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*DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively *DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively

12-16-2016 , 04:48 PM
Warm deck, you deliver as always.
I love reading the updates, aint nothing like being the degeneral!
12-16-2016 , 06:57 PM
We were trailed by the 4(I'm wasted again)

12-16-2016 , 07:07 PM
12-16-2016 , 07:34 PM
what is most you ever bet on one hand Warm Deck?
Personally I have bet $1000 a few times (lost 3 times ) and doubled down a few times (1200 won 2 lost 1)
12-17-2016 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
From what I understand, Ramon hopped in the passenger seat while Max jumped in the back. He started going on with this saying of "*****, We Made It!" He made sure to let the Uber driver know that he was a successful car dealership owner. That the cars on his lot have brakes, but his bank account doesn't, you can't stop it. He was riding high. Instead of going to the nearest liquor store, he told the driver to take him to the hood. Because he came up, so now he's gonna give business to the hood, so they can come up. After buying 6 bottles, a couple 30 packs, and bags of ice they head back. He then thinks it would be a nice gesture to invite the Uber driver to the pool party. Problem was the Uber driver didn't have a bathing suit. No problem, Ramon makes him stop at Family Dollar and grabs him a pair. There was only one more problem. Between 55 West being known as an upscale building and Ramon acting like he was some sort of royalty, the Uber driver felt out-classed. He didn't want anyone there knowing what he did for a living. Again no problem, Ramon tells him he is introducing him to everyone as Dwayne Wade's cousin. I'm not making any of this up.
LMAOOOOO... Im deadass in tears right now

Ramon honestly seems like a good dude though, I'm the same way
12-17-2016 , 09:30 AM
The line about Ramon wanting to give back to the area he came up from is the greatest thing I've ever read haha
12-18-2016 , 12:23 AM
It's been pretty cool to see Warm Decks growth as a person from a no holds barred youthful degen to a grown man with degen tendencies.

Now the Degeneral is commanding a rag tag bunch of degenerate Beatle Bailey's around O-Town.

Actually that's exactly who Max reminds me of now, a degenerate Beatle Bailey
12-18-2016 , 03:32 PM
Holy ****, Beatle Bailey comparison is on point.
12-18-2016 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
Holy ****, Beatle Bailey comparison is on point.

Made my morning that someone else sees that! Lmao
12-18-2016 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Made my morning that someone else sees that! Lmao
brag: definitely beetle bailey
beat: still beetle bailey
variance: his cucking wife is Sarge
12-19-2016 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by cypresshill
what is most you ever bet on one hand Warm Deck?
Personally I have bet $1000 a few times (lost 3 times ) and doubled down a few times (1200 won 2 lost 1)
Nothing too crazy, maybe about $4kish on a hand of baccarat.
Originally Posted by wj294
The line about Ramon wanting to give back to the area he came up from is the greatest thing I've ever read haha
He is the most amazing character I have ever encountered in my life. These stories do not do him justice. I have plenty more to come about him.
Originally Posted by Natamus
It's been pretty cool to see Warm Decks growth as a person from a no holds barred youthful degen to a grown man with degen tendencies.

Now the Degeneral is commanding a rag tag bunch of degenerate Beatle Bailey's around O-Town.

Actually that's exactly who Max reminds me of now, a degenerate Beatle Bailey
LoL, Natumus you are sharp. This reference is great. If Max Cuckold wasn't perfect, Beatle Bailey would be his new handle.

(Ramon's sister)

12-19-2016 , 01:30 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Ramon's sister is probably more +EV for you than Ramon is.
12-19-2016 , 02:09 AM
12-19-2016 , 03:40 AM
Ramon's sister - please tell us you smashed. She looks like she deserves a General's work.
12-19-2016 , 05:03 AM
Praise from the Degeneral itt, maybe 2016 wasn't so crap after all
12-25-2016 , 01:58 AM
dear god this thread delivers.
01-17-2017 , 11:38 PM
01-19-2017 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by lordmunt
I'll try to get a story up tomorrow.
01-19-2017 , 06:24 AM
Papi Perfecto gets a Lambo

The Degeneracy had begun to slowly seep through with Ramon over the past month. After the previous weekend I had left off at, it was now gushing. Hence me assigning him a nickname for his now blatant alter-ego. As of today, I'm still not exactly sure how to diagnose his behavior. I never took any psychology courses, so I'm not exactly qualified. But, I'm pretty sure he has delusions of grandeur. It's like he's a multi-millionaire trapped inside a middle-class man's body.

After that weekend it was back to the automotive grind. It was time to show Max and SCP the ropes. Papi Perfecto wasn't much help though. All that was on his mind, was the 11 that he had smashed out that "fishing trip". The thought of her just made him all giddy. He was instantly in love, even though he had his wife and kids at home. We all assumed she wouldn't be interested in him and it was just a one-time mistake. We were all shocked when he broke the news to us 48 hours later that she was moving into a studio at our building. Papi wanted to keep her close. So after doctoring up some phony pay stubs for her, she was now financially eligible and approved. He just had to kick up the first, last, and security for her. Well, this hoe ain't cheap. I couldn't believe he was willing to just drop money on her like that.


