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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-19-2011 , 05:56 PM
I think you're missing that the law specifically states "banks cannot process any transactions to/from an online gambling website". Banks consider poker sites an online gambling website. The bank will not process that cheque, as it is illegal for them to do so.

Many banks have been alerted to not accept any transfers from a wide list of processors used by the poker websites. So the banks are aware. And anything with a name related to poker or online gambling in any way, the banks will know that it's illegal to cash.
04-19-2011 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by richestuser
.....its persons own human right to do whatever he wants with his own money..gamble it...throw it in dustbin...burn it..

how come FBI has a problem with it?
In my country it's illegal to alter or destroy money. As (I think) in pretty much every country.
The value it represents is yours, not the paper. So in a kind of paradoxical manner, no, you can't do what you want with your monies!
Even more if you live in a country that has some kind of concealed fascism or fake democracy like (choose what suits you best) the good old "land of the brave".
04-19-2011 , 06:04 PM
Hey all, well I feel for all you USA players, I'm a Canadian and dont have such issues, I did do this for a friend thou and it worked, did in small amounts at a time, not sure if they cut this off, but if you have a friend outside the USA they should be able to log into you account from outside USA, i loged into my friends acccount and did small transfer keeping it under the rader now i have his funds and did a cashout for him, not sure if they closed this loop or not but putting it out there for you.

04-19-2011 , 06:04 PM
Devastation- You dont get it. Banks do not just willy nilly refuse to process a check. There must be legal cause not to. A bank not named in the indictment wouldnt have any problem with processing and cashing a check. No law or current indictmet would prevent them from doing so. If in the future the DOJ adds them to the indictment well then so be it but that is a future hypothetical and not current reality.

UNTIL THEN.................

there is no problem for FTP to send checks.

If they do not it appears that they WILL NOT.......and not they CANNOT.

I am not a lawyer so there are many issues of the law I dont know about. I do know one thing......If I owe you money I will pay you. Will FT ?
04-19-2011 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Marquoz
This times a billion. Anyone who thinks either major party cares at all about individual freedom is deluding themselves.
Yeah, it's not like either party has ever had a stance on women's rights, black rights, gay rights, right to bear arms, pro-choice rights, private business rights or whatever. Both parties want the US just wants to turn into some giant totalitarian monolithic communist military state.

The US isn't perfect, but if you're complaining about your individual rights there, you aren't going to like many other places in the world.
04-19-2011 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by zzt
Banks do not just willy nilly refuse to process a check. There must be legal cause not to. A bank not named in the indictment wouldnt have any problem with processing and cashing a check. No law or current indictmet would prevent them from doing so.
Incorrect. A law prevents them from doing so. That law is called UIGEA. It is the law the sites are in trouble for circumventing. It is held as illegal for any US bank to honor any such check.
04-19-2011 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by zzt
Banks do not just willy nilly refuse to process a check. There must be legal cause not to.

States they CAN *NOT* process any transactions to online gambling websites, it doesn't matter if there is an indictment or not, if they KNOW it's an online gambling website, they CAN NOT process it. It's not "willy nilly" it's the law, they are deciding to NOT break the law.
04-19-2011 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by indigowombat
Incorrect. A law prevents them from doing so. That law is called UIGEA. It is the law the sites are in trouble for circumventing. It is held as illegal for any US bank to honor any such check.
There are also the small matters of...Money Laundering Criminal Indictments & Seizure Orders against the Bank Accounts & others in FOURTEEN Countries...Just Saying...

Wall Street Journal...

Last edited by canuck11; 04-19-2011 at 06:16 PM.
04-19-2011 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by canuck11
There are also the small matters of...Money Laundering Criminal Indictments & Seizure Orders against the Bank Accounts & others in FOURTEEN Countries...Just Saying...
I was just trying to keep it simple for zzt.
04-19-2011 , 06:19 PM

Im thinking about calling my bank and telling them my $400 deposit was fraud.

either that or wait for my $600 check?

what to do NVG?
04-19-2011 , 06:20 PM
i really need to start making use of the ignore feature
04-19-2011 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay

Im thinking about calling my bank and telling them my $400 deposit was fraud.

either that or wait for my $600 check?

what to do NVG?
If you are a US Citizen and/ OR with a US Bank or Financial Institution Issued Credit Card used for Deposit (Charge Back works in Canada as well) either via Thrid Party Wallet or Directly into your Poker Account than...

