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*DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively *DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively

07-19-2016 , 01:26 AM
We need weekly WD thread updates/stories ASAP
07-19-2016 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by SB12
We need weekly WD thread updates/stories ASAP
At this point I'd be ok with monthly updates
07-19-2016 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by POCKET ROCKETS OOO
At this point I'd be ok with monthly updates
This is the genius of this Warm Deck fella. He just toys with everyone making us want more. Just find a publisher or something to help you get your book out there, you would crush, I'd pay the $19.99, also buy a few copies for friends who love would this ****, but don't go on forums.
07-20-2016 , 12:17 PM
You can get a live update at no cost. Just gotta catch me in the trenches. Not hard IMO, I'm generally creating a disturbance during my Degeneracy.
07-20-2016 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
You can get a live update at no cost. Just gotta catch me in the trenches. Not hard IMO, I'm generally creating a disturbance during my Degeneracy.
I'm visiting family in New Hampshire at the end of Aug.. Maybe I'll swing by Mohegan/Foxwoods on the way up from Jersey.
07-20-2016 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
You can get a live update at no cost. Just gotta catch me in the trenches. Not hard IMO, I'm generally creating a disturbance during my Degeneracy.

I still wear my DEGENERAL shirt all the time. One of my fav Ts

The one Indian dude at foxwoods nicknamed General offered to buy it off me for $100 I declined lol

I'll be rocking it at turning stone come August.
07-21-2016 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by POCKET ROCKETS OOO
I'm visiting family in New Hampshire at the end of Aug.. Maybe I'll swing by Mohegan/Foxwoods on the way up from Jersey.
We can make this happen. I just don't want to be the blame if our Degeneracy keeps you from making the family function.
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
I still wear my DEGENERAL shirt all the time. One of my fav Ts

The one Indian dude at foxwoods nicknamed General offered to buy it off me for $100 I declined lol

I'll be rocking it at turning stone come August.
What's up Carl! Hope all is good since your deep run. Declining the $100 is strong lol. I'm assuming you are going to be at Turning Stone for upcoming tournaments. I should really pop my TS cherry and get out there..
07-22-2016 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
We can make this happen. I just don't want to be the blame if our Degeneracy keeps you from making the family function.

What's up Carl! Hope all is good since your deep run. Declining the $100 is strong lol. I'm assuming you are going to be at Turning Stone for upcoming tournaments. I should really pop my TS cherry and get out there..
Yup I'll be there. Hoping to make it out to foxwoods late for the wsopc main event but that's up in there air.
I want that degeneral shirt on televised or in a photo
07-31-2016 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
mrunholy! Hope is everything is good and the poker profit steady..
Yo yo yooo.

Poker profit been decent. Don't put enough time in it though. Got back from WSOP a few weeks ago. Sick run in a 1k event early in the tournament but busted late in the first day just shy of the money. Ended up getting it back after a week of on and off grinding and lots of drinking in the evening.

Creeped craigslist for hookers all week but was too sissy to do anything about it. Ended up hooking up with a drunk milf for free at Planet Hollywood lol...Can't decide who took advantage of who quite yet in that situation.

See you guys in 4-6 months!
08-03-2016 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by mrunholy
Yo yo yooo.

Poker profit been decent. Don't put enough time in it though. Got back from WSOP a few weeks ago. Sick run in a 1k event early in the tournament but busted late in the first day just shy of the money. Ended up getting it back after a week of on and off grinding and lots of drinking in the evening.

Creeped craigslist for hookers all week but was too sissy to do anything about it. Ended up hooking up with a drunk milf for free at Planet Hollywood lol...Can't decide who took advantage of who quite yet in that situation.

See you guys in 4-6 months!
Jesus u need serious lessons from the Degeneral, but nice work on bagging the MILF!
08-03-2016 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked
If there is a suitable mirror around you must right?

Also as time goes along I am less and less a fan of this title. I approve of OP's actions personally

he seems to be living the path he's meant to!!!
08-30-2016 , 10:46 AM

I’m from New Zealand, Just came across this thread yesterday spent the day reading the whole thread and man what a roller coaster ride lol huge fan.

I wish I had come across this earlier, played poker with a whole lot of friends back in the day and spent days on end playing poker with all of them. Even moved from NZ to Australia and worked practically right next to a Casino where my hyper powered degen powers only got worse, my need to risk more and more was constant.

