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Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs

10-01-2015 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Sure bro, huds dont make you a better player but a script is essentially pushing your game theoretical approach to a redbaron like state.

Next time do me a favour and just write: " i use a hud and want it to stay but i dont use a script and therefore want them to go"

You are correct, I use a HUD and no, I don't bumhunt and ruin the games for everyone
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:04 AM
Tim I'll give you $3 for your seating script
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by michal6
Crazy change about huds no longer being allowed at party. In online poker enviroment hud is essential tool for multitabling. They just shoot themselves in the foot with this change.
Nope, because the sites don't care about masstablers anymore.

I have a bet with someone that Stars will ban HUDs no later than January 2018. Feeling better about that every day
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:09 AM
This will destroy their tournaments too. They'll never hit a 10k guarantee again.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
No, they've just realised that they don't need multitablers.

They don't need them slowing down the games, reducing rake and pissing off the recs.

They don't need them consistently busting the fish too quickly and taking money off the site faster than the fish are willing to redeposit.

Good job Party, let's hope others follow suit.
How do you expect anyone to be able to make a living playing small stakes if they can't multi-table? Or do you not want anyone to make a living? If no then **** you. If nobody is able to make a living then poker is useless and may as well just be abolished completely so everyone can go play blackjack.
Recs getting annoyed that one of their hobbies is less enjoyable < Professionals no longer being able to make a living.
The former falls so far behind the latter in terms of importance.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
Recs getting annoyed that one of their hobbies is less enjoyable < Professionals no longer being able to make a living.
The former falls so far behind the latter in terms of importance.
I hope this is a level.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:35 AM
HUD's won't slow down the rate at which a Rec loses his money to a Reg. Reg's are so far ahead of recs that an absent HUD means **** all. I barely ever even look at my HUD vs the mark.
HUD's are essential to exploit other regs and a range in skill between regs being as wide as it can be is v good for the games and makes it a lot more competitive. Without HUD's everyone's going to be playing a completely standard, tight, GTO approach which will leave barely anyone winning at more than a 2 win rate and most being break-even. Also like I said people simply won't be able to make a living at small stakes if they can't play a fairly high number of tables. I know I wouldn't feel comfortable playing more than 6 without a HUD but even then I'd feel all at sea vs regs I've previously had a small edge against.
If they had to ban HUD's then at least just ban them from 25nl and lower where nobody's making a living from it so recs are kept happy. Not that this would be a solution ever taken.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:40 AM
so Huds are the reason these lazy idiots are losing at pokers? lolz
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:45 AM
alot of mad people itt

great changes lets hope the other big names follow suit!
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:45 AM
the pros will just find a work around and play with huds anyway, nothing changes.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by MrSpew
the pros will just find a work around and play with huds anyway, nothing changes.
yeah the pros sure take a risk of getting banned for life from their jobs sure some will try, but if they catch the first, the others probably think twice about it.

and btw. i never thought partypoker would implent this. shows you how much of a big sucker amya and pokerstars are with having the monopol by a large margin and still just banning a few stats in hm and pt...they are scared of loosing their customers and hurting their money making machine..pussys
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
HUD's won't slow down the rate at which a Rec loses his money to a Reg. Reg's are so far ahead of recs that an absent HUD means **** all. I barely ever even look at my HUD vs the mark.
HUD's are essential to exploit other regs and a range in skill between regs being as wide as it can be is v good for the games and makes it a lot more competitive. Without HUD's everyone's going to be playing a completely standard, tight, GTO approach which will leave barely anyone winning at more than a 2 win rate and most being break-even. Also like I said people simply won't be able to make a living at small stakes if they can't play a fairly high number of tables. I know I wouldn't feel comfortable playing more than 6 without a HUD but even then I'd feel all at sea vs regs I've previously had a small edge against.
If they had to ban HUD's then at least just ban them from 25nl and lower where nobody's making a living from it so recs are kept happy. Not that this would be a solution ever taken.
What makes you feel you should be entitled to making a living playing small stakes? I knew a guy who made a living as a type writer repair man.. should he get Pissed at the world and feel he's still entitles to make a living at his ****ty little job? Your only option is to get better and beat midstakes, which you know your not good enough and can never be. Time to get a job bro
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Sure bro, huds dont make you a better player but a script is essentially pushing your game theoretical approach to a redbaron like state.

