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22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw 22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw

05-27-2014 , 11:16 AM
If they were sleeping would be pretty easy to slit the throat, I would guess they're not all sleeping in the same room. I don't think he had to fight them off. As mentioned in the thread it doesn't take much with a well placed knife strike for fatality.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:18 AM
There is no indication that the housemates had Down Syndrome. He went through several sets of housemates because he had difficulties interacting with previous ones (surprising), partially because he was extremely racist. The terminal set of housemates (no pun intended) were foreign Asian students. He looked down on them for being nerdy. The fact that this guy looked down on anyone on Earth is comical.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Granted I'm only halfway though the manifesto but there is nothing in it so far that can be consider misogynist. His hate is toward everyone.

Discussing the destructive impact of video games on social development would be infinitely more relevant than a discussion of misogyny.
Keep reading.

(he does hate everyone, but he has some very specific and disgusting ideas about what the ideal role of women in society is)
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
I get what you're saying here. But that doesn't make it the right time/place to rail against it.
Maybe instead of saying this twice you should explain why not?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Granted I'm only halfway though the manifesto but there is nothing in it so far that can be consider misogynist. His hate is toward everyone.
I couldn't believe what had happened. Cruel treatment from women is ten times worse than from men. It made me feel like an insignificant, unworthy little mouse. I felt so small and vulnerable. I couldn't believe that this girl was so horrible to me.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:00 PM
That is not a misogynistic statement. His desire is to be accepted by women so naturally being treated badly (at least in his mind) by his target demographic is going to be worse. Simply having differences based on gender is not misogynistic

Apparently according to Fleebrog he gets worse in the second half but for the first half there is absolutely nothing even close to misogyny. There is a lot more misogyny on 2p2 daily.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:04 PM
Can we please not tard this thread up with lame semantics arguments? Ifnwhat he said is not explicitly misogynist, his attitude certainly was, and calling him one is not overstepping any kind of boundary, and is certainly not something to throw a fit over.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:07 PM
What motivates you guys to read his entire manifesto?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by P.R.
Maybe instead of saying this twice you should explain why not?
I should, you're right. I don't think it's acceptable to hate on feminists in this thread as we are discussing a horrible act where sexism seems at least partly to blame. I don't think it's ethical.

And while sexism is on topic, discussing the validity of feminism isn't imo.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:29 PM
From the end of the manifesto:

"The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’t have them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.

A few women would be spared, however, for the sake of reproduction. These women would be kept and bred in secret labs. There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm samples in order to produce offspring. Their depraved nature will slowly be bred out of them in time. Future generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining women’s existence, and that is for the best. If a man grows up without knowing of the existence of women, there will be no desire for sex. Sexuality will completely cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no longer be any imprint of such concepts in the human psyche. It is the only way to purify the world. In such a pure world, the man’s mind can develop to greater heights than ever before. Future
generations will live their lives free of having to worry about the barbarity of sex and women, which will
enable them to expand their intelligence and advance the human race to a state of perfect civilization.

It is such a shameful pity that my ideal world cannot be created. I realized long ago that there is no way I could possibly rise to such a level of power in my lifetime, with the way the world is now. Such a thing will never become a reality for me, but it did give me something to fantasize about as I burned with hatred towards all women for rejecting me throughout the years. This whole viewpoint and ideology of abolishing sex stems from being deprived of it all my life. If I cannot have it, I will do everything I can to DESTROY IT."
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:50 PM

22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:13 PM
Gee, that doesn't sound misogynist at all...
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:22 PM
lol thats ****ing ****ed ^^^^ id lose my **** at that stewardess if i was asked to move, what a ****ed up policy

I mean, he still got his aisle seat, but if had to move to a middle seat or some **** id just refuse to move. lol australia
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT

Clearly ridiculous and something that should be addressed. That doesn't mean it's equal to the societal discrimination, violence/sexual violence, and fear of violence/sexual violence that women face.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:45 PM
Reading the manifesto and this Max Bonon kid piqued my interest, tried looking him up and bumped into this thread.

A group of popular Seventh Grade girls started teasing me, which hurt a lot. One of these girls was Monette Moio, a pretty blonde girl who was Ashton's younger sister. She must have thought I was an ultimate loser. I hated her so much, and I will never forget her. I started to hate all girls because of this. I saw them as mean, cruel, and heartless creatures that took pleasure from my suffering." pg41

My experience during Middle School really darkened my view of the world, and it would only get darker from then on, as I suffered more and more. The way I was treated by girls at this time, especially by that evil bitch Monette Moio, sparked an intense fear of girls. The funny part of this is that I had a secret crush on Monette. She was the first girl I ever had a crush on, and I never admitted it to anyone. To be teased and ridiculed by the girl I had a crush on wounded me deeply. The world that I grew up thinking was bright and blissful was all over. I was living in a depraved world, and I didn't want to accept it." pg42

shooter's "manifesto" (excerpts & pics)
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
What motivates you guys to read his entire manifesto?
It is only 140 pages and while the majority of it so far is just typical loser drivel about how unfair the world is there are some interesting insights

In grade 8 I read the diary of a pre-Columbine mass shooter who was also motivated by his inability to get laid. I was curious to see if there were similarities.

Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Reading the manifesto and this Max Bonon kid piqued my interest, tried looking him up and bumped into this thread.

shooter's "manifesto" (excerpts & pics)
Thank you -- as expected the girls were way out of his league. The person I'm most interested in seeing i/ getting an update on is James.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
this Max Bonon kid piqued my interest, tried looking him up and bumped into this thread.

shooter's "manifesto" (excerpts & pics)
Shorts don't really imply him having too much trouble with getting some of that if he'd actually try
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
I will NEVER give up my guns.
I just don't understand this attachment. I'm not anti gun by any means. If someone is responsible and can handle the responsibilities that come with owning a firearm, go for it.

It just seems odd to me to have the logic of "I will never give up my guns!" It's an object, not a living thing.

Oh and it's kinda hard to make the argument that gun laws are fine the way they are for the most part where in some states you can walk into Wal-Mart and leave 10 minutes later with enough firepower to kill 50 people yet need a license to catch a ****ing fish.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
It is only 140 pages.
Only 140 pages??? Oh I forgot, Henry "doesnt work" (and IIRC , prefers his women dont either).

Lol at anyone saying this guy isnt a raging misogynist. He posted on and I believe puahate too. Browse those forums for 30 minutes (I know you have time). If you dont think they're cesspools of women hatred it says more about you than anything else.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Big Man
I just don't understand this attachment. I'm not anti gun by any means. If someone is responsible and can handle the responsibilities that come with owning a firearm, go for it.

It just seems odd to me to have the logic of "I will never give up my guns!" It's an object, not a living thing.

Oh and it's kinda hard to make the argument that gun laws are fine the way they are for the most part where in some states you can walk into Wal-Mart and leave 10 minutes later with enough firepower to kill 50 people yet need a license to catch a ****ing fish.
It's all just wildlife management.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog
From the end of the manifesto:

"The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’t have them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world,u and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.

A few women would be spared, however, for the sake of reproduction. These women would be kept and bred in secret labs. There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm samples in order to produce offspring. Their depraved nature will slowly be bred out of them in time. Future generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining women’s existence, and that is for the best. If a man grows up without knowing of the existence of women, there will be no desire for sex. Sexuality will completely cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no longer be any imprint of such concepts in the human psyche. It is the only way to purify the world. In such a pure world, the man’s mind can develop to greater heights than ever before. Future
generations will live their lives free of having to worry about the barbarity of sex and women, which will
enable them to expand their intelligence and advance the human race to a state of perfect civilization.

It is such a shameful pity that my ideal world cannot be created. I realized long ago that there is no way I could possibly rise to such a level of power in my lifetime, with the way the world is now. Such a thing will never become a reality for me, but it did give me something to fantasize about as I burned with hatred towards all women for rejecting me throughout the years. This whole viewpoint and ideology of abolishing sex stems from being deprived of it all my life. If I cannot have it, I will do everything I can to DESTROY IT."

Let's say for ****s and giggles, he accomplished this plan and eradicated all women. He'd be the first to Bitch there are no women left.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:53 PM
From the end of the manifesto:<br />
<br />
"The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’t have them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world,u and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.<br />
<br />
A few women would be spared, however, for the sake of reproduction. These women would be kept and bred in secret labs. There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm samples in order to produce offspring. Their depraved nature will slowly be bred out of them in time. Future generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining women’s existence, and that is for the best. If a man grows up without knowing of the existence of women, there will be no desire for sex. Sexuality will completely cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no longer be any imprint of such concepts in the human psyche. It is the only way to purify the world. In such a pure world, the man’s mind can develop to greater heights than ever before. Future <br />
generations will live their lives free of having to worry about the barbarity of sex and women, which will <br />
enable them to expand their intelligence and advance the human race to a state of perfect civilization.<br />
<br />
It is such a shameful pity that my ideal world cannot be created. I realized long ago that there is no way I could possibly rise to such a level of power in my lifetime, with the way the world is now. Such a thing will never become a reality for me, but it did give me something to fantasize about as I burned with hatred towards all women for rejecting me throughout the years. This whole viewpoint and ideology of abolishing sex stems from being deprived of it all my life. If I cannot have it, I will do everything I can to DESTROY IT."
<br />
<br />
<br />
Let's say for ****s and giggles, he accomplished this plan and eradicated all women. He'd be the first to Bitch there are no women left.
Its almost like his thought processes weren't those of a sane human being.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:56 PM
Sexuality will cease to exist when there are no women, apparently. He was not only insane, but clearly very dumb as well.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 04:03 PM
I have not yet reached the concentration camp fantasy but he has similar fantasies from around 17 or 18. His goal is to become a dictator / overload and ban sex. Even at 19 and 20 he still has these kinds of fantasies which is something you'd expect from someone who is under 12 (probably under 10).
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Big Man
I just don't understand this attachment. I'm not anti gun by any means. If someone is responsible and can handle the responsibilities that come with owning a firearm, go for it.

It just seems odd to me to have the logic of "I will never give up my guns!" It's an object, not a living thing.

Oh and it's kinda hard to make the argument that gun laws are fine the way they are for the most part where in some states you can walk into Wal-Mart and leave 10 minutes later with enough firepower to kill 50 people yet need a license to catch a ****ing fish.
Fishing poles can't save you from an overzealous TYRANNICAL government!
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
