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Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs

10-01-2015 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by nikinblinds
partypoker dont have the resources to ban huds, already programmers will be looking at other ways to get hud's running, screen grabbing etc.
And if they put all the resources trying to catch players that use HUDs then forget about software improvements, catching bots etc.

From the link:
Cash game traffic dropped significantly shortly after Full Tilt implemented its recent changes, something that Kanabar and his team are aware of, but believe that the changes set to come into force will benefit the site and its players in the long term.
So for an unknown period they will have less income.. I want to see how long they will survive trying to support those changes.

Originally Posted by ouinosino
and btw. i never thought partypoker would implent this. shows you how much of a big sucker amya and pokerstars are with having the monopol by a large margin and still just banning a few stats in hm and pt...they are scared of loosing their customers and hurting their money making machine..pussys
Why would stars risk it? They have Full Tilt for trying out stuff (oh.. and party too).

Also, I dont get how they think recs will lose their money slower when those HUDs disappear. The reg will play less tables and so will have higher win rate. That to me means recs will lose their money quicker.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by NikTheGreek
And if they put all the resources trying to catch players that use HUDs then forget about software improvements, catching bots etc.

From the link:

So for an unknown period they will have less income.. I want to see how long they will survive trying to support those changes.

Why would stars risk it? They have Full Tilt for trying out stuff (oh.. and party too).

Also, I dont get how they think recs will lose their money slower when those HUDs disappear. The reg will play less tables and so will have higher win rate. That to me means recs will lose their money quicker.

why are you then using huds in the first place makes no sense to me
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked
"Players wishing to wait for a cash game will join the room-wide waiting list and be randomly seated when a seat that matches their preference becomes available" - This however is AWESOME and should be adopted by every site
This is a big step in the right direction
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 11:51 AM
Maybe I might sign up to Party 10+ years too late
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:12 PM
The argument that this will stop the players catching bots and cheaters is not really valid in my opinion. The damage done by HUD's and seating scripts is far greater than any bot ring, surely?

Plus, they are not saying the hand histories are never viewable, they are just not downloadable by YOU.

Rake has nothing to do with it either. Everyone wants a safe secure site that catches every single cheat, but nobody likes paying rake.

The programmers can try and scrape the screen, but PP only have to allow screen names changes and all that work is wasted.

This is good for the game. End of story. Anybody who is upset by this was "cheating" someone else anyway.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by ouinosino
why are you then using huds in the first place makes no sense to me
How do you know I am?
Regs use HUDs for many reasons.. but the answer you want is the following:
For multitabling so they can have better win rate overall. Less winrate per table but more winrate overall.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by BraveJayhawk
This is a big step in the right direction
...if the right direction is turning online poker into a pit game.

No table selecting and no HUDs means winrates drop AGAIN as another massive edge is removed. GTO, and thus bots, will gain value. Bots and colluders will be near impossible for players to detect.

I agree there needs to be a solution to the predatory nature of the current state of online poker, but this seriously impacts security and the fast disappearing winrates while not surprisingly massively increasing the amount the site rakes.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:22 PM
Great move by Party. Long overdue.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by NikTheGreek
How do you know I am?
Regs use HUDs for many reasons.. but the answer you want is the following:
For multitabling so they can have better win rate overall. Less winrate per table but more winrate overall.
just meant in general, that your statement doesnt make much sense.

doesnt have anything to do with you using a hud or not.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ouinosino
and btw. i never thought partypoker would implent this. shows you how much of a big sucker amya and pokerstars are with having the monopol by a large margin and still just banning a few stats in hm and pt...they are scared of loosing their customers and hurting their money making machine..pussys
Stars has the lions share of the market, they don't want to do anything that might upset that unless it's a guaranteed good thing. The only hope for online to improve is if more bottom tier sites make changes.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by ouinosino
just meant in general, that your statement doesnt make much sense.

doesnt have anything to do with you using a hud or not.
I wasnt offended or anything :-p.

What I mean is that when regs dont use HUDs they will play less tables. Playing less tables means they will pay more attention to players. That means they will get more edge on recs so recs will lose their money to regs faster.
Their overall winrate will probably fall a bit but the table winrate will increase. For example if your winrate for each table when 6tabling is 3bb/100 and you increase your tables to 15, that winrate will fall to say 2bb/100. They will make more money when multitabling with less table winrate.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by RecreationalPlayer
The argument that this will stop the players catching bots and cheaters is not really valid in my opinion. The damage done by HUD's and seating scripts is far greater than any bot ring, surely?

