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Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread) Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread)

11-25-2021 , 01:33 AM
Press Conference:

Reporter: "Aaron, I have a few questions for you, please?"

Aaron: "Okay. Go ahead." (with the I'm Aaron Rodgers and you're not attitude)

Reporter: "So you lied to us about the vaccination, and now you mock us for doubting your toe story. What a world class jerk that is. When was the X-ray, where was the break/which bone, let's see the radiologist reading ... because we think you're a liar.

Aaron: Silence. (Don't you know who I am?)

Reporter: "Let's hear you spell a$$hole."
11-25-2021 , 01:58 AM
"Knock, Knock."

"Who's there?"

"Bearers of the good news. Can we come in?"

"Well, who doesn't like good news. Yeah, come on in (opening door)."

"We're bigots of the type circa 2000 years ago. We call it being a true believer in one of the thousands of god tales. We sacrifice all morality and moral agency to that tale and system of belief. Mass killing of women and children? Righteous, just and loving ... just like the story of the pre-medievals says. Forgiveness? That needs blood and guts and murder too. That way it's loving, you understand. Can we tell you about Jesus and perfect love?"

"It sounds to me like you gents are exactly what civilization is up against. There is a prison down the road with some mass killers in it. Of course you realize they are known for loving religion, real zealous like."

"Huh? We're here to save you."

"Get your stupid, indoctrinated, blind, lost, immoral, zealot, self-deceiving, apologizing-for-atrocity a$$ off my property. First you need to hear that mass killing, rape, slavery, blood sacrifice, bigotry, judgment itself, is anything but loving, is wrong everywhere it appears, not except for in your pet religion. No, the sanction of pre-medieval bigots and brutes, whose religion oddly reflects their own twisted values, does not make it holy. Go forth and think about the nature of the religion, its origins, and that it might be that morality consists of thinking for yourself instead of blind obedience, and helping to promote a world that doesn't have any of those things in it."

"Look at that rant. He's undressing the religion. Not nice. I like my illusions. I have nothing to actually support the appalling nature of my religion. I'll try an ad hominem. Help me, Jesus."
11-25-2021 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Press Conference:

Reporter: "Aaron, I have a few questions for you, please?"

Aaron: "Okay. Go ahead." (with the I'm Aaron Rodgers and you're not attitude)

Reporter: "So you lied to us about the vaccination, and now you mock us for doubting your toe story. What a world class jerk that is. When was the X-ray, where was the break/which bone, let's see the radiologist reading ... because we think you're a liar.

Aaron: Silence. (Don't you know who I am?)

Reporter: "Let's hear you spell a$$hole."
the brilliance of the media

"aaron how did it feel to win the superbowl"?

"aaron how did it feel to lose a game at the last second?"

"aaron did you have confidence you were going to win going into that game winning drive"?

all riveting thought provoking important questions

then when it's

"aaron on you vaccinated?"

rodgers "i'm immunized"

idiots in the media thinking:hmmm nothing strange about that answer at all, why ask which vaccine he got when they can ask insightful questions like....

"aaron how confident are you in the packers chances this upcoming season?"
11-25-2021 , 02:46 AM
Yes, following sports media is mind dulling boring. It took me all of one season as a quasi sports reporter for ASU Basketball for the Rivals network to learn that. Unless you sell out to your sources, you are left with "We played the game the right way'
11-25-2021 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Yes, following sports media is mind dulling boring. It took me all of one season as a quasi sports reporter for ASU Basketball for the Rivals network to learn that. Unless you sell out to your sources, you are left with "We played the game the right way'
I'm actually hoping that one of these days a baseball player quotes Bull Durham when answering a question.
11-25-2021 , 04:15 AM
Rodgers said he had Covid toe (?) WSJ quotes him (?), and now he wants an apology ?
11-25-2021 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
"Knock, Knock."

"Who's there?"

"Bearers of the good news. Can we come in?"

"Well, who doesn't like good news. Yeah, come on in (opening door)."

"We're bigots of the type circa 2000 years ago. We call it being a true believer in one of the thousands of god tales. We sacrifice all morality and moral agency to that tale and system of belief. Mass killing of women and children? Righteous, just and loving ... just like the story of the pre-medievals says. Forgiveness? That needs blood and guts and murder too. That way it's loving, you understand. Can we tell you about Jesus and perfect love?"

"It sounds to me like you gents are exactly what civilization is up against. There is a prison down the road with some mass killers in it. Of course you realize they are known for loving religion, real zealous like."

"Huh? We're here to save you."

