The Arrival
The excitement is REAL! We all had made it to the airport with some time to spare before boarding our departure flight. Everyone was hyped-up about this trip, myself included. I had been in constant contact with Ramon that day because he would FaceTime me every 5 minutes or so it seemed. He had just gotten the keys to the apartment after his friend signed the lease for us. I was given the video tour while he appeared to be in a manic state. Last I seen, he was sitting pool-side in swimming trunks, making references to all the girls that were abundant. "It's Snowing! It's Snowing!" Which I guess was code for all the White girls(Snow-flakes) around. He prefers Caucasians over his own race. Can't say I blame him, but I don't discriminate. Any ethnicity can get it. It was finally time to board, so I had to end my video-call with Ramon. I then checked my text while waiting in line. I had a picture from a fellow 2+2er, he was currently working hard on Degeneracy in Vegas. He was hoping I could assist, but I was on my way to Orlando for some non-gambling Degeneracy instead.
As soon as cocktails were available, we loaded up. We all had about 4-5 drinks each during the 2 hour flight. They're supposed to charge for alcohol I believe. But I've been on maybe a dozen Southwest flights and never had to pay. Anyhow, it was a Saturday so we anticipated a big night out. So we were getting started early. Chatty-Patty was on his vocal grind. He spent the first hour of the flight abusing Max about being a Cuckold. Also made sure to mix in the needle of him dusting off $5k the day before at the casino. Max was really starting to become agitated. He would fire shots back, but SCP was getting the best of him. SCP spent the last hour standing at the rear talking the stewardess ear off.
We touch-down about 4pm, grab our luggage, and meet Ramon at the arrival-lane. I introduce everyone and we all hop in a crew-cab that was off the lot. Our first order of business was going and getting spare keys made. SCP talked non-stop to Ramon the whole ride to Home-Depot. They got along good, while Max stayed fairly quiet. We then had to meet a customer for that truck at the dealership. Knowing the customer was about 15 minutes out, these guys talk Ramon into blowing donuts on a nearby field. I was against the idea, and the only one in adult-mode. Whatever, they just made sure to pull all the dirt and grass out the exhaust before the customer showed up. I decided while Ramon was filling out the paperwork, I should take a car to hit the local Wal-Mart for some necessities.
This apartment was completely empty. So we needed some temporary essentials like air-mattresses. We all gathered up what we needed to hold us over till we could get the place furnished properly. I made sure to grab an iron and board so these guys had no excuse when I wanted my clothes pressed. Now mind you, over the course of the day, SCP had been getting under my skin a little. He was being really mean to Max, plus his relentless financial inquiries about everyone was annoying. He's the type to snap-stare at you any-time your hand reaches into your pocket. Then eyeball and mentally count whatever cash you pull out. Constantly probing with questions trying to gauge your financial status. He even asked me earlier that day, whether or not Ramon had a 401k. If so, about how much did he have in there. Just ****ing weird to me. Looking back I definitely over-reacted, but I lost it on him when we were standing in line. I was guessing my total and counting the cash I had on me. He was monitoring as usual, when I realized my $200 wouldn't cover everything. No sweat, I'll just use my debit. He then makes a comment about how I'm over-extending myself for buying an iron. Jokingly implying I can't afford it. I just didn't find it funny coming from a clown with only $3k to his name(carries it all cash too). Compounded with the fact he owes me $500 I lent him, going on a couple weeks now. I replied to him, "Well maybe you if you gave me even $50 of the money you owe me I would have enough". The thought of paying back a debt makes him sick. He then claimed he could pay me when he wanted to. I guess there was a misunderstanding when I gave him the money originally. I knew he was broke, so I told him if he lost he could just get me back when he eventually wins. I wasn't sweating the money, so I didn't bother to ask when I knew he went on a $4k+ streak locally. Him seeming like he thought he was never going to pay me, caused me to get visibly angry. Then he made a slick comment about him not being Max. That put me over the edge, so I had to check-him. I got in his face and he backed down. Wasn't that big of a scene though. We all end up individually checking out and head to the car. I was still irritated, so I decided to leave him stranded there. He's used to being a big-shot with his kid-friends back home. Had to teach this young Degen a lesson. If he's going to live down there with me, he has to understand respect. There's a chain of command, and I was the Degeneral. So Max and I drove off.
