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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

05-06-2011 , 03:59 PM
What the crap???? The Government seized online poker. I better go try to get on Full Tilt Poker.
05-06-2011 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
It is not UB/AP filing for bankruptcy. It is a company of former AP shareholders who are filing for bankruptcy. AP owes them $250,000,000 dollars but AP is not even paying the interest, so their company has expenses but no income. This company has had trouble getting paid by AP since about 2008.
I suspect UB / AP & the guys that own it have more "trouble(s)" with this RAID by the TICOS in COSTA RICA on their Offices/Operations/Homes...Video Link Below...

Having worked there for Gaming Companies I know that Costa Rica can be dangerous for those who think they are "safe there" as evidenced by this, other Raids & Pre-Trial Imprisonment of "Foreigners".

Keep in mind that u can not run a Gaming Operation of any scale there without "paying someone for something" even than u r subject to Raids & Imprisonment. Thats why very well known "names" have left Costa Rica, years ago, Woof .

Any Foreigner is subject to Pre-Trial Detention [can be years] in "Investigations" for ANY reason regardless of Innocence. Even if asked for ID if u do not have your ID/Passport on you, straight to local lock up & a lot of the time you can expect to be hit up for (a lot of) Cash, even for locals.

Check US & Canada Government Travel Advisories prior to ANY Travel there, at your own Risk...

RAID VIDEO...[In Spanish but Graphic u get it] Note the Lawyer who claims "No Se"... (I dunno )...


Fiscalía allana empresas de poker por internet
Greivin Moya
Actualizado 12:43 pm
06 de Mayo de 2011

Last edited by canuck11; 05-06-2011 at 04:54 PM.
05-06-2011 , 05:21 PM
In the US Feds goto Court to try to seize ex-Playmate, Bunny's, Mansion & FT CEO's Mansion(s)...

These are Forfeiture proceedings still being contested in Court, with due process, not yet final...

Source[If u have a better pic of the Bunny post it pls ]
05-06-2011 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by whoa_wtf
Super basic economics bro. You want a larger marketshare, you are going to have to collect less rake or run better promotions.
You are assuming rake is a determinate factor in what drives poker room traffic.

For pros absolutely. Recreational players? Guys that drop $$$ on roulette and slots and think of poker as another casino game, i doubt so much. And i'm guessing there are quite a lot of those guys.
05-06-2011 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?
It's going to come down to what they can get away with. Most people obviously play for entertainment and are happy to play fundamentally -EV games, as they do in casinos.

Only 1% or less of the player base would complain about an unbeatable rake, so it's going to come down to a simple calculation:

Cave to the whining of 1% of their players and lower the rake, or tell them to **** off and keep an unbeatable rake that 99% of their players neither know nor care about.

Gonna take a business genius to figure this one out, it's really close....
"What they can get away with" is determined by competition.

The "1% of players" who beat the games are high volume(read: high revenue generators) and are ignored at the site's peril. 1 regular who plays 8 tables 30 hours/week generates ~40x as much rake as a recreational player playing 1 table 6 hours/wk.
05-06-2011 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jeff W
"What they can get away with" is determined by competition.

The "1% of players" who beat the games are high volume(read: high revenue generators) and are ignored at the site's peril. 1 regular who plays 8 tables 30 hours/week generates ~40x as much rake as a recreational player playing 1 table 6 hours/wk.
I'm not going to argue about this anymore, we have different perceptions of the situation and I'm aware of what you mention but still disagree.

But I'll leave you with this:

-NL400 on ~10$

-NL400 on ~20E
05-07-2011 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by canuck11
In the US Feds goto Court to try to seize ex-Playmate, Bunny's, Mansion & FT CEO's Mansion(s)...

These are Forfeiture proceedings still being contested in Court, with due process, not yet final...

