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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-08-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
GG that was a douche bag move trying to hit and run the lady. not to mention the douchey personal attacks you gave me about my screen name (which was made when i was 17 and a total noob to poker).
This made me LOL for some reason...I don't know what comments you're referring to, but mentioning the mocking of a SN right after an attempted hit and run just seems so ridiculous and out of place.

As for GG...I won't bother piling on, even though every critical comment is of course correct. The only surprising part is that anyone is surprised.
08-08-2010 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I look forward to the unwritten TR's of me finding brilliant ways to **** it up.

08-08-2010 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
also, anyone remember yeotajmu? yeah, me neither.

Hey yeota, this isn't ****ing Oregon Trail. It doesn't take that long to get back from Vegas and back in front of a computer. Get your ass back in the thread.

Last edited by LKJ; 08-08-2010 at 06:43 PM. Reason: Yes I should have multi-quoted, sorry.
08-08-2010 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ

Yet-to-be-written, obv.

Actually, I'm curious if I should avoid trying to bang chicks in my building and instead try to befriend them so I can bang their friends. Thoughts?

I'm not really worried about potential awkwardness or anything afterwards - I mean, I've been here for 1.5 weeks and seen other residents a total of 3 times - just thinking about more about most +EV move.
08-08-2010 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
she just wrote on my wall and then sent me a PM. hope she quit smoking yesterday.
I looked at her pics and as much as I hate smoking I'm pretty sure I'd smash whether she smoked or not.
08-08-2010 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Yet-to-be-written, obv.
Ah, yet-to-be-written. That makes more sense. You've never been shy about these things.
08-08-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
true story my myspace url had "wsop" in it. prettayyyyy gay but obv no one knows what it means
@LKJ, This was irrelevant and out of place, funny you missed it.
08-08-2010 , 07:03 PM
Oh, I do remember that comment. I never connected it to you.
08-08-2010 , 08:09 PM
lol that's a douchey personal attack? i said it was gay for me to have something poker related on my myspace url. you have something poker related in your screen name on a poker-forum. connecting the two and calling it a douchey personal attack takes lots of imagination
08-08-2010 , 08:22 PM
Ooo, my neighbor stepped outside her apartment again (w/ her friend who was taking a smoke break) when I was coming up from box recycling duty and invited me in to show me her kitchen!
08-08-2010 , 08:31 PM
Ask her if she wants you to bring over meat to test out her oven!
08-08-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
This made me LOL for some reason...I don't know what comments you're referring to, but mentioning the mocking of a SN right after an attempted hit and run just seems so ridiculous and out of place.

As for GG...I won't bother piling on, even though every critical comment is of course correct. The only surprising part is that anyone is surprised.
yeah that post made me laugh pretty hard as well, so funny to put those two together, combined with the fact that he was actually bothered by the comment lol
08-08-2010 , 08:54 PM
Hit and run is low, dude.
08-08-2010 , 08:56 PM
do you think GG has any remote clue as to what his image (at least on this forum) really is, or do you think he's actually totally in the dark despite the constant... reminders?

i mean even before today
08-08-2010 , 09:09 PM
i didn't hit and run. if i wanted to i could have. i parked 15yrds away from where it happened. i would have parked right where it happened if i could fit in the spot. it's hard to explain how something that looks that bad could be assumed to be nothing.

i was driving this or something similar. it had a trailer hitch on the back that did the damage i think, i really have no idea because there isn't one mark on the truck at all.

but i'm also very honest and realistic with myself and if it was something like this i would never had said anything:

burn me at the stake if you must

Last edited by GoodGame; 08-08-2010 at 09:13 PM. Reason: either way thread power ranking is increased!
08-08-2010 , 09:25 PM
lol gg explains in detail how he deceived the old lady to make her think he was coming back and admits he tried to run

and expects us to believe the above post?

08-08-2010 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
do you think GG has any remote clue as to what his image (at least on this forum) really is, or do you think he's actually totally in the dark despite the constant... reminders?

i mean even before today
hahah you're so hard on him. i don't think that your opinion is an accurate representation of the general sentiment towards him in this thread. the possible hit and run knocks him down a few notches in my eyes, but besides that, he is no different from any other poster in this thread.

projecting itt
08-08-2010 , 09:42 PM
karak never even responds directly to me lol.

i told you i didn't know it was bad until the lady came up to me and said it was. i indeed was going to go inside my apartment. if i thought it was really bad and wanted to hide i wouldn't have parked at all i would have left. i assumed at worse it was like the 2nd pic and i wasn't planning on telling them.

don't worry "karma" or whatever you want to think got me and will be denting my bank account in retaliation. i was planning on getting an estimate at a body shop and paying for it and giving her an extra $100 or w/e to keep the insurance people out but she never called today so who knows. i will be getting the estimate tomorrow and if i can afford it i'm going to go to her apartment and talk to her again. i really need it to not be more than 1.5k
08-08-2010 , 09:59 PM
haha is this vintage that is see play 25PLO?
08-08-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Actually, I'm curious if I should avoid trying to bang chicks in my building and instead try to befriend them so I can bang their friends. Thoughts?
interesting question.

I would just try and be social with them and see what happens. I would invite them to go out and take it from there. I wouldn't push things or put pressure to sex these fly honeys. Girls will make it clear. "Tit for tat signaling". You live in a new city right? Some cool female friends would be a pretty damn good start.

Last edited by DerrtySlime; 08-08-2010 at 10:16 PM.
08-08-2010 , 10:21 PM
No, same city/new apartment. I don't have a ton of female friends though so same logic can apply.
08-08-2010 , 10:30 PM
Ya. Tough call. A likely convenient companionship or a lower likelihood of convenient Fbuddy/ relationship.
08-08-2010 , 10:31 PM
i wouldnt even think about dating someone that lived in my building. everyone i know that has done it (not even buildings, but same apartment complexes) complains about the proximity during the relationship, and then complains even more about it post-breakup.

becoming REALLY good friends with them though is quality. good for when they have ppl over and you want to get hammered and just walk home (preferably with one of their friends), the logistics of them introducing you to hot friends is easy since you are always just a shout away.. def go this route.
08-08-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
hahah you're so hard on him. i don't think that your opinion is an accurate representation of the general sentiment towards him in this thread.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure that he's right about this. I don't get it, but people go remarkably easy on him for no reason that I can seem to discern. Willful blindness because people find his rendition of misogyny and degeneracy entertaining? I can't come up with another explanation.

the possible hit and run knocks him down a few notches in my eyes, but besides that, he is no different from any other poster in this thread.
The bolded is patently false, and I almost had a stroke just reading it...but does perpetuate what I said above about people going insanely easy on him.
08-08-2010 , 11:22 PM
