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*DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively *DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively

05-17-2016 , 04:34 PM
We need updates
05-18-2016 , 06:13 PM
It's easy to self-publish or semi self-publish nowadays if you haven't go for it. That goal will motivate you also to put in the time. Get a catchy title ... you're in like Flint.
05-18-2016 , 06:44 PM
I just went on the vegasboards page and saw that he posted new stories that didn't make it here so ima post them
05-18-2016 , 06:45 PM

Over the years I have been into many scuffles, fights, and brawls. I was always quick to get involved. But I've grown a lot since then and looking back, the majority was unnecessary. In this story I want to talk about a night where I tried to be the peace-keeper, and managed to stay out of the ruckus.

It was 2010 I believe right when I got my license re-instated. That alone was some motivation for me to stay out of trouble considering I just went a few years without it. It was a weekend night when Wins called me to see what I was up to. He said he was at the Mardi Gras (a popular strip club) by himself. He asked me to come join him. I figured I would stop by and hang out for a bit, with no intention of drinking.

It was about 10pm when I got there. Wins was at the bar already buzzing. He offered to buy me a drink but I declined. He then notified me that his friend Screwie Louie was on his way down. Now, I can be pretty crazy when I drink, as can Wins. But Screwie Louie can take it to the next level. He is known for being a lunatic, and always tearing **** up in the nightlife scene. He is the type of guy to talk to everyone, and know everybody that works in the entertainment district. He was an amateur MMA fighter and entrepreneur. Starting up MMA leagues and running clubs/bars. But his wild-side was always his downfall in any of his ventures. So thought of combining these two with alcohol is scary. Thank god I don't plan on drinking.

About 30 minutes later SL arrived. Him and Wins are ordering shots left and right while I'm on the wagon. I could quickly see where this night was going. An hour into their antics, Poker Jay comes strolling in with a friend of his. At the time I was angry at PJ over a few things I can't recall off-hand. I do remember that because I was mad at him, I was after him for a petty debt of $40. Yes only $40. Just to make his life harder, knowing that amount is usually all he has to his name. PJ got a little nervous when he seen me because we hadn't talked in a few weeks and his was dodging me over this. But he had no choice other then to come up and talk to me. He congratulated me on the license and made excuses why he has been ignoring me. He then showed me he had empty pockets and that his friend invited him out. At the time Wins was already aware of this debt and is always looking for a reason to fight. So he circled behind PJ and was waiting for the green light to attack him. I didn't want any trouble that night, so I let Wins know it was cool. I then went back to keeping an eye on Wins and SL.

About a half hour later these 2 were getting uncontrollable. Wins must have been telling SL that he wanted to jump on PJ because sure as hell that's what happened. Out of nowhere, I see Wins take a swing at PJ. SL then rushes the friend PJ was with. The friend is back-pedaling tring to stop the attack from SL, while PJ is running for cover. I grab Wins and yell at him to stop. He's going on about how PJ owes me money. At this point PJ had ran to one side of the bar near an exit and was looking back to see if his friend was okay. I went over to apologize to him, letting him know I didn't want them doing that. As I'm telling PJ this, I see him go to duck. Then I see SL coming to hit him with a bar stool. He dodged most of it and ran out the door. I grabbed the stool and told SL to calm down. PJ and his friend had left, while Wins and SL were laughing it up. Now most people are going to be kicked out of a bar for this type of behavior. But not these two. Again, SL is on a friendly basis with all staff. They just went back to drinking.

The bar was pretty packed when all this went on. There was a group of 4 guys watching the whole thing. These guys were all huge. Looked like a UFC fight-camp. All 4 were at least 250 plus and looked like they were juicing. One guy was like the size of the Rock. I'm sober and can tell they didn't take a liking to how these 2 were acting. They also weren't impressed with their fight-game after watching them attack PJ and his friend.

