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'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters '07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters

06-28-2020 , 12:01 AM
so a few people enter the thread over the next hour or so including me

Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
oh hey I'm awake during the day today, sorry about being absent yesterday

I did not enter the minigame (duh).

Probably voting shortline unless compelling reasons not to emerge (which seems unlikely). Since it's a mechanics-driven vote I want to pretend it doesn't exist and figure out who to vote/not to vote besides him.


coordi, I have questions for you:

* Today you said you're "still on the gus wagon". You hopped on the gus wagon earlyish yesterday, with your first post, after gusmahler had made what I assume you thought was a wolfy two-sentence entrance. Has your reason for being on the gus wagon changed since then?

* I see from your near-end day posting that you didn't share any thoughts on aao before calling for a CFD onto JDalla; you'd also said earlier in the day that you didn't anticipate being able to read the thread until today. So I'm curious where the aversion to voting aao/desire to vote JDalla instead came from.
Felix mentions the shorty dilemma but says he wants to avoid it to get to work. could go either way. to his credit, felix does 'get to work' and follows up with this. i think his reasoning for the river read is quite interesting, and even more interesting if river flips wolf.

Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
I reread several people individually.

I feel good about: wdcbooks (seriously can't see why anyone thinks he's wolfy), jonnyd, Kukraprout, dmk, riverfish1, Sun Tzu

Likely v/v wagons means this is mostly on tone.

I like jonnyd's EOD posting, especially in light of likely v/v wagons. His position throughout the day was fairly consistent and logical, he saw aao as wolfy but not necessarily super wolfy, and was open to alternatives, as long as it didn't result in a worse shun. (For him that would have been Luckbox.)

Kukra and dmk just scream villa to me in general.

I see zero reason why wolf riverfish would make this post calling aao/dmk/Luckbox/traz wolves if any of them are villa, and we know aao and traz were villa. Like, assume they're all villa, by making this post he's inviting the attention of three of the most active players in thread plus traz. A lot of his posting falls into this category of "why would he be doing this as a wolf".

For Sun Tzu... tbh, I vaguely remember that I always think he's villagery. I'm keeping him on the list anyways.

Originally Posted by sixfour
hi thread

thursday's not a great day for me, i've read the deaths, not the greatest but it is what it is - have i missed anything significant since day?
sixfour pops in at 1:40 EDT and does not post again until 3.5 hours later where i guess he fired up a tourney and despite not posting, is caught up with the situation and has the good sense to avoid it. i'll include his next post for posterity

Originally Posted by sixfour
right, busted donkament after a well timed shove into aces, it seems as if it's shorty against dustin? with gus as an alternative? i don't recall a huge amount of gus's posts, but i'm thinking it's got to be a better alternative than dustin and definitely better than shortline, gus

got about an hour or so, going to read through today now

Originally Posted by jonnyd
hey guys

looks like i was really wrong at EOD yesterday and so im not feeling all that confident on my handle on things. gonna spend some time rereading EOD and catching up

i saw the shortline thing.. not sure what to make of it especially after the mod clarification

i saw gus made a quick case on me where he said i 'thought aao was a villager'.. if he could show me the post where i said that that'd be great because i was pretty steadfast in thinking aao was wolfy and hadnt cleared himself. i wish he had claimed earlier but seeing as i was wrong about him im not going to go on about it
Originally Posted by jonnyd
i know i spent eod defending him but given aao's flip im of the mind that luckbox needs to be resolved sooner than later for the game to move forward.
Originally Posted by jonnyd
oh and to clear things up (if we are still trying to get a rough headcount) i didnt enter the contest or even really make an attempt to roleplay
i dont think its worth me doing commentary on my posts because people probably wouldnt believe anything i attribute that isnt in the text, but i do think it's notable that im the only one who spoke up about (not) participating in the contest between the three of us
right after this felix and i contrast in how we decide we want to navigate the shortline claim stuff.

Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
fine, here's a vote: atakdog

half because he spent an inordinate amount of time yesterday reacting to getting a couple votes by freaking out about how bad of a shun he'd be and how we should arbitrarily vote Crossnerd specifically (and not any of the several other low-participation people, myself included)

half because the sudden CFD onto JDalla instead of atakdog by people who didn't want to vote aao (or be seen voting aao) was very very interesting and I'm curious how the voting dynamics would work if he's a wagon (if we happen to get real wagons today)

sadly I think he was not a great silence by the peacekeeper... but silence just isn't a good villa power.
Originally Posted by jonnyd
ok after rereading the shorty/jdalla stuff a lot of his posting feels like he felt caught but for the wrong reasons

Originally Posted by jonnyd
if (when) shorty flips wolf, gus dies next
Originally Posted by shortline99
gus is one of my top two wolves

what is this cognitive dissonance

this ++++++ increases jonny and gus are wolves together odds
Originally Posted by shortline99
requoting my wolf list and adding jonny as the mystery wolf

One of Jdalla / atakdog

don't lose this post after i inevitably get lunched or shot
Originally Posted by jonnyd
he's singleton voting me and i just said i want him dead. i dont see how our roles are connected in any way.

IF youre a villager, why would wolves ever bus in this game state with the thread in disarray
two things, my shortline vote got his immediate attention, and this is why wolves were avoiding the subject altogether. he (wrongly) put me right in his wolf list for it but it was because he is right that a lot of wolves say "lets vote villager x today and wolf x tomorrow'.

Originally Posted by shortline99
then vote him, not me

otherwise your words are totally meaningless

"vote [villager today], then vote [wolf] tomorrow" is classic wolf
Originally Posted by jonnyd
i'll happily vote gus today if he becomes a viable lynch candidate
Originally Posted by shortline99

go for it. these wagons are trash anyway. 5 votes for me and maximum one on the others?

Originally Posted by shortline99
you all got mega ultra leveled today obsessing over me when there is probably a ton to learn from the late wagons last night

good luck
Originally Posted by jonnyd
my second post today was saying luckbox should be getting resolved. i also dont see how jdalla is a wolf here. that's basically the wagonomics from yesterday
Originally Posted by jonnyd
as a show of goodwill gus
and here's the rest of the interaction.


next is a short interaction with felix that i thought was notable.. i usually ascribe to the idea that wolves are slow to clear too many people or make sharp jumps in reads because they are afraid of the scrutiny of a lack of natural progression... here are felix and i talking about tokyo, who was doing so much work that morning.

Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
if anyone's curious, I feel a bit better about Tokyo!!'s posting since my case on him yesterday.
Originally Posted by jonnyd
same. i liked your case but his posting has been great and i have him as one of my top villagers
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
I'm not going that far personally, a lot of the activity today has been role-neutral mechanics analysis and puzzle-solving. I did like his summary of reasoning for his reads, it's nice and concise, makes sense, feels honest. That plus other non-mechanics posts from him are a good antidote for my d1 feeling that he was agenda-posting.
idk i dont think its damning in itself but i do think it deserves some wolf points to keep the door open to not strongly clear tokyo (yes i realize he flipped SK)

one last entrance post

Originally Posted by aaronk56
I can see a case where Shorty is not a wolf but it makes him the SK. But the problem is there aren't enough night kills. I don't think Shorty as SK would double up on any of the three kills.

Since, I'm not going to be on a computer or around that much for the rest of the day, I'll vote Shortline now.
gun to my head i think this looks more v than it does w, the 'not going to be around much part' is really the only wolfy part. but AK56 doesn't just park on shortline and peace out, he comes back later and ends up on coordi (him and i have similar progressions throughout the day which is why i lean villager)
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 12:07 AM
oh and since i didnt say it explicitly, i think sixfour's grandpa simpsons in and out entrance in that game state and thread state is hella wolfy, especially in conjunction with his followup post
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I forgot the vigs could miss.
Originally Posted by aaronk56
Pretty simple, I thought he might have been the seer who peeked Traz wolf because he jumped on Traz when Traz had 2 posts and kept at it. Since Traz is a dead villager, I was wrong.
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
i don't believe there was a n0 peek FYI
Originally Posted by aaronk56
The more I post the dumber I look.
further cementing my villa read of ak56, in the span of a page aaronk admits to semiderp posts about forgetting vig shots could miss and not knowing that there was no n0 peek

he's just not the type to angleshoot like this. hes a grown ass man
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 12:50 AM
a few more entrance posts from d2

