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BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more

04-29-2011 , 04:22 PM
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-29-2011 , 04:40 PM
roulette high stakes reg ? dont degen ur money
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-29-2011 , 08:15 PM
Wow, what a crazy pot. I'm enjoying this thread. How much did you tip the dealer for that river?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-29-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
He knows I have a set of Aces, and I know he has a flush. I know I'm in trouble here, but I simply cannot lay this sucker down
I see you haven't changed much. There gonna be any medical trials in about 2-3 months? You must not have thought the string pills were all that bad.

Last edited by mikekelley13; 04-29-2011 at 08:30 PM. Reason: You should go plug your hand into an odds calculator for starters on deciding to QUIT POKER DEGEN
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-29-2011 , 08:32 PM
Hi , have read all the thread and i must say amazing thread , story and writing skill and ofcourse amazing week for you, good luck do you man.

Btw, have been in OZ for one summer and i Love it.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-29-2011 , 09:21 PM
Congrats on your big pot. I knew you were gonna get lucky eventually haha.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Wowwwww........ Won my biggest ever live pot about 90 minutes ago.... Game is 1/2 PLO (Finally got a game going!), we're playing 4 handed after the other players busted and went on their way. I'm up around $600 at this point and thinking about leaving, it's like 4am. I'm on the button and I'm dealt A5A6. I limp in knowing the super aggro BB will raise. SB completes, BB pots, UTG calls, I repot. SB folds, BB calls as does UTG. Pot is somewhere in the vicinity of $140. Flop comes AJ2 and I **** myself. This is a tough spot, I am aware that both players know that I have Aces by my limp/repot, but there's not much I can do about that. BB, a super aggressive yet extraordinarily talented young player bets out, like he has all night, but I know he has the flush. UTG gets out of the way, and after a while I call. The turn is the 5. BB bets $400 which would put me all in, and I take a long time to think about the situation. He knows I have a set of Aces, and I know he has a flush. I know I'm in trouble here, but I simply cannot lay this sucker down, not when this is already the biggest hand I've ever been involved in. I say out loud that this is one hell of a way to end a night, me hitting a set of aces and him hitting the flush. I feel bad about this hand but I can't fold. I push my chips in (flameworthy imo). He leaps to his feet and grabs his head and says "don't pair the board, don't pair the board..." I sit there and pray to those strange and whimsical poker gods for one of my 9 outs. The river... is the 5. I cannot believe it. He turns over some low flush and I scoop the pot. The whole poker room is looking at us, this guy, who I totally respect as an amazing player, is exclaiming "sick.. so sick" and our hand gets everyone's attention. The oldest and wisest player at the table stands up and correctly concludes that this marks the end of our PLO session. I ask the dealer to count out how big the pot was so that I know how big my biggest ever live pot is: $1571. I took my chips and with trembling legs walked out of the poker zone, down to the cashier on the ground floor. When I get down there I see the old reg who was at our table and I buy him a glass of wine and we talk a while.
Then we finished our drinks I got up, said goodbye, got in a taxi and went home.

Cliffs for last 7 days:

Fri: +$500 - 1/2 NLHE + some table games
Sat: +$550 - 1/2 NLHE + " "
Sun: +$250 - 1/2 NLHE
Mon: +$600 - 1/2 NLHE
Tues: -$100 - 1/2 NLHE
Wed: even
Thurs: -around $1500, $250 from 1/2 NLHE, $1250 from sickening roulette tilt
Fri +$2800 - made back the $1500 on roulette and made $1300 playing 1/2 PLO

Total profit from 7 straight days of hitting the Adelaide Casino Poker Zone (and table games): +$3100.

Lessons learned: Do NOT play tired, as it is the same as playing drunk. And do NOT bring my bankcard to the casino, as after a losing session those table games are basically the noose I'm looking for to hang myself. Bring 1-2 buy-ins and walk away if they're lost.
Never, read this post.

I'm sure you have proof read it once already after you wrote it, but i mean, read it again and pretend you are someone else. I havn't read the last few pages of the thread and i am not familiar with your current BR, but i am guessing it is under 10K, right?

And you lost 1k+ playing craps?


You are a smart dude - you see the obvious here, right?

You are a degen.

Accept it.

Manage it.

You will not never be a degen - that is terminal - but you can manage it. It's not easy, but you can.

