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06-19-2017 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Does anyone know if the devs have suggested what the block reward will be when metropolis is implemented? They are going to delay the ice age and I know Vlad was all about slashing the rewards at $80 by as much as 80%. So I'm sure now that we are at $350, this is even more of a priority. Would be a big let down if they did nothing about it. Will also be a HUGE catalyst if they do. I haven't ran any numbers, but I'm guessing they could cut them by 90% at these prices and still be plenty secure.
Right now miners aren't processing blocks as fast, so they aren't getting as much eth. Therefore to compensate their electricity use, eth price needs to be higher.

If rewards are slashed and block times are shortened, imo the price will drop. There will be more inflation in terms of eth/second. More eth supply, no reason for total market cap to go up, price should drop.

Just a theory.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-20-2017 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by aggo
I can't decide what is more embarrassing for you- Drudge Report bookmarked, shopping at Express, or listeming to Coolio.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-20-2017 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
I can't decide what is more embarrassing for you- Drudge Report bookmarked, shopping at Express, or listeming to Coolio.
patiently waiting for your CIA psychoanalysis report.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-20-2017 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
I can't decide what is more embarrassing for you- Drudge Report bookmarked, shopping at Express, or listeming to Coolio.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-20-2017 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Right now miners aren't processing blocks as fast, so they aren't getting as much eth. Therefore to compensate their electricity use, eth price needs to be higher.

If rewards are slashed and block times are shortened, imo the price will drop. There will be more inflation in terms of eth/second. More eth supply, no reason for total market cap to go up, price should drop.

Just a theory.
How do you figure there will be more inflation if rewards are "slashed". Block times would go back to normal, but if you slash rewards by more then the amount you speed up the blocks, this would be less inflation.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-20-2017 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Kazuya
Didn't you say you were going to leave this thread? What happened? Stuff like this is exactly what I'm talking about making this thread become as toxic as the BTC community. What honestly goes through your head before posting straight garbage dude? It's straight ANTI-ETH shilling - just read the comments below in his post for a more accurate reflection and decide for yourself whether it's a balanced objective look at things or written by someone who's not a developer, but instead a hack who pays for his lunches by only writing content saying how awful Ethereum is. If you need even more proof, just look at his twitter page.
I personally enjoy reading what Aggo has to say and get a lot of value out of his posts, even if I disagree with some aspects on occasion. Everyone here is not going to have the same opinions and ideas esp given it's a subject as controversial as cryptocurrency. At the end of the day, we all make our own decisions. It's best to get all the information/views/thoughts out there so someone can decide for themselves what to take and what to ignore and what/what not to invest in. Anyone who's blindly listening to the things said in this thread and taking them at face value has a good chance of being a fish in the crypto world.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-20-2017 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by iloveny161
I personally enjoy reading what Aggo has to say and get a lot of value out of his posts, even if I disagree with some aspects on occasion. Everyone here is not going to have the same opinions and ideas esp given it's a subject as controversial as cryptocurrency. At the end of the day, we all make our own decisions. It's best to get all the information/views/thoughts out there so someone can decide for themselves what to take and what to ignore and what/what not to invest in. Anyone who's blindly listening to the things said in this thread and taking them at face value has a good chance of being a fish in the crypto world.
I couldn't resist needling him yesterday but I too feel aggo's posts have value. It is always good to have different points of view. Could he be a little less bitter? Sure.

But ultimately Kazuya comes off very thin-skinned. If you can't handle contrarian views it makes me question your theses.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-20-2017 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
I couldn't resist needling him yesterday but I too feel aggo's posts have value. It is always good to have different points of view. Could he be a little less bitter? Sure.

But ultimately Kazuya comes off very thin-skinned. If you can't handle contrarian views it makes me question your theses.

Honestly I'm torn on who has more credibility. On the one hand you have Aggo with Drudge Report bookmarked as a huge red flag, on the other you have Kazuya who reacts like a child when anyone questions ETH, suggesting prop bets where the loser gets banned from the forum lol.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 12:04 AM
A lot of issues with ETH tonight. Couple exchanges having problems with deposits and withdrawals due to network overload. BTC-e just temporarily disabled ETH withdrawals because of this. I also have a **** ton of ETH in limbo because of this issue with exchanges also. This **** never seems to get easier.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
I couldn't resist needling him yesterday but I too feel aggo's posts have value. It is always good to have different points of view. Could he be a little less bitter? Sure.