Originally Posted by Nicholasp27

the most likely explanation is that the wolves thought dobby impersonator was gonna win the contest and thus roleblocked him

with no n0 actions, they wouldn't have any other info to go on for who to roleblock

nobody should be voting shorty for jdalla's claim

jdalla looks villager and shorty is neutral from the claim
Originally Posted by KruZe
is it wrong that i think both of these posts are role neutral for both of these people lol

Originally Posted by sixfour
i've scanned now

ok, i see the shortline thing, yeah, i think that needs resolving, luckbox isn't filling me with confidence either but so i guess if there is an alternative then gus might be fine. CQ i don't recall seeing much today so wouldn't mind just playing on again, kukra's early posting seemed a bit off, is crossnerd even playing here

whoever said this is a waste of a day (might have been shortline) seems about right in one sense, but there's enough actions going on that it really isn't the case. someone ask me something to focus what i'm looking at
not an entrance but after quoting his last few posts i figured i should quote a post where he shares some thoughts. notable that he feels compelled to soft defend/wants to punt on CQ who has no votes but has been thrown around as a wolf by shorty and a few others... but wasn't really part of the discussion at all

Originally Posted by VoraciousMother
Day 2: Automated Votals from #1757 to #1808

Luckbox Inc (5): Sun Tzu (25), jonnyd (23), Luckbox Inc (79), aaronk56 (17), Kukraprout (53)
shortline99 (4): JDalla (24), dmk (39), Tokyo!! (42), wdcbooks (17)
gusmahler (3): shortline99 (60), Nicholasp27 (4), sixfour (3)
dmk (1): coordi (7)
KruZe (1): YouKnowWho (17)
coordi (1): Felix the Cat (20)
Not voting (9): atakdog (0), biggerboat (0), crackedquads (0), Crossnerd (0), gusmahler (14), KruZe (1), mrs. jonnyd (2), riverfish1 (0), UNVOTE (0)

Phase ends in 2h50m. Hammer at 12.

Vote history:
Nicholasp27 (1): gusmahler
Kukraprout (1): Luckbox Inc
sixfour (1): gusmahler

<Beta v0.1.8>

^vote count for context
here's a very notable post

below is riverfish's FIRST post of the day at 6PM, ~3 hours before EOD.. and i'm not sure how or why he "still" likes shortline/luckbox wagons. his most recent post prior to this was with an hour left before EOD, which is why he starts off quoting a DMK post from 9AM that he feels the need to comment on because he hasnt yet because he wasnt around all day.

Originally Posted by riverfish1
I agree Birdman was widely considered cleared but I'll remind everyone that DMK tried to start a wagon on him (I think aao and dustbox were the lead wagons). I remember this because it contributed to my (obviously wrong) grand wolf conspiracy theory.

this struck me as wolfy on my readthrough. But Kukra has done other things since to be villagery, so meh?

I had the same reaction as DMK to the luckbox/Jdalla posts above. Which is weird because I find DMK wolfy. It's also weird that Coordi is the only one on DMK, who is also pretty wolfy.

going back to village points for tokyo

thank you for pointing this out. Wolves could be going whole hog FPS and claiming this kill when they actually used it to kill someone else and their vig kill just whiffed.

Despite my DMK misgivings, I still like a shortline / dustbox wagon
as far as spew analysis goes we have cracked saying he wants to vote atak, and giving me, ykw and felix villa reads. i honestly dont know what to make of that list of 3. and is there any way he really just made a post with 6 villagers in it? not impossible but seems unlikely

Originally Posted by crackedquads
I'm a big fan of a shortline vote. Would also like an atakdog wagon
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Jdalla the most obvious villager itt. kukra and books heading in that direction as well. Leaning villa on jonny, ykw, and felix
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:32 AM
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:35 AM
hi kruze ill be nice lets talk
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:38 AM
hey guys jonnyd

whatcha thinkin
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:39 AM
got any spicy reads for me?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
got any spicy reads for me?
I can't help feel that all that "work" you just did was an easy way for a wolf to appear to be doing something, it was mostly just recapping stuff that happened right? any grand conclusions from all that work?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
I can't help feel that all that "work" you just did was an easy way for a wolf to appear to be doing something, it was mostly just recapping stuff that happened right? any grand conclusions from all that work?
yeah. i have some regrets especially since it was just me in thread and it makes it feel spammy, but its not my fault no one else is posting to interact with!