You can still be a brilliant poker player, a winning poker player, and a winner at life; but you have to accept your weaknesses, and embrace your strengths. And you need to make a plan to deal with those weaknesses -

Why don't you list those weaknesses and publish a plan here on this forum?

Or, tell me to **** off...

cheers mate
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 12:24 AM
I dont understand why everyone treats OP as if he did something that commands respect except recounting his degeneracy for others to read, and I also don't understand why everyone keeps trying to help this obvious pathetic lost cause with long thought out posts, wasting precious time in the process. In the end of the day the OP has proved time and time again that he is pretty much the definition of a degenerate scum at the bottom of society, regardless of his "talent for writing" (hahahaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah).

Therefore I urge everyone to get a hold of themselves and use this thread for its real purpose: making even the biggest losers among us feel that their lives are, in fact, not that bad.

I dont know whats worse, the OP in general or his total obliviousness to how ****ing disgusting his life is. You ran good for a couple of days and you immediately feel reborn, forgetting all suicidal thoughts from a couple of pages back, quite a pathetic display.

Im not going to give you advice to rethink your life, Im going to give you the best advice possible: start saving money for a vasectomy so at least you cant ruin the life of innocents unfortunate enough to have no choice but to be associated with such a low life as yourself.

Oh and good luck with your future writing career
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 01:15 AM
This thread is amazing. Next time you're in Melbourne the first beers are on me.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by stijn831
Awesome thread, just finished reading it from start to end.
Keep it up OP.

Any news on your 3 day guinea pig experiment?
Thanks mate Yep, go in for a medical screening in just under two weeks. I will be sure to post about it when it happens.

Originally Posted by 6highroller6
hey mate i just want to say i wish u good luck with poker.

i want to give u a little advice for what it may be worth.

Im from Sydney and have been playing poker for approx 4 years.

I always played with no BRM. I had some huge wins, multiple 3k + wins in big MTTs and I also won a 7k APPT package off stars.

I must say because I never had BRM and only ever thought in the short term I would chase losses. I knew I was good poker player but without analyzing hands and graphs I never knew how far in front or behind I was.

I would say I had won nearly 30k from big wins, but I can definately say I spent around 40k on poker, so net less of 10k. I would tilt hard sometimes, play huge stakes to try and win my money back but it was not worth it.

I have only recently begun to grind $6.5 turbos on FT and use HEM and TN.

HEM allows me to analyze all my hands which is something crucial to instill confidence in yourself when you are running bad so you dont tilt it off.

I have only started to embrace variance and it is a cruel dog of a thing which you need to allow for. If you don't have BRM and a way to analyze your game, you will not succeed.

I am only making $7 an hour 14 tabling, but im sure this will get better over a larger sample. Or my confidence in my ability will continue to improve once i reach a decent sample size 10k + tournaments.

I have always known I was a good player but I was a losing player with no BRM.

Now I need to prove it to myself I can beat this game, I hope that is something you can accomplish too.

I suggest taking a book to write notes down on your game and record hands, etc if you are playing live.

Good luck mate, don't tilt, variance is a bitch, 20 BI for a live game is a good start for ur bankroll. If you start losing, review hands and if you made mistakes accept that fact and try to correct it so u dont do it again. If your doing everything right then keep at it and you will be a winning player. It is crucial to adjust ur BR though if you drop down then you need to play lower stakes, grind it out and you'll feel better stronger and more of a winning player when you move back to your old stakes.

GL aussie brah.

I started with 30 BI for 6.5 and now have 90. Grind it out !
Hey man, thanks heaps for your post. I know what you mean about chasing losses. I thought I was at a point where I was above it, unfortunately I was wrong. After 4 straight winning sessions, after losing a couple of buy-ins I went straight to the ATM and then to the roulette table... then back to the ATM and back to the roulette table. Say goodbye to 15 buy-ins now, instead of 2. I know it's not the same as going up in stakes and trying to get it back that way, but it's still a stupid proposition.

Excellent advice on bringing a book w/me to record interesting hands. I will do that, as I have wished to more thoroughly recount certain hands but they have been lost to the endless swirling shuffled void.

Rules I'm following in an attempt to recover from mistakes made: Do not drink while playing (have successfully accomplished this thus far in recent times), do not play while tired, and only bring two buy-ins to the casino - no bankcard. I know these things will help me greatly.

Thanks heaps for your support mate, it's awesome to see some Aussies following my story. Hopefully one day I'll run into someone at the Crown or SkyCity that recognizes me!