Nothing mattered to these two as they went on with their antics. I then see SL behind the bar talking to a waitress he knew. I'm not sure if it was a money issue, or just letting the wild-side shine. But SL comes out from behind the bar with a bottle of Jager in his pants. He shows it to Wins and they decide to hideout in the bathroom with it taking swigs. I follow them in there as a chaperon, but they go into a stall. Within a minute of them chugging they are fighting each other inside a stall. This was crazy, 2 grown men inside a stall chugging out of a stolen Jager bottle, then engaging in fists. I opened the door and got them to break it up. One of the big guys from earlier was at a urinal and witnessed this. He then made a snide remark about them as he walked out. They both felt disrespected and went out to confront this guy. These guys are nowhere near as drunk as Wins and SL. They out-number us and appear to be tougher. Being a gambling man, I got my money on them. I'm not looking for a problem and can clearly tell they wouldn't mind roughing these 2 up. I feel SL knows he is out-matched too, as he is offering to just buy them a drink. They guy who made the comment in the restroom is adamant he wants nothing from SL. He just basically says to get the **** out of his face. I feel the tension building, so I step in between and make a plea for them to relax. That my friends are just drunk and apologize. After a minute of negotiating, I thought my friends were in the clear. **** no though, SL had to take it to the next level. As I'm getting the main guy to calm down, SL decides to hit him over the head with a beer bottle!

**** hit the fan. SL immediately took off running towards the exit as 3 of the 4 chased after him. In regards to these guys being tough, that bottle did nothing to the guy. He was hot on his trail for revenge. I in no way want to fight this night, and would much rather not pick a losing battle if I was going to. But Wins is my right-hand man and I can't let him go down. The biggest guy that looked like the Rock went right for Wins swinging away. Wins just back-pedaled and took guard. I wasn't sure what I was going to be able to do. I don't think me taking a swing at the back of this 6'7" man's head would do much. I guess I was going to have to jump on his back and hold on for dear life. But I was cut a break when this guy decided to leave Wins alone after a few swings, and take off to help his friends. I ask Wins if he is okay, and can tell the guy didn't get any clear hits off. As for SL, he was in trouble. I was not tight with SL like I was with Wins, so I had no intention of sacrificing myself for him. To be fair, there was nothing I could have changed when we seen him getting pummeled by these 4 in a corner. The bouncers who were friends with SL couldn't even stop it. After about a minute of beating him into the hardwood they decided to exit the club. A full minute can be a long beating.

When the smoke finally cleared, you could see SL laying there like he just got hit by a Mack truck. Wins helped him up and it reminded me of a character being dazed in a cartoon. He had to be seeing tweety birds. Staff helped SL off and the 4 guys were outside talking to the police. The police took note of the guy getting hit with a beer bottle when he showed them the gash. They end up not making any arrests and tell everyone to go home. I get Wins in my car and bring him home.

As I'm pulling up to Win's house he gets a call from SL's girl. She says that they are at the hospital. Wins then asks me to bring him there. We go in and see SL in the emergency room. He looked like Emmet Till. His front teeth were half gone and face swollen beyond recognition. I felt bad, but he should have never hit that guy with a bottle. They get him in right away to be seen. His brother and cousin show up for him and want to know what happened. Wins already feels animosity because he knows he was suppose to help his friend. I tried to explain what went down while Wins was being belligerent to the cousin and brother. They are both street guys and weren't liking the way Wins was acting. I'm sure they didn't like that he was untouched and SL was on the brink of death. Then they receive a text from a bouncer at the club, that Wins did absolutely nothing to help SL. Again to be fair, there was nothing he could do but take a bad loss. Either way, his actions are debatable. They then call him out on it, and Wins starts threatening them in the ER room. It becomes quite the scene, and I finally get Wins outside to calm down. I go back inside to apologize to them. Hospital security must have called the police, because within a few minutes I hear a thud against the glass pane looking out. It's Wins face, as a couple cops slam him up against it. I go out to see what's going on while he is acting belligerent. I couldn't talk them out of arresting him for disorderly conduct. He was being taken away in a cruiser.

