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Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded.

12-24-2012 , 05:34 PM
The OP needs to go to the DMV ASAP before he does anything else.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jzo19
the tickets would have already been put in his name if that were the case , OP you can take the car back and put restrictions on the car if the buyer wants to get it back , he'll have to go to court and you can explain everything to a judge . next time write a bill of sale when you sell a car .
Don't listen to this guy
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
nobody owns a car
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
The OP needs to go to the DMV ASAP before he does anything else.
This is exactly what I am doing.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 06:05 PM
Before you screw things up eeezz, what do you plan to say to them?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz
I just found his FB online and sent him this message.

"Hey I am the guy who sold you the Infiniti a few months back.

Yesterday I received a bill for over $300 on the car being towed and impounded. They picked it up at %^&%$#%^$%.

It seems as though you didn't hold up to your requirements of the deal in getting the car in your name and screwed me over a bit.

The fee is another $15 a day everyday it is impounded.

I need to know what you plan on doing about this. Do you plan on abandoning the car or do you plan on getting it out?

Right now It's all on me so I obviously need to know ASAP

Give me a call as soon as you get this so we can talk about this situation. If you plan on abandoning the car I will pay the fees and that will be the end of it.

Or I could possibly just take you to court, so it is very important to call me as soon as you get this so we can work something out.

Give me a call as soon as you get this so we both don't have to be stressed about it. *** *** ****. I really don't want to go to court but if we have to we have to.

I have your address and I have your DL # and DOB. So please do not try to avoid me.

Again Just let me know if you want to abandon the car or pay the fees and take full responsibility for all towing charges."
If you go to university you should take an intro to law class. I'm not a lawyer but my understanding is you legally can not threaten to take someone to court. Thats called extortion. "Do what I say or I'll retaliate," is not legal. You need to say something like, deal with this ASAP or I will take every recourse that the law allows.

Thats the difference between lawyers and the rest of us. They know how to make legal threats with big words for lots of money. We get in trouble for it because our words are short and it takes their jobs away.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 06:47 PM
Of course you can legally threaten to sue.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I realize you come from a position of ignorance and not greed.

You should have never went down and given them your drivers license. Just tell them it is not your car and be done with it. Paying to get it out is just stupid. These places get these cars defaulted to them all the time. Getting a sucker to pay more than a car is worth is free money for them.

If they send you to collections deal with that and provide proof of the sale.

Paying more than the car is worth for something you don't own is really stupid. I am curious what the impound lot feels their liability is in contributing to auto theft. Sure the registration says one thing but then giving a car to someone after they tell you it is not yours well I have to think they potentially end up with liability. They can't expect to know everything.

Anyways doesn't matter. Don't pay for the car that is cray cray.
I used to work collections and one of our clients was an impound lot. Your advice is terrible. OP is 100% on the hook for this bill. If they auction it for less than he owes, he will owe the difference. Bill of sale means nothing to the impound lot. The controlling factor is who the car is titled to. OP needs to go to the DMV and initiate a forced title transfer.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
Of course you can legally threaten to sue.
You can but you have to be very careful how you word it. You can set yourself up for legal problems if you word it wrong.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 07:06 PM
Op should sue the DMV and then have the towing people sue the other guy. Then the DMV should she the apartment complex that had it towed.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 07:25 PM
be careful op, blacks are dangerous
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz
It was his responsibility in getting the car registered in his name. All the debt of this towing company is on me. He probably didn't treat the car with respect as I did over the years.The car required a quart of oil per week and had a terrible oil leak

Good chance the engine locked up and the car is probably worth less than what I am going to have to fork out.
It was also your responsibility to have proof of the sale. Looks like you were also a dumbass here.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
nobody owns a car
In Soviet Russia, car owns you

But in all seriousness, did you leave your plates on?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 08:18 PM
How the hell isn't everyone saying, "contact the DMV and explain the situation immediately?"

OP, why in the world would you contact the kid and/or think about paying these fees?

Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
OP, why in the world would you contact the kid and/or think about paying these fees?
Level 2 thinking?

I can't imagine anyone getting a bigger chuckle from this thread than the deadbeat who bought the car got when he received OP's message.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by frotteur
be careful op, blacks are dangerous
I'm pretty sure OP knows this, or else he wouldn't have mentioned it.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 08:58 PM
oh lol i didn't read that far.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 08:59 PM

"He probably didn't treat the car with respect as I did over the years.The car required a quart of oil per week and had a terrible oil leak"

Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

"He probably didn't treat the car with respect as I did over the years.The car required a quart of oil per week and had a terrible oil leak"

Car looks like a good deal for 800 bucks to me, long as it runs.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 09:04 PM
Yeah, but not getting a "terrible oil leak" fixed isn't treating your car with respect.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Yeah, but not getting a "terrible oil leak" fixed isn't treating your car with respect.
Not worth it in on an $800 car.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 11:07 PM
I think this must be a level.

OP sends buyer a FB message to let him know that the debt "is all on me".

OP made that determination by seeking the legal opinion of only one disinterested authority...the tow truck driver.

Nobody is that stupid, even in FL. (well, you live in the panhandle, OP?)
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 11:20 PM
And this is why whenever you sell a vehicle, you always:

1. Execute a bill of sale and retain a copy.
2. Notify whatever agencies have your vehicle registered that you no longer own it.
3. Take a hi-res photo of the signed-over title before you actually hand it to the buyer.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 11:23 PM
i don't get all the hate on OP. the buyer put him in a super ****ty situation (which OP did contribute to by not getting more paperwork proving sale). worse things could have happened than impound fees which OP could now be getting blamed for...

obv he should contact the DMV to see whether or not he is actually still responsible and should contact the buyer to see wtf is up but i dont blame him for wanting to take the car back and re sell it to cover the fees since it appears he might be on the hook for the fees either way.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-24-2012 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
And this is why whenever you sell a vehicle, you always:

1. Execute a bill of sale and retain a copy.
2. Notify whatever agencies have your vehicle registered that you no longer own it.
3. Take a hi-res photo of the signed-over title before you actually hand it to the buyer.
ya this is obviously the main lesson here. but its an easy mistake to make since when u sell something to someone you tend to assume they actually intend to take ownership...
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
