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**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] **** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH]

03-25-2010 , 06:36 PM
I am a little confused as to what is currently going on.

Is blackize still deliberating or waiting? I don't see how anything Stars has to say will change the situation, simply because they will not provide confidential information.
Best case scenario for Gary imo is for Stars to say that they didn't not find conclusive evidence that Gary cheated and thus not ban him. Worst case for him is obv getting banned the consequences that go along with that.
Either way it's not going to change the situation.

So...what are we all waiting for?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by ponDragon
I am a little confused as to what is currently going on.

Is blackize still deliberating or waiting? I don't see how anything Stars has to say will change the situation, simply because they will not provide confidential information.
Best case scenario for Gary imo is for Stars to say that they didn't not find conclusive evidence that Gary cheated and thus not ban him. Worst case for him is obv getting banned the consequences that go along with that.
Either way it's not going to change the situation.

So...what are we all waiting for?
I agree and nice avatar btw. Who is that?

Edit: Maria Ho?

Last edited by alexstat; 03-25-2010 at 06:42 PM. Reason: is it Maria Ho?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by ponDragon
As much as it seems to everyone (including me) that Gary received outside help and should lose, I definitely don't think prop bets with this much money on the line should be decided by that small of a margin. I'm not going to argue what % should be the deciding line for a propbet, but lol @ 51%
this is the standard of proof for a case of this type and magnitude in all countries with a common law judicial system, why should we not emulate it?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by alexstat
I agree and nice avatar btw. Who is that?

Edit: Maria Ho?
dont think thats maria ho
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 06:49 PM
Is it possible rongrong is more involved here? He was the #1 loser to gary, right? I think it's very possible there is some extra dumping here that hasn't been found. For example, Roskeer while still maintaining innocence and claiming to help the community was deleting his friends on weaktight. Why would a staker/coach/video maker start reducing his online visibility to the poker community?

If someone wants to post a screenshot of everyone who lost money to Gary that day Ill spend some time doing some research. Hell, I've been F5ing this thread like crazy, figure may as well try and help some.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
Meh that's not exactly where i was going with that. People have alot of money tied up in this and i wouldn't be surprised if the majority of them would just want their money back so they can walk away from this.

Even though i believe them to be guilty, i still see how there's a chance (albeit slim) that gary could be completely free of any wrongdoing and thus where my suggestion came from. Everyone get their money back and walk away.

In no way would that be an escape without punishment, all suspected parties involved have already had their reputation tarnished, and on top of that will have stars and jalex continue to ram the proverbial "internet is serious biz" dick so far up their ass they'll be blowing baby batter out through their nose.
This, I mean if Stars dont find him guilty of chipdumping, with their access to all hhs that those guys ever played, and transaction histories between them, I would have a hard time saying Gary 100% cheated. Just because of that I agree with your suggestion of canceling this bet, but as you added, I would definetly blacklist Gary & co from ever making a propbet on 2+2 again. Just in case.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 06:58 PM
Just found this thread, cliffs would be appreciated!
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:06 PM
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:09 PM
BBV is serious internets work!
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:20 PM
This thread is out of control!

I think Roseeker (?) HAS to post transfer history or at least PM it to judges, he has no reason not to if there's nothing to see and he would to help his friend in this mess
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by alexstat
I agree and nice avatar btw. Who is that?

Edit: Maria Ho?
Hahaha that's my girl yoo. I appreciate the compliment.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by clyro
This thread is out of control!

I think Roseeker (?) HAS to post transfer history or at least PM it to judges, he has no reason not to if there's nothing to see and he would to help his friend in this mess
dude have you read the last 500 poasts? Roseeker will not show his dumb dog avatar again itt imo

and hates the judges for outing him as scum even though he thinks he's a good guy and an ambassador for the community lol
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by sjp507
dude have you read the last 500 poasts? Roseeker will not show his dumb dog avatar again itt imo
this made me lol.

I agree i def don't think breeeez, roseeker/nostalgica, or even Gary will make another appearance in this thread until Stars comes out or the judges make a decision.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by slatur
not 100% but think it goes something like this.