I made a few more apologies/condolences to the family, then left to bail Wins out. His bail wasn't much, and I just gave him a ride home. I told him to sleep it off and I would call him in the morning. This incident didn't stop these 2 from acting up, but did slow them down for at least a few weeks. I'm so glad I didn't drink that night, because I would have hated waking up missing teeth or with a new arrest.
05-18-2016 , 06:53 PM
Casino Moments Volume 1

I want to share random casino casino encounters I find interesting that don't necessarily qualify for an isolated story. I'm sure many of you have similar experiences, but for now, here is a couple of mine.

I've had my own share of casino quarrels disputing whether a wager was paid correctly over the years. This one that comes to mind took place in 2007 at the lovely Foxwoods Resort & Casino. I was more of a poker player at the time, while the pits took a backseat to my gambling habits. Although I am a world-class Texas Holdem prodigy, there is the rare occurrence that I do lose. Chalk it up to bad luck I suppose. The day in question I was stuck roughly $1500 of the $4k I had on me. I had been playing for about 8 hours alongside my apprentice who had accompanied me on this trip. He was down a little bit himself with the notion to get our losses back at Blackjack. What the heck, write a check. I was with it.

Tables were pretty full that day and we both ended up on adjacent tables. I bought in for $1k, starting off with small bets. In hopes of grinding my losses back. A shoe and a half later my immediate gratification leak had overpowered me. It was time to make it or break it. I had been on a small rush of good hands, and appeared to be the bigger bettor at this $15 minimum table. At this time, Foxwoods allowed "back-betting". Where another patron could wager behind your circle and the bet was honored in the same manner as yours. With all tables having no-vacancy, an older Asian lady assumed I was lucky and decided to bet behind me. She was betting between $100 and $200 behind me, for about 5 hands or so before I decided to make a stand. I then pushed everything I had in the circle, which seemed like a lot with the towering stack of mostly green, couple black, and a few reds. Dealer says "Check play!" to the floor. Then floor responds with "Go ahead" after viewing my wager. Lady behind me comes along for $200.

So now I sit in the anchor and await my fate as all the cards are dealt. First card a 4, followed by a 7. Not too bad, considering the dealer had a juicy 6 up. Everyone is taking hits with the small cards that are being dealt. By the time it gets to me, I can only see maybe one face card in the bunch. All eyes were on me as I can't remember there ever being a better time to double. I asked the dealer to count it down, while I pulled my last $1500 out of my pocket. The dealer says "$1260". I give the money to double for the full amount, but the floor declares he will only allow me to double for $1k(table max). I argued this a little bit, but he stood his ground and the dealer gave me 10 blacks to double with. They allow the Asian lady behind me to double her back-bet for an additional $200. I'm standing up and yelling to my buddy were heading home one way or another on the turn of this card.

The beautiful jack of diamonds peels off and my buddy gives me a high-ten. Dealers turn now. I only have to sweat a push. Dealer turns up a face card for a hard sixteen. Then like expected, rips off another face card. I was excited, as was the whole table for me. Now time to pay the table as nobody broke but the dealer. This is where we run into a problem. As the dealer is counting down my stack again to pay me out, the floor chirps in. Says to only pay me $2k of the $2260 I had at risk. I argue this aggressively and asked to speak to another floor. With no success, they explained that max payout for a single hand would be $2k due to the $1k table max sign. Being new to gambling I argued that the floor said my bet was OK when the dealer notified him. They said that they would have only took $1k of the $1260 if I had lost. I was very leery of that argument, but finally gave up. I accepted my $2k and was content I won this big hand. But then **** really got funny. The poor Asian lady who bet behind me was told she was not getting paid anything. That the $2k max payout left her with nothing to show for her $400 at risk. Total bull****! The floor watched and allowed her to double her bet after knowing I had the supposed table max already in play. To this day, if I lost that hand, I believe they would have scraped all $2660 right into the dealer tray. I immediately colored up while talking **** to the floor. The whole table was upset with their stance. Instead of tipping the dealers, I handed the lady $260 of the $4260 I colored up. I was pissed, but at the same time happy I turned a $500 profit on the day when things potentially seemed like I would be going home close to bust. I do remember telling gambling friends about this hand and they recommended I call and complain. At the bare minimum they said I should get comped the additional wager in dollar for dollar points to spend. When I called it was a week after the hand. I was told by the supervisor that they would have allegedly make good on this, but weren't able to verify my dispute because of the time that had passed. I guess I should have escalated it the day it happened. Oh well, **** YOU Foxwoods.