When I started reading this thread it took me back to those specific moments and experiences I felt while experiencing the highest of highs up in the mountains and lowest of lows sinking in quicksand or at rock bottom itself, was total devastation.

Your writing is compelling, engages the audience, anyone who has even had a flutter or any type of exposure to gambling could relate to this. I find it astonishing like others here that a book even movie on this is not made yet, your t-shirts/merchandise would also be a huge hit after that, I’d definitely buy them for myself and friends, it would make their day.

After reading this thread definitely a few words come to mind - THE DON, BOSS, HERO, LEGEND, BATMAN… thanks WarmDeck you definitely have a gift for writing enjoyed all your stories thoroughly, even your straight forward manner with responses to questions and remarks made to you on here, pure class.
08-30-2016 , 10:58 PM
Crazy thread. I read much of it. That's a wild ride.
09-01-2016 , 03:12 AM
Thread is just amazing

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
09-13-2016 , 09:35 AM
I have made it to post #650 or so, and had to jump ahead to give you mad props for your writing. Through pages like, 16-22 there was a lot of negative energy, and I felt like it was pretty undeserved. I read on, figuring this thread was closed, but I saw that there was a post from just a few days ago.

So saying this without reading pages 25+, you did a really good job writing some really funny stories. You entertained probably hundreds of people, if not 1000+. It sucks that people got negative on you, but that's how it goes. When you are on top, the small, meek, and scared try to tear down what the bold and great have built.

I hope you find happiness, keep doing what you're doing. Try to be safe. Try to save a couple bucks.

Peace bud.
10-02-2016 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by TheGlee
Jesus u need serious lessons from the Degeneral, but nice work on bagging the MILF!
Yeah she was hammered so I really didn't even do anything. I was sitting at a dinky bar in the middle of PH's shops and sat there for maybe 10 minutes and she plunked down next to me from the other side of the bar. Talked for maybe 2 minutes and she was asking me to go up to her room. She was only like a 5-5.5 tops but had a nice body. I think I have a problem with older women. She was almost twice my age. mmm love me a good ol' milf.
10-07-2016 , 09:51 AM
10-07-2016 , 09:52 AM
10-07-2016 , 09:53 AM
Great thread Warmdeck. I've been lurking your thread for a while now but the above pictures accurately reflect my feelings while reading your thread. Cheers!!
11-17-2016 , 10:38 PM
Easily the best forum thread I've ever read. Had to make an account just to bump this in the hope that Maj Degen is still about and able to share more tales of recent benders, the demand is definitely there!

Regardless if you are/do, two years is a ****ing good effort in keeping this alive. As you were you mad bastard.
11-24-2016 , 09:42 PM
Project Degen Update

Good news is I'm still alive, Degeneracy level is still high, and I'm in the mood to post. I've clearly lost most drive to post and seem to check threads less and less. I actually just finished up doing the most reading I've done on here in a long time, going through a decent amount of "The Home Game" thread. A little envious of the writing and detail skills TST has, he can sure tell a story. Either way it has inspired me to get some updates done, plus the fact life changes have been pretty interesting this year.

I'm just going to give a brief rundown of the life path changes I've made, but promise some interesting Degeneracy and character write-ups to follow. With complimentary pics and video of course. *Skip back-story if bored easily, just wait for following posts.

So I've had a friend named Steph since I was about 12 years old. She is basically the only girl that I would consider a "friend", seeing as I'm just looking to **** any girl I talk to. Not saying I've never banged her, but I just don't look at her like that. Our friendship was very limited after high-school. She had serious boyfriends and we never talked. She eventually moved to Florida and went on with her life. But our friendship picked back up again when she would travel home

for holidays and such. She would come by for house parties or make casino trips with me. Then over the years she would call me for relationship advice or to just vent about things. I can say that the girl I have been with for the past 13 years has always hated Steph and forbid me from interacting with her. But, like many other things, her requests aren't generally honored. Steph went through a handful of serious relationships while in the Sunshine State. Which brings her to the guy she is currently with, Ramon. He is some sort of Spanish, to which I was surprised because she is white and never dated a different race. I had finally met him about 4 years into their relationship when he had accompanied her up to Mass to visit her family. I had heard plenty about him, and he seemed liked a nice guy. He was a hustler and was inquiring about business ventures with me that never really went anywhere. Contact between him and I became non-existent after a short time.