We got back to the dealership and Ramon was wondering where the hell SCP was. He wasn't sure if I was kidding about leaving him there. I told him to just drive to the apartment. About 30 minutes of me ignoring apology texts from SCP, I text him the address. I tell him to take a cab and he can knock the fare off what he owes me. We parked in the garage and started unloading our luggage. SCP finally arrived with all his luggage. We bumped knuckles and were quickly over it with the excitement of checking out the new place. The next hour was spent unpacking, inflating air-mattresses, and trying to figure out a game-plan for the night.
That's when Ramon's friend who put the place in his name showed up. He was originally from Orlando, but had been living in Dallas for the past 2 years. He flew in just to do us this favor and visit for a week. It didn't take me long to give him a nickname, the Power Strip. Cause this man had a plug for everything. I didn't matter what you wanted, he either told you he had a guy with what you want, or he knew someone with a hook-up somewhere. I'm not just referring to illegal stuff like drugs either. In the coming days I would see the long reach of the Power Strip. Even if you wanted groceries, one call and he had $500 worth on the way for $60. To this day, I don't think there is one thing I can think of that he will tell you he can't get. He was a very easy going guy, but was about that street-life. He also went by the name Debo and smoked that gas all day long.

Ramon had plans to head home then tell the wife he is going out for a couple hours with us. So we start pre-gaming with a bottle Debo had. That iron sure came in handy once I had SCP ironing my jeans for the night. When I got out the shower, Steph(Ramon's wife) calls me. She is literally crying, complaining about Ramon wanting to go out. She is questioning why I asked him to go out with us. I denied asking him anything, plus he wanted to go out himself. After about 30 minutes of listening to her bitch, vent, and whine. I finally got off the phone with her. It was too much to deal with, actually got me stressed out. Basically Ramon wasn't allowed to leave the house at night and was pissed because he was really looking forward to this night. He had been house trained for the past 2 years, but made it clear to her that tomorrow was Sunday "Funday". That he would be hanging out with boys manana.
It ends up being Max, SCP, Debo, one of Debo's friends, and I all going out that night. Being that we were all new to the area, we followed their lead. We ended up going to a strip of bars called Wall Street. The night honestly started off a bit slower then we all expected. We had good energy, but mainly had girls on our mind. There was so many hot broads walking around. It put Western Mass to shame. We all just started ordering rounds of drinks. Max & SCP spent some time on one of the punching-bag meter games. Max lost every round and drew some giggles from on-lookers. I chatted a bit with Debo, getting to know him a little better while admiring the girls passing by. I finally had some balls and started mingling. This is about the only scenario when SCP's curse of chat works out well. But by the end of the night, all the talking was just that, talking. We did have a great time, also noticed a drastic change in the night-life dynamics from home. At home, guys and girls aren't friendly with strangers for the most part. Looking someone in the eye is generally considered disrespectful. That whole "What you looking at!?" attitude. Girls weren't acting stuck up, or taking pride in shooting you down like they do from my area. If you stepped on another man's shoes, both parties apologized. Could be due to the tourism rate, but it created a bit of comradery among strangers. It was a good vibe and we all knew this is where we wanted to be.
So the bars are closing and I'm the only one with a lead on a girl. Thanks to Max reminding about Tinder when he was swiping his index finger right into a blister. I hopped on and still had some leads from my last trip. I managed to talk a 3.5 into driving to our building at 2am. I had been drinking a bunch, so she was a solid 4 at the time. Everyone else can make fun of me for this 3.5, but with them all empty-handed, truth was they would have done it too. I even talked her into grabbing bottles on her way. Ended up only being wine, but chugging it was just enough to keep me faded enough to have intercourse with her. She must of been real impressed by me dicking her down on my air-mattress. I at least gave her some options with it being adjustable and all. Can have it firm or with a little give. I had it plugged in and hit the switch. Like a real player, I told her to say "when".