The next moment that comes to mind is spring 2009 I believe at Mohegan Sun. The poker room may have still been somewhat new. I was staying on property for the week through comp rooms someone had given me. I was playing cash there and tournaments at a series Foxwoods had running. One of these evenings I head down to the poker room and join a 1-2 table. The game was pretty fishy with only a couple competent players. After an hour or so I became friendly with another kid at the table who was wearing sunglasses. He was seated in the 6 seat while I was in the 10. The friend he was visiting Mohegan with was seated in the 5 seat next to him. They both new how to play, but me and the 6 seat got into talking about many things like online poker and such. He told me he was basically spending the week there with his friend to grind and play tourneys like myself.

I remember his friend taking some bad beats and leaving that table in disgust after busting a couple buy-ins. So me and the 6 seat were talking more. He told me how he went to Vegas for his birthday and bet $10k on black at roulette. Think he said he lost, but can't remember for sure. I found it odd that he was playing 1-2 and would wager $10k on a spin of roulette. He seemed genuine so I believed him, when many others at the table thought he was full of ****. A couple hours had passed and he took off his sunglasses to talk to me. We still went on talking strategy and other random ****. Some of the other fish at the table had been drinking as it started to get late into the night. There was a loud stereotypical Jersey "Bada-Bing Bada-Boom" guy down in the 3 seat. So the table was getting more talkative and boisterous. Now that I had been looking at the 6 seat without the sunglasses for a bit, he reminded me of someone. I was a big fan of Sopranos growing up, had the all the seasons on DVD. It had been a few years since I last watched them though. But the 6 seat reminded me of the son, AJ Soprano. I say to him, "Anyone ever tell you, you look like the kid from Soprano's?" He kind of awkwardly shrugged it off. That's when the loud 3 seat chimes in "No way!, Only if he just got off a crystal meth bender!" Obviously referring to how AJ was a chubby kid on the show and the 6 seat was way skinnier. At this point it becomes a debate at the table whether he resembles him or not. Some say a little bit, and the 3 seat continues to make wise-cracks about weight loss . Also says that anyone agreeing is crazy because he watched Sopranos.

Well it eventually dies down as the 6 seat didn't say much. Then he goes to the bathroom. The loud guy spoke up again about it, but the dealer chimed in at this point. She said, that actually was him and could see from the name that logged in on the player's card. Dealers have a small screen on the felt that display the player's name when they sign into the table to be rated. Sure enough I look over and see Robert I. on the screen. At this point, those opposed felt pretty stupid. Especially the guy that was talking ****, saying the kid would have to been a drug addict to lose that much weight. He gets back from the bathroom and it's not brought up again. AJ racks up shortly after and leaves. I kind of felt bad for bringing it up, because of the nonsense he had to keep his mouth shut for. But when I said it, I really never thought it was him. Just that they looked a lot alike.

I know it is a somewhat common thing to see celebrities/athletes in the casino. But found this particular situation amusing because of the debate of whether he looked liked said person or not. When all along is actually was him.

This next moment is pretty nasty and I would think this would be handled differently depending on who it happened to. This was the most recent of these stories, happening early 2015. I was playing a daily poker tournament at Foxwoods, pretty deep into it. It was around 11pm, and we were sent on break while the bubble was looming. I took this 10 minutes to hit the bathroom. This bathroom entrance I chose has a corridor to go left for men, or right for women. I chose left obviously and made my way down to the men's restroom opening.

A little bit about the layout of this bathroom. When you get to the end of the corridor, you have the opening on your right. This bathroom is about 15x20(could be off). As soon as you enter there is a trashcan to your right and a 4 sink counter-top that runs down the right side wall. On your left-hand side, you have 2 urinals, followed by 2 stalls. Anyway, as I turn right to head into the opening I am startled. There is a guy standing there pissing into the trashcan at the entrance facing me. I was shocked as he seemed to be caught off-guard by me. At that moment he sloppily went to put his dick back in his pants while still in flow. By pulling his pants up quickly it changed the direction his dick was aiming. The piss started to shoot up towards me. It all happened so fast and I quickly became enraged thinking this ****ing lowlife just pissed on me. I mean, I didn't feel it on my face, but it must have got on my clothes.

