A.C. Adventure Part 2
I just had to brief myself on Part 1 (found here
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/sh...postcount=1390) for this long overdue second half. I just hope it lives up to Apex's expectations. With that being said, I will still keep to my integrity of only delivering the truth and nothing but the truth. Zero embellishment to follow.
After meeting the iconic Rock legend Joey Welz I called James to see how far out he was. He said that he was 90 minutes out with his roommate Brett riding shotgun. So I figured I would check into one of the additional standard rooms that I had available for them. To get that out of the way and have keys ready for them when they arrive. Another $200 deposit by the way. The Guru had disappeared off into the slot forest and must have lost service out there. So I called SPS to see what he was up to. He was on his way back to the room after grinding back to his original $500 roll. I told him I would meet him there.
I was back in the room going through the Degen shirts I had brought when SPS came in. I brought enough for everyone, but couldn't find the I heart WARM D shirt. I had only one (size medium), figured I could get a girl to wear it for laughs. SPS had no idea where it went, but the missing shirt topic was short lived as we quickly started talking hookers. Considering I blacked out the night before and didn't bag anything, I had a buzz going and was in the mood to get my dick sucked. So SPS made a few calls and was able to talk a girl down from from $200 to $150 for a blowjob. She said she would be by the suite in 30 mins. Now I am by no means cheap, but when it comes to paying a working girl, I am very stingy. So in meantime we decide best way to break the news to this call-girl that she is only getting $100 for blowing both of us. Which we we split evenly, only problem is I have twenties and can't make $50 straight. So I give SPS $40 to pay her. I let him know he has to break the bad news to her and then we wait. When she arrives I am in other room while he explains to her the situation. She is about 24ish and appears better then expected for A.C. standards. At first she is leery that we may be law enforcement. SPS has that state trooper look about him sometimes. Us being from Mass she thought was a cover story and asked why we didn't have Boston accents. Those accents stop at Worcester though, not a western Mass thing. Anyway she thinks we are cute and agrees to blow both of us for $100, most likely a slow week day at the office and $100 is better than walking away empty handed. I bring her into my room first and she asks where I want to do it. I say here "Here is fine." while standing in the middle of the room and have her drop to her knees. She asked if I wanted her to get undressed. I didn't really care that much so told her she could take out her titties if she wanted. Her chest was just whatever. Well she just sucked away and I kept busy with the Sex & Flex in the full length mirror nearby. She finally got me to climax and I just let it go on the carpet. I grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom, tossed it to her to clean up and told her she was welcome. She then went to service SPS while I showered. I get done showering around time he is finishing up. I eavesdrop on conversation and he is making small talk with her and seems like she wants to hang out longer. Definitely not happening but here is where things got weird with SPS. You have to understand SPS has a huge ego and thinks he is gods gift to women with his male performer background. He also craves to be better than me in every aspect of life. Surpassing me is his end game. He says to her, "Let me ask you a question". She obliges, then he awkwardly and g itty like says "Whos dick is bigger?". Now I'm in the other room thinking what the **** is wrong with this clown. Like who cares, and also how stupid does he sound asking this skank that. She thinks its a bit weird to and asks him if he serious almost like she doesn't want to answer. He is adamant he wants a decision, gets flustered when she answers me. Wish I could have seen his face, but was plenty funny listening to him try to get her to overturn her decision. He resorted to making pleas of "Well maybe he is thicker, but I'm definitely longer". It was getting embarrassing. She again told him he was wrong and I waited to she left to come out and abuse him about his shameless inquiries. He seemed overly upset about the whole situation, and requested that I don't tell anyone when I said I can't wait to tell everyone. James was arriving so I told him not to worry and let's head down to meet him in the lobby.
