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Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread) Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread)

11-29-2021 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Was the 9 games missed due to a required NBA protocol? He seemed to struggle in his return only 42 points and 14 rebounds. All kidding aside it appears that even young/healthy people can get sick from covid, shocker. Imagine how much worse his symptoms would’ve been had he not been vaccinated. Good case for everyone getting vaccinated, thanks for sharing.
Or maybe the vax didn't do a god damn thing for him unfortunately
11-29-2021 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by RT
Like, dude wore a seat belt, got in a car crash, and walked away with a broken arm and your hot take is "see, he still got hurt. Why have seat belts??"
Not really
Most people in car crashes hard enough to break an arm are going to break an arm if not more

Most young healthy people are not going to have severe covid symptoms

It's entirely possible and reasonable that while overall the vax reduces symptoms it didnt do anything at all for Embid

Additionally you cherry picking a few unfortunate young healthy people who died from covid to make a point would be just as stupid as if someone used Embid as a reason for nobody to get the vax or if someone who died in a car crash going to get the vax as reasons not to get it.

Last edited by borg23; 11-29-2021 at 03:20 PM.
11-29-2021 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Now I can't imagine how much worse his symptoms would have been if he had not been vaccinated. Is this like the "it could have been worse" quotes for people who were vaccinated and died. It's funny how that conversation only works one way.

And yea he GOATed in his return, just like Freddie Freeman had a ridiculous year after we heard all about his near death COVID experiences just like JoJo. Except Freddie wasn't vaccinated at the time and JoJo was. The double standard and narrative shaping never ceases to amaze me.

It's almost like medicine isn't a one size fits all and different people are affected differently by different things
To be fair Freeman has covid months before the shortened season and I don't think he was lying about how bad it was for him
11-29-2021 , 03:33 PM
thank you, doctor
11-29-2021 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
Or maybe the vax didn't do a god damn thing for him unfortunately
Originally Posted by borg23
Not really
Most people in car crashes hard enough to break an arm are going to break an arm if not more

Most young healthy people are not going to have severe covid symptoms

It's entirely possible and reasonable that while overall the vax reduces symptoms it didnt do anything at all for Embid

Additionally you cherry picking a few unfortunate young healthy people who died from covid to make a point would be just as stupid as if someone used Embid as a reason for nobody to get the vax or if someone who died in a car crash going to get the vax as reasons not to get it.
You're so close to getting there you're practically edging
11-29-2021 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by RT
You're so close to getting there you're practically edging
If what happened to Embid happened to Rodgers instead you'd be using it as evidence that young health people are at super high risk from covid if unvaxxed.

Please tell me

1)how young healthy people are high risk from covid
2)how it's not possible or even likely that the vax overall can reduce your likelihood of getting covid and symptoms if you do get it for a lot of people (for a short amount of time) but could have simply not worked at all for Embid?

I'm not the one trying to use anecdotes to prove anything either way, you are.The problem with nonsense like that is if you're gonna use stuff like that UFC fighter hospitalized with covid as a reason to get the vax then Embid is a reason not to get it which is of course silly.

Last edited by borg23; 11-29-2021 at 04:14 PM.
11-29-2021 , 04:20 PM
There are more risks than death dude.

I'm in my early 30s and covid was the sickest I've ever been as an adult. It sucked! I've been able to play sports since and I think I'm 100%, but being sick for a month isn't fun even if I have zero long term problems.

Your second point is garbage misinformation. It is 100% factually incorrect. Like, earth is flat stupidity.
11-29-2021 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
If what happened to Embid happened to Rodgers instead you'd be using it as evidence that young health people are at super high risk from covid if unvaxxed.
Whatever results Rodgers, and Embiid, did or didn't suffer is immaterial. That's, like, the entire point.

Please tell me

1)how young healthy people are high risk from covid
Huh? Without checking, young, healthy people probably have the lowest morbidity from Covid. Who said otherwise?

2)how it's not possible or even likely that the vax overall can reduce your likelihood of getting covid and symptoms if you do get it for a lot of people (for a short amount of time) but could have simply not worked at all for Embid?
That's probably exactly what happened, and again, it's totally immaterial.

Getting the shot greatly improves most people's immunoresponse and decreases their symptoms.

