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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-17-2011 , 08:00 PM
hi me again i'm a canadain player is there a way for me to play fulltilt poker for real money keeps telling me to update then says try again later
04-17-2011 , 08:01 PM
Has anyone conjectured that the NJ governor may have been given a heads up about this coming down, and that is really why he vetoed the state bill?
04-17-2011 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by RAZOR1956
hi me again i'm a canadain player is there a way for me to play fulltilt poker for real money keeps telling me to update then says try again later
Go to

and download from there
04-17-2011 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by RAZOR1956
hi me again i'm a canadain player is there a way for me to play fulltilt poker for real money keeps telling me to update then says try again later
try deleting your client then re-downloading the client from
04-17-2011 , 08:02 PM
quadjacks is pretty solid
04-17-2011 , 08:03 PM
I am greatly saddened by everything that has happened to the online poker industry. I work a regular full-time job already (Occupational Therapist), but poker has been a great hobby and part-time job to me for many years. I don't derive the majority of my income from poker, but I received enough from it that it will make a difference.

I feel bad for the US players who don't have something to fall back on. I feel bad for the non-US players who will see a difference in their overall win rate, as taking out a huge portion of the lower skilled players from the pool will make table selection/bum-hunting much tougher.

I have a wife and 3 kids. I have been a bit depressed about the poker news since I heard about it late Friday afternoon. My wife gave me the best words of wisdom I could get. She said, "With a game as popular as poker, and with millions of Americans wanting to play it, you know it won't be gone forever."

So, with that, I have decided to take the following stance: Use the next 1-2 years to spend time with those people who may have felt neglected due to the game of poker (family, friends, etc. etc. that maybe haven't received as much of your time as they should have). If money is an issue, seek out an education (can get an associate degree in 1.5-2 years) and the loan interest rate is very low. As many of you have some college experience, see if those credits that were earned will transfer to another college. You may be closer to a degree than you think. Then, if poker comes back soon, you will have poker income PLUS an education to fall back on. If poker doesn't come back soon, you will still have that college degree that no one can take from you. As I hear so many of you talking about moving from the United States, remember that there is no guarantee that other countries won't one day follow the lead of what our government has done. Although I am a little angry at what our government has done, I am still "proud to be an American."
04-17-2011 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by MexiKen
Guys, all of you need to listen to me because I've read this thread a lot and I have the information that you really need to hear. Me reading this thread just as much as you have gives me a greater ability to analyze the situation and give you advice.

My theory is essentially based on logic that may or may not be true, and that I have just come up with myself off the top of my head. I have no extra information other than what is on the surface, and before this weekend most of my time spent on 2+2 was lurking with or without an account and not posting, or posting the occasional meme pic for a lol or two.

I am now going to post a numbered list that makes it look like I may have some idea what I am talking about:
2. PokerStars, Full Tilt, AP
3. Phil Ivey in Montreal
4. A freak and a very weird dude
5. LOLdonkaments

In closing, I blame either the players, the sites involved, the democrats, the republicans, the media, video games, Daniel Tzvetkoff, or Obama, and I guarantee every last one of you that you are either completely screwed or everything is going to be just fine.
nice cliffs
04-17-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Prolekult
It sounds like there may be some hope there, I thought it was generally accepted that the UIGEA doesn't make online poker illegal, and just affects transfers of money. So if their case rests on online poker being illegal they may have a hard time proving this, right? And it would have to be online poker being illegal in the US, as they certainly can't claim it to be illegal worldwide however much they might like to.

No. The Charges of Money Laundering & Conspiracy will be next to Impossible to beat in this specific Case, given the Mountain of Evidence and the fact that there are Witness involved who did some of the "Crime" of Money Laundering & Conspiracy.

Those same guys are right now this very minute trying to co-operate for a Plea - Deal to save themselves from 20 to life in Fed Pens.

Therefore the Illegal Gambling part is well Chum Change compared to the consequences of the Money Laundering / Conspiracy part.

Remember this didn't just happen on Friday, it was preceded with a Federal Grand Jury for over a Year, putting together ALL kinds of EVIDENCE PLUS prior Seizures of Bank Accounts & Payment Processors.

WITH a Industry INSIDE Witness who knows how these specific Poker Companies LAUNDER THEIR MONEY via various PAYMENT PROCESSING SCHEMES & BANKS, (the Crooked Aussie tard who squealed to save his A$$).

Also remember Illegal Gambling has been found to be a Crime before, like in the high profile Cases of Jay Cohen etc, all be it for Sports Betting so it ain't like the Feds don't know how to successfully prosecute Offshore Internet Gaming Companies & get their $$$!

Last edited by canuck11; 04-17-2011 at 08:19 PM.
04-17-2011 , 08:08 PM
On another note I will be mildly interested to see what Sebok will say when (most likely) Stars and FullTilt settle up with their US customers one way or another, and UB don't.
04-17-2011 , 08:09 PM
Also have to remember the charges of fraud and money laundering are because they are accusing the sites of processing payments and everything threw 100s of fake companys. Now if that rings true i believe more questions should be fired at the sites. Just my 2cents from what ive been reading about the indictment... Hopfully it goes well for the U.S players and hope to see ya back sooner.
04-17-2011 , 08:11 PM
According to @gambling911: PokerStars advising US customers can make withdrawals if they show proof of a secondary out-of-country address
8 minutes ago via TweetDeck Favorite Retweet Reply
04-17-2011 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Gambit90
On another note I will be mildly interested to see what Sebok will say when (most likely) Stars and FullTilt settle up with their US customers one way or another, and UB don't.
Where do you get all this confidence in Stars & FT?

