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BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more

05-05-2011 , 03:08 AM
^ we have a lurker
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by KORNSTAR
I am a poker supervisor at Adelaide casino and I have recognised you. I am probably going to start trolling you and sending you texts from the Poker Zone SMS phone.

A+ thread.
this thread has caused many lurkers to make their 1st post. good job buddy!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 08:44 AM
One session of taking a hit at 5/5 is just going to see this go badly wrong i fear
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 11:39 AM
Can we have that tl;dr update plsssssssss
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Tryst_
Can we have that tl;dr update plsssssssss
Yes you may

1:03am Friday 6th May 2011. Today is a special day. What started out as a hundred dollars in my pocket and an insatiable thirst to play some live poker is now, 13 days later, $5,000 profit, and an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.

To everyone that doubted my chances of turning things around and urged me to quit, I understand completely. After all, I had shown people the worst of what I was capable of. Especially those that know me in real life and have been close to the action. But I could not listen to any of you. I had belief in myself, despite all the stupid sh*t I've done, and was not ready to quit. I feared that I might very well end up where so many of you envisioned, but I had to try. Thankyou all regardless, you showed me that this is something that you have to take seriously, and with the right attitude.

I have learned an incredible amount in the past 2 weeks. I have learned that my weak self control can be controlled by only bringing 2 buy-ins with me to the casino, and leaving my bankcard at home. I have learned that drinking booze while playing poker is the surest way a player will part with their money. I have learned that playing while half asleep is the same as playing drunk. I have learned to trust my instincts. I have learned that roulette should be avoided at all costs. And, I have learned that I don't completely suck at hold 'em. (AND I stacked that f*cker that sucked out on me on the other week when the river brought an 8 destroying my flush )

But I am not going to be delusional either. I have made a tonne of rookie mistakes that have made me miss out on many hundreds of dollars. I am not even close to being confident to play the higher stakes, those players scare the sh*t out of me and I am glad that I recognize this. I have at times (though rarely) tilted and started playing crap out of position that I knew was foolish. But on the whole, I am truly proud of how I have played and the results I have achieved. I want to continue on this road, learning, improving, and I am excited to see what the future holds.

Originally Posted by elendil200
I like reading these NWB, I have a sick feeling that its not gonna end well. You obv have gambling problems man. I just hope you squeeze alot of joy out of it while your heater lasts.
I'm not hating NWB, the start of this post begins by trying to get your life back together from blowing your savings thru punting, it was quite endearing. Now your posts are just about gambling again & degen adventures, which are fun to read like its fun watching a train wreck .
However saying that, if I'm every down melbourne, I will be the first one to buy you a beer and have a yarn mate. GL with everything man, don't get sucked down the rabbit hole for your sake.
The story is what it is, I'm only telling it how it is unfolding. Thanks for your wishes of luck man, I may be hitting Melbourne soon for that glorious 24/7 poker that for me is like cocaine is to Tony Montana. Oh wait... that's kinda bad haha

Originally Posted by Leedslad
i loled.

Dude I'm at work and have a 12hr shift to kill. I just spent the last 3 and a bit hours reading this thread start to the last few pages. I did stop for 1 hour to have a power nap because I had been up 22hrs.

1. in all seriousness don't entertain the selling drugs thing. if you thought string pill was bad and being couped up for 42 days then being ganged raped, corn holing a 36yr old burly dude that makes you call him daddy during a 6 year stint behind bars is gonna blow..... or rock your world.

2. pics of carpet plz

3. get some Klunge!!! use some of remaining 5k and do a hooker or even 2 at once imo. Not the crack whores mind something that looks decent.

4. cash out $50 and rub it on your titties. then change the $50 to coins, go to a strip club and make it rain for them ho's announcing "yo b*tch I'm a balla on a budget"

5. **** the haters on here and everywhere. everyone is different you're just honest about certain things.

6. you still in touch with the other guys from the trial?

epic journey. Keep posting all year imo.
Haha awesome man, I'm glad to have helped kill the boredom for you.

