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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-17-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by JoeyJoJo Shabadu
I've always hated you on the tables so I won't miss you!

I don't quite understand the stampede for people to remove their money. Maybe someone can explain it to me. Its obvious that stars would invest money thta is in its control in vehicles like a GIC instead of letting the money collect dust. So beyond the fact that some of the money may take some time to become liquid...what's the panic/rush for from some people?

Every indication is that it wouldn't be legally allowed to invest it's money by it's regulators - so the money is already there - I think any cashout problem is due to the software trying to process a million cashout requests at the same time.

Originally Posted by Kingofbluffs
The sites will pay top dollar but the problem is the ongoing revenue.US players contribute massively to the rake pot.without them they will struggle.
The last estimate was 40% of Stars and 60% of Tilt's custom was from America. They're very large proportions to lose, but if you think about how large they were to start with - it still leaves plenty left to run the business. The only way the sites are wiped out are if the DoJ decide to wipe them out; the only organisations which have had that kind of attention before are the drug cartels - Harrahs/Wynn et al would have to be paying an awful lot of money for it to be treated at that level
04-17-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Jacob_Gilliam
What people need to get out of their heads is that the sites are being charged with illegal gambling.

They are being charged with bank fraud and money laundering.
The fact that you think this is an important thing just shows your ignorance.
04-17-2011 , 10:31 AM
i feel like there are more than a few high stakes playing americans who are absolutely *****ing their pants for the last two days.
04-17-2011 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by tiltnonstop
My thoughts exactly. My life will probably be much better if I quit poker, and there´s a good chance it´s not just me.
FU for this statement, this is ******ed.

yeah k maybe to you who has dropped 5 figures over the years. But to pros who have 20k +locked up and cant make their hourly and have to find a fcn 9-5 job instead of playing poker, this is a disaster.
04-17-2011 , 10:32 AM
can we get a sticky/cliffs please. is consensus keep money online?
04-17-2011 , 10:34 AM
if online poker will be regulated in the united states in the future, do you think pokerstars, full tilt poker etc ever get a license?
04-17-2011 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by nikinblinds
can we get a sticky/cliffs please. is consensus keep money online?
Cliffs: over 5000 posts in one thread. Pretty hard to keep stats
04-17-2011 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Jacob_Gilliam
What people need to get out of their heads is that the sites are being charged with illegal gambling.

They are being charged with bank fraud and money laundering.
... and illegal gambling (counts 5-7)
04-17-2011 , 10:37 AM
if you try to withdraw now, you are at the end of the line in what all indications look like a meaningfully stacked bottleneck.
04-17-2011 , 10:38 AM
In this fight the poker rooms are clearly the underdogs, but I'd like to see a fight of DoJ/US vs Google. That's when US lawmakers would piss their pants.
04-17-2011 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by davmcg
The fact that you think this is an important thing just shows your ignorance.
The fact that you don't just shows your ignorance.

(wheee... this is fun!)
04-17-2011 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by TheJudge
Cool. I was just trying to help, I will mention it no more.
k - not saying you are legit or not.. but, i've seen some pretty bad lol posts from FOF or some gov't agency on here... saw one specifically trashing the 888/pacific thread..

Originally Posted by JoeyJoJo Shabadu
I've always hated you on the tables so I won't miss you!

what's your sn - is it ur 2p2? i think it is just too tired to think straight right now.. i think the rush is that a) ppl are panicking and b) ppl have too much tied up in there compared to their life expenses... but, i think what's worse right now is having money being processed as that's the money that the doj/fbi can seize... they've done this before. just without the bank/wire fraud charges... fwiw stars reimbursed everyone... i still have love for stars even though they fkd up here..
04-17-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Mitchdubai1
160,000 players on Stars right now, will probably pass 200k tonight. How long since they first passed 200k players for the first time? 3 years maybe, max. And tonight they will do it without a single US player. Still the biggest site there is, by a massive margin.

Anyone who thinks this will kill Pokerstars is a) probably American and b) kidding themselves.

I'm not saying this is a good thing, it sucks a big bag of dicks, but the reality is that if Pokerstars never gets their USA business back, it will still be the biggest and an extremely profitable business.

I'm playing from the UAE, FWIW.
Stars is huge no Q and can survive without US business but people don't realize that it isn't 200k unique players. If you sit on 10 tables you are counted 10 times & this figure may even include play money players
04-17-2011 , 10:44 AM
yikes, Corwin Mackey ( reporting what a former rep from Poker Stars told him. 'bout 80 percent chance you'll get your money from Stars, 'bout 25 percent from FTP
04-17-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by redroidfm
Stars is huge no Q and can survive without US business but people don't realize that it isn't 200k unique players. If you sit on 10 tables you are counted 10 times & this figure may even include play money players
I am comparing with previous numbers when all those things still applied. At first glance it would appear traffic is down by 40%, absolute tops. This will set back a business with a phenomenal growth rate by a couple of years. Certainly won't kill it.

