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Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts...

02-10-2012 , 01:47 PM
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by sluggger5x
Per Alex Ripps of GamblingCompliance.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Guys get real here. The DNC will have to drop this to get the tax bill passed. Reid got caught trying this once before and got blown out the room. It's bad law making and it's another bad move from a horrible politician pandering to his donors. It's a shame actually and has little chance of happening.
Are you purposely ignoring the fact that this time he has a deal in place with Kyl?

Go troll somewhere else.

oh....and I am not using my one time....because I don't feel I need it. I think this is the one.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by novahunterpa
Would be great if it can get slipped in quietly somehow. If Reid and Kyl did make a deal and can somehow get it done then I just wish they would stay quite and not mention it publicly till its done. I fear letting the info get out ahead of time allows for opponents to build support to kill the deal.

Unless this is just part of Reid/Kyl's plan? Maybe they need to float the idea a few time to test the waters before going full bore and finding the time and bill to attach I-poker. Hope its real this time.
I agree. We shouldn't even be having this thread. No reason to clue potential foes in what is going on.

From this time forward, all chatter on this subject should be conducted via:

Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by sluggger5x
Per Alex Ripps of GamblingCompliance.
tough to interpret the he saying he's catching wind of the agreement from his sources or is he saying he read the tweet from GGB and is now trying to confirm?

Quite different scenarios. Also, I imagine official confirmation will be kept hush hush as long as humanly possible
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Guys get real here. The DNC will have to drop this to get the tax bill passed. Reid got caught trying this once before and got blown out the room. It's bad law making and it's another bad move from a horrible politician pandering to his donors. It's a shame actually and has little chance of happening.
This is off. The deal on a poker bill could get halted because of exterior factors, but not the bill itself. Pending some more confirmation it looks like this is the agreement needed. Once we get confirmation we just have to see if the vehicle (tax cuts) will get through discussions.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
tough to interpret the he saying he's catching wind of the agreement from his sources or is he saying he read the tweet from GGB and is now trying to confirm?

Quite different scenarios. Also, I imagine official confirmation will be kept hush hush as long as humanly possible
Well having a Tennessee lottery lobbyist confirm it and then the Nevada governor 9 hours later suggests to me that it word is getting around. Both of these claims were made by completely separate news outlets in no way affiliated with each other.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:04 PM
word's getting around cause you posted that tidbit from the student newspaper and it started a game of telephone that reached gov sandavol. now we just have to hope Reid and Kyl "three's company" this and make moves to further perpetuate the lie to try to make everything work out without admitting a flub.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:07 PM
What are the next steps if this gets attached and passed? estimated timeline?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by cute lil frog
What are the next steps if this gets attached and passed? estimated timeline?
Absolutely no idea.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
I agree. We shouldn't even be having this thread. No reason to clue potential foes in what is going on.

From this time forward, all chatter on this subject should be conducted via:

Who exactly are we keeping it secret from? A Senatorial leader of the Republican party, who has been diligently working with the Democratic leader to develop this bill attachment because he wants UIGEA-II before leaving office this year? The Indian nations, who are of a general sentiment that their gaming revenues have to be preserved by stopping the tide of state i-gaming bills? The state governments, who have been asking and waiting for years for the federal government to act on the issue? The lottery commissioners, who want to protect their lottery revenues from the intrusion of open-market casino i-gaming? The NFL, who doesn't want competition for their income streams from state authorized i-gaming? The b&m casinos, who mostly want this bill to prevent revenue hits from state-run i-gaming and who want i-poker for the revenues and for driving more foot traffic to their casinos? The American public, who are in the majority pro i-poker legislation? The anti-gambling crowd, who know what is going on anyway and largely seem to be willing to back the compromise of licensed i-poker in exchange for UIGEA-II, particularly now that without a federal bill state-authorized gaming will explode?

Really, about the only "foes" to this compromise are:

1. Religious zealots who would rather be right about never passing any i-gaming expansion, even if it will prevent the expansion of i-gaming.
2. Small casinos and tribes who aren't in a position to get a share of the pie.
3. Big casinos who need a delay to catch up on being ready for licensed i-poker.
4. Bumpkins that don't know the difference between video poker and i-poker.

These all know legislation is being worked on and likely to come to a vote, post-DOJ opinion letter. There is no need for a "hush-hush" mandate; the attachment isn't being done on the sly.

Note: I am assuming that the Reid/Kyl bill will address the expressed concerns of the Indian nations and the state lotteries. I'd be very surprised if it didn't.