1. I hear you, and I'm not going to be doing a David Saab any time soon.

2. My poker books and dvd's are happy to model my carpet for you sir:

3. Don't know what klunge is but I'm not into hookers. Currently have a lady in my life too

4. This is hilarious, and would do it if I was with people that would actually get the joke.

5. My thoughts too.

6. I actually played poker with Bed 2 the other night. I was very disappointing that he had reneged on our beard pact (may post pics of before and after facial hair adventures). Bed 3 is currently doing a trial and I spoke to him the other day, as he is doing an early cohort of the trial I'll be doing soon. There is a funny story with Bed 7 actually. A friend and I were in town one night a couple of months ago, and were having trouble deciding what to do. My brother had invited us to a party with tonnes of free booze, but Bed 7 had just rang me telling me that there was a guy at his backpackers hostel with a truckload of acid. The choice was clear. Go to hostel, obtain acid, meet brother, party. The plan failed, however, when the guy in possession of the acid turned out to be insane. He was also built like a brick sh*thouse, and totally convinced that my friend and I were undercover police. At first I thought he must have been joking, as we could not possibly have looked less like cops, but this as it turned out only reinforced his belief that we were agents. Two hours passed and it was clear that he was not going to share his drugs. Bed 7 did nothing to help our cause either, he was too busy laughing and staring at his hands. And I also saw Bed 8 at the casino the other night. He bought me a beer and donkeyed off a stack and then left. Would love to get f*cked up with him one night though, I reckon it'd be awesome.

Hope these answers find you well, keep on checking back!

Originally Posted by NeverTheWorst
What a crazy and highly entertaining thread.Not sure why but I feel I need to say something. It seems really irresponsible to me the way some of you have encouraged and even funded what is clearly a full-blown gambling addiction. OP, you are using poker and other gambling as a vehicle for your self destructive urges and yes they will destroy you. The truth, that everyone who reads this thread seems to understand but you somehow do not, is that someone who is as mentally unstable as you seem to be should not be gambling in any form. The skill factor of poker is moot in this situation, and you are merely using your delusions of becoming a winning player as an excuse to continue your self destruction. The truth that you and I and everyone else reading this knows is that whatever heaters you may go on you eventually will lose it all. There is no glory in being a "degen" despite what idiots here will tell you, and from reading this you should understand that better than anyone. The saddest part about your whole story is that you have no one in your life who is close enough to you to smack you in the ****ing face and make you get your **** together since it is obvious that you do not care about your own life. Listen to what me and others are saying and turn your life around while you still can.
I appreciate what you're saying man, and I know first hand that this path can very easily lead to bad places that no-one ever wants to arrive at, but I also know that it's not luck that determines where you end up, but your own head. There are people that have tried to help me, especially one person in particular, and I almost lost them because of my stubborn refusal to follow their advice. This thread is so important to me now. Countless people have contributed to a permanent reminder for me to stay on track. I admit that the past couple of weeks have been chaotic and crazy, but they have been within certain parameters of my choosing, and I am now in an amazing place. I have the financial capability to go anywhere. I no longer feel caged and trapped and f*cking insane by the crushing weight of slavery. By the system. I feel like I can breathe for the first time in years.

Originally Posted by atennisplayah
Your attitude and values are improving sir, good luck with the live nlhe...I might see you for 24/7 1/2 games @ crown in melbourne if you keep this run up.

The fable continues.
You definitely will man. I want to visit Melbourne really soon, and if I do it'd be awesome to meet you and have a drink

Originally Posted by inkognegro
Ha thanks for the entertainment,great thread
My pleasure.

Originally Posted by marknfw
thinking everyone telling NWB to quit poker needs to reread title of thread...have become human guinea pig to PLAY MORE!!!

thread still entertaining, thanks OP!

vacation soon?
Definitely Absolutely F*cking positively

Originally Posted by lazeeesunday
PM me if your there this thursday, friday or saturday night. I might pop in.
No worries man. I have plans Friday and Saturday evenings might not be near a computer to PM you, but I am certain I will play both nights. If you see a long haired bearded guy, come say hi.

