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Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread) Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread)

11-18-2021 , 04:40 PM
I was waiting in line at wal mart behind some obese guy for like 20 min, I am now on the fast track to becoming obese
11-18-2021 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Who isn't eligible for the vaccine at this point though? And two things can be a problem simultaneously of course, but only of those things is being addressed and the other is being completely ignored.

Obesity and being grossly unhealthy takes up massive resources and has for years. It's literally been the single thing that takes up the most resources year after year over the past decade. Yet we haven't seemed to care about that or addressed it as a pandemic.
Measles-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated
Mumps-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated
Polio-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated
Meningitis-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated

Covid-Contagious-Vaccine available BUT MUH FREEDUMBS!!!

Being fat-Not at all contagious-No vaccine as it's not viral or bacterial

11-18-2021 , 06:20 PM
11-18-2021 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Who isn't eligible for the vaccine at this point though? And two things can be a problem simultaneously of course, but only of those things is being addressed and the other is being completely ignored.

Obesity and being grossly unhealthy takes up massive resources and has for years. It's literally been the single thing that takes up the most resources year after year over the past decade. Yet we haven't seemed to care about that or addressed it as a pandemic.

We tried in 2010..turns out what you’re asking for is socialism. Can’t have it!

my issue here is the vaccine works! Everyone should get it. I agree people should try to be healthier. It could take months/years for people to rid themselves of obesity. The once a 100 year virus is here now…let’s stop deflecting @LFS

Last edited by ReliableSource; 11-18-2021 at 06:39 PM.
11-18-2021 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Being not fat and not grossly unhealthy also reduces chances of COVID being severe. Wild stuff. Mandate that ****
our food sources are crap. proly not even possible to produce enough nutritious food with climate change and environmental destruction.

just keep feeding the plebs garbage and keep making money. killing a couple hundred thousand a year is no big deal.
11-18-2021 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Who isn't eligible for the vaccine at this point though? And two things can be a problem simultaneously of course, but only of those things is being addressed and the other is being completely ignored.

Obesity and being grossly unhealthy takes up massive resources and has for years. It's literally been the single thing that takes up the most resources year after year over the past decade. Yet we haven't seemed to care about that or addressed it as a pandemic.
You're really a walking instagram story aren't ya

Think about the fattest areas of the country. Think about the least vaccinated areas of the country. Good luck telling those folks what to eat.
11-18-2021 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Fedfan691
You're really a walking instagram story aren't ya

Think about the fattest areas of the country. Think about the least vaccinated areas of the country. Good luck telling those folks what to eat.
Plus side, he has fewer and fewer to try and convince each day...
11-18-2021 , 09:38 PM
And you're then having to teach grown ass people how to cook and prepare healthy meals, most of which are probably living below the poverty line. It's just not happening.
11-18-2021 , 10:20 PM

The charlatans who peddle this anti-vaxx bullshit should be held accountable for all the people they've killed.

Last edited by suzzer99; 11-18-2021 at 10:27 PM.
11-19-2021 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by RT
Measles-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated
Mumps-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated
Polio-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated
Meningitis-Contagious-Vaccine available and mandated

Covid-Contagious-Vaccine available BUT MUH FREEDUMBS!!!

Being fat-Not at all contagious-No vaccine as it's not viral or bacterial
Surely you know you can travel and participate in society without those vaccines correct? And that those vaccines are not like the COVID vaccine? Vaccinated people aren't getting measles, mumps, polio and meningitis at significant rates.

Originally Posted by Victor
our food sources are crap. proly not even possible to produce enough nutritious food with climate change and environmental destruction.

just keep feeding the plebs garbage and keep making money. killing a couple hundred thousand a year is no big deal.
Always knew I liked you Victor!