Unvaxxed people are much more susceptible to both symptoms of, and spreading, Covid. Embiid lost the bet, Rodgers beat the odds. Cool story, doesn't change the math over a large sample tho.

Last edited by RT; 11-29-2021 at 04:33 PM.
11-29-2021 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by RT

Getting the shot greatly improves most people's immunoresponse and decreases their symptoms.

Vaxxed people are much more susceptible to both symptoms of, and spreading, Covid. Embiid lost the bet, Rodgers beat the odds. Cool story, doesn't change the math over a large sample tho.
This is fine and where the common ground needs to be found. The information is out there. We need to leave people alone based on their decision. If we want people to roll the dice then let them. The problem with the data is not all people are the same.
11-29-2021 , 04:31 PM
11-29-2021 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by RT
Whatever results Rodgers, and Embiid, did or didn't suffer is immaterial. That's, like, the entire point.

Huh? Without checking, young, healthy people probably have the lowest morbidity from Covid. Who said otherwise?

That's probably exactly what happened, and again, it's totally immaterial.

Getting the shot greatly improves most people's immunoresponse and decreases their symptoms.

Unvaxxed people are much more susceptible to both symptoms of, and spreading, Covid. Embiid lost the bet, Rodgers beat the odds. Cool story, doesn't change the math over a large sample tho.
Agree with the bolded other than Rodgers beating the odds.He didn't beat them what happened to him is what happens to the vast majority of young people who get covid, something that should be weighed when one is determining whether or not go get the shot or not.What happened to Embid was horrendous luck even more so considering he is vaxxed.

Now I could get on board with him being considered selfish by not getting it,but that doesn't make him an idiot nor does it make him wrong about a lot of the protocols being bullshit for show.

Last edited by borg23; 11-29-2021 at 04:49 PM.
11-29-2021 , 04:45 PM
Yea curious what odds Rodgers beat?
11-29-2021 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
There are more risks than death dude.

I'm in my early 30s and covid was the sickest I've ever been as an adult. It sucked! I've been able to play sports since and I think I'm 100%, but being sick for a month isn't fun even if I have zero long term problems.

Your second point is garbage misinformation. It is 100% factually incorrect. Like, earth is flat stupidity.
It's not misinformation but I am sorry you were sick for so long.
11-29-2021 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
Agree with the bolded other than Rodgers beating the odds.He didn't beat them what happened to him is what happens to the vast majority of young people who get covid, something that should be weighed when one is determining whether or not go get the shot or not.What happened to Embid was horrendous luck even more so considering he is vaxxed.
I misspoke there. I don't mean he beat the odds in the strictest sense as he's probably 99.8% to survive given his age/health. I was thinking more from an EV perspective where:

99.8% of the time=Fine
.2% of the time=Dead

(Assuming we take out the serious, life long complications portion of "Fine")

Feels like the risk isn't worth it when the shot is basically risk free over a massive sample, but I was always a **** poker player.

Now I could get on board with him being considered selfish by not getting it,but that doesn't make him an idiot nor does it make him wrong about a lot of the protocols being bullshit for show.
I mean, if the choice is "get a safe shot and help yourself and others" or "dont get a safe shot and potentially harm yourself and others" it seems pretty cut and dry when it comes to whether or not he's an idiot
11-29-2021 , 05:26 PM
look, medical science is clear on this: whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

superhero origin story ****, mang
11-29-2021 , 05:40 PM
borg23 and LFC what did your PCP say when you told them you decided to not get vaccinated? Did they agree with your decision?
11-29-2021 , 06:05 PM
re: omicron

Originally Posted by wapo

“According to the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, between Nov. 14 and 28, the age group with the highest total number of hospital admissions for covid were those under the age of 2.”
pwning the libs by killing kids or something
11-29-2021 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
borg23 and LFC what did your PCP say when you told them you decided to not get vaccinated? Did they agree with your decision?
He told me that having recovered from COVID (with no symptoms) is proving to be very effective for antibodies. He said he'd recommend I get vaccinated for even more protection but understood my reasons for not doing so. You know, informed consent. I don't treat doctors like God. I love getting their opinions and hearing my options then deciding what is best for me. I've declined opioids in the past well when people told me I was crazy for doing so.


