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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

08-17-2017 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Grue
Man this whole "lets merge the 'alt right' movement with the actual nazis" doesn't seem like a winning strategy to me.
Richard Spencer coined the term "Alt Right."
08-17-2017 , 08:14 AM
Just looked into this Joe Arpaio. Wow, what a huge gigantic POS he is. Can anyone who wants to pardon him be anything other than a vile racist? This really shows how ****ed up the US is at the moment.
08-17-2017 , 08:18 AM
Dear Thread

For the 2 Russian lurkers who didn't notice, I got really shook somewhere between nuclear chicken and Charlottesville, and the overwhelming frustration/worry led to more than a little tilt. I took a deep breath, relaxed, and toned things down around 30 hours ago. Apologies for the long ****y rants. Just promise me you don't hold Obama responsible. It's all Trump's fault.

Carry on...
08-17-2017 , 08:22 AM
08-17-2017 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I'm starting to maybe think that you guys just work in advertising and are not really this clueless.

But yeah, the DNC bizarrely running ads against a guy who got more than twice as many votes as his closest challenger and hasn't even yet announced he's seeking reelection in an election 15 months away would be worse than stupid. Ads aren't this magical potion you think they are. 99.99% chance any NFL week 1 off election year ad blitz (or anti Corker ad without knowing who the dem nominee even is) would be the same as lighting your very very limited funds on fire.
The only way a Dem could beat Corker is by helping an unpopular far-right candidate primary him. Even then the unpopular far-right candidate wins the general election ~75% of the time.
08-17-2017 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by DTD
Just looked into this Joe Arpaio. Wow, what a huge gigantic POS he is. Can anyone who wants to pardon him be anything other than a vile racist? This really shows how ****ed up the US is at the moment.
This is another big problem if he does it on Tuesday (which he will). The media trial balloon went out a few days ago and the pardon trial balloon went out last month.

Now he's got a chance to gradually get us accustomed to pardons so it won't be as bad when Jared gets one later. He'll probably work on changing the pardon conditions too, so that they don't need to fully confess when they admit guilt.
08-17-2017 , 08:48 AM
So the manufacturing council is disbanded. I'd be surprised to see anything meaningful passed. Trump just dropping all pretense and going full racist (more than he has already shown lol) for rest of term now?
08-17-2017 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Saw this on Morning Joe before. His approval rating goes UP after Charlottesville, by like 10+ points according to people willing to admit to this poll. Regardless of a single snapshot, I think whites in general are like 70%+ racist in some way.

This is gonna become a straight up war on blacks (basically ignoring liberals on this issue). White people, get ready to stand strong. It looks like there's gonna be lots of pressure to stay complacent.
08-17-2017 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
I think this is right and I think in large part it's right because liberals and leftists want to maintain some relationship to the truth and not go directly to easy simple answers that people can understand.
No. It's because the real left has been systematically crushed over the past 40+ years in this country and what remains is a bunch of centrist cowards propping up an imperial capitalist state.
08-17-2017 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Aren't lessons taught in schools, books, museums, libraries, that kind of thing? Isn't the statue on the town square for other purposes? This seems like it's just veering into Clovis "keep Jefferson because it's just like Germany's Culture of Remembrance" when in fact the statues and memorials we erect actually only tell a very limited amount of the lessons worth learning.

Can I give you the benefit of the doubt then that you'll join with me in supporting adding Jefferson Raping His Chattel sculpture to the Jefferson Memorial?
i know you're not asking me, but i really actually think this is a great idea and would 100% support any measure to do so
08-17-2017 , 09:00 AM
Oops, new really big conspiracy to discredit Russia coming soon:

Julian Assange told a U.S. congressman on Tuesday he can prove the leaked Democratic Party documents he published during last year's election did not come from Russia and promised additional helpful information about the leaks in the near future.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican who is friendly to Russia and chairs an important House subcommittee on Eurasia policy, became the first American congressman to meet with Assange during a three-hour private gathering at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder has been holed up for years,
Of course they send the most publicly pro-Russia GOP member to take the Assange meeting. This is the guy who lobbied Congress to repeal the Magnitsky sanctions using actual Russian propaganda media to make his presentation.