About a year later I received a plus one invitation to their wedding. Knowing the dynamic of my girl's views about Steph, I was in a dilemma of bringing an escort or inviting my real girl. I chose the latter and all hell broke loose. I had a ton of stress going on at the time and crumbled to my girls ultimatum. Either stop talking to Steph or stop talking to her. I ceased all contact with her(Steph) from that point forward. She was very upset I didn't go to her wedding and tried for almost a year to contact my friends and family in hopes of hearing from me. I stuck to my guns and ignored each and every attempt she tried reaching out to me. I even went to the extent of changing my phone number and blocking her on Facebook.

Now about a year or so had gone by and her now husband Ramon started messaging me on Facebook after I posted some "balla" pics. He was up North with her visiting again and wanted to get together. Either she put him up to it, or he genuinely wanted to hang out with me. I honestly wasn't sure if he was on coke(due to the fact of how hyped he was) or she was just hounding him to do this. He was very eager to hang out and I obliged. Knowing him now, he wasn't on drugs, just naturally high. Also he turns out to be the biggest Degen I know. Much more to come obviously. Anyway, we did some regular things. He wanted me to take him to a good barbershop, also wanted to know where he could grab good Spanish food. He talked a ton about all the money he hustles up and how we should link up. I didn't give too much real thought to it and brushed him off as being uppity. I was aware of a bunch of his gigs like promoting shows/clubs, grows, and other avenues. Steph has informed me over the years of his tendencies to blow $3-$5k in a night out at a club. Anyways I dropped him back off and he said he would be in touch with me.

I think a month later(January of this year) he was back in town and called me up. We made a gym trip and he talked more business with me. I basically told him I was done with illegal things like grow-houses. From what he said he was a prodigy in the field. But if he had something legit I may be interested. He then told me about the car business. I understand the basis of the "car game", but had extremely limited experience. Massachusetts is one of the hardest states to sell cars due to the Lemon Laws, emission inspections, and insurance process. He informed that this wouldn't be the case down there. I was open to talking more about it, so we made plans to hit the casino for some fun.

It ends up being Ramon, Steph, Ramon's sister(hott BTW), and myself. Turned out to be a standard trip, I drank, won money, and entertained the girls. Ramon lost money playing poker. After talking a bit more I promised to make a trip down to Florida to get a better idea of this car business venture.

So it's February and I'm on a Southwest flight to MCO. They were staying in an apartment in Sanford while their house in Lake Nona was being built in this gated community. The accommodations were a bit tilting in this 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. They had a gay roommate that took up one bedroom and bathroom. I was on the couch sharing a bathroom with Steph, Ramon, an 11 year old, a 2 year old, and two dogs. But Ramon was very hospitable and adamant I stay with them and not pay for a hotel. It also seemed at the time that Steph had Ramon tamed, you could tell he had a Degeneracy Demon in him. From what I could make out, he must have fallen on hard times through his lifestyle and finacical choices. She basically had him whipped and was treating him like a child. He was so over-joyed I was visiting that he had me with him 24/7. They would fight over who got to spend time with me. He was banned from hanging out with all past friends by her. Since I was "her" friend he found a loop-hole. He was very accommodating the whole trip. Took me to some theme parks with comp passes, made trips to Daytona Kennel Club, and Tampa Hard Rock because he knew I loved gambling. I quickly learned how terrible he was at poker and watched him drop $100 buy-ins at the soft poker rooms. Rooms are much softer than Foxwoods, Mohegan, Borgata, etc. No offense to any Floridian grinders out there. Anyway it seemed like he was on an allowance from his work earnings. So I would end up feeling bad because I could tell he needed this money he was dumping so his wife didn't kill him. I won every-time and would break him even on the $200 or so he would dump every trip. Also felt like it was money he was saving me on food, hotel, and car for the trip.

