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Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread) Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread)

11-09-2021 , 02:18 AM
11-09-2021 , 04:27 AM
11-09-2021 , 10:39 AM

State health officials also found the vaccine greatly reduced the risk of virus transmission, including the highly contagious delta variant that ravaged the state over the summer.

Only 3% of 1.5 million positive COVID-19 tests examined since mid-January occurred in people who were already vaccinated.
But the vaccinated can catch covid too. Yes but at a much much lower rate. And they aren't infectious for as long.

Somehow every single anti-vaxxer on the internet refuses to ever acknowledge this. It's like arguing with a brick wall.
11-09-2021 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by medici
Not true. Ivermectin has been prescribed to humans for years - millions of doses. On list of WHO essential medicines. Creators won Nobel Prize,

Royal Blue: "a no-downside vaccine"

Not true. Many serious adverse reactions, including athletes. Maybe even CA gov who hasn't been seen since he got booster about 2 weeks ago.
Yes, the won a Nobel Prize...for their treatment of parasitic diseases.

As Covid is a virus, not a parasite, that's not a relevant contribution to the discussion.
11-09-2021 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by RT
Yes, the won a Nobel Prize...for their treatment of parasitic diseases.

As Covid is a virus, not a parasite, that's not a relevant contribution to the discussion.
Must have been a Final Jeopardy answer.
11-09-2021 , 04:11 PM
The babylon bee is as funny as a medici post. How is the right so bad at humor, like can't they just pay some dude $100 million like they do with everything else?

The people working at the onion probably make like 40k a year yet crank out 10 stories a day funnier than any right wing source has ever managed.
11-09-2021 , 04:31 PM
But have you seen the one where Oscar the Grouch identifies as vaccinated just like how some men identify as women to dominate them at sports?? It’s hilarious!!’
11-09-2021 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Rodgers becoming a martyr is pretty funny

I don’t despise Rodgers for this cuz he’s an antivaxxer. At this point who gives a ****. We’ve reached endemic status, herd immunity is impossible, annoying but who cares anymore

I despise Rodgers cuz he revealed himself as a lying narcissistic sociopath and a snowflake who is too much of a ***** to take any criticism whatsoever that he chooses to instead speak in half-truths and deception to avoid the slightest hint of criticism. He’s a piece of **** who believes the rules should apply to everyone but him and justifies it with a level of grandstanding and stupidity that should follow him to his grave

Rodgers represents everything wrong with modern society. He’s a lying piece of **** making himself out to be a martyr to cover his tracks for being a lying piece of ****, and every nfl team should be furious that either Rodgers lied to not have to follow protocols or the Packers knew this and lied on his behalf. One or both should be punished for it, neither will be, and everyone will spend all this time debating the merits or lack thereof of vaccine and mask mandates instead of Rich Ahole doesn’t think he needs to follow the rules and wants to protect his image by being a lying sack of ****
11-09-2021 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
medici, where has your research led you on the new Pfizer covid pill? Legit or scam?

Just thoughts: I think its basically Ivermectin with a slight change here or there. No more patents on Ivermectin so its very cheap. Big Pharma has only been allowed to advertise since 97 I believe & they sponsor a lot of news shows - so you get the horse paste BS.

Trump (& other nations) gave the drug companies great deal. R & D paid for & no liability. They also have some deal for nations to suppress any new treatments (not sure how valid this is but saw it on a video, where Japan is recommending Ivermectin for its citizens).
11-09-2021 , 08:52 PM
Babylon Bee is hilarious.

Liberal Activist Explains Notion Of Tolerance To Man She Just Called A ‘Worthless [Expletive]’

Pure gold.

Oscar the Grouch thing was hilarious too.

Yes, I know you're coming for me.
11-09-2021 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by medici
Just thoughts: I think its basically Ivermectin with a slight change here or there. No more patents on Ivermectin so its very cheap. Big Pharma has only been allowed to advertise since 97 I believe & they sponsor a lot of news shows - so you get the horse paste BS.

Trump (& other nations) gave the drug companies great deal. R & D paid for & no liability. They also have some deal for nations to suppress any new treatments (not sure how valid this is but saw it on a video, where Japan is recommending Ivermectin for its citizens).