> use CHARGE BACK to GET YOUR $$$...

> CHARGE BACK - Call your Credit Card Company ask for your Transaction to be Charged Back - Give a reasonable believable REASON(S), NOT my Dog did it etc...

> Depending on your State & Bank you may be able to do the same for a Bank Account Deposit, Call your STATE Regulator of your particular Bank to check first,

> but less so than Credit Cards where Charge Backs are normal up to 5 years out pretty much for any reasonable reason across most States.

Given the serious nature of the Criminal Indictments & that the Feds will look to keep the Funds it is unlikely that most Players will be able to withdraw as more and more time passes by...

Last edited by canuck11; 04-19-2011 at 06:31 PM.
04-19-2011 , 06:22 PM
I'm bored.
04-19-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by beloved_ltd
You can only be guilty of money laundering if it's the proceeds of a criminal activity
Tell you what. Go down to your local bank. Take out $15,000 in cash of completely legally acquired money.

Go to another bank, try and deposit that money without filing a CTR.

Come back and tell us how that worked out for you.
04-19-2011 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by DevastatioN
I think you're missing that the law specifically states "banks cannot process any transactions to/from an online gambling website".
No, it doesn't.
04-19-2011 , 06:27 PM
FYI From Pokernews

On Tuesday, April 19, 2011, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission issued a statement regarding the indictments issued by the United States Department of Justice in the Southern District of New York against three online poker companies (PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, and Absolute Poker) on Friday, April 15, 2011.

If you recall, Absolute Poker’s primary gaming license is issued by Kahnawake; as such, the KGC stated their “principal concern is that players are not adversely affected by the actions taken by US authorities. The KGC is presently engaged in discussions with its licensee concerning the status of player accounts. Upon completion of its review, the KGC will determine what steps may be required and will issue a further statement at that time.”

The Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake is a sovereign jurisdiction located just outside Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Kahnawake Gaming Commission was established in 1996 and has been continuously licensing and regulating online gaming since July, 1999.

Likewise, the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission issued the following statement in regards to PokerStars.

"Following developments on Friday 15th April, the Commission is aware of documentation issued by authorities in the USA which makes allegations against PokerStars and some of its personnel. While we are discussing the matter on an ongoing basis with PokerStars and watching developments, we can confirm that PokerStars’ licensing status in the Isle of Man remains unchanged."

"We are aware that PokerStars have suspended the availability of cash-play games in the USA and we are currently endeavouring to ensure that any player who wishes to withdraw money from their account can do so."

Read more:
04-19-2011 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by zzt
I'm pretty sure they're much more interested in staying out of jail than they are in sending you your money.

You need to come to terms with that.
04-19-2011 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by 1938ford
FYI From Pokernews

On Tuesday, April 19, 2011, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission issued a statement regarding the indictments issued by the United States Department of Justice in the Southern District of New York against three online poker companies (PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, and Absolute Poker) on Friday, April 15, 2011.

If you recall, Absolute Poker’s primary gaming license is issued by Kahnawake; as such, the KGC stated their “principal concern is that players are not adversely affected by the actions taken by US authorities. The KGC is presently engaged in discussions with its licensee concerning the status of player accounts. Upon completion of its review, the KGC will determine what steps may be required and will issue a further statement at that time.”

The Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake is a sovereign jurisdiction located just outside Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Kahnawake Gaming Commission was established in 1996 and has been continuously licensing and regulating online gaming since July, 1999.

Likewise, the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission issued the following statement in regards to PokerStars.

"Following developments on Friday 15th April, the Commission is aware of documentation issued by authorities in the USA which makes allegations against PokerStars and some of its personnel. While we are discussing the matter on an ongoing basis with PokerStars and watching developments, we can confirm that PokerStars’ licensing status in the Isle of Man remains unchanged."

"We are aware that PokerStars have suspended the availability of cash-play games in the USA and we are currently endeavouring to ensure that any player who wishes to withdraw money from their account can do so."