Originally Posted by Imagy
When you BI for less than 100bb the requirement for # of BI you need goes up not down.

Why cant you sleep? Lack of exercise? Too much caffine?
The Poker Zone at my local casino only operates between 7pm - 3:45am during the week, with those hours extended to 5:45am on weekends. Late nights have altered my body clock, and on the specific day that I made that post I had not slept at all. Not good... lack of sleep f*cks me hard.

Originally Posted by bubonicplay
live poker is the way to go, get some rest and go back... also, my advise, stay away from table games completley... when you get bad beated in a $800 poker pot you will use situations like that to run over to the blackjack table and throw money away. Trust me i know.
So f*cking true. I am so damn grateful that I was able to get myself out of the hole that the table games had gotten me into. Sucked in Casino, you don't get squat from me except the rake.

Originally Posted by zioxcult
Wow, what a crazy pot. I'm enjoying this thread. How much did you tip the dealer for that river?
That's the thing, over here we're not allowed to! They can't accept tips at all. I tried to but was turned down. Must suck for the dealers, seeing all these big pots down when they get paid jack. They're be better off playing poker haha, most of them surely would have a solid grasp on the game.

Originally Posted by ollu
Hi , have read all the thread and i must say amazing thread , story and writing skill and ofcourse amazing week for you, good luck do you man.

Btw, have been in OZ for one summer and i Love it.
TYVM man Whereabouts in Oz are you? Are you traveling around?

Originally Posted by 0blongata
Congrats on your big pot. I knew you were gonna get lucky eventually haha.
Thanks man It sucks that I was an underdog the whole time though, that fact is not lost on me. I truly wonder how many players are laying down their aces in that spot. It's tough.

Originally Posted by Ganaram
Never, read this post.

I'm sure you have proof read it once already after you wrote it, but i mean, read it again and pretend you are someone else. I havn't read the last few pages of the thread and i am not familiar with your current BR, but i am guessing it is under 10K, right?

And you lost 1k+ playing craps?


You are a smart dude - you see the obvious here, right?

You are a degen.

Accept it.

Manage it.

You will not never be a degen - that is terminal - but you can manage it. It's not easy, but you can.

You can still be a brilliant poker player, a winning poker player, and a winner at life; but you have to accept your weaknesses, and embrace your strengths. And you need to make a plan to deal with those weaknesses -

Why don't you list those weaknesses and publish a plan here on this forum?

Or, tell me to **** off...

cheers mate
When I blew that money on roulette I was seriously disgusted with myself. I had just negated the past 4 days of accomplishment and self-satisfaction that my play had brought. But that's in the past now, and the steps I have taken to prevent it happening again, as I've mentioned, are among other things, NOT bringing me bankcard out when I go to the casino. If I blow a couple of buy-ins, that's it, good night. I don't know what else I can do besides asking the casino to politely close down their table games when I set foot on the premises.

Originally Posted by Polov
I dont understand why everyone treats OP as if he did something that commands respect except recounting his degeneracy for others to read, and I also don't understand why everyone keeps trying to help this obvious pathetic lost cause with long thought out posts, wasting precious time in the process. In the end of the day the OP has proved time and time again that he is pretty much the definition of a degenerate scum at the bottom of society, regardless of his "talent for writing" (hahahaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah).

Therefore I urge everyone to get a hold of themselves and use this thread for its real purpose: making even the biggest losers among us feel that their lives are, in fact, not that bad.

I dont know whats worse, the OP in general or his total obliviousness to how ****ing disgusting his life is. You ran good for a couple of days and you immediately feel reborn, forgetting all suicidal thoughts from a couple of pages back, quite a pathetic display.

Im not going to give you advice to rethink your life, Im going to give you the best advice possible: start saving money for a vasectomy so at least you cant ruin the life of innocents unfortunate enough to have no choice but to be associated with such a low life as yourself.

Oh and good luck with your future writing career
God, another hater who's account is < 30 days old. They are in abundance lately. But I'll respond to you sir.

You obviously are unhappy to see that people are enjoying reading my thread. There could be many reasons for this, like maybe you feel it should be you who should be receiving attention. I don't wish to speculate on any mother issues you may have, that's not my business.

