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Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded.

12-26-2012 , 08:31 PM
By the way nice rental car service you have there. Less than ten dollars a day and the customer can just leave the car anywhere!

Next time you want to rent a car let us know here, you may find some interested takers.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-26-2012 , 08:32 PM
Meh, his composure here doesn't jive with his story. Troll.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 02:29 AM
take the car out of the impound lot. don't pay them.

if it's your property, like they claim, then it's your property and they have no right to hold it. all they can do is bill you the amount you supposedly owe.

also when you sell your car in florida don't you have to do paperwork through the dmv to transfer the title, etc.?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
take the car out of the impound lot. don't pay them.

if it's your property, like they claim, then it's your property and they have no right to hold it. all they can do is bill you the amount you supposedly owe.

also when you sell your car in florida don't you have to do paperwork through the dmv to transfer the title, etc.?
You can just waltz into an impound lot, tell them "I don't have the money right now, buddy, I'll pay you guys later, gimme my property"

It can't possibly be that easy, they'd never stay in business.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 10:24 AM
I assumed housenuts was just being sarcastic. If not, then WTF?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by wackybrak
Pay the fees, get your car, go on judge Judy.
This is probably the best adice the OP can use now, it really does look like a perfect case for the show.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
This is probably the best adice the OP can use now, it really does look like a perfect case for the show.
He can also use this thread with the racist remarks as evidence on the show.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 06:34 PM
I read the housenuts post three times. I actually think he's serious. It's close because it is hard to comprehend someone being that dumb. But he really doesn't seem to be joking.

This thread has taken an exciting turn.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 07:35 PM
He didn't deactivate his Facebook page, he probably just blocked you from finding his page. Go under a different facebook account and try and find him.

No 18 year old kid is deactivating a Facebook account.

OP really is a moron. There is no way this kid is ever paying $500+ to a tow truck company to get that car out of the impound especially when he now knows that he isn't responsible for the bill. He's freerolling here, either OP gets the car out of the impound and then the kid just goes by the OP's house and drives off with it since he has the title and keys or it stays in the impound, OP is still responsible for the bill and the kid paid $800 to drive a car around for a few months.

Your best bet is to go by his house and speak to his parents or him and see where that gets you. Or just go to the DMV and get it figured out.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-27-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I read the housenuts post three times. I actually think he's serious. It's close because it is hard to comprehend someone being that dumb. But he really doesn't seem to be joking.

This thread has taken an exciting turn.
I skimmed a few of his posts and I think it's believable that he is on track to be a lawyer in less than 2 years.

I really hope he is joking.

I'm not a lawyer and I'm not American. But yesterday I decided to click around the web a little to find a game-plan for OP. I decided against posting it at that time, because I not really qualified to give any advice on this issue. But now I quite frankly don't believe that the OP actually called the dmv and got the advice that he posted. The entire thread has to be a level but I'll post my advice:

1. Go to dmv website, download form 82050, check the appropriate boxes to make it a "Notice of Sale" (The buyer doesn't have to sign).
2. Find DMV office close to you and file the form, bring ID, get confirmation that you filed.
2.5 (optional) Inform the buyer that you step 2. It is illegal for him to drive the car until he transfers the title to his name, since the 30 day grace period passed.
3. Call a local lawyer, ask how much he would expect to bill you for a situation like this.
4. Go to impound lot and show them the proof you obtained in step 2. Tell them you feel somewhat liable but their main beef is with the buyer. Show some willingness to shell out a little cash, but demand (in writing) that they'll leave you alone and that you won't responsible for any future fees.
5. Make a gut decision using the information obtained in steps 3 and 4. Lawyer up or settle with the impound guys.
6. Chalk it up as a life lesson.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 04:04 PM
Is OP too embarrassed to keep us updated in his saga?