Originally Posted by RT
Plus side, he has fewer and fewer to try and convince each day...
Yea this is fair. If you're not vaccinated your responsible for your own outcome. Let all the unvaccinated die. Leave them alone and move on.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
And you're then having to teach grown ass people how to cook and prepare healthy meals, most of which are probably living below the poverty line. It's just not happening.
Yea I mean god forbid we try to put systems and programs in place to teach grown ass people how to cook and prepare healthy meals! God forbid we make people accountable for their diet and lifestyle!
11-19-2021 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Surely you know you can travel and participate in society without those vaccines correct? And that those vaccines are not like the COVID vaccine? Vaccinated people aren't getting measles, mumps, polio and meningitis at significant rates.
I mean, I couldn't even go to grade school without those shots and others, but sure, go off
11-19-2021 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by RT
I mean, I couldn't even go to grade school without those shots and others, but sure, go off
Did you show your measles, mumps or polio card to get on a plane recently? To sit in a restaurant? etc... They're not the same.
11-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Did you show your measles, mumps or polio card to get on a plane recently? To sit in a restaurant? etc... They're not the same.
No, which is so odd to me. Come to think of it. I didn't have to show my polio vaccine proof at all and it's basically eradicated due to vacc...hey wait a minute!!
11-19-2021 , 02:01 PM
Who wants to bet LFC isn’t nearly as healthy and fit as he thinks he is. Just like he’s clearly not as smart as he thinks he is as he keeps coming back here to remind everyone how dumb he truly is.

I think it’s great that airlines aren’t allowing unvaccinated people on planes. Not only does it keep more likely hosts of variants of the vaccine to spread it around but it’s a great way to weed out the morons from your flights. It’s also a great way of weeding morons from attending your sports stadium, being patrons of your restaurant you name it.
11-19-2021 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by RT
No, which is so odd to me. Come to think of it. I didn't have to show my polio vaccine proof at all and it's basically eradicated due to vacc...hey wait a minute!!

I mean you shouldn’t even have to point out something so obvious.
11-19-2021 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Who wants to bet LFC isn’t nearly as healthy and fit as he thinks he is. Just like he’s clearly not as smart as he thinks he is as he keeps coming back here to remind everyone how dumb he truly is.

I think it’s great that airlines aren’t allowing unvaccinated people on planes. Not only does it keep more likely hosts of variants of the vaccine to spread it around but it’s a great way to weed out the morons from your flights. It’s also a great way of weeding morons from attending your sports stadium, being patrons of your restaurant you name it.
We've reached the stage of the discussion where we've abandoned any intelligent discussion and resorted to insults and gas lighting. At least we followed the blueprint for these kind of talks which never fails.

I mean keep going with the industry that lied about lied about opioids, marketed Adderall (basically meth) to kids, has been found criminally guilty of manipulating and altering data, is the 2nd biggest lobbyist in the government in only 1 of 2 countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical advertising and will stand to profit well over $100 billion off covid of which government officials will definitely see some windfall from.

In the meantime let's keep ignoring the outbreaks amongst fully vaccinated teams and fully vaccinated athletes across all major sports (aka they're getting it AND spreading it) and do some major studies on the medical miracle Aaron Rodgers who survived covid unvaccinated with no known suspicion of passing it on to anyone and played football a week later. Let's also keep the vaccinated gathering en masse unmasked so they can continue to contract and spread covid and pretend they aren't doing so.
11-19-2021 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
We've reached the stage of the discussion where we've abandoned any intelligent discussion and resorted to insults and gas lighting. At least we followed the blueprint for these kind of talks which never fails.

I mean keep going with the industry that lied about lied about opioids, marketed Adderall (basically meth) to kids, has been found criminally guilty of manipulating and altering data, is the 2nd biggest lobbyist in the government in only 1 of 2 countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical advertising and will stand to profit well over $100 billion off covid of which government officials will definitely see some windfall from.

In the meantime let's keep ignoring the outbreaks amongst fully vaccinated teams and fully vaccinated athletes across all major sports (aka they're getting it AND spreading it) and do some major studies on the medical miracle Aaron Rodgers who survived covid unvaccinated with no known suspicion of passing it on to anyone and played football a week later. Let's also keep the vaccinated gathering en masse unmasked so they can continue to contract and spread covid and pretend they aren't doing so.

