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Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts...

02-14-2012 , 07:44 PM
it's like a roller coaster of emotions itt
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:45 PM
i never ignore people and banonlinepoker is the most obv obv obv user to insta add to your ignore lists it isn't even close please follow suit
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
Who exactly is stringing you along?
Originally Posted by amurophil
yes, its all an elaborate rouse to mess with us
First of all both of you take off your tin foil hats. I'm not here to blame the PPA or anyone else but our elected officials.

Second the string along is, for the last how many years have we been hearing about HR xxxx then we hear x elected official is going to try to get this through?

How many times have we heard "it's not the right time/ bill/ the weather just wasn't right"? or " we'll have a chance later this year"?

I'm astounded that these lobbist's who are for the gaming companies aren't ****ting their pants and screaming at the top of their lungs at these elected officials they keep giving god who knows how much money to, to get this done and nothing ever happens.

I just hope that we can see something on the UI or doc fix bill's. I'm not holding my breath any more at this point though.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by sluggger5x
It is important to the ones who feel they are being strung along.........that at some point dealmaking will have to be done with the rank and file individuals, in both Houses. The chances of a clean bill passing for everything is tiny. *IF* Reid and Kyl have an agreement, and no one has proven they do, but if they do, they will have a chance to attach it this month.

No one has promised anything. No one who is speaking up KNOWS anything. But, no one is lying when they say the atmosphere for attachment is excellent and the chance of passage after even higher. If you can't fade these sweats get a job.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by b finkelstein
there is zero chance that a federal ipoker will not happen. the big 3 raked 50 million a week ,there is no way that these greedy pigs will allow 200 million a month to not be earned. the doj out of the blue just reverses there decision on the legality of online poker. and all the other **** that has gone down black friday ect ect. these scumbag loser liar politicians will make this happen it is inevitable. lol @ the thought of the greediest pigs on the universe not getting there cut of 200 million a month. lets forget all the bull****, deep down inside we all know ipoker will be regulated soon cus the pigs want there money/
well they haven't done it for the last what? 10 years or so? They don't seem in that big of a hurry to me. Although I do agree we will see it some time.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by The Deal
First of all both of you take off your tin foil hats. I'm not here to blame the PPA or anyone else but our elected officials.

Second the string along is, for the last how many years have we been hearing about HR xxxx then we hear x elected official is going to try to get this through?

How many times have we heard "it's not the right time/ bill/ the weather just wasn't right"? or " we'll have a chance later this year"?

I'm astounded that these lobbist's who are for the gaming companies aren't ****ting their pants and screaming at the top of their lungs at these elected officials they keep giving god who knows how much money to, to get this done and nothing ever happens.

I just hope that we can see something on the UI or doc fix bill's. I'm not holding my breath any more at this point though.

To be fair to The Deal. I can understand the frustration and sense of hypocrisy. There was certainly was never a question of "it's not the right time" when they were jamming the UIGEA down our throats.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Didn't Dr. Rose, at the recent Senate hearing, say something like he thought only 5 or so sates would opt-out?

I thought that was way high, but 32-35ish seems about right.
No states will need to opt-out UNLESS such a bill passes. I still think it is more likely that an Opt-in mechanism would make any bill marginally more passable than any bill which forces States to "opt-out" or puts some of them "auto-in".

States facing budget red ink likely have concerns about their sovereignty/control re: gaming revenues

FWIW, for all the posting here about th Indian Affairs, there was nothing said that really answered the tribal gaming sovereignty concerns there, EXCEPT that it would be "only poker".
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
i never ignore people and banonlinepoker is the most obv obv obv user to insta add to your ignore lists it isn't even close please follow suit
or you could do what I do. Read his posts, roll your eyes and then move on to the next.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:49 PM
the deal.... do us all a favor and shut up you are acting like a big baby. i blocked banonlinepoker btw i agree we should all do it
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Guest_1048
Lawmakers Reach Tentative Deal on Payroll Tax and Jobless Benefits

No link yet.
here we really go
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:52 PM
I haven't seen anywhere saying that a deal is done besides that NYT headlines which was 25 minutes ago. hmmm.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:52 PM
just speculation, but 2 bills > 1 bill. This sounds more like 1 bill ????
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:53 PM
swongs imo
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:54 PM
trib had it around the same time slugger,3721403.story
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:54 PM

title is "Congress nears deal on payroll tax" updated at 6:39, no mention of poker in the article?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by As armas

title is "Congress nears deal on payroll tax" updated at 6:39, no mention of poker in the article?
My guess is we won't know until it is introduced.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:56 PM
Says payroll tax cut will not be paid for, not sure if thats good or bad.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:57 PM
is this real life
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Curtlow
Says payroll tax cut will not be paid for, not sure if thats good or bad.
CNN also has an article saying that the payroll tax cut wouldn't be paid for but UI and "doc fix" would be paid for.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Curtlow
Says payroll tax cut will not be paid for, not sure if thats good or bad.
I think that is neutral. My understanding is that they are going to pass the tax cut clean and have any pay fors in the other bill with UI and doc fix.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:59 PM
Oh my god. If this agreement contains all 3 things (payroll/unemployment/docfix) then it better contain ipoker or else it's gg.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 08:00 PM
I love our more "transparent" government.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 08:01 PM
If it contains all 3, more than likely IPOKER will be there
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-14-2012 , 08:02 PM
I for one am glad the MSM is taking the high road and not letting this silly distraction get in the way of reporting on the cause of Whitney Houston's death.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