Or is he:

In jail?
On the run from the owner of the impound lot?
On the run from the guy he sold the car to and then stole it from?
Just cruising the countryside in his new old car leaving only a trail of oil behind?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by jh1711
I not really qualified to give any advice
Me neither, on this issue, nor any other. So I always qualify my advice with this disclaimer:

"I'm not telling you what you should do; I'm merely telling you what I would do."
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Me neither, on this issue, nor any other. So I always qualify my advice with this disclaimer:

"I'm not telling you what you should do; I'm merely telling you what I would do."
I"ll steal that. Thanks
Most of the time I just keep my mouth shut, if I don't really know the subject.

But, if this story is actually true, I would be afraid that I could get into even more trouble, if I just take the car back and pay the impound ransom.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
Is OP too embarrassed to keep us updated in his saga?

Or is he:

In jail?
On the run from the owner of the impound lot?
On the run from the guy he sold the car to and then stole it from?
Just cruising the countryside in his new old car leaving only a trail of oil behind?

I went and paid the impound lot $421 (they wouldn't work a deal with me) and have the car parked at 1 of my friends house. I plan on getting a new title at the DMV Monday and then eventually trying to re-sell the car to make my money back.

If the original owner ever comes by and asks where the car is I will just tell him that he said he was going to get the car and I left it at that. Then I will tell him that the impound lot probably auctioned it off and you should talk to them.

My biggest mistake was ever making contact with him. He probably would have never even figured out what happened to the car. Who knows maybe he won't ever do anything about it.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:30 PM
Lemme see if I have this straight.

Sell car, taking money and signing over title.

Get billed for impound.

Tell new owner.

Pay impound and take car, thereby paying to become a car thief.

Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:34 PM
Op didn't play this right.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 07:39 PM
I never know if these threads are real or not. It's not even that a person would make a goof like this, it's that they need to ask what to do, and then feel the need to ignore any advice given.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Me neither, on this issue, nor any other. So I always qualify my advice with this disclaimer:

"I'm not telling you what you should do; I'm merely telling you what I would do."
Originally Posted by jh1711
I"ll steal that. Thanks
Most of the time I just keep my mouth shut, if I don't really know the subject.

But, if this story is actually true, I would be afraid that I could get into even more trouble, if I just take the car back and pay the impound ransom.
Does your disclaimer always cause people to do the exact opposite of your advice?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz
I went and paid the impound lot $421 (they wouldn't work a deal with me) and have the car parked at 1 of my friends house. I plan on getting a new title at the DMV Monday and then eventually trying to re-sell the car to make my money back.
So do we know for sure if this legally counts as a felony theft in the state of Florida? If so, admitting to it online seems like a really bad idea.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 08:56 PM
I own the car end of story. When I get a new title the title will override the 1 I gave the buyer. I have a receipt for a $421 towing bill and I'm going to have to fork another $85 for a new title. There is nothing he can do legally whenever I get the new title.

I gave him a heads up where the car was and I gave him 3 days to get it. He didn't do it, so **** him. I had to take matters in my own hands. If he wants the car back he can contact me and pay me $600 which I guarantee never happens.

Thanks for every1 trying to help out and screw the rest of the people calling me a ****** or moron or the countless other things.

The best thing to do was just let it sit in the impound and rack up $15???? I have no proof I ever even sold the car, so the DMV couldn't have helped. I would have been stuck with the bill.

Again the biggest mistake was even contacting him and telling him where the car was. He said he didn't even know it was towed. 2 weeks and not knowing your car was towed?? Ya right he obviously had his fun and thought the best thing to do was **** me over. I'm almost even guessing he doesn't even have the title I signed over to him.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
So do we know for sure if this legally counts as a felony theft in the state of Florida? If so, admitting to it online seems like a really bad idea.
The car is legally mine.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz
The car is legally mine.
I hope this is a level, because you are dead wrong here. The sale was legit even if he didn't register the title. You don't have the legal right to take back the car just becuase he failed to register it.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by eeezzzz
The car is legally mine.
Even though you sold it to someone else? You did take his money, right?
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
12-28-2012 , 09:45 PM
what is a level?? trolling?

This is not a made up story.
Sold car 3 months ago and received towing bill for 5 plus  everyday it's impounded. Quote