Next thing I know, I'm waking up to Ramon loudly singing a Plies song. "Ran Off on the Plug Twice!" as he peeks into my room to see what I'm doing. It was 10am and he was excited to be out of the house. He starts ranting about Sunday "Funday". Says he is turning his phone off on his wife, that today was his day. Looking back, this would be the day that began his downfall. Everyone gathers in the living room to rehash the night before. That's when the 4 from the night before emerges from the bedroom into the daylight as a straight 3. ****ing Tinder. Ramon had a few good jabs to throw, but he did it with good taste. He was just purely happy to be there. We all started talking about hitting the sports bar across the street for Football in a little bit. That's when this 3 piece seems to think she is hanging out all day. I couldn't look at her any longer, so I asked her to accompany me to the 7-11 downstairs. I grabbed an energy drink, then told her to go home and get changed. No way I was letting her back up. I eluded to the idea of her meeting us for drinks, but I left it at "I'll text you first". I felt a little bit bad because she was genuinely a nice girl. She worked at Disney and was pretty young. Shame on her for using a dating app anyway.
I get back up to the room and it looks like a frat-house. These guys are horse-playing with all types of wrestling, they were acting like kids. **** it, I joined in. I could't allow anyone to claim the title of arm-wrestling champ or anything while I lived there. It was noon at this point and these guys headed over to Graffiti Junktion, the bar across the street from our building. I showered then met them down there. It was opening week, they had NFL Ticket with every game on a different TV around the bar. The place was packed with fans in jerseys of every team playing. All gathered around their teams game. It seemed like a good time to start drinking. Not sure if I actually completely sobered up from night before, but I got right back at it.

(Ramon feeling himself)
A bunch of drunken banter and laughs went on as we all interacted with everyone. Everyone felt great, so we all decided to start bar-hopping. Ordering a round and talking to girls went on at every bar we went to. I remember us gambling with dice in one bar. SCP smoked Ramon for like $200, so we made him pick up the tab at the next couple bars. We were all loud and boisterous. Acted like we owned this place already. It was more Ramon's lead, but we all got the point across.
It was 5pm and we all were ****ed up. I remember SCP getting a lead on a pool party at our building. So we decided to head up and get changed for the pool. We couldn't get Ramon to leave the conversation he was in. He was talking to 2 attractive girls and we really got a good glimpse into him portraying himself as a big-shot. He was offering to book these girls a cruise to the Caribbean on his phone. Was going on and on about how well-off he was. I'm pretty sure he actually booked the cruise. Anyway, it's Max, SCP, and I on the elevator heading down to the pool. There was 2 hot girls on the elevator with us in bikinis heading to the pool party too. Both had nice tits, one set was fake. Max was so drunk and horny I guess, he uttered to the girl with the fake set, "Show me your tits". We all looked at him sideways. The girl got offended and was like "Excuse me?". This was way out of his character, so we made an executive decision and told him to go up to the room and lay down. This also put us in good with the girls. Afterwards he had claimed he was thinking it and didn't realize he was saying it.
So we get to the outdoor pool level and it's live as ****. Music going, people everywhere, drinking, having a good time. SCP and I immediately get in the mix. The staff from 180 nightclub(club on top of Amway Center) was there. We were getting to know everyone. Then Ramon showed up and was steadily becoming a bigger deal by the moment. With the things that were coming out his mouth it quickly became evident he had delusions of grandeur. He decided the party needed bottles. Bottles would soon be known to be his burning desire in life. He had kind of known one of the girls from the elevator and was talking to her a bit. She wanted a bottle of Patron, so he headed upstairs to get his bank card. He woke Max up and told him to join him on a packy run. He had an Uber waiting out front, so they headed downstairs.
From what I understand, Ramon hopped in the passenger seat while Max jumped in the back. He started going on with this saying of "*****, We Made It!" He made sure to let the Uber driver know that he was a successful car dealership owner. That the cars on his lot have brakes, but his bank account doesn't, you can't stop it. He was riding high. Instead of going to the nearest liquor store, he told the driver to take him to the hood. Because he came up, so now he's gonna give business to the hood, so they can come up. After buying 6 bottles, a couple 30 packs, and bags of ice they head back. He then thinks it would be a nice gesture to invite the Uber driver to the pool party. Problem was the Uber driver didn't have a bathing suit. No problem, Ramon makes him stop at Family Dollar and grabs him a pair. There was only one more problem. Between 55 West being known as an upscale building and Ramon acting like he was some sort of royalty, the Uber driver felt out-classed. He didn't want anyone there knowing what he did for a living. Again no problem, Ramon tells him he is introducing him to everyone as Dwayne Wade's cousin. I'm not making any of this up.
