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New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment)

08-20-2010 , 02:35 PM
The only thing i was concerned with this post was if DN actually banged Liv B, i sure hope so. GO CANADA. Or as Liv would say "OHHHHHHHHHH CANADA"
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 03:46 PM
If there ever was a word designed to describe Anne Duke it is c***.

I cant think of a more hateful person than that utter dumb slag c***. DN has gone up a couple notches in my estimation.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 03:59 PM
The use of the word is absolutely not standard in the UK, except amongst chavs or people who have seen too many Guy Ritchie movies...though why anyone would watch one is beyond me. Where I come from, in the East End of London, saying to a stranger would start a fight immediately.

Originally Posted by artisan
Man, I use it in front of my mum without her batting an eyelid.
Classy stuff.

Originally Posted by vega66
if you're just chilling with the boys, playing pro evo or fifa or something, or at the pub, c bombing is just standaaaard. and no im not an ASBO case, im a uni student doin econ and politics lol
obviously im not calling girls c*nts lol
I had previously been supportive of broadening access tertiary education but obviously need to reconsider.

Originally Posted by vega66
chilling with the boys, playing pro evo or fifa or something, or at the pub, c bombing is just standaaaard.
You is 'ard bro'....RESPECT.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 04:33 PM
Sweden and USA are different... this one time I was watching TV in Finland and there was a woman jacking off a horse. I was taken aback a little but then I realized it was the Swedish language channel, which makes it OK.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 04:38 PM
Don't know if this has been posted yet, but looks like daniel's hairy arm here:
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by vbm
If there ever was a word designed to describe Anne Duke it is c***.

I cant think of a more hateful person than that utter dumb slag c***. DN has gone up a couple notches in my estimation.

Maybe if Annie Duke weren't huge, disgusting ****ing c***, then DN would be out of line.

But there is no reasonable argument that any reasonable person can make, that Annie Duke isn't a piece of **** as a person, and a ****ing c***.

New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by tiktiktik
Don't know if this has been posted yet, but looks like daniel's hairy arm here:
Cameltoe ITT
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by othermotte
The use of the word is absolutely not standard in the UK, except amongst chavs or people who have seen too many Guy Ritchie movies...though why anyone would watch one is beyond me. Where I come from, in the East End of London, saying to a stranger would start a fight immediately.

Classy stuff.

I had previously been supportive of broadening access tertiary education but obviously need to reconsider.

You is 'ard bro'....RESPECT.
Nobody mentioned anything about being hard, or saying the c-word to strangers. If you arnt comfortable using/hearing the word amongst your male friends in jokey way, maybe theres something wrong with you.

You seem the type to get very sensitive if a friend makes fun of you, or to get completely p*ssy whipped if a girl so much as smiles at you.

Having guy friends break your balls and just generally having a bit of 'banter' is important for a well balanced and healthy life, helps keep you grounded and stops you taking things too seriously.

I feel bad for you that you don't have this environment to relax in, and that maybe you're too up tight and sensitive to be a generally fun guy to have around.

Just because I, or you, or whoever is succesful in tertiary education, doesn't mean you have to bring those pretensions often attached to education and work, back to your social and leisure life.

gl gg
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 06:41 PM
you could make a southpark episode about the comments in this thread...
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by moki
[ ] Big difference in attitudes towards sex in Sweden and the USA
I'm pretty sure that, in general, you could put an x in that box of yours even though my examples may suck
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:23 PM
Here's a bit of advice DN apparently never received.

If you ever become the face of a multibillion dollar company, it's not a good idea to go on record calling someone a f****** c***.

Though in his case I doubt there will be an consequences dished out by PokerStars.

Personal attacks, especially crude ones, don't enhance an argument. They usually just diminish it and make you look bad.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Skeletori
... this one time I was watching TV in Finland and there was a woman jacking off a horse. I was taken aback a little but then I realized it was the Swedish language channel, which makes it OK.
Among the Beast Enders of London...
From whence hails othermotte...
It's more than just OK...
But rather viewed as Classy Stuff.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by othermotte
The use of the word is absolutely not standard in the UK, except amongst chavs or people who have seen too many Guy Ritchie movies...though why anyone would watch one is beyond me. Where I come from, in the East End of London, saying to a stranger would start a fight immediately.

Classy stuff.

I had previously been supportive of broadening access tertiary education but obviously need to reconsider.

You is 'ard bro'....RESPECT.
Where I lived (West Mids) it's not exactly standard but not frowned upon either. People do use it occasionally in a joking kind of way ("stfu you cant") but it's not very common.

Although imo anyone who is offended by the word has a moist vagina (c*nt), I might add.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:53 PM
after reading this interview my opinion of Negreanu went up few notches. gj.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:07 PM
Love again: wanking at ten past three
(Surely he's taken her home by now?),
The bedroom hot as a bakery,
The drink gone dead, without showing how
To meet tomorrow, and afterwards,
And the usual pain, like dysentery.