But ultimately Kazuya comes off very thin-skinned. If you can't handle contrarian views it makes me question your theses.
Oh, It turns out I'm definitely too thin skinned for online posting. That's a truth I'll admit and I should just end the post right here but I'll use this quickly as my last off-topic ramble:

I played HSNL cash games for years and did quite well against my peers. For those who haven't played, the beauty of poker (more specifically, shorthanded poker) is if you thought one thing and your opponent thought the other, words would be typed by both parties into a chatbox and you could just play heads-up, throw thousands of dollars around on these beliefs and ultimately decide who was right. That immediate feedback system fed back to you about your ability to judge an edge (which in poker is most pure in heads-up format) is truly amazing and humbling at the same time and pretty much the only thing I miss about the game (unlike in cryptos which will take years to show). My strongest results was hu/shorthanded for this reason alone because frankly I'm good at seeing these things.

The best thing that experience instilled in me is always having direct accountability for your words/actions/beliefs. I'll never post in this thread, buy this, that sucks, etc, without the full weight of my conviction behind it. As uncool as it is to admit, it's genuinely bothersome to me that people can throw out opinions/thoughts with zero substance and not even have the conviction to back them up in any meaningful way (pride/$/or otherwise). Yes, this is an online forum and everyone is anonymous as well as Kazuya don't take this online **** serious, but personally I absolutely love the idea that if I'm wrong, I'm going to lose a ton of my own money (or the respect of my peers). That accountability sharpens and focuses me and makes me see things with clarity. Switch the word money with pride, principals, whatever, that's just how I always do things and wouldn't want it any other way. And on the times I get it wrong in the past, I'll always own it and use it as an opportunity to grow.

But life is not a game of poker and that mindset can come across as very combative and childish in an online forum. I'm very aware I'm in a minority of people who think in a framework like the above and I shouldn't come down on people as hard as I do online because that just makes me not only an ass but a bully (neither of which is true, at least in real life). If my posting has struck a chord like that to anyone, including even the few posters I've called out, I do apologize for that with sincerity because I definitely don't come across like that in real life so I have no excuse to do it online. In any future posts I make, I'll make an effort to not have that showcased through my words.

Last edited by Kazuya; 06-21-2017 at 12:35 AM.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Kazuya
It's all good man. We're all just trying to make some smart investments in a technology what could be the foundation of society in a decade or two and could make us all really rich (lets be real if BTC/ETH actually get used, any profits anyone's made so far will be peanut butter money in comparison to the potential upside). It's great to have everyone's input, yours included. There's so much info spread out among all the noise/bs/reddit/twitter that it's great to have a thread like this to read every day, because let's be honest, 2p2 is sharp as hell for the most part.

Btw, on a side note, I'm just as bearish on ETH as Aggo/TC are, still I enjoy reading about why you (heltok, housenuts, etc) feel differently.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_ is launching it's ICO in a few days, probably a good bet (har har) for "actual nice looking gambling app on Ethereum". Founder is was a founder of PKR, I believe.
Aiiite, I'm going to put a very small investment into this as a crapshoot. They changed their ICO structure today to have 2 phases, probably because they realized everyone just put all their money into Status today. Phase 1 is going to have a 5 mil soft cap with 4 hour extension after that is hit, which is pretty investor friendly.

Their entire team is basically the former PKR team as you mentioned so hopefully this ends up doing better than how that did.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 06:10 AM
PKR spent all the customer funds before going bankrupt, plenty left out of pocket by that shower. They closed without paying players funds out.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 07:13 AM
Eth needs to scale. Same wit all blockchains, but eth more so than others. Eth is meant to be the backbone for a whole bunch of dapps but the network barely functions when there's a high demand ico.
If it doesn't scale exponentially the network will not be able to run a simple in demand dice game, let alone Golem, storj and every other dapp at the same time.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 02:00 PM
Kazuya dont stop posting.

As an aside note, I want to say that the VERY worst part of any online forum is the eventual discussion about personalities and who is ok and not ok, and blah blah blah. It literally happens in almost every thread. The reality is, we rather have a soap opera and talk about ourselves, and bicker, that talk about the subject.

The human ego is omnipresent.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa
PKR spent all the customer funds before going bankrupt, plenty left out of pocket by that shower. They closed without paying players funds out.
Wow, this is good to know. *** them then. Not participating anymore.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 02:58 PM
Look at that scaling! All with zero dapps at any significant scale on the platform! I'm not sure this World Computer would be strong enough to match a pocket calculator.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 03:49 PM

A couple questions for you below. Your words are not highlighted, mine are bold.

Ethereum is not verifiable (it has such bloat to the blockchain, they stopped verifying transactions other than miners who do it).

