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Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded.

12-26-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by FourthWin
I really want to see what this .gif is from!
I think it's from Survivor when they found out one guy was voted out of the tribe.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz
But I still plan on going to his address tomorrow and just explaining to him what I have to do in order to cover my ass. I am not going to confront him aggressively or anything, I am just going to simply say that all the charges are on me right now and that the DMV informed me that this is what I must do if he does not cooperate.
I don't believe you're capable of holding to that, and I'm a little surprised that you do.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 05:34 PM

I don't believe you are gonna go confront this black dude where he lives.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz
Yep this seems to be the case.

But I still plan on going to his address tomorrow and just explaining to him what I have to do in order to cover my ass. I am not going to confront him aggressively or anything, I am just going to simply say that all the charges are on me right now and that the DMV informed me that this is what I must do if he does not cooperate.

I will update tomorrow.
You couldn't restrain yourself when you wrote a facebook message. I do not rate your chances of restraining yourself in person.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:05 PM
This confrontation could be really awesome. You're just going there to explain it to him? Is that supposed to accomplish something?

He blew you off. Move on. That's the obvious play..but I'm glad you are not because it could be really entertaining. Take pics. Best part will he when he demands his floor mats and other stuff back when you say you are taking back the car. Or that he demands a refund since you are taking back the car that you sold. This is awesome. So many possibilities.

Why don't they make realty programming like this? I hate almost all reality tv. But for something like this I would certainly watch.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Why don't they make realty programming like this? I hate almost all reality tv. But for something like this I would certainly watch.
It's hard to set up scenes like this, but the endings are usually part of Cops if you're interested.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:09 PM
op, what do you do when he obviously tells you 'yeah man, you told me already, i'm gonna go get it when i can' to your face.

maybe he adds in a 'it's my car i'll ****ing go get it when i want'.

then what?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
You couldn't restrain yourself when you wrote a facebook message. I do not rate your chances of restraining yourself in person.
Its alot easier to act tough behind a computer screen
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:18 PM
He was not that ghetto when I sold him the car 3 months ago to a point where I think he would pull a gun on me. I'm not gonna be a douche bag, I am gonna be on my best behavior. I feel this is the best thing to do, because I feel like it would be a lot worse if he actually did save the money to get the car out and then finds out that It had been taken out already and then sold or savaged.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:21 PM
OP, what are you hoping to accomplish by talking to this guy in person. He knows exactly what the score is and he obviously doesnt care that you are on the hook for this.

I think you need to chalk this up to a life lesson and do what you can now to make this as inexpensive as possible.

^Lol, he blocked you on FB man he's not saving up money to pay off a debt in your name for a car that doesnt run.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:25 PM
I don't know why your making this more complicated than it has to be. There are only 2 things you can do:

1. Go to the dmv and do what ever it is you have to do to make him the official owner of the car, and be done with it or...

2. get the car out of the impound lot yourself, since they will only give the car to the owner, and keep it or hold it for him until he pays you back.

I would go with option 1.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:30 PM
Here is the correct play, OP.

When you go over to meet him say, "Look buddy, we can work this one of two ways. You took my car and either I can tell the cops that you bought it or I can tell them that you stole it. How do you want me to play this?"

This works extra well if you have a tough guy attitude to go with it. You are welcome for the help.

Last edited by tylertwo; 12-26-2012 at 06:34 PM. Reason: Yes, I am sure that you will be on your "best" behavior...
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:32 PM
Amazes me sometimes that people spend days calling LOL bureaucrats and spinning their wheels with broke losers over something a lawyer could have handled in a few hours of work. It would have been money well spent.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Here is the correct play, OP.

When you go over to meet him say, "Look buddy, we can work this one of two ways. You took my car and either I can tell the cops that you bought it or I can tell them that you stole it. How do you want me to play this?"

This works extra well if you have a tough guy attitude to go with it. You are welcome for the help.
yes do this one report back asap.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz

I obviously wasn't nice enough to the stupid *** when I messaged him on FB because he has now deactivated his FB, so I have no way of contacting him. Even though he has my phone number he never made any attempt to work this out over the phone. This really pisses me off and makes me think that he has no intention of working this out in a professional manner and that my balls rest in his hands. How am I suppose to believe.know he will get the car out???