-op is grinding to make the bet
-around 1500 hands from the end of the bet he is stuck roughly $300
-2 random micro stakes players decide to take a shot at 200nl
-both micro stakes players lose money to op
-op makes the bet (<$20 profit after 30k hands)
-hands where money is lost to op, by the 2 mentioned players, *appear* 'suspicious'
-judges still deciding whether op wins the bet or not
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Paul McSwizzle
im a little confused... i know the evidence looks damning and the 2p2 mob is essentially convinced, but putting their names on the internet as scammers based on this seems ridiculous to me and it's a bit frightening that people would support that idea as of right now
This is basically the only reason I am in the thread at all. I have no connection to Gary or any of the other members involved, but it scares me that he is effectively being lynched by the bbv mob without nearly enough actual evidence. I didn't feel there were enough voices pointing this out.

Yes, there is circumstantial evidence. It's still not enough to say he is truly a scammer. This could potentially happen to anyone here: a friend of a friend happens to play against you and makes some suspect plays, then it turns out your friend, who sticks up for you, is a multiaccounter and lies to cover his own ass. It's a bad precedent to set if you declare Gary is a scammer based on the evidence here, i.e. when there is still reasonable doubt. No, this isn't a court of law, but I really hope it is treated more like a legal case than a lynching.

Obviously if Stars uncovers something more damning, that's a different story.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:52 PM
Cliffs (by Dire):

losing player decides to wager $2500 he can break even over 30k hands in 24 hours. gets action, wants to some shady conditions like his real life friend being the escrow, no camera, etc. eventually agrees to fairly reasonable conditions.

he barely succeeds at prop, winning by something like $20. but some hands at the end look strange with a villain playing really odd, with the result of villain donating $250 to op on the tables exactly when he needed it.

op denies everything. investigation/hole cards shows op was playing just as strange as the potential dumpers making very uncharacteristic plays. op explains it away claiming he was just tilted and tired.

mystery man comes in actively defending op and calling the judges' ability into question if they think anything is at all suspicious about these hands. mystery man 2 also comes into play with similar rhetoric.

mystery man 1 is forced to admit by a mod that he is actually the same person as mystery man 2. and not only this but mystery man 1 is a friend of the OP, and has a direct connection to the potential dumper.

more hands start to be called into question with op and villains making some uncharacteristic plays and winning monies from them as well ($1400 in total from 3 potential dumpers). again it turns out only one of these potential dumpers has ever even played at $200NL (where the prop was played), and for the most part are nanostakes SNG grinders, and also have a direct connection to mystery man 1. the one potential dumper who has played at $200 played a handful of games roughly 9 months ago.

stars gets called in as another party to investigate it all. we're waiting for their response.

a person who has supported OP in this thread, or the potential dumpers, begin working to delete their association on various websites.

- - - - -

Also worth reading:
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by sumey
Yeah this Boris character is being a right ****. Can't believe he's a friend of OP's...
Sumey do you remember anything else about this? Going back to these early posts are so interesting now watching it unfold.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 08:05 PM

-He ownes a company and he has owned op.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by ponDragon
Hahaha that's my girl yoo. I appreciate the compliment.
oh nice life.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by harrington1
you knew from the start that this bet could have been massively manipulated by chip dumping yet you all still bet on the outcome and when the obvious happens and the guy wins his bet you all start crying like babies . just face the fact you have been mugged for your own stupidity . pay the guy and dont go making stupid bets in future , idiots !!
didnt realize the victim (allegedly) being stupid justified any crimes committed against them

might/smart makes right?

please dont post in the thread again thanks
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 08:50 PM
Been following this thread for the last 2 days since my cousin pointed it out to me. The whole thing has been shady from day 1. Its a pity OP couoldn't get a 1/2 reg friend of his to dump the cash as there was no way that would look suspicious. Instead what we have are some microstakes dudes who appeared out of nowhere. The one there is the most info on, breezh4x, is a microstakes reg who appeared out of nowhere to dump off a stack just in time to save the OP who was nearing the end of the bet and fast running out of hands.

One of the first things poker site fraud squads look for when investigating suspected hacked accounts is 'were the suspects playing way above their usual stakes' as it is a major red flag that something fishy could have happened.

