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Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts...

02-10-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
Standard denial imo....where there's smoke there's fire. He probably got yelled at for being chatty.
Agreed 100%. Next couple weeks should be fun!
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by As armas
Once Reid and Kyl make their bill public, it is going to be a big news story. This idea of keeping things quiet and sneaking it into the tax cut bill is pure fantasy.

I can't wait till next week!!!
Big here, trivial in the world.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:35 PM
Sorry if this has been asked already, but when is the tax cut bill gonna be voted on?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by :::grimReaper:::
What are the chances the bill accepts Nevada's license, thus allowing the current sites that are applying for Nevada's license able to offer interstate poker?
100% (if you mean Nevada's online gaming license).
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:36 PM
When it is.........
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
100% (if you mean Nevada's online gaming license).
Great. So because we expected intrastate poker in Nevada by the end of this year, that means we can now expect interstate poker by the end of this year if this goes through?

(btw, slugger suggested it would take at least a year)
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by doobz89
Sorry if this has been asked already, but when is the tax cut bill gonna be voted on?
They go on break (again) on Feb. 17th and they want it done by then.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:46 PM
So much of the speculation in this thread is based off a tweet that is denied as false rumor? What exactly are the other sources of this development?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by konar
So this entire thread is based off a tweet that is denied as false rumor?
There's a lot more to it than that. I've been hearing rumblings for a week or two about something along these lines, but whether it all comes to fruition is really anyones guess.

What I do know, is that now is as good of a time as ever to be doing the daily action plans and calling your senators.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by :::grimReaper:::
Great. So because we expected intrastate poker in Nevada by the end of this year, that means we can now expect interstate poker by the end of this year if this goes through?

(btw, slugger suggested it would take at least a year)
timeline isn't really determinable at this point IMO
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:49 PM
I mean, I know it's fun to sit here and talk about time tables and other details but nobody has those answers right now and even if they do, they could easily change between now and whenever we have new information.

Stop worrying about the infinite amount of questions that come from this bill passing, and start worrying about getting the bill passed.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:52 PM
Still watching, Patrick W. Fleming is killing it. So much

Last edited by Regret$; 02-10-2012 at 03:54 PM. Reason: lol im in wrong thread...
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
kind of exciting to check in on these kind of things from time to time and know that it really doesnt matter to me anymore because im costa rican now

good luck with your estados unidos

Someone get this guy a cookie?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton

Stop worrying about the infinite amount of questions that come from this bill passing, and start worrying about getting the bill passed.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
Stop worrying about the infinite amount of questions that come from this bill passing, and start worrying about getting the bill passed.
Timeline is pretty important to anyone considering moving to LV (like me).
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:59 PM
It will be important to see how this is spun. If it is "Ipoker legalization" then we have a problem. If it is "UIGEA strengthened" then, better. I don't think it helps that the biggest moral busybody in recorded history is running for President, and recently finding out that when he champions social conservatism, he crushes Romney.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton

Stop worrying about the infinite amount of questions that come from this bill passing, and start worrying about getting the bill passed.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by :::grimReaper:::
Timeline is pretty important to anyone considering moving to LV (like me).
tbh, if this passes I would imagine NV will continue with their regulatory process, but I'm not sure if they're put cards in the air in NV only

I'm just totally speculating, but I would imagine they will say they want to be regulators and that's it. I don't forsee them launching INTRAstate poker if a fed bill is passed.

Anybody (DQ/PX/others) with more speculating as to whether they would even be able to start offering intrastate and then join the federal pool of states later on?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by tangled
It will be important to see how this is spun. If it is "Ipoker legalization" then we have a problem. If it is "UIGEA strengthened" then, better. I don't think it helps that the biggest moral busybody in recorded history is running for President, and recently finding out that when he champions social conservatism, he crushes Romney.
I really don't know anything, but somehow I'm certain that it's exactly what it's gonna go under.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by gnvsnk
I really don't know anything, but somehow I'm certain that it's exactly what it's gonna go under.
In my hurry I wasn't clear. Obviously, Reid and Kyl will spin it that way, but which spin will dominate the media coverage is still an open question.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 04:44 PM
A lot of posts in this thread, so I decided to discuss timeframe in another thread:
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by tangled
In my hurry I wasn't clear. Obviously, Reid and Kyl will spin it that way, but which spin will dominate the media coverage is still an open question.
I see. Well, with all the talk about "paying for the Tax Cuts" etc. I'd say the iPoker coverage would be pretty substantial. I mean it looks like a candy for the media.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 05:22 PM
I think this is helpful for us because we will help offset this a little.

"...the toughest issue — how to offset the $160 billion cost of extending all three elements — has yet to be engaged."
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by :::grimReaper:::
Timeline is pretty important to anyone considering moving to LV (like me).
We don't know, and won't know.

It is perfectly possible that the bill says 6 months but no sites open for 12, or 18. It's possible the bill says 12 months, but says 6 by the time it's passed.

It's even more possible that the sites open in 'x' months but completely suck ass for 'x' more months and don't make it possible to make money.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 05:27 PM
you can't know what you don't know.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