I called the impound lot again and told them that it wasn't my car and bla bla bla. They pretty much gave me the middle finger and told me I am the one who owes the money.

Then I called the DMV and explained the full situation. They told me that I am the 1 liable and that I should pay the bill before it gets any higher. Then I should get a new title which overrides the title I signed over to the <dumbass OP used racist term here> and resell the car.

I really don't want to do this because of the repercussions, but I feel at this point I have no choice because I am the 1 that will get screwed if I do not do anything. Tomorrow I might ride over to his address and try to talk to him and figure something out. Today I got other stuff to do and am not going to worry anymore.
So basically, you're going to ignore what the DMV told you to do? Awesome plan.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Maybe he meant niggard for being so cheap.
I LOLed.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by killa
nah racist terms have no place on this forum, its even a slippery slope even when its self deprecating,
I've been temp-banned from 2+2 for using the 5 letter variation of the N word, no ban here?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
FWIW - Sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with the fact that you got screwed and that it's a losing battle no matter what. You got screwed...partly due to your own fault...but that's it.

One time I was out of the country and my car was towed from my apartment lot. I had no idea why. It was weird. Thought it had been stolen at first. Come to find out that my license plate had expired by 10 days or something...and when the tow guy was brought in by the apartment people to grab a couple of cars parked in non-spaces or handicapped spaces or something the apartment people had them grab my car also.

I don't think it is appropriate to grab a perfectly normal looking car with an expired tag by 10 days. I'm still not even sure that is legal. If my car had been noticed on the street by the police it just would have received a ticket and an order for me to take care of it. But I think the apartment people had some sort of justification that all vehicles have to be 100% legal or something in their lot and since it's a private lot they get to make their own idiotic rules.

And then, of course, never even notify the resident (I checked my voice-mail from abroad). I returned from my international trip to find my car was gone and they were racking up $20/day or something where it was stored. I owed $550. And I was stuck and they had me by the balls. They knocked it down to $310 or something and waived part of the daily fee because I was away for so long and had no way of knowing my car was gone. That was all I was able to get.

So, if OP is professional and nice (which we know is impossible) maybe he can tell the tow people that he had no way of knowing that the car that wasn't even his anymore had been in the lot all that time...and maybe they will be nice and knock off a few of the days for him.

But otherwise, yeah, sounds like the original plan of getting the car out and then re-selling the piece of crap is the way to go about it.
Funny, a couple of hours before I caught my flight back to NYC I noticed I had a slip from an private towing company on my car stating that they were going to tow my car for expired tag. It was expired for 2 months. I didn't renew it because I couldn't afford to and I wasn't even driving the car at the time, I figured it would be find leaving it parked in my complex. I gave my landlord a call and she told the company to give my a month to get it tagged. I guess I got lucky. I would have been royally screwed if they'd taken it while I was in NYC for 2 weeks.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
yes do this one report back asap.
asap may be longer than you anticipate
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 07:54 PM
I live in Florida if it's any consolation.
Whatever you do, stand your ground.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
I've been temp-banned from 2+2 for using the 5 letter variation of the N word, no ban here?
I believe the preferred nomenclature is "dope 'groes".

I also don't expect op to confront buyer. Unless he brings some of his N FL cracker buddies along.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 08:05 PM
Quintessential forum thread: OP posts asking for advice, gets the correct answer, then does the exact opposite. All while never even acknowledging the correct answer.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Dude cant afford to keep his phone turned on but is gonna ship you $500+ for a car that no longer runs. Riiight.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Here is the correct play, OP.

When you go over to meet him say, "Look buddy, we can work this one of two ways. You took my car and either I can tell the cops that you bought it or I can tell them that you stole it. How do you want me to play this?"

This works extra well if you have a tough guy attitude to go with it. You are welcome for the help.
Well played sir
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 08:30 PM
I am shocked he did not get back to you after he promised he would. Absolutely shocked! Especially given what you said to him on facebook. I thought for sure you two had a clear understanding and this would be cleaned up lickety split.

By the way stop calling this other guy a dumb 18 year old kid or things like that. It makes you look bad.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
