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Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts...

02-10-2012 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by gnvsnk
I see. Well, with all the talk about "paying for the Tax Cuts" etc. I'd say the iPoker coverage would be pretty substantial. I mean it looks like a candy for the media.
But where will the money for the tax cuts be coming from? Will it be from vulnerable family members and children who will be caught up in gambling addictions produced by Ipoker regulation, or will it be from the money drained from families now by off-shore sites that skirt the law and offer no protection for vulnerable gamblers?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:00 PM
a pro gambling bill slipping quietly by is almost nil adding election season makes it even closer or absolutely nil
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:02 PM
it wouldn't be pro-gambling. it'd implement more stringent prohibitions against online gambling --exempting online poker, which some people believe to be a game of skill.

(paraphrasing the future jon kyl)
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Ponder
a pro gambling bill slipping quietly by is almost nil adding election season makes it even closer or absolutely nil
The bill is likely going to prohibit all gambling except poker, like HR2366. Or it'll likely "strengthen" the UIGEA.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by tangled
vulnerable family members and children who will be caught up in gambling addictions produced by Ipoker regulation will be on fox news

money drained from families now by off-shore sites that skirt the law and offer no protection for vulnerable gamblers will be MSNBC
depends where you get your propaganda from imo.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by tangled
But where will the money for the tax cuts be coming from? Will it be from vulnerable family members and children who will be caught up in gambling addictions produced by Ipoker regulation, or will it be from the legitimate US gaming businesses and not off-shore sites that skirt the law and offer no protection for vulnerable gamblers?
Exactly - that's why I think it'll be covered so much: from the media pov, you have 2 ~"sellable", convenient perspectives. But FYP a bit.

P.S. Save the kids
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:16 PM
Straight from the Nevada Governor's twitter:

Governor Sandoval@GovSandoval

@GlobalGamingBiz This report is false. Governor Sandoval has made no such statements.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:34 PM
so we fail then?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
so we fail then?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Sydien
Governor saying the GGB tweet is BS is bad for us or is it a level?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Governor saying the GGB tweet is BS is false or is it a level?
Go read the OP and come back when the validity of that tweet matters.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:42 PM
Awesome, more snotty remarks for seeking information
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:48 PM
It is possible that this tweet from GGB was based off of a fallacious source or it's possible that Gov. Sandoval did in fact inform execs of an attachment but for political reasons is publicly denying.

I just don't see how two unrelated media outlets both made the same claim within hours of each other. That would be quite a coincidence.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by konar
So much of the speculation in this thread is based off a tweet that is denied as false rumor? What exactly are the other sources of this development?
Which goes back to how this site is moderated. How can a thread be allowed without a source?


This thread should have been locked hours ago.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
I think I was onto something with the "Cone of Silence".
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Which goes back to how this site is moderated. How can a thread be allowed without a source?


This thread should have been locked hours ago.
everybody understands the significance of the tweet, we're not a newspaper delivering information to readers. We are free to post any rumors and I would hope you would have a sense of personal responsibility/freedom. This isn't a prison and it's not a website that is delivering factual news.

Also, I suggest you read the article posted in the OP. The main quote in there is from a named source.

Wendell Moore, senior public policy advisor to a law firm that provides back-of-house operations for the Tennessee lottery, said that while lobbying in Washington, D.C. in meetings with opponents to the online poker act, he was told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to propose an online gaming amendment to the Senate's unemployment payroll tax bill this month.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
I think I was onto something with the "Cone of Silence".
i mean at least be SLIGHTLY covert and call the top vegas execs on your shoephone. we all know all governors are given one by CIA... (did you REALLY think mrs Palin's $400k wardrobe bill was for clothing you just can buy at a shop? please. if you did you're either more foolish than i thought or you're in on it.)
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Which goes back to how this site is moderated. How can a thread be allowed without a source?


This thread should have been locked hours ago.
this thread makes sense with what lots of people who know have been saying. the tweet is interesting, but im pretty sure denying it is standard procedure at this point. i doubt kyl and reid would want a governor breaking their deal for them, especially since this is something they likely want to keep quiet.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
oh....and I am not using my one time....because I don't feel I need it. I think this is the one.
As a long time antneye fan, this is epic I believe you this time, man.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by tangled
But where will the money for the tax cuts be coming from? Will it be from vulnerable family members and children who will be caught up in gambling addictions produced by Ipoker regulation, or will it be from the money drained from families now by off-shore sites that skirt the law and offer no protection for vulnerable gamblers?
The only reason Kyl is supporting this is to ban all other forms of gambling. He is willing to give into poker as he see's it as the lesser of all the other games. This is going to be spun in a positive light as something that is going to prevent people from being able to play more dangerous and addicting forms of gambling like online slot machines. They are also going to say it is going to protect underage people from having access to illegal gambling sites,which they currently can access. The whole bill is going to be more about banning and protecting the people then it is going to be about poker which is the only way they could get something like this passed.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
this thread makes sense with what lots of people who know have been saying. the tweet is interesting, but im pretty sure denying it is standard procedure at this point. i doubt kyl and reid would want a governor breaking their deal for them, especially since this is something they likely want to keep quiet.
Speaking to this, as much as poker players want to hear about this I would assume the general public either does not care or is against Ipoker, as they likely think its the same as Igaming.

I would assume both Reid and Kyl would want a bill to get as little press as possible until its passed, then tout UIEGA 2/ Ipoker to their respective constituencies.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by gnvsnk
Exactly - that's why I think it'll be covered so much: from the media pov, you have 2 ~"sellable", convenient perspectives. But FYP a bit.

P.S. Save the kids
I think there are two big things working in our favor. One, is that Republicans took such a beating over the tax cut a few months ago that they may just want to get it behind them this time and speed a deal through. In that regard, the fact that it is an election year helps us. I am not saying an Ipoker deal won't get scrutiny, I am saying it may not be long, drawn out scrutiny, because the legislative process may be short and sweet.

The second thing that helps us is that Kyl is behind this apparently. That is huge imo. It is not just that he is a leading republican, it is that he has been a leader at curbing online gaming in the past. Historically, when controversial things pass, it is often because a staunch proponent on one side, flips.

Of course, I can think of reasons to be pessimistic too, but I don't want to today. My mommy said I don't have to so I'm not.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Roush97
The only reason Kyl is supporting this is to ban all other forms of gambling. He is willing to give into poker as he see's it as the lesser of all the other games. This is going to be spun in a positive light as something that is going to prevent people from being able to play more dangerous and addicting forms of gambling like online slot machines. They are also going to say it is going to protect underage people from having access to illegal gambling sites,which they currently can access. The whole bill is going to be more about banning and protecting the people then it is going to be about poker which is the only way they could get something like this passed.
Well that's the rub I was trying to get at. Certainly, it can be spun that the bill is about banning and protecting, but I am not convinced leading social conservatives in an election year will go along with that spin. I hope so, or at least, they just shut their gd mouths for once.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by tangled
In my hurry I wasn't clear. Obviously, Reid and Kyl will spin it that way, but which spin will dominate the media coverage is still an open question.
My first thought was that the UIGEA-II angle would predominate. But iPoker is a lot sexier than UIGEA-II and will probably get most of the media attention, which may not be all that great in any case.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