Originally Posted by HeyEveryone
I'm not going to read this thread but if you are doing this blindly I would weigh the risk of permanent damage from the drugs you are taking. This is a significant risk with no other information.
You're a little late comrade.

Originally Posted by 99killed
According to the thread title, mission accomplished! Gogogogogo! Post some hands from this heater tho. Is there ever higher NL stakes at the ol' poker zone?
Thanks man! I want to post some hands, but I've been pretty ******ed at recording them. This is something I really want to add to this thread, as I need the perspectives of all of you on hands that I know I could have played better. Will work on this. As for higher stakes, I'm not ready for them, but yeah there's 2/2, 2/3, 5/5 and 5/10 NLHE all running at various times.

Originally Posted by KORNSTAR
I am a poker supervisor at Adelaide casino and I have recognised you. I am probably going to start trolling you and sending you texts from the Poker Zone SMS phone.

A+ thread.
Haha, tonight I kept looking at all the supervisors, wondering which one you were. I was gonna mumble "Kornstar... Kornstar?" like Jerry in that episode where he's looking for a dentist in that party he wasn't invited to. Don't keep me in suspense bro!

Originally Posted by marknfw
this thread has caused many lurkers to make their 1st post. good job buddy!
Yeah I know, I love it

Originally Posted by QJQJ
One session of taking a hit at 5/5 is just going to see this go badly wrong i fear
I won't let it happen buddy! 1/2 is going just fine with me. Last time I calculated I was pulling in an average of $475 a night... f*cking unreal!

Thanks to everyone that has shown interest in this thread and have accompanied me on all this whole journey! I go in for the medical screening of the next trial in 8.5 hours, the madness continues...
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 12:47 PM
I also want to add that when my Stars ban ends in like a week, the only online playing I will be doing is the weekly 24k PLO tourney (was 35k before Black Friday). It will be my weekly treat and I hope to smash it!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 01:18 PM
Oh... and one last thing that I have learned... glasses of tomato juice or apricot nectar brought to you while you're playing for a buck = WINNING!!!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 03:42 PM
good job op! Great that you learned how to manage your roll, just stay steady and in control!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 05:21 PM
great job, glad things are working out for you

all i wanted to say
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 07:06 PM
You seem like a pretty chill guy, keep on wrecking it. It's a very cruel fact of life that 99% of the people with a reliable supply of acid are in some way clinically insane...

Also,clunge is pussaaaaaay.

(+Lol @ psychology degree, crushing the pokers is where it is at)
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 07:18 PM
I haven't read much of this thread, but from what I read at the beginning it looked like you were in a very bad spot, to say the least. Congratulations on turning things around, you clearly worked very hard and it has worked out.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 07:29 PM
Just gotta say well done in your recent scores as you sound like a cool free spirited person, You obviously have great belief in yourself which is massive in poker if you want to succeed and you obviously have good ability with your recent results, So you are winning the battle right now but just remember that we are all in a war as poker players and this war is Bankroll Managment and this war is not gonna end anytime soon unless you lose. Good luck at the tables sir i will look out for you on stars.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-06-2011 , 12:55 AM
Neverwasbeen, what was your favorite omaha book?

i just ordered hwang's plo book; small ball and shorthanded play... this will be my first omaha book i will be reading, my question is am i making a mistake, should i start at an easier book.

also, post some HH please!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-06-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
As for higher stakes, I'm not ready for them, but yeah there's 2/2, 2/3, 5/5 and 5/10 NLHE all running at various times.

I won't let it happen buddy! 1/2 is going just fine with me.
Doesnt sound very degen to me

beat: you own shade and lucky you. Give me string pill anyday!
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-06-2011 , 12:27 PM
This could be a movie lol
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-06-2011 , 12:58 PM

Not to be accussed of hating on you, but you have gone from being a -45bb/100 losing player online, to a roughly +168bb/100 winning live player. Kinda interesting that now that your results can not be railed or tracked you have developed into perhaps the worlds greatest poker player.........

