Originally Posted by einbert
Well, *******, Hillary Clinton was in favor of criminal justice reform, it was part of her campaign platform. But because of people like you who push this false equivalency bull**** not showing up to vote, we now have Jeff ****ing Sessions as A.G.
Taking pages out of Trump's playbook by repeating lies over and over and over again doesn't make them true. You can start using all caps if you'd like and it doesn't make it any less true that I voted for HRC. You can't change the truth by repeating lies Trump for brains.
And false equivalency? Who the **** do you think first pushed for the 3 strikes law Trump for brains? You think HRC gives a **** about people in jail? To the extent that it helps her politically, she got on board with paying lip service to criminal justice reform.
Don't blame me for Sessions. Even now that she's gone and irrelevant, lemmings like you intolerant to any other held position, are STILL propping up a lying, cutthroat, run of the mill politician, instead of pushing for true progressive values. That's what got Trump elected and Sessions in.