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22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw 22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw

05-27-2014 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by NHA
Hey does that nifty little chart include the soaring firearm homicide rates from cities with strong gun control policies like Chicago? Yeah that's what I thought, gtfowts.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:52 AM
Murder rates are higher in cities compared to rural areas throughout the world, even in societies with almost no guns. It is obviously not because of gun control.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:52 AM
No, but it includes countries with higher populations than Chicago. Those countries having super strict gun control policies.

Gun nuts LOVE them some Chicago though. Next post will be something about our Founding Fathers.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:00 AM
No Russia or Mexico on that chart? I guess that's a 3rd world international space station those Ruskies got.

Mexico City - No development here

22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:07 AM
Iceland has 3 times as many guns per capita as Chile or Turkey.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Iceland has 3 times as many guns per capita as Chile or Turkey.

Iceland has fairly strict regulation and gun owners require a license. Their guns consist almost entirely of hunting rifles. Not comparable to the situation in the USA at all.

Obviously violent deaths in any society depends on many other factors than the amount of guns, the gun/murder correlation remains though, despite outliers like Iceland and Mexico.

Last edited by Marn; 05-27-2014 at 01:29 AM.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:21 AM
One of the women, he said, was on the phone to her mother, saying she thought her injuries were fatal and telling her how much she loved her, Mr Sullivan said.
****ing brutal.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by willie
i'm glad that you support that. Just explain to me how it has had any diminishing effect on the gun crime rates in those respective cities.

basically the ban has stopped legal possession of weapons but hasn't deterred the thugs and criminals from getting their hands on them and unleashing hell.

if you want to get a real eye opening figure- take a specific look at shooting stats for chicago over the last 3 years- then try to figure out why the mass media gives THAT level of violence 0 concern-- as opposed to the 24/7 circle jerk over this whacky loser.
They shouldn't let criminals have guns either. I think it's time to crack down.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Marn
Iceland has fairly strict regulation and gun owners require a license. Their guns consist almost entirely of hunting rifles. Not comparable to the situation in the USA at all.

Obviously violent deaths in any society depends on many other factors than the amount of guns, the gun/murder correlation remains though, despite outliers like Iceland and Mexico.
I'm not necessarily comparing Iceland to the US. Just saying that chart is not good. Why wouldn't Russia be on there? Only to make the point they are trying to make. Mexico might be a special case, but then again, so might the US, for the same reasons (drug war) and not because of high gun ownership.

That chart is just jammed packed with info that is contrary to increasing gun ownership = increasing homicide rates. Norway has almost 3 times the gun ownership of Italy. France has almost 3 times the gun ownership of Ireland.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by NHA
No, but it includes countries with higher populations than Chicago. Those countries having super strict gun control policies.

Gun nuts LOVE them some Chicago though. Next post will be something about our Founding Fathers.
Looks like my point went over your head.

You posted that chart as evidence that strong gun control policies curb firearm homicide rates, correct? The chart sucks ass because it includes the soaring firearm homicide rates of cities that have strong gun control policies, even bans. It's a prime example of lying with statistics. It's the type of evidence hoplophobes love puking up for each other and greedily lapping up again. It's the sort of garbage you'd expect to see posted in the politard forum and go totally unchallenged by the circle jerk going on in there.

Oh wait...

Last edited by Mexibastardhawk; 05-27-2014 at 02:07 AM.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:47 AM
And again, I'm not pro-gun. I'm fine with lots of gun control.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:51 AM
05-27-2014 , 01:53 AM
That's the media for you. Every single thing that happens in the world is spun into some sort of phony narrative.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Mexibastardhawk
Looks like my point went over your head.

You posted that chart as evidence that strong gun control policies curb firearm homicide rates, correct? The chart sucks ass because it includes the soaring firearm homicide rates of cities that have strong gun control policies, even bans. It's a prime example of lying with statistics. It's the type of evidence hoplophobes love puking up for each other and greedily lapping up again. It's the sort of garbage you'd expect to see posted in the politard forum and go totally unchallenged by the circle jerk going on in there.