Last edited by PokerXanadu; 02-10-2012 at 02:57 PM.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by cute lil frog
What are the next steps if this gets attached and passed? estimated timeline?
First in-state licensing will occur on the current Nevada timeline, imo, which I estimate to be cards in the air in fourth quarter 2012. Multi-state sites will probably be something like 2nd quarter 2013. End of 2013/beginning of 2014 for next i-poker boom.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
First in-state licensing will occur on the current Nevada timeline, imo, which I estimate to be cards in the air in fourth quarter 2012. Multi-state sites will probably be something like 2nd quarter 2013. End of 2013/beginning of 2014 for next i-poker boom.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, please. Baby steps.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:25 PM
Anyone with any LVSun contacts want to share sentiment there?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:27 PM
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:27 PM
Sorry, didn't mean to derail thread. Thanks for the response.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
Who exactly are we keeping it secret from? The Senatorial leader of the Republican party, who has been diligently working with the Democratic leader to develop this bill attachment because he wants UIGEA-II before leaving office this year? The Indian nations, who are of a general sentiment that their gaming revenues have to be preserved by stopping the tide of state i-gaming bills? The state governments, who have been asking and waiting for years for the federal government to act on the issue? The lottery commissioners, who want to protect their lottery revenues from the intrusion of open-market casino i-gaming? The NFL, who doesn't want competition for their income streams from state authorized i-gaming? The b&m casinos, who mostly want this bill to prevent revenue hits from state-run i-gaming and who want i-poker for the revenues and for driving more foot traffic to their casinos? The American public, who are in the majority pro i-poker legislation? The anti-gambling crowd, who know what is going on anyway and largely seem to be willing to back the compromise of licensed i-poker in exchange for UIGEA-II, particularly now that without a federal bill state-authorized gaming will explode?

Really, about the only "foes" to this compromise are:

1. Religious zealots who would rather be right about never passing any i-gaming expansion, even if it will prevent the expansion of i-gaming.
2. Small casinos and tribes who aren't in a position to get a share of the pie.
3. Big casinos who need a delay to catch up on being ready for licensed i-poker.
4. Bumpkins that don't know the difference between video poker and i-poker.

These all know legislation is being worked on and likely to come to a vote, post-DOJ opinion letter. There is no need for a "hush-hush" mandate; the attachment isn't being done on the sly.

Note: I am assuming that the Reid/Kyl bill will address the expressed concerns of the Indian nations and the state lotteries. I'd be very surprised if it didn't.
Senate minority (Republican) leader is McConnell, not Kyl.

I could pick at the rest too, but really, why bother? If "we are not keeping it a secret", then why can WE not see the bill?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:39 PM
Governor Sandoval's spokesperson shot down the claims made by Global Gambing Biz:

@BrianSandoval spox shoots down Twitter report he is telling NV casinos of a Reid-Kyl deal on #webpoker. "That is patently false," she sez.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
Senate minority (Republican) leader is McConnell, not Kyl.

I could pick at the rest too, but really, why bother? If "we are not keeping it a secret", then why can WE not see the bill?
They would normally answer this, by saying that it is not finalized.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
The DNC isn't involved, at all. After lame duck 2010 this became a fight between Reid, Kyl, and the domestic casino industry. The first two seem agreed, now we wait to hear Adelson's press reply........
Uhh yea the GOP and DNC are involved, as in they will want to debate this and they won't stand for it getting rammed though in another bill that will be hotly contested on the main issue and has to get done in two weeks. Which is why Dingy Harry got flamed last time he tried this crap. To pander to his hometown cronies.

I know you are all praying to your Gods for this to go through but it will be dropped from the tax cut deal.

Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:50 PM
There are other bigger issues that they are arguing about like, the 1% surtax on rich people or the oil pipeline that they want to add to this...
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by sluggger5x
Governor Sandoval's spokesperson shot down the claims made by Global Gambing Biz:
Standard denial imo....where there's smoke there's fire. He probably got yelled at for being chatty.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
Senate minority (Republican) leader is McConnell, not Kyl.

I could pick at the rest too, but really, why bother? If "we are not keeping it a secret", then why can WE not see the bill?
Oops - mistyped. Meant "A Senatorial leader" rather than "The Senatorial leader".

Anyway, my sentiment is the same. We can't see the bill because we aren't Senators and it hasn't been made public yet. Yes, the rumors might be false. But they are conceivably true. I expect to see a federal Reid/Kyl bill in the very near future one way or another. They didn't get together on their letter to the DOJ for nothing - certainly not to open the gaming industry to multiple state bills for legalizing i-gaming.
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:27 PM
Once Reid and Kyl make their bill public, it is going to be a big news story. This idea of keeping things quiet and sneaking it into the tax cut bill is pure fantasy.

I can't wait till next week!!!
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
02-10-2012 , 03:31 PM
What are the chances the bill accepts Nevada's license, thus allowing the current sites that are applying for Nevada's license able to offer interstate poker?
Lottery Lobbyist source: Reid will try to attach online poker to tax cuts... Quote