"degenerate scum at the bottom of society". Really? Wow. Pretty sure I'd never lash out at someone simply for merely telling their story, perhaps you should not scrutinize others so harshly, unless of course you yourself are without flaws, which, judging your post, you clearly aren't. Sure, I'm not perfect, but moments ago I checked my PM's, and found that another person had reached out to me, saying that my story touched them, and they themselves had been through their own ordeals and appreciated my openness and honesty in recounting my own tale. That gives me a huge amount of satisfaction.

Just had a look at your other 4 posts. I'm not one to judge someone based on post count, but considering 100% of yours are troll vomit, I must conclude the following. You a d*ck. Have fun being a miserable troll, I'm sure it will prove to be a fulfilling journey.

Originally Posted by tommyg8
This thread is amazing. Next time you're in Melbourne the first beers are on me.
Thanks heaps mate! Look out for a long haired bearded guy most likely sporting a black leather jacket and black jeans
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:28 AM
I like reading these NWB, I have a sick feeling that its not gonna end well. You obv have gambling problems man. I just hope you squeeze alot of joy out of it while your heater lasts.
I'm not hating NWB, the start of this post begins by trying to get your life back together from blowing your savings thru punting, it was quite endearing. Now your posts are just about gambling again & degen adventures, which are fun to read like its fun watching a train wreck .
However saying that, if I'm every down melbourne, I will be the first one to buy you a beer and have a yarn mate. GL with everything man, don't get sucked down the rabbit hole for your sake.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
It was not altogether horrid, but it did taste like blood.
i loled.

Dude I'm at work and have a 12hr shift to kill. I just spent the last 3 and a bit hours reading this thread start to the last few pages. I did stop for 1 hour to have a power nap because I had been up 22hrs.

1. in all seriousness don't entertain the selling drugs thing. if you thought string pill was bad and being couped up for 42 days then being ganged raped, corn holing a 36yr old burly dude that makes you call him daddy during a 6 year stint behind bars is gonna blow..... or rock your world.

2. pics of carpet plz

3. get some Klunge!!! use some of remaining 5k and do a hooker or even 2 at once imo. Not the crack whores mind something that looks decent.

4. cash out $50 and rub it on your titties. then change the $50 to coins, go to a strip club and make it rain for them ho's announcing "yo b*tch I'm a balla on a budget"

5. **** the haters on here and everywhere. everyone is different you're just honest about certain things.

6. you still in touch with the other guys from the trial?

epic journey. Keep posting all year imo.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Leedslad
i loled.

Dude I'm at work and have a 12hr shift to kill. I just spent the last 3 and a bit hours reading this thread start to the last few pages. I did stop for 1 hour to have a power nap because I had been up 22hrs.

1. in all seriousness don't entertain the selling drugs thing. if you thought string pill was bad and being couped up for 42 days then being ganged raped, corn holing a 36yr old burly dude that makes you call him daddy during a 6 year stint behind bars is gonna blow..... or rock your world.

2. pics of carpet plz

3. get some Klunge!!! use some of remaining 5k and do a hooker or even 2 at once imo. Not the crack whores mind something that looks decent.

4. cash out $50 and rub it on your titties. then change the $50 to coins, go to a strip club and make it rain for them ho's announcing "yo b*tch I'm a balla on a budget"

5. **** the haters on here and everywhere. everyone is different you're just honest about certain things.

6. you still in touch with the other guys from the trial?

epic journey. Keep posting all year imo.
Brilliant!! Don't know why but i can't stop laughing that part. wp.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 07:04 PM
What a crazy and highly entertaining thread.Not sure why but I feel I need to say something. It seems really irresponsible to me the way some of you have encouraged and even funded what is clearly a full-blown gambling addiction. OP, you are using poker and other gambling as a vehicle for your self destructive urges and yes they will destroy you. The truth, that everyone who reads this thread seems to understand but you somehow do not, is that someone who is as mentally unstable as you seem to be should not be gambling in any form. The skill factor of poker is moot in this situation, and you are merely using your delusions of becoming a winning player as an excuse to continue your self destruction. The truth that you and I and everyone else reading this knows is that whatever heaters you may go on you eventually will lose it all. There is no glory in being a "degen" despite what idiots here will tell you, and from reading this you should understand that better than anyone. The saddest part about your whole story is that you have no one in your life who is close enough to you to smack you in the ****ing face and make you get your **** together since it is obvious that you do not care about your own life. Listen to what me and others are saying and turn your life around while you still can.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
04-30-2011 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Poker is too much fun when you're winning to ruin it with drinking

Every time I had a stack big enough for the 2/3 or 5/5 table, I looked at the opponents on those tables and realized how strong they looked, that to move to that table to try and make a quick fortune would definitely be a stupid move.