Do you feel protected from the latest variant with the shots you've received so far? Do you feel you need another booster to keep up with the latest variant? Do you feel there is a limit to how many boosters one person can receive in a relatively short period of time? Do you think all people respond to the shot and multiple boosters the same?
11-29-2021 , 06:19 PM
If you don't trust your doctor you should probably find a new one.
11-29-2021 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
If you don't trust your doctor you should probably find a new one.
Why? We have a great relationship. That's what the doctor/patient relationship should be, a relationship. You think everyone should do everything doctors tell them to do? We also talk about things like eating well, exercising, etc... I'm not sure that's the conversation at most patient doctor visits. I don't see him very often though. I've also never been hospitalized, on a medication or missed a day of work in my adult life. Running like the sun. Beating the odds like ARod
11-29-2021 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
borg23 and LFC what did your PCP say when you told them you decided to not get vaccinated? Did they agree with your decision?
I got vaxxed as I said earlier in the thread

I just don't think it's super clear cut at my/Rodgers age although I think he would have been better off getting it I can be wrong about that
At my grandparents age (primary reason I got it tbh) I think it's a slam dunk no brainer to get it

I also think a lot of people listened to almost nothing Rodgers actually said in a 40 minute or whatever interview and just cherry picked a couple of dumb things he did say ignoring the rest
11-29-2021 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
He told me that having recovered from COVID (with no symptoms) is proving to be very effective for antibodies. He said he'd recommend I get vaccinated for even more protection but understood my reasons for not doing so. You know, informed consent. I don't treat doctors like God. I love getting their opinions and hearing my options then deciding what is best for me. I've declined opioids in the past well when people told me I was crazy for doing so.


Do you feel protected from the latest variant with the shots you've received so far? Do you feel you need another booster to keep up with the latest variant? Do you feel there is a limit to how many boosters one person can receive in a relatively short period of time? Do you think all people respond to the shot and multiple boosters the same?

Your doctor telling you they recommend you get vaccinated and you ignoring them, I guess kind of like a doctor telling a patient quit smoking. I guess understand there reasons for not doing so.

Rejecting opioids is a smart move.

As far as protection from taking shots, taking booster shots. I’m not a medical professional and will take the recommendations of my PCP and the medical community at large. Medical community tends to agree being vaccinated provides additional protection and one should be vaccinated.
11-29-2021 , 06:53 PM
Yeah, but none of that matters. He did is own research, remember?
11-29-2021 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Your doctor telling you they recommend you get vaccinated and you ignoring them, I guess kind of like a doctor telling a patient quit smoking. I guess understand there reasons for not doing so.

Rejecting opioids is a smart move.

As far as protection from taking shots, taking booster shots. I’m not a medical professional and will take the recommendations of my PCP and the medical community at large. Medical community tends to agree being vaccinated provides additional protection and one should be vaccinated.
Doctors prescribed me opioids as well. I did my research and chose it was best for me not to take them. This was before people accepted there was an opioid epidemic and I was told I was crazy for refusing them, that they are harmless, etc... I am still confident with that decision as I am with all of my medical decisions.

I'd turn the tables and say if you are repeatedly needing to see your doctor and getting sick, and despite being vaccinated are still concerned about what others are doing so you are protected then you might want to look into doing things a little differently. In reality I don't feel the need to say all that because I respect that people are different and completely support you feeling that doing whatever your doctor says is the best route for you personally. Informed consent. Joel Embiid did what was best for him. Aaron Rodgers did what was best for him. Both have to live with their decisions. I'm ok with that
11-29-2021 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
I got vaxxed as I said earlier in the thread

I just don't think it's super clear cut at my/Rodgers age although I think he would have been better off getting it I can be wrong about that
At my grandparents age (primary reason I got it tbh) I think it's a slam dunk no brainer to get it

I also think a lot of people listened to almost nothing Rodgers actually said in a 40 minute or whatever interview and just cherry picked a couple of dumb things he did say ignoring the rest
I mean this is really what it comes down to. I don't think vaccines are bad and people shouldn't get them. I just don't think they are necessary for the entire population and medicine isn't a one size fits all. Just like I don't rip cheeseburgers and milk shakes out of people's hands, I really don't care if people get vaccinated or not, smoke or not, eat like **** or not, etc...