Read more:
The Mohawks have as much control over FT's & Stars Bank Accounts as U do

This is where the Servers are running (not the only location of Servers) & there is a License (paid for)...Good Luck.
04-19-2011 , 06:34 PM
use CHARGE BACK to GET YOUR $$$...If you used Credit Card to Deposit...5 YEAR Time Frame

> CHARGE BACK - Call your Credit Card Company ask for your Transaction to be Charged Back - Give a reasonable believable REASON(S), NOT my Dog did it etc...

> Depending on your State & Bank you may be able to do the same for a Bank Account Deposit, Call your STATE Regulator of your particular Bank to check first,

> but less so than Credit Cards where Charge Backs are normal up to 5 years out pretty much for any reasonable reason across most States.

Given the serious nature of the Criminal Indictments & that the Feds will look to keep the Funds it is unlikely that most Players will be able to withdraw as more and more time passes by...
04-19-2011 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by canuck11
If you are a US Citizen and/ OR with a US Bank or Financial Institution Issued Credit Card used for Deposit (Charge Back works in Canada as well) either via Thrid Party Wallet or Directly into your Poker Account than...

> use CHARGE BACK to GET YOUR $$$...

> CHARGE BACK - Call your Credit Card Company ask for your Transaction to be Charged Back - Give a reasonable believable REASON(S), NOT my Dog did it etc...

> Depending on your State & Bank you may be able to do the same for a Bank Account Deposit, Call your STATE Regulator of your particular Bank to check first,

> but less so than Credit Cards where Charge Backs are normal up to 5 years out pretty much for any reasonable reason across most States.

Given the serious nature of the Criminal Indictments & that the Feds will look to keep the Funds it is unlikely that most Players will be able to withdraw as more and more time passes by...

IF I used an echeck transfer on FTP will this work, or does it need to be a credit card?

btw, thanks canuck for your insight.
04-19-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
IF I used an echeck transfer on stars will this work, or does it need to be a credit card?

btw, thanks canuck for your insight.
Charge Backs Apply to Credit Cards...

Some e-checks like Third Party Wallets etc can be and are usually funded via Credit Card first,

IF this is the Case than yes you Charge Back the original CC Transaction going back up to 5 Years

But if you used something similar to a Debit / Checking Account than it depends on your Bank/State Regulations but in most cases No.
04-19-2011 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
IF I used an echeck transfer on FTP will this work, or does it need to be a credit card?

btw, thanks canuck for your insight.
I eluded to this method earlier.

Please note this could be considered "friendly fraud" so use at your own risk.
04-19-2011 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by indigowombat
Incorrect. A law prevents them from doing so. That law is called UIGEA. It is the law the sites are in trouble for circumventing. It is held as illegal for any US bank to honor any such check.
UIEGA prohibts the transfer of money TO an unlawful gambling site NOT FROM.
04-19-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by canuck11
Charge Backs Apply to Credit Cards...

Some e-checks like Third Party Wallets etc can be and are usually funded via Credit Card first,

IF this is the Case than yes you Charge Back the original CC Transaction going back up to 5 Years

But if you used something similar to a Debit / Checking Account than it depends on your Bank/State Regulations but in most cases No.
So if i used an echeck method on FullTilt it most likeley wont work to try and get out of it?

is it a lot harder or they just dont approve them as easily?
04-19-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by asthenic
I eluded to this method earlier.

Please note this could be considered "friendly fraud" so use at your own risk.
I do not know of too many Friendly or otherwise Fraud prosecutions on Charge Backs...

Charge Backs on Credit Cards are a LEGIT process to protect the Card Holder...

In this SPECIFIC Case one can easily claim ANY number of LEGIT Charge Back Reasons...

> Company X operated an Illegal Payment Processor which charged me Bogus / Too High Fees etc

> Money Laundering, Company X misled me etc

> Mis-represented the Withdrawal and/or Changed the Terms without my Agreement
> (aka a signed Digital or Paper Contract)

> Did not provide the level of Service you were promised etc etc...

Charge Backs for Credit Card users are GOLDEN!

Last edited by canuck11; 04-19-2011 at 07:07 PM.
