Update Continued
This was my first week working and learning the business. Everything seemed legit, so I was happy with my decision to go partners. I just wasn't happy with my living arrangements in the meantime. I did have my own room and bathroom, but I felt like I was incarcerated. With the warden(Steph) overseeing every move. I started to feel bad for Ramon when I became witness to his home life. I did mention this house was new construction, and the new house that was built next door was owned by her parents. He shared a backyard with his in-laws. These homes were built right on top of each other. I doubt the parents had much, if any financial involvement on Steph's property, but they sure came and went like they did. He would constantly get nagged and tortured by his wife and in-laws about everything he did. He was treated like a worthless loser. I was shocked at how well he took the constant criticism. What really put it over the top for me was one morning in the kitchen while I was eating breakfast. Steph's mom walked right in as usual, and made a comment that Ramon had finally done some cleaning. She then said that her husband had seen Ramon sweeping on the cameras this morning. WTF! I was unaware of all the cameras setup around the property and house. I guess the parents had access to all of them and would faithfully monitor them. I bit my tongue at the time, but trying to politely laugh of their abuse of Ramon was getting old.

(Ramon when he is whipped)
So now it's Saturday after a full week of work. The week went well and I was paid out my half of the profits. We both wanted to get out the house for the night. So we both begged his wife to let us go out. It wasn't an easy task but she allowed us a trip to the card-room, just that we had to be back by midnight. Being home by midnight definitely isn't my style. Especially when you don't leave the house until 9pm.
As soon as we left, Ramon got on the phone trying to find some plans for the night. Trying to get girls to come out with us. He kept asking me what I wanted to do. I'm not from the area, so I just told him to bring me to some good bars. Then came the dilemma of going to downtown Orlando or not. He has a past with promoting down there and seemed a bit worried his wife may catch wind he was there instead of the card-room. I told him we can go wherever, I don't want to get him in trouble. You could see it in him, he wanted to go downtown badly, but just needed me to say yes. He was also banned from going there by his wife and hadn't been in 2 years. We finally said "**** it, let's go".

(Ramon in his clubbing days)
He was getting real wired at this point, all fidgety and ****. His next conundrum was whether or not his 2013 Black Ford Fusion was worthy of an appearance downtown. Mind you, he gets hooked on songs or certain theory's of what is popular. For some odd reason he had a flashback earlier that week when we picked up a Dodge Magnum with 22's at the auction. I found him playing "How We Do" by The Game on his desktop at work all week. He must have envisioned himself as The Game driving a Magnum. He start to repeatedly ask me what we should drive. In my head I'm fine with the car were in, I mean were just going to park. Not like we have a Lambo on the lot(yet). After about the 10th time of him asking me if I think we should take the Magnum, I say yes knowing that's what he wants to do. So we hit the dealership, unlock the gate, grab a dealer tag, and hop in the Magnum. Then I noticed him grabbing the work folder that has the cash received for cars or payments for tax and title money in it. He started ripping the segregated sealed envelopes up and pulling cash out. I ask him what the **** he's doing, all while knowing exactly what he's thinking. Prior to this we had money management talks because I was aware of his past. Plus I didn't want to do business with someone who is going to squander the income. His short answer was "Don't worry, it's just for show".
Well here I am, heading downtown for my first time ever in the passenger seat while he is frantically trying to get the Bluetooth working so he can blast that song. Windows down and system up as he is circling the area like he's somebody special. I'm a bit embarrassed, especially considering I'm completely sober still. I just want him to hurry up and park. Then I realize he is going to Valet on a blocked off road called Church St. in front of a strip of clubs/bars. The streets were packed and he still has the radio blasting, I think YouTube skipped to a Tupac song at this point. I just want out of this car, but the situation gets worse. He isn't a gentle man by no means. Very rough on everything. He's yelling out the window to someone and slams the shifter into park as we pulled up. I look over and see there may be a problem as the valet guy comes up to the window to get the keys. The shifter says park but the car is still moving every-time he lets off the break because it is still in drive. The embarrassment level is growing rapidly. He starts ripping the shifter around and can't seem to figure out whats wrong. He turns the car off, but can't turn it back on casue the car is stuck in drive. So now were stuck at the front of the valet line and can't move the car anywhere. He tells the guy he is really sorry, tips him $100 and tells the guy to call a tow truck. Not only is this embarrassing, I'm thinking how this is one of our cars and he just broke it. He seen I was a bit upset, so he tried getting my mind off it with drinks.
Now were bar-hopping and getting wasted, all on his coin. Every-time we leave a club we check to see if the tow came yet. The car sat there till closing time before a truck came. I did have a good time bouncing around. He seemed to know all door guys and most bartenders. So I was ****ed up and dancing with some Asian girl by the end of the night. I made out with her but that was about it. Then it was time to Uber back to the dealership to meet the tow guy and get his car back. We end up getting back to his house about 4am and his wife is livid. He blames the night on me, that I was drunk and wouldn't leave the card-room cause I was stuck. I accept the responsibility and go to bed.
Next day we hit the Water-park, but I'm pretty hungover and it's not too much fun. So I get to bed pretty early that night. Some good rest for the work week on Monday. First thing that following morning was to figure out what was wrong with the Magnum. Looks like a costly night, $200 for tow, $100 valet, $500 drinks/tips, plus this potential cost to fix. Turns out he broke a piece on the mechanics of the shifter. He Super Glued it back together and that was that. Money saved there I guess.