"Get your stupid, indoctrinated, blind, lost, immoral, zealot, self-deceiving, apologizing-for-atrocity a$$ off my property. First you need to hear that mass killing, rape, slavery, blood sacrifice, bigotry, judgment itself, is anything but loving, is wrong everywhere it appears, not except for in your pet religion. No, the sanction of pre-medieval bigots and brutes, whose religion oddly reflects their own twisted values, does not make it holy. Go forth and think about the nature of the religion, its origins, and that it might be that morality consists of thinking for yourself instead of blind obedience, and helping to promote a world that doesn't have any of those things in it."

"Look at that rant. He's undressing the religion. Not nice. I like my illusions. I have nothing to actually support the appalling nature of my religion. I'll try an ad hominem. Help me, Jesus."
Rather odd post for the Aaron Rodgers is a Moron thread. Seems more appropriate for the FellaGaga is a Moron Thread.

addendum: I responded to the above rant in the RGT Forum. (Maybe he also posted it here so he could share his "brilliance" with a wider audience?)
11-25-2021 , 04:41 AM
I swear I deleted that and moved it to the proper forum. Sorry about that, chiefs. What I get for 10 windows open writing several projects at once while replying.
11-25-2021 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
I swear I deleted that and moved it to the proper forum. Sorry about that, chiefs. What I get for 10 windows open writing several projects at once while replying.
Get Smart is one of my favorite all-time TV shows!

And, loving it!
11-25-2021 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
the brilliance of the media

"aaron how did it feel to win the superbowl"?

"aaron how did it feel to lose a game at the last second?"

"aaron did you have confidence you were going to win going into that game winning drive"?

all riveting thought provoking important questions

then when it's

"aaron on you vaccinated?"

rodgers "i'm immunized"

idiots in the media thinking:hmmm nothing strange about that answer at all, why ask which vaccine he got when they can ask insightful questions like....

"aaron how confident are you in the packers chances this upcoming season?"
You've captured it very well. It is amazing. Amazingly bad and repetitive. Then clueless. They just seem to have no clue of any hidden meanings or any aptitude for psycholinguistics. That's the way of the world, some good at this, some good at that. Some great at math, some no clue 37 + 15 ... all not believing how good or bad it can get. A great example of the linguistic tricks I always thought was Bill Clinton when he said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Mrs. Lewinsky..." It was like two "outs" were screaming from his words. One is what does and doesn't constitute sexual relations. Everybody caught that one. The other one, perfect even for a court of law where he is now totally innocent of perjury, because "Mrs. Lewinsky" is Monica's mother. Clinton danced a circle around even the lawyers, so bad that I started to get the impression that some of them were paid off to offer loopholes in their questions and blindness to his answers. Anyway, yeah, agreed ... amazing the exchanges and cluelessness.

Last edited by FellaGaga-52; 11-25-2021 at 09:35 AM.
11-25-2021 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Get Smart is one of my favorite all-time TV shows!

And, loving it!
Maybe we'll get all kissy face for Thanksgiving. 99 was hot.
11-25-2021 , 10:06 AM
Fellagaga and lagtight in a tight race for who can aids up this thread more
11-26-2021 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Fellagaga and lagtight in a tight race for who can aids up this thread more
This thread has always been terrible; pretty much any derail in this thread should be seen as a welcome respite from the travesty it was since its inception.
11-26-2021 , 12:06 PM

11-26-2021 , 01:20 PM
Guy just needs a little ivermectin, some fresh air and some exercise. If he dies in the ICU it’s the doctors that killed him.
11-26-2021 , 01:30 PM
Whew. Aaron Rodgers dodged a bullet....and all the other professional athletes whove got COVID for that matter
11-26-2021 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by RT

Yes this idiot William Hartman appears to be the same age, same health and in some physical condition as Aaron Rodgers
11-26-2021 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
Yes this idiot William Hartman appears to be the same age, same health and in some physical condition as Aaron Rodgers
Lol exactly! That's the point!
11-26-2021 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Lol exactly! That's the point!

You do realize healthy young people can catch covid? You do realize that being vaccinated you’re far less likely to spread covid to others? You do realize your self centered piece of ****?
11-26-2021 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Whew. Aaron Rodgers dodged a bullet....and all the other professional athletes whove got COVID for that matter
Originally Posted by borg23
Yes this idiot William Hartman appears to be the same age, same health and in some physical condition as Aaron Rodgers

I mean, I was just laughing at a dumb guy that pulled the "It's not that dangerous" ****, but since ya'll paid for blood and you demand healthy, younger unvaxxed athlete blood, ok then

11-26-2021 , 02:10 PM
It is a bit off topic itt to be fair, if we wanna just lol at that idiot there's threads where people won't think it's got anything to do with Rodgers