American poker players need Stars more than it needs them, ironically since they as a business are largely responsible for the global growth of poker that makes this situation a reality.
04-17-2011 , 10:53 AM
can anyone comment on the legitimacy of the claim that sites are still pulling these huge numbers?
Does the player count include people who are just logged in and not playing? Because I can still log in, just can't play for $. My mind is blown that there are still 160K peeps playing at stars right now.
04-17-2011 , 10:57 AM
over 60% of stars business comes from outside the u.s. they are not going anyplace soon.
as for getting your money - safe to say the poker companies will work something out with the DOJ
04-17-2011 , 10:57 AM
pokerstars just gave a new news update thing. Saying they no longer accept players from usa. For players outside the usa service is uninterrupted. wow
04-17-2011 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by defineluck
over 60% of stars business comes from outside the u.s. they are not going anyplace soon.
as for getting your money - safe to say the poker companies will work something out with the DOJ
I'd bet that "something" involves a release of transaction record to the IRS, along with a release of the money.
04-17-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by sky4ever
1.US payment processors did "something illegal"
2.Poker rooms were never told they couldn't take money from US players (US players could deposit funds trough fully legalized systems, i.e. banks).Poker rooms relied (knowingly or not) on bogus payment processors for US players to make withdrawals, not deposits (my understanding is the banks in US were only allowed make one way transactions w/ "gambling sites").
3.FBI didn't say **** about illegal gambling.Playing poker was not illegal, only impossible to withdraw any winnings by legal means.
4.There's no such word as "shure" in English language.
5.Sorry for saying you're an idiot, I see now that's an understatement.
1. If it was only the banks that did something illegal then why are eleven defendants, including the founders of the three largest Internet poker companies being charged? as far as I can see they are the ones being charged with bribing the banks and setting the money movments up through fake companys
2. On October 13, 2006, the United States enacted the
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, making it a
federal crime for gambling businesses to "knowingly accept" most
forms of payment . So the poker sites deicide to use fraudulent to bypass these laws, and take the gamble with other peoples money.
3. Look at and you will see the fbi notice telling you the wagering was a crime i'v you were knowingly involved. Maybe not in all states
of the us but in some where the sites were willingly taking the money it was illegal and they knew it.
4. Very good point and, proably your only good point here
5. Ouch that stung, hahaha
04-17-2011 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by networth
Just snapped off email to Obama so all should be well soon. In fact I do feel better sending it.
Is this a level? LOL at the idea that Obama just doesn't know about any of this yet, and once he gets wind of what has happened and how we don't like it, he will reverse things. For the people on here who think Obama is gonna be a superhero and save the day against 'the evil republicans who are to blame for all this', you have wool over your eyes. The DOJ and FBI answer to Obama, not to republican congressmen.

I think this is all part of a plan by the federal gov to receive revenue from a profitable industry where they are currently being left-out. What better way to control online poker revenue than to hijack the market from the foreign big dogs, and then release their own inferior smaller sites. Once the high quality giant sites are gone, players will have no choice but to be happy with anything they can get. Coincidently, Washington DC just legalized intrastate online poker a week ago. Once their site is up and running they will probably not be too likely to fail since they will not have much competition. More money for the US government, yay!
04-17-2011 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by eyecrush
pokerstars just gave a new news update thing. Saying they no longer accept players from usa. For players outside the usa service is uninterrupted. wow
Not new, just a change of image...
04-17-2011 , 11:00 AM
I hate trolling but I keep seeing some posts that purely piss me off.
For every one that's blaming/flaming the poker sites for this mess and acting all surprised:
1.If you a US resident - You were living in a fantasy world so far and you thought that MAGIC was involved when you were able to make deposits/withdrawals that clearly violates UIGEA or, you're a recreational player who regularly lost their salary online, you're pissed b/c of that and don't really know anything for sure about what's what but you like making yourself heard, you're gonna be missed.

2.If you are not a US resident - Why would you give a **** anyway ? Chances are nothings gonna change for you. Yes, "allegedy" indicted poker rooms broke some laws to the end of increasing profits, that's no proof your actual money was mistreated or that's not safe, so again: Why would you give a **** ? Before pointing fingers, pull them out of your ass.

Last edited by Kevmath; 04-17-2011 at 12:06 PM. Reason: removed inappropriate comment
04-17-2011 , 11:03 AM
I wonder if Stars is going to adjust the Tourney start times if the us-players stay banned. It sure would be nice, if the big tourneys didn't start sunday evening.
04-17-2011 , 11:04 AM
If it was only the banks that did something illegal then why are eleven defendants, including the founders of the three largest Internet poker companies being charged? as far as I can see they are the ones being charged with bribing the banks and setting the money movments up through fake companys
[ ] convicted

[ ] arraigned

[ ] all in custody
