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*DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively *DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively

10-26-2014 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
He should be unbanned only after WD gets released.
That mark27384624785728934 guy is 2p2's current nut low. He should be unbanned approximately never. lol
10-26-2014 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck

Haven't been around...

Like many of you may assume, I got caught up with the authorities. I was arrested a few weeks back and charged as a Habitual Degenerate. This is a serious charge and carries some pretty stiff penalties. Seeing how this isn't my first offense I am looking to beat this case outright. I will STAY IN DENIAL & TAKE IT TO TRIAL. If I blow trial I may not be able to Degen for a longgg time.

Contrary to me posting, I am currently in county. A guard I used to give DICE ADVICE to is working mid-shift in my pod. He's cool and we've hung out at the casino before. I taught him about the control roll, dice sliding, and other tricks to beating craps. So he's letting me use the computer in the counselor's office while he does count. I wasn't able to post bond because the bails bondsman wouldn't accept Foxwoods chips. I currently have 2 orange and 4 purple sitting in my property box at intake. Had a nice roulette run before I got bagged by the fuzz on the way home from casino.

Anyway things are going okay for me, I'm currently in 3rd place in the D-block pick-em league. Any stone cold locks for this Sunday would be appreciated. Aside from that I've been on a bad run of cards in the daily poker games. Just can't fade these clowns. They hit every draw. So my commissary balance is pretty pathetic right now. Anyone interested in possibly buying some of my action, just PM me and we can set something up. We will discuss the funds conversion rate as far as the jail items go. I am also willing to give a pretty good piece of myself with make-up if anyone wants to become my full-time backer. Word along the vents is, there is a juicy game down in protective custody. I am willing to PC myself for a full-time backer to get a better angle on profits. This offer won't last long so, so PM me quickly!

So besides the gambling I've just been trying to figure out some angles on beating this case. Anyone on the forum who is local that would be willing to testify as a character witness on my behalf at trial would be greatly appreciated. I need the jury to have a good image of me. I'm praying for an aquittal on grounds of being misunderstood.

My girl has left me and my family won't accept my collect calls. Don't have much to turn to right now. So please 2+2, HELP. I do still have a couple degens in my corner. I'm actually waiting on a visit today from the Slot Guru. He should be here soon, so I'm going to do a quick set of pull-ups and hit the shower. Hopefully will be home soon to Degen again, wish me LUCK....

Also for those of you who are not familiar with this charge, please don't waste too much time trying to research it, it is extremely uncommon but a very complex case and I have been dillegently studying it in the law library.

For those who think this is a level
Methinks this was a bad idea: posting from a jail computer. Long time lurker 1st time poster itt good luck wamdeck. Maybe you should spend some of your 'free time' working on your book? Hope you get the charges dropped. I would advise steering clear of any 'juicy' games in the big house unless you don't mind being squeezed.

Last edited by TheDonkeyFish; 10-26-2014 at 07:20 PM.
10-26-2014 , 08:13 PM
Free WarmDeck
10-27-2014 , 03:00 AM
10-27-2014 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
That mark27384624785728934 guy is 2p2's current nut low. He should be unbanned approximately never. lol
yes never ever ever he is a huge douche
10-27-2014 , 04:12 AM
subbed, epic read, just started
10-27-2014 , 09:32 AM
10-27-2014 , 11:03 AM
I'll be at Foxwoods Dec. 6th wearing the project degen shirt proudly

10-28-2014 , 02:17 PM
WTF kinda charge is that anyway? No info anywhere about it. Any lawyers ITT?
10-28-2014 , 04:44 PM

Think this is what warm deck is referring to.
10-28-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by LowSociety
WTF kinda charge is that anyway? No info anywhere about it. Any lawyers ITT?
Most likely:

"Habitual Degenerate" = Possession of drugs with intent to sell, while on probation.

Or, he got another DUI.
10-28-2014 , 08:50 PM
10-29-2014 , 01:53 AM
WarmDeck is in jail and guys like Lederer and Bittar get to walk...Sick world
10-29-2014 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by plsmuck
WarmDeck is in jail and guys like Lederer and Bittar get to walk...Sick world
10-29-2014 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Tiresman
Lol, let's all wear these and make signs, then go to the jail and protest WD's incarceration. Maybe we can get a pardon from the governor.
10-29-2014 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Saklad
Or, he got another DUI.
Smart money
10-30-2014 , 07:45 AM
10-31-2014 , 05:38 PM
Wow, when I was skimming that last update post thought for sure you were messing around and leveling, then I saw the pic w/ your prison bracelet

Re-read and realized other than the comic tone you were dead serious....sh_t dude....