And why would you want to spend 3 days doing a medical trial for 900 bucks when you could make twice that at the casino and risk no harm to your body???
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-06-2011 , 01:38 PM
^ spastic

Obv live nlhe is easier than 200plo on stars is obv

Obv guaranteed money is obv

BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-07-2011 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Davino
good job op! Great that you learned how to manage your roll, just stay steady and in control!
Originally Posted by krakrakra
great job, glad things are working out for you

all i wanted to say
Originally Posted by AntonioCassano
You seem like a pretty chill guy, keep on wrecking it. It's a very cruel fact of life that 99% of the people with a reliable supply of acid are in some way clinically insane...

Also,clunge is pussaaaaaay.

(+Lol @ psychology degree, crushing the pokers is where it is at)
Originally Posted by The Cornballer
I haven't read much of this thread, but from what I read at the beginning it looked like you were in a very bad spot, to say the least. Congratulations on turning things around, you clearly worked very hard and it has worked out.
^^^Thanks heaps guys

Originally Posted by agfssh
Just gotta say well done in your recent scores as you sound like a cool free spirited person, You obviously have great belief in yourself which is massive in poker if you want to succeed and you obviously have good ability with your recent results, So you are winning the battle right now but just remember that we are all in a war as poker players and this war is Bankroll Managment and this war is not gonna end anytime soon unless you lose. Good luck at the tables sir i will look out for you on stars.
Very profound words man, and very true. I know that if I forget about the importance of managing my self/my roll that this will all go down the tubes. I'm pretty determined to prove to everyone and myself that I can do this right, despite past mistakes. If I stick to my rules of only bringing two buy-ins with me, leaving my bankcard at home, and only the weekly PLO tourney, then it will actually be difficult for me to go broke unless I was trying to.

Originally Posted by bubonicplay
Neverwasbeen, what was your favorite omaha book?

i just ordered hwang's plo book; small ball and shorthanded play... this will be my first omaha book i will be reading, my question is am i making a mistake, should i start at an easier book.

also, post some HH please!
Hate to say it man, but I actually didn't find that book to be very useful. That's not to say that you won't though! I would highly recommend his other book: Pot Limit Omaha Poker: The Big Play Strategy. It helped me heaps when I was taking my game to the next level, but if you're already well read in PLO then maybe the book you ordered is better for you. So far the one I mentioned is the best PLO book I've read.

Originally Posted by Leedslad
beat: you own shade and lucky you. Give me string pill anyday!
Haha, Shade is decent! Although after watching House of Games I realized that everything had pretty much been done before. And I admit that Lucky You is a clean cut cheese-fest, but what can I say, I got a soft spot for it

Originally Posted by POKERMBA123

Not to be accussed of hating on you, but you have gone from being a -45bb/100 losing player online, to a roughly +168bb/100 winning live player. Kinda interesting that now that your results can not be railed or tracked you have developed into perhaps the worlds greatest poker player.........

And why would you want to spend 3 days doing a medical trial for 900 bucks when you could make twice that at the casino and risk no harm to your body???
It's ok people are welcome to have their doubts. Firstly, I was doing a completely thing back then. I was reckless, would tilt, and then gamble heavily in -ev situations. I was destructive. I am not that way now. And yes I realize that my results can't be tracked, but I'd be happy to upload a photo of my winnings. If you think I'm making any of this up, I'm not. I have shown everyone the best and worst of everything without shame, I'm surprised you believe me now to be being dishonest. Also, there are several players at the Adelaide Casino who have witnessed firsthand my consistent good fortune.

