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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-05-2010 , 03:31 PM
lou is coming back no worries this is just temporary
08-05-2010 , 03:38 PM
Lou Gehrig: "Today.. I consider myself.. the luckiest man.. on the face.. of the earth." [ crowd cheers ] "I was being sarcastic! I'm unlucky! I may be the unluckiest man.. on the face.. of the earth! I have a disease.. so rare.. they named it after me. Yeah, lucky me!" [ crowd cheers harder ] "You people are hopeless!" [ storms off the field ]
08-05-2010 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana

Some more annoying versions of that. ^.^
the walrus version.

I don't get the whole guy v. girl height thing, it just seems like yet another lame cultural archetype that's forced on people. I understand personal preferences, but it really shouldn't matter for all practical purposes.
08-05-2010 , 04:50 PM
Did the EDF and SL threads get merged?
08-05-2010 , 04:58 PM
back to talking about height holllerr
08-05-2010 , 05:19 PM
lol haven't we had the height discussion before?
08-05-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pecota
I don't get the whole guy v. girl height thing, it just seems like yet another lame cultural archetype that's forced on people. I understand personal preferences, but it really shouldn't matter for all practical purposes.

I mean I guess in the way that athletic bodies, c-cup breasts, and white teeth are lame cultural archetypes...

Everything else being equal, taller men are more attractive. They have more physical presence, etc. I can't believe you people think this is a non-issue. Obviously it's not the only factor women consider when choosing who to ****, but as far as single quantifiable factors go, it's probably the biggest one.

I will also posit that this is a bigger issue the more confident/attractive the woman is.

Last edited by Mittens; 08-05-2010 at 06:10 PM.
08-05-2010 , 06:21 PM
hey there!
I've already posted that in edf but I figured it may be more "appropriate" (ie more answers !) here
so yeah :

I need some opininons / tips please
how would you act / be if you were 20 y/o ( almost 21) but looking like a 15 y/o : /
I wanna know specifically with girlz : like you would hit on younger girls so it match with your physical appearance ?
I mean, the description ain't exagerated : everybody says I look younger, everytime I go in a bar / club my id card is asked etc
i live really well with this "particularity" but it really bother me with girls, it's clearly not an advantage i think
that's why i'd love some suggestions/ ideas from you guys
thanks !
08-05-2010 , 06:29 PM
The solution would be to get bigger and stronger. Try Starting Strength. Others can elaborate.
08-05-2010 , 06:32 PM
bad news: you'll always have a disadvantage when it comes to meeting a person for the first time. this means you'll rarely ever get the one night stands

good news: you're a guy and girls just want to date successful people. as long as you're going in the right direction you'll still be able to date girls.
08-05-2010 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
The nice thing about your old avatar was that it fit you so well. It was from 1939, just like your attitudes towards sex.
08-05-2010 , 09:16 PM
just because karak is an idiot doesn't mean you guys have to constantly make fun of him
08-05-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
I mean I guess in the way that athletic bodies, c-cup breasts, and white teeth are lame cultural archetypes...
When I cited "personal preference," as an exception I basically meant physical attractiveness as perceived by others. I was mainly referring to people who are already in some form of a relationship or have already established a mutual attraction, yet one or both of them still insist on making height an issue.
08-05-2010 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
just because karak is an idiot doesn't mean you guys have to constantly make fun of him
Laughed pretty hard at this one.
08-05-2010 , 10:18 PM
bwahaha A delivers (imo) one final parting LOL for you all to enjoy. not a huge TR or anything, but it definitely made me laugh. what an odd, odd girl.

i gotta do some 3v3s on SC2 with some friends now, but ill write it up as soon as we're done (or before if one of them is gone for a few)
08-05-2010 , 10:38 PM
you always did love putting in a good teaser
08-05-2010 , 10:40 PM
there was a post by yeti about this kind of thing.
08-05-2010 , 11:25 PM
There he goes, off to find a pong emulator.

Last edited by LKJ; 08-05-2010 at 11:45 PM. Reason: In before "can we not please?"
08-06-2010 , 04:05 AM
Sorry sorry I really was playing SC2 that whole time in 3v3s (then some 2v2s). You can check my results if you want! The story isn't nearly good enough for a tease.

So blah blah blah A calls me today out of the blue and said she saw me post on FB that I'm leaving soon and she wants to come over and see me before I go.

