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22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw 22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw

05-27-2014 , 04:13 AM
The violence in America is a cultural problem and rooted in socio-economic issues.

If you went to one of those super peaceful, everyone loves each other Nordic countries like Sweden, Norway, Finland , etc. and gave everyone there guns do you really think they'd start killing each other right and left like happens in the urban cities here in the US?

We have an uneducated, lacking all hope, some would argue oppressed, underclass here in the US and that's the root of the vast majority of gun crime. People raised poor, with little no to parental guidance, with no hope for bettering their lives resort to drugs and violence. We sadly have a lot of that in the US.

This jackass was an outlier and has nothing to do with gun violence in general. These serial shootings grab all the headlines but they are not what drives those "gun murder" graphs.

Last edited by Cotton Hill; 05-27-2014 at 04:20 AM.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
This jackass was an outlier and has nothing to do with gun violence in general. These serial shootings grab all the headlines but they are not what drives those "gun murder" graphs.
pretty much agree. i don't see this as a 'gun' issue. what's more puzzling to me is dude lived in fk'ing santa barbara..and w what looks like every financial etc..advantage(not like he was horrible looking or anything) and still couldn't figure out how to get laid. LOL. if you can't get laid w the deck stacked so far in your's your fault.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
Looking at gun murder rates is kind of pointless. You need to isolate the murder rate and not the gun murder rate because if you succeed in taking the guns away but there's just as many murders with knives and cars there is no point in taking the guns away. This graph is pointless.

Some one graph the rate of people eating food with chop sticks in Asia va America. Omg are they eating more food because they are using chopsticks more to eat their food?

This is just statistical manipulation.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 06:38 AM
So I noticed it says the he stabbed his 2 roommates and their friend to death before taking his rampage to the street. Im kind of surprised that the roommates didn't fight back.. were they asleep? Did they just not know any self defense or have any ability to flee from Eliott and his knife? I mean Eliott's a pretty small guy 5'9'' and 135 lbs, id like to hope if this kid had come at me with a knife I would have been able to defend myself.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 06:47 AM
They're his roommates. You can kill them in their sleep, you can sneak up to them with a knife while making small talk and they're behind the computer or whatever.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
They're his roommates. You can kill them in their sleep, you can sneak up to them with a knife while making small talk and they're behind the computer or whatever.
I would think if he stabbed one the others would figure it out and get away or try to disarm him or something. Although looking at their pictures they appear to be no bigger or more athletic than Elliot.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 07:09 AM
It's been mentioned several times but roommates had learning difficulties.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 07:15 AM
Seriously, you guys think that fighting a guy with a knife has to do with size and athleticism? I was witness to a stabbing murder, once the knife was stuck in his belly he dropped like a sack of potatoes!
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 07:28 AM
sweet...good to know my pocket knife is just as good as a superpower.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 07:34 AM
How hard is it to stab a guy who is not expecting it, and even if he is expecting it, the size of the attacker should have almost no significance to the outcome.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 07:36 AM
It's not the size of the knife it's the way you wield it, amirite amirite?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
The violence in America is a cultural problem and rooted in socio-economic issues.

If you went to one of those super peaceful, everyone loves each other Nordic countries like Sweden, Norway, Finland , etc. and gave everyone there guns do you really think they'd start killing each other right and left like happens in the urban cities here in the US?

We have an uneducated, lacking all hope, some would argue oppressed, underclass here in the US and that's the root of the vast majority of gun crime. People raised poor, with little no to parental guidance, with no hope for bettering their lives resort to drugs and violence. We sadly have a lot of that in the US.

This jackass was an outlier and has nothing to do with gun violence in general. These serial shootings grab all the headlines but they are not what drives those "gun murder" graphs.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Marn
How hard is it to stab a guy who is not expecting it, and even if he is expecting it, the size of the attacker should have almost no significance to the outcome.
If you are not expecting it then really very little matters but if you are expecting it then lots of things matter including size. We are talking about being attacked by a feminine 12 year old buy with no athletic ability. There are conflicting reports that the victims were developmentally challenged which would explain it but otherwise he weirdo would have been an underdog against one roommate and pretty much zero chance against multiple roommates..
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
It's not the size of the knife it's the way you wield it, amirite amirite?
Don't make the mistake of underestimating the importance of the thickness and girth of the blade.

Originally Posted by Marn
How hard is it to stab a guy who is not expecting it, and even if he is expecting it, the size of the attacker should have almost no significance to the outcome.
Not sure if serious.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 08:30 AM
I am not going to pretend that I know much about hand to hand combat..however the way I see it.. all it really takes for the attacker to succeed is a quick stab. If the victim can't parry the attack they will often end up incapacitated.

The first few seconds are crucial, speed and understanding of the situation should be a lot more important than size and athleticism.

What struck me with the murder I witnessed was how fast it was over, the victim tried to briefly resist and then just dropped down fatally wounded in a matter of seconds. This was a fit 24 year old who saw it coming.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 08:38 AM
The claim that the roommates were mentally disabled appears wrong. One was from here so a bit of media coverage and he was a student with no mention of any development issues.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 08:40 AM
From what I've read about knife attacks is that there is very little you can or should do to defend yourself except run as far as possible away and never get close. They're just too lethal and too dangerous to get near and have the situation end up well for you.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by imactually12
From what I've read about knife attacks is that there is very little you can or should do to defend yourself except grab a baseball bat
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 09:59 AM
05-27-2014 , 10:12 AM
who doesnt watch an embedded two-hour video?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by spino1i
So I noticed it says the he stabbed his 2 roommates and their friend to death before taking his rampage to the street. Im kind of surprised that the roommates didn't fight back.. were they asleep? Did they just not know any self defense or have any ability to flee from Eliott and his knife? I mean Eliott's a pretty small guy 5'9'' and 135 lbs, id like to hope if this kid had come at me with a knife I would have been able to defend myself.
They had Down syndrome.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 10:51 AM
The Down's syndrome thing was never confirmed was it? The only place I saw it was from a link in this thread to some real estate agents blog. Every now and then someone itt refers to this as fact although it hasn't been confirmed to the best of my knowledge.

For what it's worth, I saw photos of the roommates and they did not appear to be overtly developmentally disabled.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:07 AM
The did no have Down's syndrome although at least the one I've seen a picture for was also pretty small.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:16 AM
I read all the way through the manifesto. Parts of it are fascinating, a good deal of it is revolting. Some of it will also resonate with anyone who has gotten the short end of the stick in some situation in life, which is pretty much everyone.

The guy was a complete and utter narcissist, and there is no doubt in my mind he was on the autism spectrum due to his COMPLETE inability to grasp any situation from a point of view other than his own. He is simply not capable of doing so. He would repeatedly describe situations where something turned out poorly for him, completely due to his own behavior, then turn to the reader and say "Don't you SEE? Don't you SEE how I am treated by these animals?"

His plan to meet women was to wander around aimlessly and hope that one would spontaneously start talking to him, hopefully ending with them making love. He would then become enraged when this didn't work. I'm not making this up.

I lost count of the number of times something trivial happened and he got so upset he cried about it for hours. He is very candid about being completely pathetic in many ways.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