$900 guaranteed and the chance to revisit that strange place that I have such fond memories of is why.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-07-2011 , 04:55 PM
Maybe it would be wise to not bring your laptop with you on this new trial, or to ban ps and ftp on your accounts for those three days. I would hate to see you get real bored during the trial and take some big shots online and lose anything you've made playing live so far. Just my opinion. I'm very interested in hearing what THIS trial is going to be about
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-08-2011 , 04:04 AM
Because I decided long ago to be up front and honest about the dumb things I do, and because I believe this is the only way to address/prevent them from happening too often (ideally ever), I must confess that last night I lost two buy-ins playing badly despite at one point being 2 buy-ins up, went and partied with my friend who's birthday it was, got f*cking smashed, last thing I remember was a seemingly endless series of jagerbombs... As I've managed to piece together from my brother, I went back to the casino with him when everyone else was going to a pub that I didn't want to go to, went to the blackjack tables because I knew I was in no state to play poker (lol at the illusion of logic), made ridiculous $150 bets on each hand and won, was up god knows how much despite being so drunk that I couldn't even remember which hand motion meant hit and which meant stay, then went to the roulette table and blew all the winnings plus the money I had brought for alcohol/shouting my friend drinks: $300, on roulette. Have also realized alcohol is a major f*ckin danger for me in every way, and am sad to say that I doubt I'll be in any state to play poker properly for at least 2, maybe 3 days because of my current mental condition. Sad truth is I just can't drink. At least I'm still well ahead, but I'm very disappointing in myself. Flame away, but I'll beat you to it and say that I'm a moron. ARRGGGGGGGGGGHH

But I'll be back! Bankroll is now back at 4.5k.

Last edited by Never Was Been; 05-08-2011 at 04:11 AM. Reason: Memory correction
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-08-2011 , 11:16 AM
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:12 PM
Eh, minor set back. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. I had sex with a real hefty girl last month after promising myself I was done wrestling with any girl over two fitty. Alcohol can be a real b*tch sometimes
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-08-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by juicestain100
Eh, minor set back. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. I had sex with a real hefty girl last month after promising myself I was done wrestling with any girl over two fitty. Alcohol can be a real b*tch sometimes
i feel your pain brother
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-08-2011 , 06:31 PM
how much did you lose approx? is your life roll at 4.5k now?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-09-2011 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by juicestain100
Eh, minor set back. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. I had sex with a real hefty girl last month after promising myself I was done wrestling with any girl over two fitty. Alcohol can be a real b*tch sometimes
I just laughed harder than I have in ages, so funny. Def cheered me up.

Yeah I'm just disappointed that I can't say I'm five grand up anymore, at least for now. Just had a nice ring to it And I always seem to get really depressed after a big alcohol session. Think I need I need to leave my big drinking days in the past.

Originally Posted by bubonicplay
how much did you lose approx? is your life roll at 4.5k now?
All up I lost like $500 bucks, so while I am disappointed, it's not a major catastrophe. My BR > my life-roll right now, 4.5k to around 3k.


Just rang the Crown Casino in Melbourne. Told them that I am a poker player from Adelaide that is not happy with the operating hours of the Adelaide Casino Poker Zone, and am wishing to stay at the Crown to play poker 24 hours a day for a minimum of one week, and was there anything they could do for me in terms of accommodation so that I would have to spend as little time away from the casino as possible. Thought that would work a treat right? A gambler requesting assistance that would enable him to gamble consistently and feed the casino coffers? Well the first guy I spoke to sounded very excited by this, but my call was transferred to a woman in the hotel department and she was rigid and unwilling to consider the notion of looking after a gambler that wants to gamble for a week in their casino. Big fail vile wench. I sure as f*ck aint paying the $450 a night that she offered me. Any advice? Any other things I could say to make them want to put me up cheap? I already told them I wanted a room as close to the poker room as possible so that I the time I would need to spend away from the tables would be minimal...

Mental state slowly recovering. Oatmeal, water, vitamins, and a 14km bike journey hopefully will allow me to function tonight and get closer back to that 5k profit line. They have a the weekly $110 buy in tournament ($85 prize pool/$20 rake/$5 player of the year contribution), but I think I'll opt for the cash games. The tournament players seemed very strong last week. Unless it's a PLO tourney I don't think I'm ready for that.

Last edited by Never Was Been; 05-09-2011 at 03:25 AM.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