it was mostly an effort for me to read the thread more closely and get a better hang on things (i dont know if youve noticed but ive been very wrong about almost everything all game) and just share notable things that i think could be useful for the villa coalition

if they appreciate the work thats great but i know its not clearing

i do feel like i have a much better handle on some of the 'unknowns' (aaronk, youknowwho) and hopefully if im right about them i can help swing things / set us up for an epic comeback
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:46 AM
sixfour (2)
gusmahler (8)
dmk (23)
aaronk56 (6)
atakdog (0)
Crossnerd (0),
Felix the Cat (17)
jonnyd (29)
Kukraprout (26),
Nicholasp27 (5),
riverfish1 (12),
wdcbooks (11),
YouKnowWho (6)

This is about where I'm at right now, green = pretty sure villa, orange = idk red=woofin prolly
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
I can't help feel that all that "work" you just did was an easy way for a wolf to appear to be doing something, it was mostly just recapping stuff that happened right? any grand conclusions from all that work?
wont lie i had a feeling the spicy read would be about me and was trying to consider ahead of time if youd be more likely to involve me as a wolf or villa

spoiler: it was inconclusive

care to make it easier for me?

or maybe you have secret villager or deep wolf reads u want to share?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:47 AM
how many wolves are left?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:49 AM
lol xpost

any specifics like interactions or memorable posts from youknowwho? if you dont feel like quoting i dont mind going back if you have an idea when they happened
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
how many wolves are left?
2 dead so 5 wolves left
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
wont lie i had a feeling the spicy read would be about me and was trying to consider ahead of time if youd be more likely to involve me as a wolf or villa

spoiler: it was inconclusive

care to make it easier for me?

or maybe you have secret villager or deep wolf reads u want to share?

well I was really feelin it... and it was spicy... so I had to say it

I WANT you to be a villa though... I think your head's been in the game in a villagery way... so there is no way I'm voting you anytime soon. I don't think I recall what your wolf game is even like...

Is your play so far within your wolf range?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
yeah. i have some regrets especially since it was just me in thread and it makes it feel spammy, but its not my fault no one else is posting to interact with!

it was mostly an effort for me to read the thread more closely and get a better hang on things (i dont know if youve noticed but ive been very wrong about almost everything all game) and just share notable things that i think could be useful for the villa coalition

if they appreciate the work thats great but i know its not clearing

i do feel like i have a much better handle on some of the 'unknowns' (aaronk, youknowwho) and hopefully if im right about them i can help swing things / set us up for an epic comeback
so far I was wrong on Luckbox Inc... but I blame him for that

I was right on coordi and was an early coordi voter (i think i was 3rd person to vote) and didn't change.

I called out river day 1 as having a wolf read on him, so I hope that plays out to be correct.

So my reads haven't really been terrible so far and I'm feelin good bout my reads. I believe villa gonna win this. Most of the villas that flipped I had as villa. I wasn't sure what crackedquads was, they would've been orange on my list today if that woof was still alive.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
lol xpost

any specifics like interactions or memorable posts from youknowwho? if you dont feel like quoting i dont mind going back if you have an idea when they happened
I was recently tunneled in Mafia Champion Series 7 by a villager for two days straight, so that's kinda fresh in my mind, YouKnowWho has been tunneling me everyday here, and it feels like it's in a wolfy way compared to how the villager tunneled me in the Mafia game. Almost like he felt it would be easy to mislynch me so he latched onto that idea, and has been doubling down daily as an easy way to not have to really go into reads on other players... as long as he has me to want to lynch, that's all he gonna do lol... wolfy.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe

well I was really feelin it... and it was spicy... so I had to say it

I WANT you to be a villa though... I think your head's been in the game in a villagery way... so there is no way I'm voting you anytime soon. I don't think I recall what your wolf game is even like...