He starts to frantically apologize, while I am scanning my clothes for a urine trail. I'm ready to knock this guy out right in the restroom if I find one drop on me. He won't stop apologizing. I scan my clothes at least 3 times before looking him in the eyes. I'm completely sober and realize one of 2 things. He is either mentally handicapped or totally blacked-out. Pretty sure it was the latter. His eyes just weren't right. This was ****ing gross, I didn't actually get hit, but that piss narrowly missed my face. I was in a dilemma. Hitting him crossed my mind. Wondering whether he was exposing himself purposely in a sex predator manner. If so, should I notify security. Is he just ******ed? I settled on him being blacked-out and having no foul intentions. Given that I had no piss on me, I was able to walk away without being physical. Still felt dirty after that close of a call. I decided not to notify security, having some sympathy due to myself being in theses alcohol zombie-like stupors at times. I left it alone and returned to the tournament to bust shortly before the money.

I'm sure many of you may have not just walked away and left this situation alone. But that's how I handled it. Anyways, that's it for memories for now. Until Volume 2....
05-18-2016 , 09:24 PM
***... Nobody writes/degens like warmdeck.

We still need to make this AC trip happen.
05-18-2016 , 09:54 PM
I posted those stories itt and he asked me to have them removed
05-19-2016 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by The Apex
I posted those stories itt and he asked me to have them removed
Oh **** did he? My bad

Hopefully a mod removes them soon

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
06-11-2016 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
Baccarat Run

Last summer I... I'm getting tired and casino is dead at this time so I decide it's time to get a blow job. So I call up a hooker...
Dude.. put this into a book. Holy **** the writing you wield

Last edited by vladb; 06-11-2016 at 04:50 AM. Reason: cut to the chase
06-12-2016 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by vladb
Dude.. put this into a book. Holy **** the writing you wield
06-20-2016 , 11:22 PM
Can't understand how WD has not gone to Vegas. It worked for Benny Binion.
07-09-2016 , 09:04 AM
Long time lurker, I have read all of Warm Decks stories as well as most Degen stories, and enjoy poker playing at times. So a few nights ago, I'm at Foxwoods, playing 1/2 live. Table is nitty and not much fun. Then it happens, warm deck and his boy show up. Soon everyone is having a good time, drinking beer, Warm Deck is raising every hand. So how do i know its really him? He showed me a picture of his BMW at one point, his screen saver was Project Degen, his friends name was Steve, and at one point they mentioned we have the stripper with us! He was a really fun and nice fella, he even gave me legit advice while in a hand with Strip Poker Steve. I have A 10, i forgot if raised pot, but anyhow its a low flop, but ace turn, and Strip Poker went all in on that Ace. Warm Deck said to fold, I didnt listen steve won the pot. Later i also got stacked by WD when he flopped a set on me. I didnt care, it was the legend and i was proud to have met him. Oh the funniest part, this army guy shows up and Warm Deck immediately pronouces we have a new fish! The guy had a freakin swordfish on his shirt as well and looks pissed. Army guy is like shut up punk, WD goes ill body slam you pussy! army calls the floor and is all PO. WD left to go play high stakes craps i think.I go boy theres so many fish here and army gave me a dirty look. GOod times, nice to meet this BBV legend!
07-09-2016 , 08:22 PM
Lmaooo nice story

Nice name too

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
07-10-2016 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by CleanoutKid
Nice name too


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
07-10-2016 , 06:41 PM
Can confirm this was me. BlackChipsMatter must have been 2 seat, directly to my left. Very cool guy by the way. I sat down with a buddy I was staking, looking to have fun while enjoying vodkas splash of cran. Def turned that graveyard into a party.