Maybe if the chip dumper was a microstakes maniac fish with a history of taking shots at higher stakes it might not seem so shady. But it turns out this microstakes player is not a maniac fish who hasn't a clue what he's doing. He's a 2+2 poster who is a friggen nit at his regular stakes. http://www.**********************/st...hands/breeezzz

Here's some sample posts from this guy which shows he is not a brainless donkey

Originally Posted by breezh4x
Hi, played a bunch of hands with the villain. Is 40/30 over 200 hands or so. A pretty spewy/bad player. When he shoved I thought his range screamed AK or AQ. What do you guys do here?
Originally Posted by breezh4x
This hand really threw me off given preflop action. I think a c/c on the river is probably decent, but I think I get value out of lower PPs with a bit smaller of a bet on the river.

Anyway, breezh4x has NEVER done anything like this before. People said he played some 1/2 before,, well from what I understand he played 19 hands a year ago and after looking at them on ptr they are completely standard shortstack hands. The T7o allin against QQ is just a complete joke coming from a nit with NO HISTORY of blowing cash at high stakes. The moment the hand happened 3 people posted it on this thread and commented on how dodgy it was. And then who shows up on the thread rubbishing the allegations of chipdumping....his frickin coach and pal (and probably mastermind of the whole thing) - Nostalgica-Roseeker.

And this Nostalgica-roseeker dude just happens to be the coach of the other player suspected as well....gimme a break.

I find it interesting the way Nostalgica responds to thac's statement when the bet was nearly finished -

Originally Posted by thac
Pretty sure being a judge means receiving all of his hand histories for database review.
Originally Posted by Nostalgica
Yeah, but 30k is a lot of hands. Why would anyone do that?
No sh*t sherlock, 30K is alot of hands. Why would anyone analyse them??? What kind of a f**king question is that?
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 08:59 PM
Something else I noticed

Originally Posted by Nostalgica
He was playing on other tables with less than full stack. It seems that he sat out because he ran out of money... he moved to 100NL afterwards, played for a bit, then quit.
Thanks for offering your unnecessay speculation on why he sat out Nostalgica.

Originally Posted by breezh4x
I didn't sit out, I just ran out of money because I withdrew all my money before and it was all I had, and the rest of my money was on other tables, and I won some back in HU.
At least you guys had your story straight.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStorm
Anyway, breezh4x has NEVER done anything like this before. People said he played some 1/2 before,, well from what I understand he played 19 hands a year ago and after looking at them on ptr they are completely standard shortstack hands. The T7o allin against QQ is just a complete joke coming from a nit with NO HISTORY of blowing cash at high stakes. The moment the hand happened 3 people posted it on this thread and commented on how dodgy it was. And then who shows up on the thread rubbishing the allegations of chipdumping....his frickin coach and pal (and probably mastermind of the whole thing) - Nostalgica-Roseeker.
Pretty much staying out of this thread until Stars comes back with their findings, but don't understand people posting things as fact that are completely wrong:

He played 19 hands on June 20, 2009. So almost 9 months ago to the day.

So he played 19 hands and lost $219.75 . Then on March 19th or whatever, he played 34 hands and lost $338.25 (250ish or whatever to Gary, another 75-100ish to others).

How is this not similar? Both are short sessions in which he loses a ton of money.

You say that looking on PTR they are standard short stacking hands.

Really? Thats cool. PTR shows 5 of the 19 hands from that day (because they are 5 of his top 10 biggest losers). Of those 5, you can see his hole cards for 1 hand. A hand in which he shoved 33 from the SB over 2 limpers like a tourny.

He spewed large chunks of money over short times both sessions.

As I've said multiple times in this thread - the evidence in this situation shouldn't need to be misrepresented to make a case. Just state the facts, and only the facts, without skewing things or changing things slightly, or flat out lying, as you did ("from a nit with NO HISTORY of blowing cash at high stakes" actually, thats exactly what the June 20th session is, a history of blowing a lot of money at 1/2NL).

PS - ponDragon, the thread has discussed it, and we need more pics of your 'girl' to make a decision.

Last edited by kaedin; 03-25-2010 at 09:10 PM.
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:13 PM
i didn't read nostalgica's posts as the prop bet ended / analysis begin, but thinking about it now, by reading the tone and word choice of his posts before he was suspected as the connection to the dumpers is probably a very easy way to tell whether he put together this dump.

someone should put together a bunch of his posts so we can see what he said prior to people finding out that he was "mystery man 1 and 2"
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:15 PM
oh dear oh dear
**** 30k hands in a day + profit on 200nl 6m prop bet*** [See confessions of cheating. MH] Quote