No, no please continue to post your hilarious, I mean fascinating takes on vaccines. If it wasn’t for all those damn fatties we could just pretend covid didn’t exist. Also olds I guess should just be exterminated, yup.

Big pharma has paid of basically every medical doctor, medical researcher and government official across the globe, that must be it.

Please continue.
11-19-2021 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA

In the meantime let's keep ignoring the outbreaks amongst fully vaccinated teams and fully vaccinated athletes across all major sports (aka they're getting it AND spreading it) and do some major studies on the medical miracle Aaron Rodgers who survived covid unvaccinated with no known suspicion of passing it on to anyone and played football a week later. Let's also keep the vaccinated gathering en masse unmasked so they can continue to contract and spread covid and pretend they aren't doing so.
Did you know that a coin is SUPPOSED to have a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails, yet I once flipped a coin 5 times and it landed heads EVERY time!!!

Checkmate statistics!!!

Follow me for more REAL TRUTH at What(((They)))
11-19-2021 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
No, no please continue to post your hilarious, I mean fascinating takes on vaccines. If it wasn’t for all those damn fatties we could just pretend covid didn’t exist. Also olds I guess should just be exterminated, yup.

Big pharma has paid of basically every medical doctor, medical researcher and government official across the globe, that must be it.

Please continue.
Not at all. Those people you refer to as fatties and olds should get the vaccine to keep them out of hospitals and keep them from dying. Thats what the vaccine does. And it's available to everyone at this point
11-19-2021 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Not at all. Those people you refer to as fatties and olds should get the vaccine to keep them out of hospitals and keep them from dying. Thats what the vaccine does. And it's available to everyone at this point

Wait vaccines are safe and effective only if you’re fat and old? Wait you said we can’t trust big pharma.
11-19-2021 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by RT
Did you know that a coin is SUPPOSED to have a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails, yet I once flipped a coin 5 times and it landed heads EVERY time!!!

Checkmate statistics!!!

Follow me for more REAL TRUTH at What(((They)))
So how the human body reacts to something is a constant with no variables just like flipping a coin? Do you understand how statistics work?
11-19-2021 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Wait vaccines are safe and effective only if you’re fat and old? Wait you said we can’t trust big pharma.
Nope. They should decide for themselves if the vaccine is the best measure for them to take. Informed consent. It may be your best option after a lifetime of poor choices.
11-19-2021 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
So how the human body reacts to something is a constant with no variables just like flipping a coin? Do you understand how statistics work?
Emphasis mine because, I mean come on.

You keep bringing up random cases ("this team had an outbreak" "well Arod was unvaxxed and he's fine!") while failing to understand that those are small data points in the broader pool of people.

In reality, the vaccine helps people resist infection. It greatly reduces the chances of serious complications from infection. Yes, you might hear a story about how a random person or person defied those odds, but over a large sample, that's what happens.

That is how statistics work.
11-19-2021 , 08:37 PM

Bah - is this guy even on TikTok? Probably in cahoots with the government-industrial-pharma complex.
11-21-2021 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by RT
Did you know that a coin is SUPPOSED to have a 50-50 chance of being heads or tails, yet I once flipped a coin 5 times and it landed heads EVERY time!!!

Checkmate statistics!!!

Follow me for more REAL TRUTH at What(((They)))
Those Same statistics show Rodgers is extremely unlikely to get any severe symptoms form covid at his age/health

He's probably marginally better off getting the vax but it's not some super slam dunk decision like it would be if he was old or fat

It's amazing that In a league full of morons a young healthy guy not getting a vaccine he really doesn't need has him labeled as the biggest moron in the nfl

People like to say statistics this or that but then totally ignore statistics and do things like compare covid to the Spanish flu or the covid vaccine to other vaccines when let's be honest while it has been extremely helpful for high risk people it's absolutely crap compared to some other vaccines

It's also been a lot worse than what it was initially said to be and people like fauci intentionally lying to the public multiple times and admitting it later on aren't helping matters as far as getting people vaccinated