Given how SERIOUS the Indictments are and the effect already on these sites and the players.

When any business has to close off 70-80% of their Revenues overnight AND PAY OUT, I don't know of many companies that can take that kind of a hit and keep on ticking!
04-17-2011 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by FishNChips1
If you open up fulltilt now, there's a new update. when u download it, there comes a message that fulltilt will be gone in USA, but it will "stay normal" for the rest of the world. im from sweden so im ****ing glad now
Did this this morning too, defs going to be ****loads less action, last night I struggled to get and keep tables going, but oh well, something we've gotta learn to deal with.

Hopefully more people from my time zone will get into poker real soon lol.
04-17-2011 , 08:12 PM
thanks so much Gamit90 it worked,thought my cash was gone forever
04-17-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by RAZOR1956
thanks so much Gamit90 it worked,thought my cash was gone forever
04-17-2011 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by canuck11
No. The Charges of Money Laundering & Conspiracy will be next to Impossible to beat in this specific Case, given the Mountain of Evidence and the fact that there are Witness involved who did some of the "Crime" of Money Laundering & Conspiracy.

Those same guys are right now this very minute trying to co-operate for a Plea - Deal to save themselves from 20 to life in Fed Pens.

Therefore the Illegal Gambling part is well Chum Change compared to the Money Laundering / Conspiracy part, remember this just did not happen on Friday, it was a Federal Grand Jury over a Year with prior Seizures of Bank Accounts & Payment Processors with a inside Witness the Crook Aussie tard who squealed to save his a$$.

Also remember illegal Gambling has been found before like in high profile Cases of Jay Cohen etc all be it for Sports Betting so it ain't like the Feds don't know how to successfully prosecute Offshore Internet Gaming Companies & get their $$$!
What one need remember is that the only reason that the sites resorted to bribes, fraud and money laundering was to get around the stupid UIGEA law. These guys are all guilty of what they are charged with, but if they didn't do it someone else would have.

UIGEA is the equivalent of putting up a 1 meter high fence around a huge pile of money; eventually someone was going to go over that fence to get that money, even if it meant they would be breaking a law to do so. Like I said earlier, this is a case of unintentional entrapment; someone was going to service US online poker customers if these guys didn't. There was just way too much money to be made, and it was money one could make without a huge moral conflict. It wasn't money made selling weapons to terrorists who planned to kill people or drugs to addicts who were destroying their own lives and the lives of their loved ones. It was money made because a lot of people in the USA like to sit around and play online poker when they are at home.

Last edited by HorseHead; 04-17-2011 at 08:22 PM.
04-17-2011 , 08:20 PM
US players have been removed from near future tourneys on pokerstars but not removed from SCOOP events, so maybe they are hoping it will be resolved within the next few weeks
04-17-2011 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ruudolf
According to @gambling911: PokerStars advising US customers can make withdrawals if they show proof of a secondary out-of-country address
8 minutes ago via TweetDeck Favorite Retweet Reply
So it begins the We will Pay BUT ONLY IF you can meet the following Qualifier(s)...

(will change from time to time no doubt.).

How many Players in the US currently can show proof of an Out of Country Address? Not Many.

Better start Goggling for some bogus service...FAST.

Good Luck with that.
04-17-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Foldemlow
Too late; see you in two weeks

Serious question. Is FTP down for non US based players?
nope business is as usual here in Canada, looking forward to having you US players back ASAP tho!
04-17-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by BandiChimePRO
I love how all these Europeans and Canadians are laughing at us. It's obvious they just hate us for our freedoms. I feel sorry for Doyle though. Now that all these internet players will be playing in his live games, he'll probably be broke soon.
Im european and i deeply feel with every american player who has his/her money frozen. Some (eu)guys are just d'bags and dont realize we should stand together as human beings rather than eu vs america.
I think that europeans should not laugh at all about those things going on right now, maybe we will be in the same troubles one day.
Yea, and about the freedom of americans... are u fkn serious??? There is no freedom at all, nowhere. WE DO WHAT THEY WANT!!! (same counts for europe)
Wake up dude, we live in a corrupt world, where interests of companys will always count more than interests of people...freedom...i dont get it

sry for my english...tried my best

Keep ur heads high guys!! gl
04-17-2011 , 08:24 PM
me again,is there a way to edit my forfile on here like a picture and stuff i'm new lol
04-17-2011 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by BandiChimePRO
I love how all these Europeans and Canadians are laughing at us. It's obvious they just hate us for our freedoms. I feel sorry for Doyle though. Now that all these internet players will be playing in his live games, he'll probably be broke soon.
That's not true, I feel for American players, especially the pro grinders who depend on poker for their income. And the freedom comment is pretty unknowing; most european countries have more freedom as the U.S. my friend
04-17-2011 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by softcake
Im european and i deeply feel with every american player who has his/her money frozen. Some (eu)guys are just d'bags and dont realize we should stand together as human beings rather than eu vs america.
I think that europeans should not laugh at all about those things going on right now, maybe we will be in the same troubles one day.
Yea, and about the freedom of americans... are u fkn serious??? There is no freedom at all, nowhere. WE DO WHAT THEY WANT!!! (same counts for europe)
Wake up dude, we live in a corrupt world, where interests of companys will always count more than interests of people...freedom...i dont get it

sry for my english...tried my best

Keep ur heads high guys!! gl
Great post. Thanks dude.
04-17-2011 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by RAZOR1956
me again,is there a way to edit my forfile on here like a picture and stuff i'm new lol