Next time do me a favour and just write: " i use a hud and want it to stay but i dont use a script and therefore want them to go"

Well, there is plenty of skill involved in HUD - you need to know what every number means, what to do with it etc which is ALOT of work and there is always room for improvement. In perfect world they shouldn't exist, but in practice they have been helpful in catching alot of cheaters by players, so I would say they are overall beneficial for poker world. And everyone can get one for $100 or less.

Whereas with seating scripts, as far as I know, there is pretty much no skill involved using one - you just need data of who is who (who to hunt, who to avoid). You can be real dumb with no reflexes, but if your buddy has programmed the best seating script out there you can get a seat in softest tables always. And I don't think any of the good seating scripts are publically available. And if everyone would had access to one, they would pretty much even out - it would be same situation if noone would use one.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Codecci
Well, there is plenty of skill involved in HUD - you need to know what every number means, what to do with it etc which is ALOT of work and there is always room for improvement. In perfect world they shouldn't exist, but in practice they have been helpful in catching alot of cheaters by players, so I would say they are overall beneficial for poker world. And everyone can get one for $100 or less.

Whereas with seating scripts, as far as I know, there is pretty much no skill involved using one - you just need data of who is who (who to hunt, who to avoid). You can be real dumb with no reflexes, but if your buddy has programmed the best seating script out there you can get a seat in softest tables always. And I don't think any of the good seating scripts are publically available. And if everyone would had access to one, they would pretty much even out - it would be same situation if noone would use one.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
What makes you feel you should be entitled to making a living playing small stakes? I knew a guy who made a living as a type writer repair man.. should he get Pissed at the world and feel he's still entitles to make a living at his ****ty little job? Your only option is to get better and beat midstakes, which you know your not good enough and can never be. Time to get a job bro
The analogy doesn't work at all as a comparison as there aren't people recreationally fixing type writers who are getting annoyed at the pro type writer fixers making it less enjoyable to fix type writers for them in their spare time.
Well considering I'm only 20 and have gone from playing 10nl to beating 100nl at a ~3bb/100 win rate in 2 years, I'd take my side that I will be able to at least be breakeven at the lofty heights of 200nl when I start playing it in Jan.
You're saying "small stakes regs should just have to beat mid stakes" but where does one draw the line? In 2 years will mid takes players be told to beat high stakes games that are likely barely ever running?
If you're a rec then surely you're intending/accepting that you're going to lose anyway so why don't you want others to succeed for putting in hard work and being good at something? Just sounds bitter to me. If you want to gamble your money with no edge then just play roulette.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by ouinosino
yeah the pros sure take a risk of getting banned for life from their jobs sure some will try, but if they catch the first, the others probably think twice about it.

and btw. i never thought partypoker would implent this. shows you how much of a big sucker amya and pokerstars are with having the monopol by a large margin and still just banning a few stats in hm and pt...they are scared of loosing their customers and hurting their money making machine..pussys
lolol, sunshine and rainbows cause they ban the huds/scripts right? im in the "get rid 3rd party software camp" as well dont get me wrong, however banning huds does nothing.

will give the guys who are willing to cheat a significant edge and the guys playing by the rules get burnt, not to mention bots will basically never get caught now, party security could not even catch bots even after regs handed them countless amount of data, they are joke, they and every other site are a joke.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
What makes you feel you should be entitled to making a living playing small stakes? I knew a guy who made a living as a type writer repair man.. should he get Pissed at the world and feel he's still entitles to make a living at his ****ty little job? Your only option is to get better and beat midstakes, which you know your not good enough and can never be. Time to get a job bro
He should feel entitled when the sites advertise the dream of being a poker pro in order to grab people's money.

The thing that I hate the most about party is how they always come up with the excuse that they're just doing all those things for the players, what a pile of garbage!! How does banning hand histories entirely gets to be positive for the players?

This is coming from a site that ring fenced winning players from bad players, that owes a reg 9000$ under false accusations;

And that has never made a decent effort to actually push online poker forward, by improving their glitchy software or improving safety measures.