I then escorted James and Brett to their living quarters. We made drinks and caught up to speed on game-plan. After deciding to all get dressed for the night, I figure I would find Guru. Still no answer on his cell so I checked his room. I knocked a couple times and this mouth breather finally opened the door covered in drool. He had lost the last $100 I gave him and was run down from the slot beating he had been taking. I told him to that we were going top gamble and to call me when he was ready. I called JR and he was on his poker grind, said he wasn't in mood to drink. At this point I met back up with James and Brett, grabbed a drink and went to check on SPS. He was in the Golden Nugget poker room playing 1-2. I had shared the story of interrogating the prostitute on the walk over to the room and we all let into him while he was playing. We had everyone at the table laughing at him and he seemed genuinely embarrassed about the dick jokes. We riled him up enough to start playing really bad. Before you know it, he was stuck $200 and steaming. He said he was going home and bluffed off another $100. Now with about $150 left of his loan, and the embarrassment of the hooker story he insisted he was leaving early. I didn't care that much, only problem was that would leave James having to take the other 3 of us home in his SUV with all luggage. I offered SPS more money with no success. He eventually left with the last $150 because he needed gas, tolls, and such for the ride home. I also made decision at that time to give him my bank card to take home because I had no intention of losing and thought it was a responsible move.
After saying our goodbyes, James got to firing. High denomination slots, roulette, and baccarat. I followed for baccarat and was on fire. Made about $2k betting between $100 and $200 a hand. James didn't have as much luck and I ended up lending him another $1k during the course of drinks, wagering, and laughs. The 24 hour alcohol soon turned into a blackout and again I don't remember making it back to my room. I do remember bumping into Joey Welz again making sure to let him know James was a huge fan while getting a photo of them. But in the rinse, repeat cycle I found myself waking up alone in bed realizing I was busto. Trying to recall how I lost it wasn't working so I spent that morning trying to talk girls from back home into coming down to this wonderful place. No success there, mostly transportation issues with the 5 hour distance. JR feeling refreshed from a night off finally came into to check on me. He offered me money again but I declined because James text me that he was on his way to my room to return the $1k from the night before. I guess he made a decent comeback while I was donating. I didn't feel great about it, but that would have to do.We all met from brunch and bull****ting at the lounge. SPS was gone, JR was feeling great, Guru needed money, James was content, Brett was optimistic, all while I was too stuck to muck. I handed over $200 to Guru to keep him happy and put his debt to $500 with me. Then decided my best bet was to head to Borgata and make money like I always playing the easy game of poker. While James is booking spa massage appointment for next morning, Guru is on phone with girl he has been talking to for a few weeks from back home. He is feeling chipper and says he wants to invite her down for our last night there. We all plan on going to club and I say cool, make sure she brings friends. That she can stay home if she doesn't have friends. She said she would find a couple girls to go. Cool now we got a bit of balance for the club tonight.
Now we all ambitiously hopped in James SUV and headed over to Borgata. Armed with $800, I headed to the poker room and got on the list for 2-5 PLO. New game opened up and I sat in the 10 hole with my $800 while everyone else was off gambling. No real interesting hands for an orbit or two while others were mixing it up. Untill I'm in the SB with about $700 from viewing a few multi way flops. I'm dealt the 10




