certain way. Someone who dresses exactly like everyone else in his age, will never get any attention right away, because they are more of the same, rather than being unique.

Style blogs are a good way of getting a grip on how to dress well, but a lot of it has to do with trial and error.

Originally Posted by Vintage00
1) Ask a female friend of yours about how you dress.

2) If you do, and the above is true, it's probably just a problem of sample size. Just keep putting it out there.
1) Dont ask a female friend. Females dont have a ****ing clue about Men's clothing (and vice versa).
Read on the internet, maybe you got a friend who knows how to dress, go shopping with him, but please dont ask for female opinions on how to dress.

2) No it's not. I am going out on a limb here and say his clothes are way too wide, his style is not unique enough and the colors are not really fitting.
And the sole purpose of athletic shoes is to do sports, not going out.

Originally Posted by LKJ
The way you talk may have been the real issue.
I agree with this. Self confidence for the win.
08-06-2010 , 01:49 PM
I'm not going to go too into clothing advice unless people are interested, but I will say one thing as pertains to flirting with girls: Ties are amazing.

Wearing an attractive but playful tie (vineyard vines ties for example) makes you look nice, but also is an excellent conversation piece (leads to you getting opened a lot, especially if you're one of the only ones in a tie), and is pretty much the best wardrobe piece to base physically escalating flirtation around (she steals your tie, you offer to teach her how to tie one on her from behind, she offers to retie it for you, etc etc).

Don't knock it til you try it. A loose four-in-hand knot over a plaint white oxford with either nice jeans or slacks (w/ or without blazer for the uber preppy look) = ez mode with women 18-27 ime.
08-06-2010 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Sir Nobbs
I thank you for your concern, but I've got talking covered
Just a joke bro. "Birds"? "Keen"? I couldn't resist.
08-06-2010 , 02:19 PM
i used to wear too big clothes ( skater style) but it's not the case anymore
08-06-2010 , 02:22 PM

SC2 is just like chess, simply on a computer and with futuristic characters.
08-06-2010 , 02:24 PM
And a three figure APM requirement...

It's a positive for my life that I can't be good at that game.
08-06-2010 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
as long as you can avoid looking like a hipster, i have found college girls partial to the jeans-designer tee-jacket combo.

edit also just jeans and a completely plain white shirt for some reason
pretty much this, I feel pretty good when I go out in jeans and a white t.

Although I am also in the process of cleaning up my wardrobe by adding a few more button up shirts with some Jeans and a casual dress shoe, though I probably won't be wearing too much of this until the weather gets colder.
08-06-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
I'm not going to go too into clothing advice unless people are interested, but I will say one thing as pertains to flirting with girls: Ties are amazing.

Wearing an attractive but playful tie (vineyard vines ties for example) makes you look nice, but also is an excellent conversation piece (leads to you getting opened a lot, especially if you're one of the only ones in a tie), and is pretty much the best wardrobe piece to base physically escalating flirtation around (she steals your tie, you offer to teach her how to tie one on her from behind, she offers to retie it for you, etc etc).

Don't knock it til you try it. A loose four-in-hand knot over a plaint white oxford with either nice jeans or slacks (w/ or without blazer for the uber preppy look) = ez mode with women 18-27 ime.
This. Especially if it's an event with many men wearing ties. Get something colorful with a little character and women will flock to you and start talking to you about how much they like your tie. Best $15-50 (depending on how baller you are) investment.

Also a good APM for SCII is more like 60. Maybe 75+ if you are zerg.
08-06-2010 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by iliketurtle
This. Especially if it's an event with many men wearing ties. Get something colorful with a little character and women will flock to you and start talking to you about how much they like your tie. Best $15-50 (depending on how baller you are) investment.

Also a good APM for SCII is more like 60. Maybe 75+ if you are zerg.
Did you forget to put the 1 in front of both of those numbers? If your APM is 60 you'll get slaughtered by anyone who has played for more than 1 day.
08-06-2010 , 03:34 PM
ahah, was about to tell the same thing
08-06-2010 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by iliketurtle
This. Especially if it's an event with many men wearing ties. Get something colorful with a little character and women will flock to you and start talking to you about how much they like your tie. Best $15-50 (depending on how baller you are) investment.

Also a good APM for SCII is more like 60. Maybe 75+ if you are zerg.
While I think wearing ties is good at almost all times, I think from a women perspective it's even better in a setting where not a lot of guys are wearing ties, so long as you're not horribly inappropriately dressed (house party on saturday night is fine, you, your boy and 2 girls playing pong on sunday morning is not).

I would also strongly suggest not buying cheap ties. VV ties are very nice and pretty much made for college students and only run $75 (you keep ties for life, basically). Even Hermes ties are less than $200.