As the week went on, I learned how we made money off reps. Basically he would let anyone Tom, Dick, or Harry buy a car under us. He would get them registered at the auction and they would bid on whatever cars they wanted. We would buy them, then they would give us the cash for the price of the vehicle plus $200 fee for us on top. Then they would take the car home, clean it, put an ad up, and find a buyer. Once they found a buyer, they would come have the paperwork done at our office. I was and still am a bit leery about the real value in the whole rep thing, but Ramon was adamant it was profitable. Some reps bought more cars then others, but when you have 25 reps listed under your account, that $200 a car can add up. I just think from the point of feeding the competition and tax purposes. He says we just 1099 them at the end of the year so were not liable for profit they made. Whatever, it just amazed me how he would sign anyone up. I mean I would be at the office seeing a customer signing paperwork on a car he just bought, then show up a couple days later and he was washing a car out front. He turned customers into reps.
So that next week goes by smoothly, car business is good. I had been spending down-time in the office that week on the Tinder grind. Figured I could use it since I was new to the area. After some smooth talk I had a few options lined up for the upcoming Saturday. This was my last weekend before heading back home.
That Saturday rolled around, another good week, so I was ready for a night out. I made sure to go get a new outfit at the mall. I had to pick Ramon up a shirt and leave it in the car so he could change once we left. With traffic and not knowing my way around it took a bit longer then expected. So by the time I got back and finished showering it was 9pm. I had 3 options but made up my mind to meet with a girl from Avalon Park. Leaving the house wasn't a smooth transition and almost didn't happen. The wife started raging at the idea of us leaving to the "card-room". She thought I was dressed a bit beyond poker room expectation and knows me pretty well. Again we have been friends since kids. She expected we were going out, and wasn't having it. She threatened divorce, screamed, cried, just didn't want her husband leaving the house. He just kept saying that he needed to be my designated driver. After a solid hour or so of pleading, she allowed us to leave to go play cards. But we had to be home before 2am. Ya right, like that's going to happen.
The arguing took so long that this girl thought I was blowing her off. But she waited around for me and we picked her up at about 11pm. We went to some local bowling alley that had a bar an arcade. I tried getting this girl to find a friend for Ramon. But it's the same story with all skanks. No friends because they will **** their friends man. So he was texting girls, hoping someone would meet up with him. We had drinks and eventually ended up in the arcade Degening it up. I ran pretty well and was able to cash out nicely at the prize center. We had some more drinks and were feeling pretty good at this point. Just sucks that we had to be home before the warden got angry. This Tinder hoe wasn't having that, she demanded I stay the night at her place. So Ramon dropped us off. He took my watch and chain so I didn't end up getting stung for it. Then the 2 of us proceeded up to her apartment. Would love to tell you a good story here, but we made drinks, smoked weed, and I passed out on the couch.
Now it's like 6am and I wake up wondering where the **** I am. On the couch of some strange apartment and I don't know where the girl is. I eventually find her, in her room in bed. I got in bed with her and sloppily had sex for like 15 minutes before passing out again. When we woke up, we went to grab coffee in the area she lived in. Very nice by the way. All this rich looking elder folk were out walking their dogs and my Degen ass is trotting around drunk with this hoe. We then drove to some restaurant for breakfast and started drinking alcohol again. After a couple hours there, we made sure to hit the liquor store on the way back to her place. I grabbed a bottle a Grand Marnier. Figured I could sip on that the rest of the day. I checked in with Ramon at this point, he had told his wife I met a girl at the poker room and went home with her. Well we got back up to her apartment I poured some Grand into a mason jar with ice. Once I sat on the couch this girl got in the mood. Like 11am and she is blowing me, she gets on top and I eventually end up bending her over the couch.
Time to take a shower I guess. I take a couple more swigs and hop in her shower. She was nice enough to give me a brand new toothbrush she had on deck. She must do this often. Like 10 minutes into my shower she joins me. Jesus this girl is a freak, on her knees blowing me. Didn't finish, but I get out and dry off. I throw my clothes back on and she takes me out on to her balcony. Wants me to **** her out there. I started to as discretely as possible, but decided it was best if we finished in her room. Took a break after that and just watched some TV while still drinking. We figured it was a good idea to grab some lunch around 4pm, but not until I ****er her in her kitchen. This girl was too much. We grab some BBQ from a place near by and head back to her place. I'm starting to realize I should probably get back home and slow down on the drinking. Ramon was out to the movies with his family by this time, so she said she would give me a ride. But not before dragging me into her room for once last time. I wasn't sure I would even be able to nut again. So I decide my best play was to put it in her ass. Then sweated away thrusting in determination until I was done. I'm not sure if I did a number on her or she did a number on me. I was beat, but she loved every minute of it. Anyways, she drops me off at the gate around 9pm, I punched in the code and did the walk of shame to their house. I was rundown but had a good time. Also knew I was flying home the next day.
I packed my bags the next morning and talked a game-plan with Ramon. I was going to be alternating every 2 weeks between Florida and Mass. But I needed my own place. I couldn't bare another day in that house. He recommended a place called 55 West(which will be the place to blame for his downfall). Said it's the best place in Orlando to live. A high-rise downtown on that same street that gets blocked off for nightlife. Also pretty much the most expensive place to live. We just had to figure out who to put the lease name in because neither of us would pass a background check. I also decided I needed some Degen reps of my own. So I was going to round up some guys from back home. As far as driving, I would just use a car off the lot with a dealer tag. Sounded like a solid plan to me. I couldn't wait to return.
Just a couple videos of things around town that I don't see up North.
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Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-21-2018 at 05:25 PM.
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