At the same time, it's also kind of insane that people are so dug in they can't admit that while it's unlikely to massively affect pro athletes, not getting the jab is an objectively stupid decision that only helps people who make a living gaslighting idiots
11-26-2021 , 02:13 PM
Inb4 Diego is 39 and Arod is only 37. Checkmate Science!
11-26-2021 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
You do realize healthy young people can catch covid? You do realize that being vaccinated you’re far less likely to spread covid to others? You do realize your self centered piece of ****?
of course they can. but people are saying "look at the statistics" and then ignoring them. they're pretending all vaccines are the same, all diseases are the same, the risks to all people from covid are the same etc. and then you have people on the opposite side pretending covid is a hoax and bill gates is putting microchips in the vaccines. it's madness all around.

Just the way the media reports this stuff is a joke. Last year when athletes got covid the media acted like the sky was falling. Now when they get it if they're vaxxed it's "thank god they had the vaccine or they would be in some real trouble"(bullshit) and if not it's "this unvaccinated idiot could be in some real danger here". It's total nonsense.

When you are transparently lying in your reasoning for people to do something you lose all credibility and less people listen.It's the same issue with having nonsensical protocalls when dealing with covid. Introduce a bunch of things that accomplish nothing, and more people just ignore everything even stuff that works resulting in a worse outcome.

the best argument you can make for young healthy people getting vaxxed is as you stay to stop it from spreading to others. but that argument should be made talking about the rates of spread b/w vaxxed and unvaxxed vs risk from the vax and not by pretending rodgers is at some high risk from getting covid or talking about some old anti vaxxers ending up on ventilators.It's not by saying "well we got rid of polio and small pox with vaccines so take the covid vaccine" when other vaccines work way better at actually stopping disease and when the covid vax seems to wane after just a few months. stuff like that is completely disingenuous at best.
11-26-2021 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Guy just needs a little ivermectin, some fresh air and some exercise. If he dies in the ICU it’s the doctors that killed him.
That and viral shedding from the vaccinated.

I like how the do your own research crowd has no problem picking and choosing the stuff they like from anti-vaxx sources. Oh viral shedding is a bridge too far for you? Just ignore that. But never ever consider that it's coming from the exact same source you get your Ivermectin information from.
11-26-2021 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Whew. Aaron Rodgers dodged a bullet....and all the other professional athletes whove got COVID for that matter
Not all, as you've been told multiple times but continue to ignore:

Last November, Rossi was diagnosed with COVID-19. Following his recovery, he captained Austria at the World Junior Championship in January but continued to feel fatigued. After Austria was eliminated from the tournament in just four games, Rossi traveled to Minnesota for the Wild's training camp.

During the NHL's mandatory COVID-19 quarantine protocol, doctors found some alarming numbers in his bloodwork during his pre-training camp physical. During that examination, doctors discovered Rossi had myocarditis, a broad term that essentially means an inflammation of the heart. After undergoing more tests, it was determined that he would not be cleared to play.

"The doctors told me if I played one more game in the World Junior Championship, this could have ended completely different," Rossi said. "I'm thankful to God that he supported me. … I'm just happy that I'm still alive."

“He was pretty down and out, feeling pretty sick,” his father Brent Sutter told in April . “He’s got symptoms — body aches, headaches, chills — just like you have the flu. I guess each guy is different in terms of how it affects you … For younger people to get this sick, it’s scary.”

Sutter, who is said to be feeling fatigued since August , has missed all of training camp and the pre-season.

A little more than a year ago, Foster was a star defensive end at Clemson, terrorizing LSU in the College Football Playoff championship game. And yet 10 months after he tested positive for the coronavirus, menial activities have the potential to level him.

“If you see me walking around, you would think everything is normal. But most of the time, I will be short of breath,” Foster, who has asthma, said in a telephone interview. “I won’t tell anyone. I don’t really try to draw attention or complain about it. I try to deal with it.”
Long covid can make life and work debilitating for anyone. For elite athletes such as Foster, the WNBA’s Asia Durr and others, it’s career-threatening. Common symptoms linger. New ones develop. They confront extreme fatigue, learning to be economical with their movement and measuring which activities are worth investing the energy in, risking stress on their bodies that can yield more painful symptoms.
More common, it turns out, are athletes such as Durr, whose more typical covid symptoms continue to interfere with their play. Jayson Tatum, a 23-year-old Boston Celtics star, missed five games after being infected in January, slumped in February and recently revealed he has started to use an inhaler for the first time in his life to open up his lungs before games. Orlando Magic center Mo Bamba, 22, dealt with muscle soreness and poor conditioning several months after losing his sense of taste and smell.

“It’s a process,” Tatum told reporters. “It takes a long time.”