So I'm in the pool and look up to see Ramon with bags of ice over each shoulder walking in. Max by his side carrying the 30 packs. A tall Black guy I never seen before in brand new swimming trunks wearing sunglasses, holding a few bottles. Then right behind them is the ****ing Tinder 3 holding a few bottles. WTF! Where the hell did they find her? I didn't want her there. I find out later she was just sitting in the lobby hoping to see one of us come down. When she seen them she hopped in the elevator with them. They were drunk and assumed I invited her. I made sure to keep my distance and act like I didn't know her. Was such a bad look in front of all the other girls I was talking to. Ramon made sure everyone knew he was with D. Wades cousin. The party went on till dark, when they started cooking on the grills. I was pretty wasted at this point. Wasn't sure where SCP was, or Ramon. So I sat by the pool and ate a burger with Max. The crew from 180 said they were all going out to a club, and told me to go get dressed nice to go.
We were trailed by the 4(I'm wasted again)up to the room. She is very persistent. We found SCP, he was half naked and had puked. It was 9pm, and I got dressed to go out while Max made us drinks. I then blacked out. I passed right out on the floor of the living room. During this time, Max had made advances on the 3. She told him that me and her were serious, that something like that wouldn't be right. She was uncomfortable with the idea of "cheating" on me lol. Max couldn't take it no more and had an absolute meltdown. This was his second night in Orlando and he was looking at another air ball. This isn't what he had pictured. He thought he would be getting back at his wife hardcore by now. After getting shot-down by a 3 he resorted to Back-page. He had a $2200 bankroll and could afford to pay to play. He brokered a deal with a crack-whore for $100. He dragged his air-mattress into a spare room and had his way with this prostitute. He did admit she looked like a crack-whore. Also said she yelled at him when he tried pulling her hair while hitting it from the back. He probably learned that move watching Cuckold videos to see what his wife likes. On top of that, she called him cheap for not giving her a tip when he was done. At least he found some release that night.

(Moments before passing out cold)
Next thing I know, I wake up to Ramon banging on the door at 3am. He had the girl from the elevator with him. They're all ****ed up and he's asking why I'm dressed up. I didn't remember at the time and went to my room to bed. The faithful 3 was in there waiting for me. Ramon said he was heading to Daytona Beach and that he wouldn't be back till Wednesday. That I would have to run the lot myself. What ****ing ever. I let the 3 suck my dick till I passed out again.
10am Monday morning arrives and were all supposed to be working. But were all hungover and Steph is blowing my phone up. I answer and she asks if I'm with Ramon. Tells me not to lie to her. I wasn't with him so I didn't have to lie. She then informs me, that she did some detective work. He was supposed to come home last night but never did. I think she has access to his e-mail account and bank account. Apparently he took that broad to a Brazilian Steak-house for a $300 dinner. He also got charged $150 for puking in an Uber. Then drove about an hour to get an expensive hotel room on the beach. She called his room there and he hung up on her. He told her that him an Debo went on a fishing trip and got a hotel room together. So ****ing hilarious if you know Ramon and Debo. I talk her down while he ignores her over the next couple hours. She is staked out at the car lot waiting to see if he pulls up with a girl in the car. So I give him the heads up and he makes sure to drop the girl off first. I guess he spent the night banging her, pretty good catch for him in my opinion. She must have a thing for big-deals like him. I told the 3 she had to leave, that I had business to handle. Then waited for Ramon to pick me up.
Around 1pm he picks me up and is unstable about what to tell his wife. He is realizing how dumb the fishing excuse was. So we pull up to the dealership like everything is okay and she instantly asks to see the poles. He tells her he rented them while he was there. She threatened him and bitched at him for an hour straight. I think me being there helped with her holding back on him. Once she left you could see reality hit him. The total cost of the day before was almost $2k. That's an expensive day, but pretty balla to pay $150 just to puke. He realized he had to go home but couldn't get the the 11 off his mind. That's the rating he gave her, she was good looking, and I had no place to argue after being seen with the 3. This Eleven was going to cost him a lot of money in the near future.
(Ramon's 11)