SPS eventually arrived after servicing a client. I was sincere about telling BCM about laying down his hand vs SPS. Seeing him double up his min-buy tilts me. Table turned up for sure, we created action and a scene multiple times. I did decide to exit once the floors got involved considering I'm ejected as it is. I was having a good time creating competitive banter, but the soldier in the swordfish tee didn't appreciate my belligerence. I did apologize after threatening to body slam him. Shook his hand, told him my name was Randy, and offered him a Slim Jim.

Would have been funny if BCM referenced 2+2 at the time. Hopefully we cross paths again.

SPS sent me video from that night after last call of my buddy's hidden talent.

<broken video link removed at the request of OP>

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-21-2018 at 05:24 PM. Reason: <broken video link removed at the request of OP>
07-10-2016 , 06:53 PM
SPS also showed up to the pool the next morning in a sweatsuit. Managed to get shot down by 3 pool employees and beverage servers decided to boycott our area. We talked him into using the sweatsuit as a convo starter. But no one bit when he claimed he was visiting from Alaska and asking for e-mail addreses(supposedly employees aren't able to give out phone number)

07-10-2016 , 11:38 PM
Amazing Stories, had a good time reading through them all over the past few days. I go down to Mohegan and Foxwoods occasionally but not nearly as much as I use to. Can relate to a lot of the stories you wrote as well, I wish I wrote and recording a lot but during those times I was heavily into drinking and other fun things so I never thought to do so. Anyways, amazing thread and best of luck on your future Degen adventures.

Also from the story above I was at Foxwoods later on that night in the poker room, I truly wish I would have seen this go down. I had just started to read this thread at the start of this week. Truly is a small world after all.
07-12-2016 , 11:40 AM
Amazing stuff! Wonder if this legend will ever cash in?
07-12-2016 , 10:04 PM
Hey warm deck Foxwoods was very good to me yesterday. Went for the high hand bonus day. Wasn't getting anything so went to a slot tournament I was invited for. I lose that but it gave me the urge to play slots. Got pretty degen as I put most
Of my poker money for the day into the machine and now I am hating the stupid slots I know I don't win on them much. I have $15 on a paper ticket put on max bet and bells went off. $5 machine max bet and it came in with triple bar double diamond and triple diamonds. Paid $2700 so then I . Casually stroll back to my 1/2 $80 stack and kept playing but much looser n ran that 80 to $500.
07-12-2016 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Blackchipsmatter
Hey warm deck Foxwoods was very good to me yesterday. Went for the high hand bonus day. Wasn't getting anything so went to a slot tournament I was invited for. I lose that but it gave me the urge to play slots. Got pretty degen as I put most
Of my poker money for the day into the machine and now I am hating the stupid slots I know I don't win on them much. I have $15 on a paper ticket put on max bet and bells went off. $5 machine max bet and it came in with triple bar double diamond and triple diamonds. Paid $2700 so then I . Casually stroll back to my 1/2 $80 stack and kept playing but much looser n ran that 80 to $500.
Nice man, may the Degen be with you.
07-12-2016 , 10:53 PM
Damn black chips matter indeed! Nice work you sicko
07-13-2016 , 01:27 AM
black chips matter tee hee ho ho
07-13-2016 , 09:27 AM
I still can't believe I
Called SPS. He showed
A king on a ace turn and
I held ace 10. He had big Slick
Should have known But see i knew he was warm
Decks friend and WD says don't call so
Now I'm
Thinking i should call. Hey I donated to SPS but I got
Foxwoods money well a little of
It at least...
07-16-2016 , 07:33 PM
Warm D,

Longtime lurker. Been a fan for many months. Still got shirts? Definitely want one. Also would be willing to meet you out in Vegas/AC brother. Would love just to witness 1/100 of the craziness you experience.

Keep up the writing. You are the man.

07-18-2016 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by JEWCY1
Warm D,

Longtime lurker. Been a fan for many months. Still got shirts? Definitely want one. Also would be willing to meet you out in Vegas/AC brother. Would love just to witness 1/100 of the craziness you experience.

Keep up the writing. You are the man.

Doubtful u could endure 1/100, maybe try 1/1000