Pressed for more detail on the source of the documents, Rohrabacher said he had information to share privately with President Donald Trump.
08-17-2017 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
Dear Thread

For the 2 Russian lurkers who didn't notice, I got really shook somewhere between nuclear chicken and Charlottesville, and the overwhelming frustration/worry led to more than a little tilt. I took a deep breath, relaxed, and toned things down around 30 hours ago. Apologies for the long ****y rants. Just promise me you don't hold Obama responsible. It's all Trump's fault.

Carry on...
An earnest if overzealous person is a big positive to the cause of equality and justice. Especially if they are self-aware enough to reflect and modify their zeal levels where appropriate. So good job, for whatever it's worth.
08-17-2017 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
Did it happen to go anything like this?

Brief Excerpt:
08-17-2017 , 09:08 AM
Thx Tom. **** happens.

EDIT: I'm still steaming and tired of this constant manufacturing of scandals and going full on assault to the oppressed when they defend themselves. We have all the credibility and are getting demolished in the PR war.

But the rage is contained now.

Last edited by Our House; 08-17-2017 at 09:17 AM.
08-17-2017 , 09:12 AM
aaaaand here we go:

Last edited by prana; 08-17-2017 at 09:24 AM.
08-17-2017 , 09:22 AM
Man, he's really teasing us with that "Also...", let's hope he manages to finish the thought in the next hour.

EDIT: Right as I posted this...

08-17-2017 , 09:22 AM
"On July 9, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was read for the first time in New York in front of George Washington and his troops. In reaction to what had been read, soldiers and citizens went to Bowling Green, a park in Manhattan, where a lead statue of King George III on horseback stood. The mob of people pulled down the statue, and later the lead was melted down to make musket balls, or bullets for use in the war for independence. (3) Careful records were kept, and it is known that 42, 088 bullets were made. (4)"

Pulling Down The Statue of King George III
08-17-2017 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
tired of this constant manufacturing of scandals
When Trump campaigned on bringing manufacturing back to America this is not what we had in mind.
08-17-2017 , 09:23 AM
JFC they are statues.
08-17-2017 , 09:28 AM
When Trump said "make America great again", I never really thought he meant going all the way back to the days of slavery. Now I'm not so sure.
08-17-2017 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
JFC they are statues.
They're not even particularly good ones.
08-17-2017 , 09:35 AM
He's not even saying that they should be taken down legally now. I'm not sure that he ever did tbh but it's pretty apparent now that he just straight up wants these confederate statues to exist.
08-17-2017 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass View Post
I think it's time to face the fact that the likes of Fox News, Infowars, and Breitbart are winning the propaganda war, and it's not even close.
Originally Posted by dereds
I think this is right and I think in large part it's right because liberals and leftists want to maintain some relationship to the truth and not go directly to easy simple answers that people can understand.
Originally Posted by zikzak
No. It's because the real left has been systematically crushed over the past 40+ years in this country and what remains is a bunch of centrist cowards propping up an imperial capitalist state.
Zikzak has the correct answer but it's really just a different way of stating AllCows point. The left is poorly organized (changing slightly: Bernie, DSA, BLM, etc. are demonstrative of a nascent and growing leftist movement). But the left's propaganda organs are effectively non-existent. The right is winning the propaganda wars, because the left has collapsed for the reasons zikzak mentioned and what remains are a bunch of mealy mouthed proto right-wingers. I'd even give dereds some nods that he's approaching the truth: the left has forgotten the simple politics of motivated self-interest and inspiring class consciousness against wealthy and monied interests and become bizarro world defenders of technocractic babble as a form of political propaganda. What a mistake. The left has simple, very popular arguments (tax the rich, distribute the receipts to people who need things via things like medicine and retirement incomes). The dominant party and many of our allies simply just chooses not to make them.

I think you guys are basically in furious agreement here, it's just a different way to say the same thing. The only part I would disagree with is that liberals and the left are deeply wedded to the truth. It's pretty clear to me it's not that, that a lot of liberal and what counts for 'left' political messaging is because the left is way too gentrified and the technocractic babble brigades are basically a form of class consciousness, of class messaging. But it's hilariously politically limited, appeals only to effete centrists who are a vanishingly small percentage of the population.
08-17-2017 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
They're not even particularly good ones.
The interior of Trump's home puts into perspective his idea of beauty.
08-17-2017 , 09:47 AM
Literal lol at "but the statues are so pretty!"