Someone else feeling her breasts and ****,
Someone else drowned in that lash-wide stare,
And me supposed to be ignorant,
Or find it funny, or not to care,
Even ... but why put it into words?
Isolate rather this element

That spreads through other lives like a tree
And sways them on in a sort of sense
And say why it never worked for me.
Something to do with violence
A long way back, and wrong rewards,
And arrogant eternity.

Philip Larkin - Librarian, poet and chav
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:07 PM
also alot of people are confusing:

a) A dissrepect for women
b) A dissrepect for annie duke.

the two are not synonymous, and fwiw i applaud Daniel. Annie is the worst.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:24 PM
**** is the greatest word in the English Language. It's an old word and it's not going anywhere. It's snappy, packs a punch, can be used in a wide range of's a very elastic word. The reason for it's longevity is simple. The harshness of the sound. Much like the F word ****...only **** loses some impact because of the unvoiced 'f' consonant at the start.

Curse words, sweary words they come and they go...only the really good ones stand the test of time, and they do so because of how they sound. **** and ****...the F word and the C word - they fit the bill, they can be used in so many different ways and language is all the richer for these beautiful words.

The fact that there is discussion over the use of such a word in a given context by a well known Poker Pro lets us know how valuable and dynamic these words are. Anyway, Daniel's an adult, if he wants to use adult language, that's up to him...I imagine he's prepared to deal with any consequences, if indeed there are any.

From Ulysses by James Joyce
"The oldest people. Wandered far away over all the earth, captivity to captivity, multiplying, dying, being born everywhere. It lay there now. Now it could bear no more. Dead: an old woman's: the grey sunken **** of the world."
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-21-2010 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by be_happy
also alot of people are confusing:

a) A dissrepect for women
b) A dissrepect for annie duke.

the two are not synonymous, and fwiw i applaud Daniel. Annie is the worst.
[ ] dissrepect
[x] disrespect
[?] dyslexia

also, I do agree with your evaluation of Annie
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-21-2010 , 02:57 AM
I saw a bumper sticker today that read ...

Keep the Country C***-Free
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-21-2010 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Totale
**** is the greatest word in the English Language. It's an old word and it's not going anywhere.
Old Geoffrey Chaucer knew a nit when he saw one...

Have thou ynogh, what thar thee recche or care
How myrily that othere folkes fare?
For certeyn, olde dotard, by youre leve,
Ye shul have queynte right ynogh at eve.
He is to greet a nygard, that wolde werne
A man to lighte his candle at his lanterne;

Translation to modern English:

Since you've enough, why do you reck or care
How merrily all other folks may fare?
For certainly, old dotard, by your leave,
You shall have **** all right enough at eve.
He is too much a *****rd who's so tight
That from his lantern he'll give none a light.

Chaucer, Wife of Bath's Prologue, Canterbury Tales.

Heh. Nygardly autocensor doesn't like the 'n' word either, apparently.

Last edited by glimmertwin; 08-21-2010 at 06:45 AM. Reason: Add autocensor comment
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-21-2010 , 07:46 AM
Chaucer was the man. A bawdy genius. A lover of language. From the modern Canon I like this excerpt from Teach's opening monologue in David Mamet's 70's classic American Buffalo. A single use of the word **** makes the speech...a wee bit special.

TEACH [To Don] Ahh, ****. We’re sitting down, how many times do I pick up the check? But (No!) because I never go and make a big thing out of it–it’s no big thing–and flaunt like “This one’s on me” like some bust-out *******, but I naturally assume that I’m with friends, and don’t forget who’s who when someone gets behind a half a yard or needs some help with (huh?) some ****ing rent, or drops enormous piles of money at the track, or someone’s sick or something . . .
Only (and I tell you this, Don). Only, and I’m not, I don’t think, casting anything on anyone: from the mouth of a Southern bulldyke ******* ingrate of a vicious nowhere **** can this trash come. [To Bob] And I take nothing back, and I know you’re close with them.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Gelin1
I'm pretty sure that, in general, you could put an x in that box of yours even though my examples may suck
Nah. Honestly, I think you're way off. I'm an atheist and so are most of the people I know. I can't think of hardly any religious people. And teen sex and pre-marriage sex are both standard. Have been that way for a long time.

Generalizations like this are almost always wrong, no matter what country you're referring to.

Having said all that, yes, AD is a c***. And I've met her.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:23 PM
With kimberly lansing on worldpokertour website.

He basically admits making the comments but doesn't really apologize for them, just says that it was taken out of context

Would post link, but posting from my phone.

Adding link - KM:

Last edited by Kevmath; 08-21-2010 at 09:29 PM.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
With kimberly lansing on worldpokertour website.

He basically admits making the comments but doesn't really apologize for them, just says that it was taken out of context

Would post link, but posting from my phone.

Adding link - KM:
i thought he was an overall loser in the 20Knl games so far
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