Quick backward cliffs:

-Roommate of B
-Long term boyfriend 4 years+
-Lots of IOIS, pretty much went on a couple dates w/ me
-Then made me feel like a loser ****** and shut me down

She comes over (she looks pretty good actually), and we chat for a bit. Then she goes, "[x] and I broke up for a month..."
Me: "Wow, really? I'm shocked."
A: "Haha, right. I'm sure you are. I think you of all people *pause* ... should have known I was getting close to doing that."
Me: "Of course I'm not shocked. What happened?"
A: "Well, I just got tired of everything he did and dumped him like a month ago. Then last week I told him all the things I didn't like about him, and he said he would change everything. So now I told him he's on probation for a few months while I re-evaluate him."




Awful. What dude would put up with that ****? I mean this guy isn't a ****** ugly goofball or anything. He's (I assume) a decent looking professional student with good $$$$, and he's not a freak-very-weird-dude or anything.

So I said to her, "Oh taht sounds like a plan that will definitely work I'm sure he'll come through. I almost did that too... did he write down a list of things he has to change?" *my tone is dripping w/ sarcasm and I'm laughing the whole time... she gives me a look back that more or less says hansoloIKNOW.jpeg*
A: "Well I don't want him to CHANGE himself, but he said he is. We'll see how it goes. He gets a little time to see if he can figure things out."


cya nutsack, I guess. I mean it's not like this guy is on drugs or a major **** up or anything. He's top of his class at med school, seems pretty well put together and competent and is a pretty smart individual. It's not like he's rolling around in gutters shooting up heroine.

Beyond that there was just a lot of other chatter, and her promising we should go out together if she comes up to DC. lol could be interesting at least.

and the ABCDBG era of my life is complete.
08-06-2010 , 04:12 AM
a fitting conclusion, i would think
08-06-2010 , 04:17 AM
also C gained a ton of weight (she used to have a ridic nice body but she's... added a very noticeable amount in the last 3-4 months... at least 20, probably 30+) and started dating some guy that has lusted after her all year long and who she constantly trashed to me (and all of our other mutual friends too) and told me was a loser just seeking her attention she had no interest in

B fell off the face of the earth havent heard a peep from her in a while

D emailed and texted me a lot when i was in vegas, but i never really replied cause they always came when i was sleeping and i would read them groggy in bed and then forget. then when i got back here she was very friendly (even went out to eat with me 1 on 1 a couple times), but gets super weird when her boyfriend is around cause i think he still sees me as a threat or something (which im not). which is super awk because he is subleasing from one of my roommates and lived with me for the summer... had some interesting moments.

BG i havent talked to since... although she did send out a (rare) stupid ass email on a listserv she and i are both part of the other day and i made a snide comment in response (no reference to her or me... just in reply to her pretentious email) everyone found pretty funny... but no reply from her (obv).

dont think im missing anyone
08-06-2010 , 05:06 AM
Today I texted M (the Mila look-alike hottie) and she texted back and I think she was fairly interested. Like she replied fairly quickly and asked me questions and stuff. Problem is, she is out of town for the summer, like 2 hours away. So I wanted to end the conversation before it got stale - after like 4 texts each back and forth I say something like "I'll text you when you're back. What's your facebook?"

So she ships her name and I can't find her. I text back something like "I can't find you. I guess we'll have to wait for our friendship to be official" for 2 reasons: 1. Gives her a test to gauge her interest, and 2. I don't wanna offer up my name unsolicited cause I have a feeling she won't add me and that sets up a bad frame.

Hurray! She passes the test and texts me back saying she has weird privacy settings and I can just give her my name. So I wait a bit and say "Ok, find me - my name"

That was this afternoon, there have been no friend requestings yet. There is just no explaining women's behavior sometimes.
08-06-2010 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
bad news: you'll always have a disadvantage when it comes to meeting a person for the first time. this means you'll rarely ever get the one night stands

good news: you're a guy and girls just want to date successful people. as long as you're going in the right direction you'll still be able to date girls.
I kind of already figured that ^^ I still appreciate your input though
but I'd prefer tips on how would you be/approach girls in bars w/e knowing you look young ie knowing what GoodGame said
I mean often, they dont even give me a chance thinking (i guess) "wtf ! this 16 y/o really try to "get me" "
They don't give me credit, I almost everytime start as an underdog : /

thank you
08-06-2010 , 06:32 AM
I just blew the entire day playing sc2.
08-06-2010 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Wrane
I just blew the entire day playing sc2.
I plan to do the same either today or tomorrow.