My cousin recently got picked up for driving w/ a suspended license and is currently serving a prison bid under the same type of "habitual offender" mandatory jail-time law.

But yeah hope things work out for you and you don't have to stay in there long. You lived a crazy life and your recounting and storytelling ability had me enthralled for a lot of this thread. I thought your marijuana grow house story, strip-poker Steve story, BMW story, robbing hippies of 20lbs of weed story, and slots-guru story were particularly epic. Also, w/ so many people making up sh_t and greatly embellishing here, was awesome you "provided the receipts" so to speak w/ all the pictures, newspaper articles, etc

Also, this may make me a bit unpopular here and be unnecessary to point out, but maybe this should be a sign that it's time to put an end to your degen lifestyle? I know the highs of getting drunk and winning 5 figures in a couple hrs time and having a threesome with two beautiful women in a casino villa suite must be amazing.

But if the lows involve having to be trapped in a cage w/ other felons, taking group showers, eating terrible food, not getting to use any technology, etc, it can't be worth it, and I think you might need to rethink your path in life.
10-31-2014 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Also, this may make me a bit unpopular here and be unnecessary to point out, but maybe this should be a sign that it's time to put an end to your degen lifestyle? I know the highs of getting drunk and winning 5 figures in a couple hrs time and having a threesome with two beautiful women in a casino villa suite must be amazing.

But if the lows involve having to be trapped in a cage w/ other felons, taking group showers, eating terrible food, not getting to use any technology, etc, it can't be worth it, and I think you might need to rethink your path in life.
I think he's found access to SOME technology
11-01-2014 , 02:44 AM
Just read all 75 pages over the last 24 hours.

Changed my life. Seriously, some of the most entertaining stuff I've read in ages. Made me think about things differently, helped see the world through eyes other than my own (which any good autobiographical author masters). I also now have a perverted ambition to move to Springfield, MA, and obv have no reservations about anything you've done (it's all fine/good with me tbh, I don't understand the haters AT ALL).

Anyway WD, GL and GG. Hope to get a XXLT shirt from you someday.
11-01-2014 , 03:19 AM
They call other threads epic, but this one is in a league of its own...and I have a feeling this is only the beginning.

Shout out to the people in the year 2024 reading this for the first time...

Shout out to the people of 2214 reading this in a leather bound book...

11-01-2014 , 04:43 AM
Has crowdfunding ever been used to collect bail money?
11-01-2014 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Latah Pines
Just read all 75 pages over the last 24 hours.

Changed my life. Seriously, some of the most entertaining stuff I've read in ages. Made me think about things differently, helped see the world through eyes other than my own (which any good autobiographical author masters). I also now have a perverted ambition to move to Springfield, MA, and obv have no reservations about anything you've done (it's all fine/good with me tbh, I don't understand the haters AT ALL).

Anyway WD, GL and GG. Hope to get a XXLT shirt from you someday.
75 pages is a beat on your settings for sure
11-01-2014 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Wow, when I was skimming that last update post thought for sure you were messing around and leveling, then I saw the pic w/ your prison bracelet

Re-read and realized other than the comic tone you were dead serious....sh_t dude....

My cousin recently got picked up for driving w/ a suspended license and is currently serving a prison bid under the same type of "habitual offender" mandatory jail-time law.

But yeah hope things work out for you and you don't have to stay in there long. You lived a crazy life and your recounting and storytelling ability had me enthralled for a lot of this thread. I thought your marijuana grow house story, strip-poker Steve story, BMW story, robbing hippies of 20lbs of weed story, and slots-guru story were particularly epic. Also, w/ so many people making up sh_t and greatly embellishing here, was awesome you "provided the receipts" so to speak w/ all the pictures, newspaper articles, etc

Also, this may make me a bit unpopular here and be unnecessary to point out, but maybe this should be a sign that it's time to put an end to your degen lifestyle? I know the highs of getting drunk and winning 5 figures in a couple hrs time and having a threesome with two beautiful women in a casino villa suite must be amazing.

But if the lows involve having to be trapped in a cage w/ other felons, taking group showers, eating terrible food, not getting to use any technology, etc, it can't be worth it, and I think you might need to rethink your path in life.
IDK seems like fair enough trade off to me, I mean prison sucks but so do 2 girls in a casino villa.
11-03-2014 , 09:47 AM
Warm Deck is the Jack Kerouac of 2 Plus 2. Bloody brilliant writing. When is the book coming out? And the movie? A kind of Stand BY Me meets The Gambler.

The jail experience will be unpleasant but will be several chapters in his American small town colorful life story