Oh wait...
That's some pretty flowery hand-waving, I'll give you that.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:52 AM
While it may have gone too far with the yes all women tag, it's wrong to just ignore his stated motivations.

Take these examples.

Crazy guy posts an anti Jewish rant. goes to attack a synagogue
Islamist terrorists bombs a train and kills Muslims as well as non Muslims.
Right wing nazi nut bombs an Indian market and a gay bar. Kills non Indians and non gays...

In each of these, it would be appropriate to talk about these as hate crimes, and to ask whether it was linked to wider societal issues, why is not appropriate to do so here?

Last edited by rugby; 05-27-2014 at 02:58 AM.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:52 AM
The thing about only criminals having guns is pretty much how it is in Western Europe. It results in criminals shooting each other occasionally, while the rest of us go about our lives never seeing a gun.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by rugby
In each of these, it would be appropriate to talk about these as hate crimes, and to ask whether it was linked to wider societal issues, why is not appropriate to do so here?
Exactly this. This guy posted on misogynist forums, seeking out a community of men with similar ideas. But no, misogyny shouldn't be discussed.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by NHA
Looking at gun murder rates is kind of pointless. You need to isolate the murder rate and not the gun murder rate because if you succeed in taking the guns away but there's just as many murders with knives and cars there is no point in taking the guns away. This graph is pointless.

Some one graph the rate of people eating food with chop sticks in Asia va America. Omg are they eating more food because they are using chopsticks more to eat their food?

This is just statistical manipulation.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by Jzo19
I know it's easy to make fun of something like this, but this is a good article.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:23 AM
I hate when these threads devolve into gun control discussions and I don't like that I'm doing this but I'm going to make a couple comments.

I am 100% pro gun(with a concealed weapons permit) and will defend my right to own them. I own several handguns, rifles and shotguns that were all bought legally and all of them are registered. Between my parents, my brother and myself we have enough firearms to arm a small My mom is a retired police officer and my dad was a police officer for a few years until he got a better job. I was raised around guns and practice safety at all times when carrying them.

All of my close friends are pro gun and most of them own several. We go shooting all the time and many of us are hunters. One of my friends was shot 5 times in the chest(he survived) during a robbery while he was working in a liquor store in Detroit. He's still 100% pro gun.

Other than being pro gun we ALL have another thing in common regarding ownership....there needs to be tougher laws on purchasing them. The laws we have now are for the most part effective and work. It's the small percentage of idiots that shouldn't have any access to them that are screwing it up for the law abiding gun owners. I don't know what they can do to keep guns out of their hands other than an outright ban on them but that won't ever happen.

If for some reason a law does get passed banning handguns then that will be the day I report all of mine stolen.

I will NEVER give up my guns.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
Exactly this. This guy posted on misogynist forums, seeking out a community of men with similar ideas. But no, misogyny shouldn't be discussed.
Granted I'm only halfway though the manifesto but there is nothing in it so far that can be consider misogynist. His hate is toward everyone.

Discussing the destructive impact of video games on social development would be infinitely more relevant than a discussion of misogyny.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
I know it's easy to make fun of something like this, but this is a good article.

Have never understood why Hollywood has such a hard on for the formulaic "nerdy self-centred loser guy who just wants sex eventually succeeds in getting bitchy hot girl with no other redeeming features to **** him". Its just ****ing terrible and why so many movies are unwatchable.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
Looking at gun murder rates is kind of pointless. You need to isolate the murder rate and not the gun murder rate because if you succeed in taking the guns away but there's just as many murders with knives and cars there is no point in taking the guns away. This graph is pointless.

Some one graph the rate of people eating food with chop sticks in Asia va America. Omg are they eating more food because they are using chopsticks more to eat their food?

This is just statistical manipulation.
Except everyone who has bothered to spend any time looking at this at all knows that the murder rate (all types) is absurdly high in the US as well...

Some great company you are keeping on that list...
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:43 AM
re: guns-

why are those so passionate about something that is useful in infinitesimally small occurrences?
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:51 AM
Some people enjoy collecting/shooting them.
22-yr-old virgin posts YouTube vid 7 hrs ago, then mows down 7 ppl at UCSB from his bmw Quote