Haha awesome take. Thanks for sharing. Where can I read more about how the COVId treatment pill from Pfizer is basically ivermectin?
11-09-2021 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by athletic

Research confirms: "vaccinated ppl spread the virus less." Not only because "they are significantly less likely to get infected in the first place" but even once infected, "the vaccinated are less likely to spread the coronavirus than the unvaccinated."

hmm wonder if following "stupid, pointless" rules is part of that
11-09-2021 , 09:33 PM
$14,650 fine.

Officially CANCELED! No way he recovers from this level of with huntery.

Dilfer on a pod said teammates will rally around him for sticking it to the man cause they all actually hate the COVID rules.

Triple down on Pack to SB, imo.
11-09-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Haha awesome take. Thanks for sharing. Where can I read more about how the COVId treatment pill from Pfizer is basically ivermectin?
The thing is, you can easily Google what is in both and find out they are not the same in what, 10 seconds?

Really letting down the "I did my own research" crowd.
11-09-2021 , 09:48 PM
300k for the team, 14.65k for Rodgers.

Apparently the NFL has a Rodgers Rate as well.
11-09-2021 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
The thing is, you can easily Google what is in both and find out they are not the same in what, 10 seconds?

Really letting down the "I did my own research" crowd.

Oh man you trust Reuters, BBC and the AP? Man that’s MSM, I’m much more curious what the true source is that shows us how these Pfizer and Merck pills are rebranded ivermectin.
11-09-2021 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Daer
300k for the team, 14.65k for Rodgers.

Apparently the NFL has a Rodgers Rate as well.
Let bygones be bygones, I guess.
11-09-2021 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Daer
300k for the team, 14.65k for Rodgers.

Apparently the NFL has a Rodgers Rate as well.
solid work
11-09-2021 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Daer
300k for the team, 14.65k for Rodgers.

Apparently the NFL has a Rodgers Rate as well.

Should get at least a one game suspension for Rodgers and I’d say a draft pick for the team. In before the fan boys react.

In a world of superstar whiny bitchy athletes Rodgers has to be the biggest whiny, bitchy athlete. Which is wow to be king of that hill. He was one of the front runners before this happened but wow this was what put him on the top of whiny ***** athlete hill. Congrats to Rodgers and all his fans.

Last edited by Da_Nit; 11-09-2021 at 10:20 PM.
11-09-2021 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by medici
Just thoughts: I think its basically Ivermectin with a slight change here or there. No more patents on Ivermectin so its very cheap. Big Pharma has only been allowed to advertise since 97 I believe & they sponsor a lot of news shows - so you get the horse paste BS.

Trump (& other nations) gave the drug companies great deal. R & D paid for & no liability. They also have some deal for nations to suppress any new treatments (not sure how valid this is but saw it on a video, where Japan is recommending Ivermectin for its citizens).
Ok, but what are your thoughts on trusting Dr. Seuss more than Dr. Fauci, being a LION in a world full of SHEEP, and the fact that prayer warriors are actually the most effective treatment available for Covid and yet no one will talk about it?
11-09-2021 , 10:16 PM
lol CeeDee Lamb got a larger fine for an untucked jersey
11-09-2021 , 10:31 PM
sounds about white
11-09-2021 , 10:36 PM
NFL was never taking away a draft pick from the Packers on the first violation. The teams that lost picks last year lost them after multiple fines.

If you thought Rodgers was going to get suspended you are insane.

Originally Posted by bazooka87
lol CeeDee Lamb got a larger fine for an untucked jersey
Only because he keeps getting fined for the same thing.
11-09-2021 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
lol CeeDee Lamb got a larger fine for an untucked jersey
Yeah, but did he make a completely insincere apology?
11-09-2021 , 11:05 PM
Didn't DaVante Adams get it first?

I'm at the point where I don't care if people get vaccinated or not and I'm just tired of the division over it. The vaccine prevents you from getting seriously ill. People who feel at risk of getting seriously ill all have access to the vaccine right now. If people want to roll the dice with COVID let them. The constant hatred and back and forth over it really needs to end though.

Look at the Cal-USC game being called off because of the outbreak amongst the 99% vaccinated Cal team. We know if you're vaccinated you can still get it and spread it. I actually think the different standards for vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of testing, mask wearing, etc... is largely to blame for a lot of these outbreaks. If you feel at risk, get the shot. If not, it's your life and you're responsible for your own outcome.