1. Find Your College on here
2. Buy Tie
3. Catch Attention
4. ?????
5. Make Babies

Last edited by Mittens; 08-06-2010 at 03:45 PM. Reason: They have a lot more colleges in stores...
08-06-2010 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Karak

SC2 is just like chess, simply on a computer and with futuristic characters.
Chess is fairly useless as well unless you are into Armenian chicks.


Regarding dressing. I'm pretty sure my advice on this will not be popular but no running shoes and no t-shirts. Preferably no jeans as well although the jeans can be forgiven if you are under 25 but I still wouldn't.
08-06-2010 , 03:45 PM
One other thing:

I used to be fat, and as a result I never really dressed well. I'd wear loose fitting clothes to hide how big I was and it honestly worked pretty well, but it didn't make me look sharp.

Now that I'm not fat anymore, I wear form fitting clothes nearly always and they look so much better. Slim cut dress shirts, medium t-shirts (I have broad shoulders/a pretty big frame so that's about as small as I can reasonably go), and jeans that actually fit me, and I feel and look so much better when I go out. I can't even wear loose clothes anymore, because it just makes me feel fat again.

tbh, and I know we've discussed this before, the big advantage in socializing (not just talking about meeting girls, but making friends, expanding a social network, etc. ... stuff that's all pretty important in my industry) isn't just looking better, although that helps, but more how looking better changes your own "inner-game," frame of mind and overall attitude/confidence. That's where it really kicks in.
08-06-2010 , 03:47 PM

I have something similar to that. I also have some prints. Obv all are halfway around the planet.

These sort of "gimmicky" attire things are awesome when you're the only one doing it. But if a few people are dressed like this, you're a jackass. Those of you from the South will recognize the phenomena with multiple people wearing seersucker at an event.
08-06-2010 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Chess is fairly useless as well unless you are into Armenian chicks.


Regarding dressing. I'm pretty sure my advice on this will not be popular but no running shoes and no t-shirts. Preferably no jeans as well although the jeans can be forgiven if you are under 25 but I still wouldn't.

Re: chess and SC2,

I really disagree. These activities provide a competitive outlet, exercise the mind and help you develop skills in a "safe" atmosphere where mistakes are ok. To say that my experience playing video games and especially poker has not helped me in pursuit of my current career would be silly. I use my skills from poker all the time in the real world, especially when it comes to any type of adversarial situation. Both Starcraft (at Berkeley, I believe) and poker have been incorporated into high level game theory courses at top business and professional schools across the US.

Re: clothes

Yeah sneakers are gaudy as hell.

However, graphic tees/designer tees seem to be very in right now. Also, designer jeans are being pretty widely accepted as "dressy" wear for informal occasions I think. I mean I don't lurk styleforum all day long or anything, but if you look at most informal celeb events, the designer tee + designer jeans look is what you see on all the men. It's very "rugged" and Brett Favre/Tom Clooney-ish for adult men.

but im no fashion expert, so i might be entirely wrong.
08-06-2010 , 03:52 PM
OT: I love being that seersucker guy (shorts or jacket only, not both or long pants)

I don't think the tie you linked to is gimmicky at all. You'll certainly catch gimmicky "I'm going to talk to/go home with/**** that one preppy guy in this hipster bar" ass because of it, but wearing stuff like that is a staple of some of the finest people in this country (America not Estonia).

Last edited by Mittens; 08-06-2010 at 03:53 PM. Reason: @Thremp
08-06-2010 , 03:54 PM
bwahaha at the @thremp/estonia
08-06-2010 , 03:54 PM
So what are the best type of shoes to wear with Jeans and a designer t/button up?
08-06-2010 , 03:55 PM
I didn't mean it as a dig, I just want to make sure we're not talking past each other about different things.

Last edited by Mittens; 08-06-2010 at 03:55 PM. Reason: @Karak
08-06-2010 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Just a joke bro. "Birds"? "Keen"? I couldn't resist.
Fair call.. I've been spending too much time in england and their **** way of speaking
08-06-2010 , 04:28 PM
I meant the college tie. Obv the tie I linked isn't since I own a similar one and I am awesome, ergo it is awesome.
08-06-2010 , 04:30 PM
Daily "keeping the thread on track" reminder: let's discuss Henry's views on anything that isn't macking the fly honeyz in other threads, thanks
08-06-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
So what are the best type of shoes to wear with Jeans and a designer t/button up?
styleforum will tell you boots in the winter

i generally wear dark brown casual but still somewhat dressy shoes

(make sure you wear the right color socks or you'll look like a tard when you sit down... and chicks do notice this ****)
08-06-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Daily "keeping the thread on track" reminder: let's discuss Henry's views on anything that isn't macking the fly honeyz in other threads, thanks
wtf the nazi mods in this forum are such a jopke!!!11