Is your play so far within your wolf range?
i think there's been a few things that are outside of my wolf range (i know this **** is pointless bc no one will take my word for it but its fun to talk about)

i think last night theres no way i go on and on about lynching outside the claim with a wolf being 1 vote away from being hammered. i think its also hard to fake how wrong/sincere i was without slipping

but like even today all the busy work.. nothing that i couldnt do as a wolf but i dont think i would have had the energy to keep it up this long especially given game state
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
i think there's been a few things that are outside of my wolf range (i know this **** is pointless bc no one will take my word for it but its fun to talk about)

i think last night theres no way i go on and on about lynching outside the claim with a wolf being 1 vote away from being hammered. i think its also hard to fake how wrong/sincere i was without slipping

but like even today all the busy work.. nothing that i couldnt do as a wolf but i dont think i would have had the energy to keep it up this long especially given game state
What is your take on YouKnowWho?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
so far I was wrong on Luckbox Inc... but I blame him for that

I was right on coordi and was an early coordi voter (i think i was 3rd person to vote) and didn't change.

I called out river day 1 as having a wolf read on him, so I hope that plays out to be correct.

So my reads haven't really been terrible so far and I'm feelin good bout my reads. I believe villa gonna win this. Most of the villas that flipped I had as villa. I wasn't sure what crackedquads was, they would've been orange on my list today if that woof was still alive.
yea i think i agree. on reread i think luckbox felt like self voting and making himself a wagon was the only way he could stir things up on a dead day that seemed like shorty was gonna go down with no info gained.. dustin was afraid to even vote what he wanted bc he felt like it'd just derail things. hard for sure but after his d1 with aao he was just a blackhole of attention that needed to be resolved

which day did you vote coordi, d3?
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 02:02 AM
meant to say more about that post ^

i think your explanation of how you wouldn't go on about lynching outside of the claim when the wolf is 1 vote away from being capped makes sense... but on the flip side it could just be a wolf trying to save a wolf bro and not afraid to be wrong

i remember a couple people were kinda pushing for lynching outside the claim, crossnerd comes to mind... and it just kinda seemed laughable from my point of view, that seer claim from coordi was like... not convincing at all lol to me at least...
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
What is your take on YouKnowWho?
i think its understandable that you have him as a wolf bc he has been tunneling you. though i do think even you know that you have been posting in a way that draws scrutiny.. i think its a stretch to say that is all he is doing, he has made some pretty thoughtful posts, but his agenda/votes/actions do seem very prioritized on you and crossnerd dying.

i think unless YKW is extremely bussy i'd say you two are in order of likelihood:
v/w > v/v >>>> w/w
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
yea i think i agree. on reread i think luckbox felt like self voting and making himself a wagon was the only way he could stir things up on a dead day that seemed like shorty was gonna go down with no info gained.. dustin was afraid to even vote what he wanted bc he felt like it'd just derail things. hard for sure but after his d1 with aao he was just a blackhole of attention that needed to be resolved

which day did you vote coordi, d3?
think I only voted him once/the day he was killed

I remember people having a wolf lean on coordi early day 1 and I didn't disagree, but I'm not familiar enough with coordis game to really speak up about him at that time.
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
06-28-2020 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
meant to say more about that post ^

i think your explanation of how you wouldn't go on about lynching outside of the claim when the wolf is 1 vote away from being capped makes sense... but on the flip side it could just be a wolf trying to save a wolf bro and not afraid to be wrong

i remember a couple people were kinda pushing for lynching outside the claim, crossnerd comes to mind... and it just kinda seemed laughable from my point of view, that seer claim from coordi was like... not convincing at all lol to me at least...
yea i dont blame anyone for not finding it convincing but i still feel compelled to lay it out for people for some reason.

coming from me its easy to flip and just say ah you were doing that so you could say you'd never do it to get credit for it, but that doesnt take into account the amount of energy that kind of posting takes and based on the general energy of the thread it's kind of hard to be the only one making noise.. if i did all of that before dear leader wdcbooks Gladiator thumbs down'd Coordi then fine, but afterwards.. idk its just hard for me to imagine spending my fri evening doing so when a) wolves have a backup and b) up to that point a single wolf hadnt died
'07-'09 REUNION - REDUX: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters Quote