Source[If u have a better pic of the Bunny post it pls ]
They havent even been found guilty yet! How the f*ck are they doing this? There hasnt even been a trial yet. What if they are found innocent, do they get it all back? Talk about racketeering. US Government in action.
05-07-2011 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by MauiPunter
They havent even been found guilty yet! How the f*ck are they doing this? There hasnt even been a trial yet. What if they are found innocent, do they get it all back? Talk about racketeering. US Government in action.
Do you really think they are going to come out of hiding and face trial?
05-07-2011 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by bigtex21
Do you really think they are going to come out of hiding and face trial?
It doesnt matter. Until due process happens, they can freeze assets, and attach liens, but to out right confiscate, thats just not right. If there is some timeline setup which they need to appear and they dont, then so be it, but until then, it seems against what I understood the law to be. I guess I was wrong. The government can take your sh*t without a trial or finding of guilt. Yeah America...
05-07-2011 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by MauiPunter
I guess I was wrong. The government can take your sh*t without a trial or finding of guilt. Yeah America...
Yep, your person is protected by the constitution, but the courts and govt have decided that your property is not. All they need is a court order to take everything you own. Good luck fighting an extended court battle with no assets.

Civil Forfeiture
Tracing the Proceeds of Narcotics Trafficing
by ... U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs

The Advantages of Civil Forfeiture

Although tracing is a complex process, prospects for successful
forfeiture are eased considerably by the procedural benefits of civil
process. The most obvious feature is the lower burden of proof
confronting enforcement officials: proof by a preponderance of the
evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt.(8) Furthermore, under
federal law and some state legislation, the burden of proof is placed on
the claimant rather than the government.(9) Thus, enforcement officials
need not achieve certainty in their tracing efforts. They need only
satisfy a relaxed standard of proof This is an advantage of enormous
consequence, as many cases turn on the burden of proof.
05-07-2011 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by MauiPunter
It doesnt matter. Until due process happens, they can freeze assets, and attach liens, but to out right confiscate, thats just not right. If there is some timeline setup which they need to appear and they dont, then so be it, but until then, it seems against what I understood the law to be. I guess I was wrong. The government can take your sh*t without a trial or finding of guilt. Yeah America...
They can contest the forfeiture at the hearing, it is not automatic unless they do not contest. But I don't think they will show up to contest the forfeiture.
06-18-2011 , 12:23 PM
Has anyone here from the US switched over to play on Cake poker? I'm thinking about it, but seems kinda sketchy.
06-18-2011 , 12:33 PM
solid bump, appropriate thread for this question

wtf is wrong with people like you
07-03-2011 , 12:32 AM
Full Bilk down, Jokerstars to go.

Write your congressman. America needs a fair, random, regulated, and yes, taxed, game.

The days of the manipulated deal are dead.
07-03-2011 , 12:48 AM
you bumped the thread to say that?
07-03-2011 , 12:50 AM
****ing idiot
07-03-2011 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Fermion5
you bumped the thread to say that?
Your avatar made it worthwhile.
07-03-2011 , 12:15 PM
anyone know when all of this will be resolved so we are able to play again?
07-08-2011 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Galice
anyone know when all of this will be resolved so we are able to play again?
Next week, most probably.
07-19-2011 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Rundeep
Next week, most probably.
Been a week, any guesses to when I can play/get my money out.
07-19-2011 , 06:24 AM
What is there to stop someone setting up an online poker site, wait for the deposits to come rolling in then spend all of it?
Oh wait, there's nothing. All they can do it shut the site down and fine the company whilst everyone involved gets away with millions.
Wp ftp wp.
07-19-2011 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by RedGladiator
What is there to stop someone setting up an online poker site, wait for the deposits to come rolling in then spend all of it?
Oh wait, there's nothing. All they can do it shut the site down and fine the company whilst everyone involved gets away with millions.
Wp ftp wp.
Wp yourself. It took me a while to know if you was serious or not
07-19-2011 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Rundeep
Next week, most probably.
Originally Posted by KARNA1983
Been a week, any guesses to when I can play/get my money out.
Next week, most probably.
07-29-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by DeathAndTaxes
Next week, most probably.
nah, it's gonna be the week after that week...most probably...maybe...or not???

but if you go to Vegas & see Howard ask him apparently he has Cash in the trunk of his f****ing car
09-18-2011 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by DeathAndTaxes
Next week, most probably.

Been a week, any guesses to when I can play/get my money out.