, and complete once limped 6 ways around to me. BB checks and we see a flop of A



, 8-handed. Gets checked all the way around and the 10

rolls off on the turn. I check again and UTG who has been very active bets $40. Call, fold, call, call, call, to me. After some quick pot math I raise pot to $320 and there is some table talk debate as to the pot amount. BB folds and original bettor tank folds. Fold, fold, older gambol fish(who doubled few hands earlier from terrible call) calls, fold. Having roughly $375 behind with a pot of $840 I've decided I'm never check folding, so I shove K

river. About a minute goes by of getting chip count and I feel I must be ahead and get the call. I table my triple tens, and am then shown the Q




. I say nice call, most players give the shake the head look about hand and I walk away.
I find Guru bleeding last $50 at pai gow poker, and watch that misery. Then search for everyone else, They are all getting slayed by the ambling gods. So we conclude to retreating back to the Golden Nugget. At this point I am mentally scrambling to configure enough funds for the night at the club. After some short algebra I realize I have to have Guru check out of his room and shack with me so I have at least $200 in hand from the deposit return. When I explain this avenue to him, he responds with "NO, I have the chicklet coming down tonight and am going to catch a movie in the room with her tonight". The record stops! I am dead broke, he owes me $500, and has the nerve to explain to me that I can't get my $200 deposit back on a room I had comped for him because he has intentions on having an in-call night with the GF. After a quick couple questions I am aware she is alone on this trip to A.C., and have no remorse when I tell her to immediately contact her and ter her to turn around. To this day I'm not sure if I was wrong, but there is zero chance I was letting this leech tell me I couldn't get mt deposit back on a room when I was broke and lent him a nickel all over some skank he wanted to spend romantic night with. Well story has it she got the bad news 3 hours into the trip. Oh well, **** the friendless pig, she had no business drivin 5 hours to spend the night with the Gure anyway. This causes some bad blood between us. Whatever everyone sides with me and I make him check out of room anyway. So now I split $200 refund with him evenly and vow to make a good night of it.
Next thing I know we are all in suite ironing dress clothes. Again I asked about Warm D tee. Nobody knew anything. So we all prepared for the club. I wore Robert Graham blazer and was ready to rock. I also invited local poker buddy Kevin to meet us at club. We all finally head downstairs and play craps. I turn $100 into about $650 from pressing the 6. I then take care of all covers to the club and hop on escalator down. In my honest opinion club is Good. I buy round of drinks and realize I am over dressed at this point. 3 rounds later I convince James to head back to the room and dress down with me. Headband and Degen-Life tee time!
They let me back into the club no problem. At the bottom of the escalator I am wet, and look to the right. JR is at the bar in a heart Warm D tee, not his original dress sweater he had on. I giggle and keep it moving with the thought of him being fruity in the back of my mind. To everyone's shock I assume, Guru was in VIP popping bottles with some average broads he met. I immediately grind on piggiest looking one. A few sons later we are out on the gambling deck while everyone get their nicotine fix. I am pretty blurry at this point in my lime green tee and kicks. But James decides he was gettin disrespected but a guy asking hoes for a smoke. Rumor has it he was gay, but big bad James throws his drink on him. This all happens so fast I have trouble interpretation situation. I guess security swarms him and he hip tosses a female guard when she goes for a wrist lock. This ignites staff, and they take him to the back room. I be for mercy in meantime with meaningless offers of $100 bribes. They refuse and eject his ass for violence.
Between threatening the cigarette goof and trying to talk my pier James out of trouble I was being ridiculous. Security had no pity and wanted him gone, being the same age/size? they gave me some respect. That only lasted till I had Brett pull his car around and leave. On the way out in between death threats I did see JR shirt-less near slots throwing gang signs. Obviously useless, but funny none the less.
So Guru gets at a high rate of speed to the Taj. I **** you not a cop throws the blues on while we pull into the Taj. Guru is wasted and pulls onto curb in front of casino and yells to cops he has "****" to do. To my shock they let him o and after 20 minutes of trying to talk sense into James we realize we have to leave. Guru and myself ride in the rear, while Brett drives with James shotgun back to the Nugget.
Once in the parking garage I have intentions of sneaking James back into the room. Well he is angry and denies. He does request for car keys for the heat, considering it's January we oblige. Brett and I hit craps tables for Patron shots and Vodka crans. Over the next hour I break even and mingle with an average straggler. Long story short I end up back in the room piping her till she leaves. This time I managed to wake up to $300. But was also bombarded with calls from my right hand man James.
I guess security called the state police and approached his vehicle. Between knowing he was ejected and under the influence they threatened him with a DUI. But settled with confiscating the $1300 he had on person and said he wouldn't be needing that. They then pointed him in the direction of Harrah's and told him to get lost. Clearly upset he left and was ready to evacuate A.C. A.S.A.P...
Not my style so I headed downstairs to the bar with Brett at noon. No time for ****ty details but before you know it, it was 5PM and I built my few hundred up to $1k. James was sick I promise you. I gave him excuse after excuse while he sat at valet for 5-hours trying to get me to come down. Till this day, SHOUT OUT TO J-POLI FOR NOT LEAVING ME.
Well I finally come to my senses and hit the valet. I hit J-Poli with a comp $200 but I know he hopes I die. We then take the 5 hour ride home 5 deep in the Acuara SUV. FML, but I had a good time. I know I missed Major detail, but I love you Apex and hustled this out. CHEERS!
Last edited by WarmDeck; 02-26-2016 at 09:40 AM.
Reason: link insert