Just came to mind, funny hand at the Hard Rock. I was drinking away at a 1-2 table for a few hours. Had everyone entertained with my banter and antics. With about $650ish in front of me, I get involved in a pot with a guy that was ordering me drinks. Foggy memory but pretty sure I made it $15 to go with the 8-5 from early position. About 4 callers to a rainbow flop of 6-9-4, so I c-bet my side-door straight draw for $25. Now only 2 callers. The dealer puts a professional turn card of a 7 out there. Now I lead for $65, but next to act is the gentlemen I've been bantering it up with. He makes it $200 to go and flashes his hand to my buddy Ramon while the other guy folds. I wasn't looking at the time but start getting nudged under the table by Ramon. I know I got the goods but am a little concerned he may have the T-8. I talked him into showing me his hand lol. He exposed the 8-5, with no redraw. After a bit of deliberation I decide my best play is to call in hopes of the board pairing. Sure enough I get my wish and a 4 hits the river. I'm first to act and jam my last $400ish which barely has him covered. He talks to me forever and I just talk a bunch of nonsense while laughing it up. He eventually makes a crying fold and shows the table how unlucky he got because he had me on the turn. I tell him good fold and table my hand. Table went nuts, and he shot out his seat before talking to himself his whole smoke break. Not that interesting of a hand in general, but was a good time because of the drunken **** talking dynamics.

Where was I, so back to the car business. Ramon was just flipping cars off Craigslist at the time and has visions of a bigger operation. He wanted a legit car lot and desperately tried to explain how much profit we could be seeing. He just needed roughly $20k to get started. I was becoming interested in the potential after seeing the money he was making off these side cars and how simple he made it look. Only problem we had was, both of us had records and we realized neither of us could put this business in our names. So after a week or so I returned home with nothing too promising of this venture. I did finally see Ramon come out of his regression shell. The night before I flew home he threw poles and equipment in trunk for a little fishing trip. On the way he got a call from someone who owed him money. We met his buddy at a sushi joint where he was having dinner with some broad. Him and Ramon were clearly friends and reminisced on wild club nights together where Ramon would lose his mind and try fighting 50 Cent while he was doing a show in Orlando. I guess Ramon thought he was a big deal in the city. After they got done bull****ting, we got back in the car. Only difference was, he now had $3k on him instead of lint. He also said his buddy owes him another $12k or so. Were dressed in sweats and stuff to go fishing, but he seems not to care. He gets on the phone and is calling strippers on speaker phone, talking about going to Tampa for the night. I brought up the fact of how we were dressed but he didn't care. He said we would hit the mall and get new outfits because he obviously couldn't head home and get dressed to go out in front of his wife. After some clear thinking from me about my early flight, I talked him down and we returned home. That was my first real glimpse at seeing how money changes his mood drastically.

He drops me at the airport the next morning and says he is going to figure out a game-plan for us to get rolling. So over the next couple months he is calling me religiously to chat. Telling me to come back down and invest, says he will sort out all the details. I start to think he is either insane or just realizes I am his only escape from the clutches his wife has on him. I really started to lean to the side of him needing me as a scapegoat for getting out the house, once he was sending me proof of having a legit dealership up and running. He kept me posted on every move from getting signs put up to Face-timing me from the auction while he was buying cars. It was about June at this time and he found a friend to back him and put the business in their name. But he still wanted me down there as his partner. He was selling between 5 and 10 cars a week averaging $1k profit a car. This is when I was sold on him needing me to escape his wife, because why the **** else would he want to share all this money with me. He told me he needed $20k to buy his partner out and to just book a flight down. They were living in their new 5 bedroom 3 bath house now and I could crash with them for a couple weeks. So there I found myself landing at MCO and him picking me up with a dealer plate.

Don't want to draw out all the business details, but I gave him the cash which was for a 50% return of all profits. Only thing was I had to work with him for the 2 weeks out the month I would travel down there for. Which really meant him getting out the house more and having a side-kick with him. I did try to learn the business and enjoyed buying cars at the auction. Also quickly became good at selling them. Business was bringing in $30k plus a month for a small used car lot. Real easy work and started wishing I had gotten into this years ago. I also started to learn a bit more about how Orlando worked.

Again I know this post has been pretty non-eventful, but I guarantee some good entertainment to come. I'm just going to leave off here and pick back-up next post where the Degeneracy starts to unfold slowly.
11-24-2016 , 10:58 PM
In after WarmDeck
11-25-2016 , 01:22 AM
Warmdeck talking down a fellow degen from a night on the town? Are you feeling okay bro?!

Solid update! Can't wait to hear about this new chapter.
11-25-2016 , 06:45 AM
Project Tamedown
11-28-2016 , 04:04 AM
Solid update

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