As far as business went, it was pretty normal for me and Papi. We hired his cousin Tone(short for Antonio) that week. He was going through some tough times and needed work. We gave him a small salary and a flat commission on cars. Also gave him a car off the lot to drive. He was funny and somewhat Degen himself, so he fit in perfect. His previous auto industry knowledge was a big help too. I also met the friend/partner I had to buyout from the dealership. I guess he does well for himself financially and has made some good investments over the years. He asked Papi to do him a favor and buy a Lambo through the dealership at a discounted price. For saving him money, keeping it under the dealership with a dealer tag to drive on, he would in return lend us it once in a while.


Well it finally arrived. It was a hell of a car, nothing I would spend that kind of money on(if I had it). But was cool to borrow it periodically. Here's the thing though, being level headed, I knew the car wasn't mine. Driving it was fun, but I didn't own it. Papi on the other hand seemed to believe he owned a Lambo now. He had forgotten he is making payments on a Ford Fusion. He went to every extent he could to let any and all bystanders believe that it was his car. It was crazy, our close circle knew damn well whose it was. I can remember times when SCP would point out another Lambo parked downtown. Which he has an obsession of ranting about vehicles, like he is some car guru insider. Anyway, he basically says how nice it is. Papi gets offended and barks back that the guy doesn't own it. He either rented it, or is making payments. That guys like Perfecto pay straight cash for theirs, and have title in hand. "The bank don't own mine!" was a common phrase from him. We would find ourselves betting the over/under of times the word "Lambo" came out his mouth while he was talking to a female. Depending how drunk he was, the line was usually set around 10.


If you guys remember a few stories back, I mentioned Papi's obsession with certain songs. I remember him going to watch Suicide Squad in theater with his wife. The next day at the office, Purple Lamborghini was on full blast from the desktop. He envisioned himself as the Evil Joker while believing he owned a Lambo. This thought also drove a vehement will to throw money in the air. He would absolutely lose his ****ing mind when this song was played. For the next couple weeks, every other car that was sold, he would turn the song on as soon as the customer left. He would then take the cash from the sale and throw it in the air. Just to have Max pick it all up once the song ended.

<broken video link removed at the request of OP>

All this heavily played into the fact of him wanting to impress the 11. She worked at a nightclub downtown. I can remember one night him asking her to hang out. She gave him the standard excuses. She was dodging him since moving into the apartment. Only seemed to call him when she needed something. We all could see he was getting played, but he was in strict denial. It was a Monday night, and she had the night off. He couldn't understand why she didn't want to see him that night. So he decided the next best thing was to go to her club and showoff. He figured her co-workers would rave to her about how much of a baller he is.

Everyone meets at the apartment for some pre-gaming. Debo, Papi, Max, SCP, Debo's cousin Jay, and myself. Were feeling good and Papi decides to order Uber Select for our 2 minute drive to the club on top the Amway Center. I notice him ripping open envelopes from our work folder. He pulls about $5k out and stuffs it in his pocket. I try to to tell him not to take that much, but he's adamant "It's all good". So we all head downstairs and hop in the large Escalade. Papi is being a Big-Tymer. I find out he has a thing for hiring Uber drivers. H asks the guy how much he is going to make the rest of the night. Driver says $125. Papi hands him $200 and says he is with us the rest of the night. He's too ****ing much.

<broken video link removed at the request of OP>

2 minutes later we arrive at the club. We all walk straight in like VIP, because were with a Lambo owner and know the staff from that pool party the week prior. Take the elevator upstairs and get seated in our section. It's maybe 9:30pm and the club seems pretty dead. It is a Monday, but whatever, Papi starts ordering bottles. There's something about sparklers being attached to bottles and hip-hop music being played simultaneously that drives him wild. It was funny looking over and seeing the Uber driver hanging out with us hitting the hookah. The bottles just kept coming, always with some over the top presentation. I was definitely getting faded just like everyone else. Papi did request Purple Lamborghini, then made sure to stand on the couch and throw ones in the air.

<broken video link removed at the request of OP>

That wasn't enough for him, we had enough bottles, but he wanted more stuff brought out. He decided to tell he host that it was my birthday. Not even close. But dropping a few hundred for them to bring a cake out put a smile on his face. He just used me as the scapegoat. The club started to get packed after that. But I'll be honest, I started to black out. Then passed out, right on the ****ing couch. SCP disappeared with some random girl allegedly. He said they took off in a cab to a local hotel. Our Uber driver was instructed to carry me out the club, and return me home, which he did. I guess employing him did pay off.