Plus, they are not saying the hand histories are never viewable, they are just not downloadable by YOU.

Rake has nothing to do with it either. Everyone wants a safe secure site that catches every single cheat, but nobody likes paying rake.

The programmers can try and scrape the screen, but PP only have to allow screen names changes and all that work is wasted.

This is good for the game. End of story. Anybody who is upset by this was "cheating" someone else anyway.
Pokerstars rake a billion dollars a year and still players are doing a better job of weeding out cheats even with far less data to hand, more rake does not equal better security, and you can be sure as sh** not a bean more will go on finding cheats once players hand histories go dark.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 01:06 PM
nice! I hope they can reinforce it
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by dummy101
Pokerstars rake a billion dollars a year and still players are doing a better job of weeding out cheats even with far less data to hand, more rake does not equal better security, and you can be sure as sh** not a bean more will go on finding cheats once players hand histories go dark.
Your talking like the hand histories cease to exist. Also I never mentioned poker stars, so not sure why you felt the need to mention their rake....
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked
Do people still play at party?

(Serious question - the rake there was huge last check)

"Players wishing to wait for a cash game will join the room-wide waiting list and be randomly seated when a seat that matches their preference becomes available" - This however is AWESOME and should be adopted by every site
wait a sec, this easyseat function exists in stars for few years already and ftp has something similar to this as well.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by NikTheGreek
I wasnt offended or anything :-p.

What I mean is that when regs dont use HUDs they will play less tables. Playing less tables means they will pay more attention to players. That means they will get more edge on recs so recs will lose their money to regs faster.
Their overall winrate will probably fall a bit but the table winrate will increase. For example if your winrate for each table when 6tabling is 3bb/100 and you increase your tables to 15, that winrate will fall to say 2bb/100. They will make more money when multitabling with less table winrate.
Well, regs can't hog so many tables then and there will be higher chance of 2 or more recreationals sitting on same table.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 01:38 PM
LOL. More good news. I may actually play on there again and see what its like. Haven't played there in years though.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by NikTheGreek
I wasnt offended or anything :-p.

What I mean is that when regs dont use HUDs they will play less tables. Playing less tables means they will pay more attention to players. That means they will get more edge on recs so recs will lose their money to regs faster.
Their overall winrate will probably fall a bit but the table winrate will increase. For example if your winrate for each table when 6tabling is 3bb/100 and you increase your tables to 15, that winrate will fall to say 2bb/100. They will make more money when multitabling with less table winrate.
They won't, because the population will include fewer seats filled by regs, and as soon as you reduce the seating ratio slightly it more than makes up for some extra winrate based on attention.

So actually, table winrates (bb/100) will increase for everyone, regs and recs (because the mix changes). Hourly rates will move towards zero - lower for winners and higher for losers.

Those are good things for the poker economy. Games will be more fun, hot streaks will exist, and fish will lose net more slowly.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 01:46 PM
Yeah. Hopefully we will start to see chat boxes filled with banter, and slagging matches etc. A morgue has more atmosphere then a table filled with multitabling regs.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 02:31 PM
Don't really understand why any reg would whine so much about this change. if your game is solid nothing really changes and you're getting pretty much a guaranteed increase in traffic. Unless you're a huge bumhunter and don't want to risk playing hands with any regs at all.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 02:42 PM
This is a step in the right direction. This might open some people's eyes.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 02:52 PM
I don't know if it's screen grabbing or chat box logging but Sky Poker don't allow huds yet HoldemIndicator still manage to get a hud running on there.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Codecci
Well, regs can't hog so many tables then and there will be higher chance of 2 or more recreationals sitting on same table.
And that's why there is so much opposition to this move. How dare a rec play at a table where he can't be bum hunted and auto-sat by 5 'pros'.

Also, regarding the HH issue if you can view a whole years in the history then you can go through hands and import them yourself into a HUD. You just won't have this happen automatically and you won't have the HUD in play to help you. Sounds like laziness and entitlement from the 'pros' to me.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 03:11 PM
Good moves. Only about five years too late.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 03:20 PM
all these NL25-100 grinders all butthurt because they can't grind 2.2BB/100 or w/e


get a life, it will make things better for low steaks games.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
