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New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment)

08-24-2010 , 04:28 PM
I found what Annie said on the Apprentice to be more in bad taste and more visible to the world than what Daniel said.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by JP OSU
LOL Annie Duke's Open Letter to Pokerstars
Yeah, lets attack Pokerstars... UB HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG HAVE THEY???? Stick to messing with Daniel and leave Pokerstars alone!!!
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Tyde
go call your mother a c**t then and see if she sees it
Hahaha, I love the idiocy of this comment Why should anyone care about what their mother thinks???

I love my mother dearly, but her opinion is as (in)valid as yours, or for that matter mine. Think for yourself, or become a reactionary tool. LOL.

Which did you choose?

[ ] Thought for yourself.
[x] LOL
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 05:16 PM
The comments on the annie duke website are hilarious obviously a few people from this thread have popped across hahahaa
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 05:19 PM
DN's latest tweet says his new blog up, talking about his use of the C word. Clicked on the link, and the blog post is empty or deleted or something.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 05:29 PM
Why would Pokerstars give a flying **** what Annie "Ultimate Bet is totally safe" Duke has to say? As far as calling her a ****ing ****....I think Daniel was being nice. She is way worse than just a ****.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 05:33 PM
DN deleted his tweet. Refreshed my Twitter and it was gone.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 05:40 PM
he'll probably rewrite whatever he wanted to say in case some people might interpreter some stuff wrong and go crazy

lex is also in the mix

@annieduke It's ironic you want PS to take responsibility for Daniels words, when you don't do the reverse thing with UB's cheating scandal. about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck

@RaSZi Lex, IMO UB has. They admitted fault, went through an audit, refunded $22m. I would be happy to discuss in person with you.

then random people just started too

@gogoAdmo I don't send things anonymously. Happy to sit down and discuss with you any time. Face to face.

she might just want a date with daniel

also another applause for the worst comment so far

@Pokerati I am not shooting the messenger. If you say it you should expect it to be printed. Period

people of the world, from now on, lie to everyone about everything, as everything you say could be printed
quite controversial to her previous comment

@TexDolly no he said he didn't intend it for print. That's different. Let's hear from the reporter.

Last edited by BoyanD; 08-24-2010 at 06:03 PM.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 06:12 PM
Is she really implying that the opinion of a low-level, mundane support employee represents the opinion of the entirety of Poker Stars?

She does realize that she is a representative of UB: a online poker site that ripped off hundreds of thousands of dollars from its paying customers. Poker Stars has not faced similar allegations and any attack on them reeks of hypocrisy.

I thought highly educated people were supposed to be intelligent. If she really wanted to address the issue, she'd direct the letter at DN rather than PS.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 07:48 PM
Yeah I find it a bit hypocritical of her to slam Stars when she represents UB. I wonder if she believes UB should respond every time Phil Hellmuth is cursing, berating, and calling someone an idiot time after time at the table. That behavior is highly inappropriate and shouldn't be tolerated.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 08:04 PM
I don't think its a big deal anymore. it was said and written and now lets just move on. it's not killing anyone.

PS shouldn't really give a **** either
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 08:26 PM
all europeans (as am i) are shaking their heads at this thread right? i can't imagine people being so over-sensitive about the word c*** at this side of the pond
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 08:39 PM

You ARE a ****. You are a terrible person. You stand behind a company that has cheated its customers out of millions of dollars. You support them through cover ups and lies. You represent a charity that is more of a scam than anything else. You act entitled and hypocritical.

Please get over yourself and the belief that you are good for the poker community. As much of a clown as Daniel is from time to time, you are certainly 10x worse than him.

Get off your high horse.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 08:54 PM
totally hate the c word, and would never defend someone using it but....

A++ post ASPoker
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:15 PM
Thanks for making this a bigger deal than it is Annie, you ******. As result of this thread, i am going to start throwing the '****' word around alot more often.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:18 PM
c*nt is very offensive in north america... my gf doesnt like it
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:19 PM
Annie Duke should just STFU. Like seriously. Nobody wants to hear from her.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by rip32raptors
c*nt is very offensive in north america... my gf doesnt like it
can we all agree that she is a FORBIDDEN WORD though?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:28 PM
That letter to Pokerstars from Annie Duke is really weird, just like Howard's twitter about this a couple of days ago. They are a strange family. I wish Daniel would just apologize already. We all agree with you but this is the only way to get everyone to shut up.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:31 PM
I live in Ontario Canada, and that word is considered taboo in my neck of the woods, however, in the throes of agony the word suited the severity of the situation. I do not believe that I would have conciously used it had I known any females were present, but cannot say for certain.[/QUOTE]

where in ontario
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:32 PM
i like lex's tweet to annie.. its pretty hypocritical that annie says pstars should be held accountable because one of their pros said a bad word... yet she doesn't think shes accountable for the UB scandal even though she is a pro at their site
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by MrStarch
I found another great Daniel Negreanu interview online today. Some classic quotes in this one...

On Annie Duke: ‘how offensive are you, you f***ing c***? You want to say you’re speaking for women, yet you claim superiority over all of them.’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the Tournament of Champions: Most shocking was to see Sam Farha and T.J. Cloutier in there – I love them both but it was like I had gone back in time.

Some good stuff throughout, Negreanu never holds the rest here;

He doesnt hate her.....he is just jealous because he thinks she is prettier than him
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 10:32 PM
How can she accuse DN of being a bad representative for his sponsored site when he's an ambassador to amateur players (Poker sites primary target audience). He treats them with tremendous respect on and off television.

On the other side, her partner in crime at UB is Phil Helmuth, someone who's becoming more notorious for berating the play of everyone in the poker community including amateurs then he is for being the guy with 11 bracelets.

If I'm a poker site I'd rather have the guy who is friendly and chatty with everyone then the guy who berates their target audience every time he's on television.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by starfishprime
You live in America. Therefore, are completely uneducated on matters outside America.

Very standard in many places, in 99% of places it's at least 60% less bad than in US.

Again, you could disagree with me. But again, you live in America. You are uneducated on what goes on in other countries. You do not know.
Look up, quickly! You will see my point sailing blissfully above your melon.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-24-2010 , 10:51 PM
I'm a women and I don't find the C word offensive. Me and my friends, male and female, use it all the time when talking about both men and women we don't like. Annie is just a whiny wannabe feminist with stone agedly outdated and ******ed views. Ohhhhhh Annie, how you make me face palm.....
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