<broken video link removed at the request of OP>

As for the rest of the night, Papi settled up on his tab, then they all exited the club. He was $5k lighter, and was having words with another group of guys. I guess one of the guys in that group threatened to go to his trunk to get a gun. At that point, Jay(Debo's cousin) ran up and hit him while he was popping the trunk. That's when the most unexpected thing happened. Another guy from that group ran to hit Jay, but was knocked out cold by none other than Max ****ing Cuckold. He has never been in a fight in his life. Decided tonight was the night to break his fisticuffs cherry. Debo and Jay were busy stomping on the guy who went to the trunk. The police showed up quickly and threatened to you use pepper spray. Everyone scattered quickly. The Uber driver dropped them all off back at the building.


While back at the apartment, there was a commotion because Debo was drunk and upset about the guys they fought. Oddly because they got the best of them, but he wasn't satisfied. He changed into all black clothing and was making phone calls to pick up a pistol. I guess he wanted to go track these guys down. That's when Max woke me up from a drunken sleep for help. Nobody could control him, they didn't want him leaving. So I basically had to wrestle him around for a little bit until he calmed down. Then I went back to bed.

Next day Papi finds out the 11 wasn't too impressed with his behavior. That whole fight was a huge turn-off, but she needed his help anyway. She wanted some furniture for her new apartment, but didn't have the money for it. This is about 2 weeks into that first time they hooked up, and she hasn't put out since. He had blown through over $10k since then and I knew he didn't want to keep spending on a girl who isn't putting out. I also knew how much he was making selling cars, which didn't warrant this kind of spending habits. Especially when the wife has been in contact with me, bitching more and more about him. Apparently he was not contributing at all at home. Not even making the payments on the car he drives.

I convinced him he needed to play hardball with this broad. I started telling him how to respond in text, because his game was soft. I just basically made him act like a dick. I can specifically remember driving with him and SCP one day while telling him what to write. He was asking her to hangout that night because he wanted sex. She was making excuses as usual. She was also trying to sell him edibles. He ends up telling her she is an under-paid pot peddler. Also calls her a hookah hoe/bottle troll. She gets mad and tells him to go **** himself. He gets nervous now, thinks I may have caused her to not respond anymore. He is frantically asking "What do I say?!" Papi isn't the smartest guy, so I tell him to tell her "Just hit me up when you want to get sodomized". He doesn't know what that means. So I explain, it's a nice way of saying make love. That girls love that kind of talk. He asks a few times on the spelling of sodomize. SCP is anxiously looking over his shoulder waiting for him to hit send. As soon as he does we both start cracking up. Once we told him what it really meant, he honestly got sick to his stomach. He was pissed. He pathetically told her that we had his phone and he was sorry.

She ends up meeting up with him to buy furniture. He gets her a living room set and a bed set. Minus $????.. She was willing to pay for the U-haul, so he could save on deliver cost. That backfired though. He managed to damage the truck by hitting the building. So he forked her over $1500 cash for what she said U-haul was charging her for the damage. He was blowing money fast. At this point we tried to rationalize with him on how much he could be saving by just calling a high-priced escort. You couldn't tell him nothing though.


There was many nights of him going out blowing money. I'm going to finish this story up with another Lambo night that comes to mind. We start off a night about 6 deep at club Vintage. Mind you, he covers whole tab every time we go out. He orders 2 bottles and a hookah while there, but we decide to head to club Tier after that. We get in and he orders another 2 bottles there. I have to admit, Papi does know many people when he goes out. But, it's probably from the amounts of money he has dumped in the nightclubs. I remember him going on some rant with the DJ's microphone. He seemed to know all the DJ's and made sure to request his favorite song. We were on the top tier VIP section, over-looking some of the lower-level sections. Rapper Flo-Rida happened to have a section down there that night. Anyway, the DJ throws Papi's song on. He then shouts out to Flo-Rida, asking if he has a Purple Lamborghini. This pisses Papi off. He shouts back that he has a Black one. Then starts to throw money down at Flo-Rida's section. The rapper wasn't impressed and sent security up to make him stop.

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None of these write-ups will ever do Papi Perfecto justice. He is the most amazing animated character I have ever met. Still have plenty more to come about him.

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-21-2018 at 05:28 PM. Reason: <broken video link removed at the request of OP>
01-19-2017 , 07:58 AM
LOL. nice.
01-19-2017 , 08:07 AM
Whenever I think of Ramon, this song comes to mind. Degening on females = roulette degen?
01-19-2017 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
I'll try to get a story up tomorrow.

Sent from my SM-G930V using 2+2 Forums
01-19-2017 , 03:42 PM
Did Ramon get to break in the new bedroom set with the Bottle Troll? Or is some other dude busting loads on the mattress he paid for (this is probably happening regardless of if Ramon got to smash on it first.)
01-19-2017 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Did Ramon get to break in the new bedroom set with the Bottle Troll? Or is some other dude busting loads on the mattress he paid for (this is probably happening regardless of if Ramon got to smash on it first.)
Ramon is cuckold part two, see!? I ****ing knew it!

last edition was the nuts.
01-19-2017 , 03:54 PM
Can you be cuckholded on your side ho? She is a ho too 100% this is just a loophole