This is nothing but a money grab scheme just like the previous ones, with the only intent of creating a huge roulete out of online poker, a big grinding machine where they get to suk every little penny out of it, how people come here to praise this is beyond me
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:19 AM
people praising it are players who dont understand what is going on
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
How do you expect anyone to be able to make a living playing small stakes if they can't multi-table? Or do you not want anyone to make a living? If no then **** you. If nobody is able to make a living then poker is useless and may as well just be abolished completely so everyone can go play blackjack.
Recs getting annoyed that one of their hobbies is less enjoyable < Professionals no longer being able to make a living.
The former falls so far behind the latter in terms of importance.
insufferable entitled doucebags like you are the reason poker is so dead shortly

edit ....oh right you are 20 and u dont want to get a job, figures
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
How do you expect anyone to be able to make a living playing small stakes if they can't multi-table? Or do you not want anyone to make a living? If no then **** you. If nobody is able to make a living then poker is useless and may as well just be abolished completely so everyone can go play blackjack.
Recs getting annoyed that one of their hobbies is less enjoyable < Professionals no longer being able to make a living.
The former falls so far behind the latter in terms of importance.
how about you start to adapt? noone said you should make playing poker your job. it was and it will always be a risky business/fun-gamblinggame(see black friday). if you cant adapt you have to look for a new job. as harsh as it sounds
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
insufferable entitled doucebags like you are the reason poker is so dead shortly

edit ....oh right you are 20 and u dont want to get a job, figures
Entitled because I have the skillset and have put the effort in towards being able to play a card game for a living?
Nothing entitled about it.
Why would you care if someone is working 40h/w playing poker for a job or working in an office 40h/w for a job?
To be fair though I don't know why I'm bothering to reply to you considering you've said something in the past to the extent of "all poker players are scum of the earth and leaches on society" yet have made over a thousand posts on a poker forum.
A rank 1 bellend if I've ever seen one before.
I can never understand why losing players think "poker will be dead soon"... You will always be able to play poker it's just soon nobody will be able to win but this isn't a problem for you anyway.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
insufferable entitled doucebags like you are the reason poker is so dead shortly
No, the reason why poker is dying is because PEOPLE DON'T TRUST ONLINE CASINOS, this has nothing to do with winning regs, people winning money is, and will always be the best publicity ever. I don't have a single friend who trusts online casinos are legit businesses, who's fault is that? Ours? Not even by a mile.

People get on the sites and imediatelly get spammed to death with: "Please deposit, please deposit, please deposit" for f*** sake

Roulette and slot icons everywhere, and even in poker the only thing they get is screenname, country(possibly) and a stack of chips and thats it, who's going to trust this?

The money didn't go anywhere football stadiums are always full and even land casinos always have people on slots. Not to mention the lotteries that are also -EV and people will still buy. MONEY DIDNT GO ANYWHERE BUT TRUST IS GOING NOWHERE
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by nikinblinds
Lets no forget that access to hand histories uncovered some of the biggest scandals in online poker.
Ya this is a really big deal. I guess we don't know how good the sites are at catching bots, maybe they catch most of the serious ones without us knowing, however that seems quite unlikely. From the evidence we have sites don't care much about bots, and, at least in retrospect, the recent spate of PLO bots seem like they should have been easy to catch. They weren't caught by the sites and instead took 4.16 million out of the poker economy, with a few trivial thousand returned to players.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 11:10 AM
well, it's pretty simple to predict how is this gonna go. Party gets some additional buisness from hud-tards (I guess there might be a couple hundreds people around the world who will actually move there because of the change), within month or two hudtards realise they still cant win, they move on to a new rationalization (rigged soft/bots/whatever), they stop playing, party is even worse off than before, as now there is literally zero reg v reg action.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
10-01-2015 , 11:29 AM
I'm all for the banning of any third-party software- if enforceable.

However, the belief that fish will lose money a lot slower isn't really true, at least not to the extent that many would choose to believe. The reality is you don't need a HUD to play against fish- who generally share certain tendencies, and by definition lack the necessary skills to survive. I should add, you do need to first identify a player as a fish but a lack of a HUD still shouldn't make that too difficult, especially for regs who have a good knowledge of their player pool.

HUDs are mostly valuable against other regs, and so the banning of HUDs won't impact the fish population significantly. Same with seating scripts- regs have them to compete against other regs, it doesn't really make a difference to the fish- as far as game play goes. (Obviously the visible predatory nature can discourage fish from playing.) A reg is going to take the Jesus seat regardless if it's someone with a fast script or one of many that will be manually watching tables.

So, I'm in favour of the changes, I just don't really think it's going to have too much of an impact on the games surviving. However, if they could effectively ban the more advanced third-party software (bots/custom-made real-time AI software) then that really would help the long term health of the game.

Of course there's one other very simple option that sites could choose to employ if they really cared about the poker eco-system.
Party Poker banning seating scripts and investigating changes to hand histories and HUDs Quote
