Originally Posted by iron81
Ok, but there are advantages to avoiding the arrest, even if it's a bad gamble compared to the risk of conviction.
You should never talk to the cops, period. They are not your friends. Your only friend is your lawyer. Ask if you are being detained. If they say yes, lawyer up. If you say something to the cop and a lawyer is not present, the judge is taking the cop's word over yours.
There's a reason why cops say "Do you know why I pulled you over?" when you are speeding. It's because they want you to say "Yes, officer. I was speeding and didn't realize it. I'm sorry." It's not because they are concerned you didn't know you were speeding. They want you to admit you knew you were speeding.
BTW- It's not a matter of distrusting the police. 99% of them do a great job. It's about covering your own ass.