Wrong. What are you even talking about here? You can verify right here: That's no different than being able to verify BTC transactions, like here Go send any amount of Eth somewhere, and go look it up on a blockchain explorer and see for yourself.

Ethereum has perpetual inflation rather than a fixed supply.

This is a complete misnomer and a completely misleading statement. After PoS Ethereums inflation will greatly scale down. In non-technical terms, you know how in mathematics you can approach zero but never touch it? That's what will happen in the future for Ethereum. "Technically" there is no hard cap, but in reality there will likely be next to ~zero or possible deflation due to potential lost coins/Ether being burned. If you want to think of it in technical terms, the inflation after PoS in the programming code will have asymptotic properties

Furthermore, Ethereum scales poorly because rather than keeping the base layer simple and meant to be expanded on top, it tries to package everything in the kitchen sink into that layer.

You keep talking about blockchain bloat on Ethereum. Okay, first off, Ethereum already scales better than Bitcoin - right now, today, on blockchain transactions even on a supposed bloated blockchain. Let's confirm this as fact and not opinion by checking for ourselves and showing our work (say June 16 2017). Computing Ethereum: You go *gas limit* 4,705,482 divide by *block time* 16.03 and then divide by 21,000 for a single tx = 13.97 June 16th 2017. It's normally around ~15 T/S but that's fine. let's use the actual 13.97 (source for formula: Yellowpaper) Now lets do Bitcoin. June 16 2017 it's 3.17 (source: At this moment in time, Ethereum is already ~4.4x better at scaling than Bitcoin. So stupid with this FUD nonsense. And that's without even getting into the fact that scaling issues will be addressed and are in future Github notes for developers (as they have been all along!) of future upgrades towards Ethereum architecture.
I'd appreciate if you post sources if you wish to refuse any of the above (mostly because I don't care about your personal opinion so let's stay with facts).

Also, the ICO 'scaling' you seem so worried about with Ethereum. See here:

Also, I realized there is one really cool benefit of EIP86: because the set of include-ability conditions for a tx can expand, we can have ICOs where all the failed transactions do not clog up the blockchain. Somewhere between 50-99% of ICO purchases on average fail, so I can see this being a significant de-facto capacity boost. - VButerin
So it seems all the failed tx from ICO's will not be a problem once Metropolis comes (a big part of what has led to this 'blockchain bloat' you keep talking about) But hey, be very careful this source is from the guy you talked to 4 years ago briefly for 2 minutes and decided right then and there that this whole concept is a wash

And my only question for you Tom, but it's a scaling one:

On a scale of 1-10, how salty are you that you had the chance to be on the ground floor of Ethereum, having spoke with Vitalik late 2013 but instead suffered from cognitive dissonance and an entrenched belief system around a shy 19 year old computer programmers use of diction that thus shut the door on you potentially making millions? Now I'm not a psychologist, but I'm wondering aloud if this could possibly be a root source of this blind hatred you hold onto towards Ethereum and one of its creators.

Last edited by Kazuya; 06-21-2017 at 04:14 PM.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 03:59 PM
Looks like someone just dumped a bunch of eth and destroyed gdax

RIP everyone who was trading on margin

dropped to like $13

apparently gdax dropped to .1 incredible

Last edited by Nonfiction; 06-21-2017 at 04:04 PM.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 04:08 PM
Woot my #592 post, doubled my position at $165 today. Hopefully the order goes through though, hah.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 04:19 PM
Curious if the order stays filled? When this stuff happened on Mt Gox back in the day they usually reversed the order.

Attacks like that, it's why no one should ever hold long margin where you could be liquidated into selling. It's just nuts the people who do this when this isn't the first time this has happened (it also won't be the last).
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Kazuya
Curious if the order stays filled? When this stuff happened on Mt Gox back in the day they usually reversed the order.

Attacks like that, it's why no one should ever hold long margin where you could be liquidated into selling. It's just nuts the people who do this when this isn't the first time this has happened (it also won't be the last).
Whatever the outcome is to be, whatever works against me will most certainly be the way it plays out.

Good luck everyone!
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Kazuya
Curious if the order stays filled? When this stuff happened on Mt Gox back in the day they usually reversed the order.

Attacks like that, it's why no one should ever hold long margin where you could be liquidated into selling. It's just nuts the people who do this when this isn't the first time this has happened (it also won't be the last).
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 04:26 PM
It should stay filled. Don't think this was an attack, just a large market-sell (or a fat-fingered sell order) cascading to margin calls.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
06-21-2017 , 04:39 PM
There has to be a decent chance that a 9100eth market order followed by a 15k eth market order was someone getting hacked. Congrats to everyone who had really low bids in.
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