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Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done

05-29-2008 , 06:02 PM
lurchy, HSP, steroidboy, flyingmoose, nath are all here (well HSP was like half an hour ago and is on all the time so i'm assuming he'll be around). this is very nice.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by KLJ
i agree with this to an extent, but some "stars" don't have the skillsets that translate well into being a role player (although I think your pick of KM does), whereas some role players were (very) good role players for a reason.
To be honest i'll probably be using Kevin Martin in a 6th man type role for instant scoring off the bench (although I will probably play him the first 4-6 minutes of the quarter, then take him out to rest up for him playing with the bench).

I just feel that stars who score efficently are much harder to find than role players, hence they should be taken first.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
I love that you guys are taking role players in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds, I will probably get another star in the 5th round lol
We're trying to build a franchise, not a fantasy team.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:04 PM
actually now that i think about it, with 2 guys who are great outside threats like rashard and kobe, that could provide enough space for both sam and big al to operate down low. big al in a more scoring, sam in a cleanup role. i like it.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:04 PM
After SD picks I should have my pick up soon. Looking at 2 guys and not really sure which one I want to take. I need a consultant IMO.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:05 PM
i'm available if you wanna shoot me a PM. looking at your squad it's tough to say who'd be a good fit though.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:05 PM
I know exactly who I want if he falls to me.

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05-29-2008 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
One last thing on injuries. If Grant Hill's ankle blowing up isn't a freak injury, would someone please give me an example of an injury that can be considered freak? The rules of the draft clearly make a distinction between chronic injuries and freak injuries, and if Grant Hill landing wrong on his ankle isn't considered a freak injury, I don't think one exists.
the argument regarding his ankle is that most people believe (i think) that his ankle sprain wasn't extraordinarily bad, it destroyed him because his ankle was already weak. i think you are underestimating how ridiculously common ankle sprains are for basketball players (especially athletic ones). i've seriously sprained my ankle at least 5 times in the last 5 years, and witnessed tons of other people doing so as well.
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05-29-2008 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by flyingmoose
I know exactly who I want if he falls to me.

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05-29-2008 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by LurchySoprano
After SD picks I should have my pick up soon. Looking at 2 guys and not really sure which one I want to take. I need a consultant IMO.
PM me with who you got in mind - I will make your decision easier.
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05-29-2008 , 06:09 PM
klj edit plz
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05-29-2008 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by SHARK DOCTOR
PM me with who you got in mind - I will make your decision easier.
Make ur pick already
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05-29-2008 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Steroid Boy
klj edit plz
It's not even a bigdeal imo, he suffered the injury before he was 24 so it will still affect him in this league.
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05-29-2008 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Steroid Boy
klj edit plz
meh, there's no way he's getting drafted, but ok. he was really, really injury prone as well (i think with ankles?)
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by tbach24
lurchy, HSP, steroidboy, flyingmoose, nath are all here (well HSP was like half an hour ago and is on all the time so i'm assuming he'll be around). this is very nice.
yeah, i'm cobbling together some research, i was hoping to trade up for smits since he went exactly where i thought he would

i might be interested in trading down now
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by nath
yeah, i'm cobbling together some research, i was hoping to trade up for smits since he went exactly where i thought he would

i might be interested in trading down now
please get fair value in trading down, it's so tilting watching people trade up while having to give up so little...
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by KLJ
the argument regarding his ankle is that most people believe (i think) that his ankle sprain wasn't extraordinarily bad, it destroyed him because his ankle was already weak. i think you are underestimating how ridiculously common ankle sprains are for basketball players (especially athletic ones). i've seriously sprained my ankle at least 5 times in the last 5 years, and witnessed tons of other people doing so as well.
He broke a bone in his ankle! This isn't like a shoulder injury for a pitcher, something that should be expected, it's a fluke. Even after he had to have a bone graft done to his ankle, his GM estimated a five percent chance of complications.

This wasn't just an ankle sprain, this was a sprain which led to a broken bone which led to enormous complications from surgery. I know how common ankle sprains are, I've had many of them myself, but I don't see how breaking an ankle can be seen as anything other than freakish.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:20 PM
Round 4 Pick 131
Vin Baker

Picked 8th overall in the 1993 NBA Draft - Vin got off to a remarkable start to his young career...finishing off the year on the All Rookie First Team...but that was just the start. In his next 4 seasons Vin established himself as a solid 20/10 guy and one of the premier centers/power fowards in the League....standing at 6'11 and 232 pounds Vin was a force to be reckoned with - and with his endless list of post moves he had more then just solid, polished offensive moves...he was nearly unstoppable for a good five year period. Aside from being a 4 time All Star and 2 Time All NBA Teammer - he averaged over .500 fg% over that stretch and was in the Top Ten in minutes played over a three year stretch and played in every single game (durability) and in the Top 9 every year in offensive Rebounds over a 4 year stretch.

Now the downfall...Vinny Vinh had some trouble with the bottle...and it became quite noticeable after his 7th or 8th season in. Where he got suspended for a few games here and there - and put on a lot of extra pounds. Some say this problem (alcoholism) is inevitable - but I think it easily couldve been just a case of being put in a bad situation with bad people (teammates), leading to some ill advised lifestyle decisions...with all the team-first guys on my team and Terry Cummings (Mr. Church himself) - I think theres a good chance Vin avoids this problem all together and focuses on winning some rings.

If Vin can stay away from the bottle - he can easily give me 10+ season of 20/10 solid post offence along with some fierce offensive rebouding...but 5 solid season of this and 8 seasons as a very effective role player is nothing to lose sleep over - Im quite content.

He works very well with my team - and gives us a number one post option alongside the ever so versatile and never-getting-enough-love....Terry Cummings.

For thos of you who havnt watched Terry Cummings play before...FWIW - he also posted up alot too - depending on matchups

Dont remember this Vin Baker....

Remember this guy!

My Roster:

PG Chris Paul
SG Richard Hamilton
SF/PF Terry Cummings
PF/C Vin Baker

Last edited by Shark Doctor; 05-29-2008 at 06:49 PM.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:20 PM
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:23 PM
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by AC-Cobra
read the post before you respond with WAT!
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by SHARK DOCTOR
read the post before you respond with WAT!
I have now, I stand by my original in depth analysis.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:26 PM
seriously gin baker is in my top 5 guys in the nba that i'll always hate, along with rick pitino, rick pitino, (player who i'm not allowed to mention) and rip hamilton

edit- probably makes me a bad person for hating a guy with such a serious issue that derailed his career, but his contract effed the celtics for awhile
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05-29-2008 , 06:28 PM
I think it's a bit deceiving to say someone is a 20/10 guy when they've have had exactly one season at that level.
Modern Era NBA Build a Franchise Draft Discussion - Let's Get'er Done Quote
05-29-2008 , 06:29 PM
lol i remember vin baker led the isiah knicks to the playoffs

swept by the nets

oh good times
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