As of this moment I am 1.8k up from 4 nights of playing 1/2.

It's 9:40am. If I crash out soon I should wake up in time for round 5 at the tables


Your attitude and values are improving sir, good luck with the live nlhe...I might see you for 24/7 1/2 games @ crown in melbourne if you keep this run up.

The fable continues.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-01-2011 , 01:45 AM
Ha thanks for the entertainment,great thread
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-02-2011 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by NeverTheWorst
What a crazy and highly entertaining thread.Not sure why but I feel I need to say something. It seems really irresponsible to me the way some of you have encouraged and even funded what is clearly a full-blown gambling addiction. OP, you are using poker and other gambling as a vehicle for your self destructive urges and yes they will destroy you. The truth, that everyone who reads this thread seems to understand but you somehow do not, is that someone who is as mentally unstable as you seem to be should not be gambling in any form. The skill factor of poker is moot in this situation, and you are merely using your delusions of becoming a winning player as an excuse to continue your self destruction. The truth that you and I and everyone else reading this knows is that whatever heaters you may go on you eventually will lose it all. There is no glory in being a "degen" despite what idiots here will tell you, and from reading this you should understand that better than anyone. The saddest part about your whole story is that you have no one in your life who is close enough to you to smack you in the ****ing face and make you get your **** together since it is obvious that you do not care about your own life. Listen to what me and others are saying and turn your life around while you still can.
fwiw i think its you that has things twisted.

OP has made some choices since this journey started that he probably wasn't before the random mystery drug trial (still lol). Progress
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-02-2011 , 05:35 AM
thinking everyone telling NWB to quit poker needs to reread title of thread...have become human guinea pig to PLAY MORE!!!

thread still entertaining, thanks OP!

vacation soon?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-02-2011 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Leedslad
i loled.

Dude I'm at work and have a 12hr shift to kill. I just spent the last 3 and a bit hours reading this thread start to the last few pages. I did stop for 1 hour to have a power nap because I had been up 22hrs.

1. in all seriousness don't entertain the selling drugs thing. if you thought string pill was bad and being couped up for 42 days then being ganged raped, corn holing a 36yr old burly dude that makes you call him daddy during a 6 year stint behind bars is gonna blow..... or rock your world.

2. pics of carpet plz

3. get some Klunge!!! use some of remaining 5k and do a hooker or even 2 at once imo. Not the crack whores mind something that looks decent.

4. cash out $50 and rub it on your titties. then change the $50 to coins, go to a strip club and make it rain for them ho's announcing "yo b*tch I'm a balla on a budget"

5. **** the haters on here and everywhere. everyone is different you're just honest about certain things.

6. you still in touch with the other guys from the trial?

epic journey. Keep posting all year imo.
Where the hell do you work where you can read a thread for 3 hours but stop to take an hour nap? haha that's awesome. I'm not hating, I'm jealous as f*ck
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-03-2011 , 02:35 PM
Am so tired... ... Have been playing at the casino every day except for last Sunday...
Will give details and respond to posts when I wake up...


- am up 4.3k since starting my live poker journey on 22nd April, 2011, playing 1/2 NLHE and one session of 1/2 PLO, and have decided I will do this until it stops working.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:15 PM
PM me if your there this thursday, friday or saturday night. I might pop in.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-03-2011 , 11:42 PM
I'm not going to read this thread but if you are doing this blindly I would weigh the risk of permanent damage from the drugs you are taking. This is a significant risk with no other information.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-04-2011 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by HeyEveryone
I'm not going to read this thread but if you are doing this blindly I would weigh the risk of permanent damage from the drugs you are taking. This is a significant risk with no other information.
If you're not going to read this thread just get out of BBV then, your not going to find anything better here.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-04-2011 , 12:54 PM
According to the thread title, mission accomplished! Gogogogogo! Post some hands from this heater tho. Is there ever higher NL stakes at the ol' poker zone?
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
05-05-2011 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Never Was Been
Hopefully one day I'll run into someone at the Crown or SkyCity that recognizes me!
I am a poker supervisor at Adelaide casino and I have recognised you. I am probably going to start trolling you and sending you texts from the Poker Zone SMS phone.

A+ thread.
BEAT: Lost everything playing poker, have become human guinea pig for drug company to play more Quote
