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New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment)

08-31-2010 , 12:22 PM
Why would anyone want to boycott him from poker? Poker wouldn't be a good game unless fish like him kept their money circulating in the poker economy.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Minotawrrr
Negreanu's abuse of Annie Duke is one of the only reasons I still like him.
I like Negreanu too, but calling Duke like this was a little mistake
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by mercuryPoison
Why would anyone want to boycott him from poker? Poker wouldn't be a good game unless fish like him kept their money circulating in the poker economy.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by glimmertwin
Oops, solid research
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 02:19 PM
Well spotted glimmer,one of the funniest things i've seen in a while. Most of the time you see these people yap about how big a 'fish' someone is...Cada,moneymaker,whoever actually,there is no way to confirm their foolishness. This is on a par with all the 20 year old virgins uttering do not want..Thx for the chuckle.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-02-2010 , 01:40 PM
Tony G repeats his request to help mediate the Negreanu/Duke dispute (about 1:00 in):
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-13-2010 , 07:55 PM
Annie Duke's birthday today. Will Daniel Negreanu send her a greeting?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-13-2010 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by cubbies4life
whats worse for poker, calling someone you hate a **** or endorsing a pokersite that has repeatedly lied, cheated and just flat out stolen from poker players?
I think one makes you the other. DN just calls 'em as he sees 'em
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-13-2010 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Michael Davis
It doesn't matter that Annie Duke was put together using PlayDoh made from fecal matter, there's no reason to resort to misogyny when insulting her. There are so many other things you can say about Annie Duke with regard to her personality that it's a cheap shot to throw around language that accentuates her gender and makes gender of primary importance in the insult.

It is unsurprising that this forum would fail to realize that. One needs only to check out this thread and any thread discussing the merits of Vanessa Rousso as a poker player to see that this forum is going to be way upsidedown on whether or not it's okay to call someone a c*nt.

At the risk of treading down a potentially dangerous trail, because bernie's comment comparing c*nt to the n-word was hyperbolic, I wonder in what situation it would be proper to call someone in n-word according to your highly developed philosophy of language, whereby "right and wrong is never decided by an opinion poll of the unwashed masses," but a word's "highest and best use is the one it's evolved to," as if the evolution of language weren't under the specific purview of the unwashed masses. Still, I do await further instruction on the "highest and best use" of certain words, especially the n-word, and would like to know to what persons I can apply that word when they act in ways I find abhorrent.

This thread, and the general inability of people posting in it to understand why it is inappropriate to use the word c*nt to describe a person despite the fact that she is probably in the worst 1% of people on the planet, is great evidence for why the unwashed masses should not determine the appropriateness of language though they do determine its usage, things which you conflate.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-13-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by deanshmerk
While were on the topic...DN has banged a lot of good looking women in poker. Shannon Elizabeth, AL, Evelyn NG, Liv Boree, etc...Are we still calling him gay or have me moved past that?
He didnt actually bang all those chicks, did he??? If he did he's freak'n awesome, and im going to start winning alot more at poker and act a little gayer... See ya soon ladies.... But seriously did he really??? Not that theres anything wrong with Daniel but thats pretty top shelf.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-13-2010 , 10:12 PM
on a side note i like people who dont sugar coat things, whether its right or wrong. Way to show some balls... Did he really bang all those ladies... jesus titty christ thats awesome if thats true.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-13-2010 , 10:23 PM
Iam sure there is a reason why DN called out Duke.

Iam happy with any pro calling out these UB tards just keep the bashing coming all.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-14-2010 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Tony G repeats his request to help mediate the Negreanu/Duke dispute (about 1:00 in):
Just. Wow.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-14-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Phleggm
Nope, same size everywhere.
[ ] Not response of the year.

[x] Response of the year.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-14-2010 , 04:59 PM
I think DN didn't go far enough, that c*** is evil
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
09-14-2010 , 05:08 PM
DNs new girl looks like the were panther chick from trueblood
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
11-17-2010 , 04:36 AM
shannon elizabeth? lucky dude
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
11-17-2010 , 06:42 AM
I still don't get why people keep using that old fashioned "w/" abbreviation for "with". It looks ugly, shows that you're a nerd, distracts from what it says and only saves 2 letters.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
11-17-2010 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by RNauta
I still don't get why people keep using that old fashioned "w/" abbreviation for "with". It looks ugly, shows that you're a nerd, distracts from what it says and only saves 2 letters.
Yeah why can't they use the TWO letters?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
05-31-2011 , 04:18 PM
Great thread
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
05-31-2011 , 04:47 PM
Epic bump

New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
05-31-2011 , 05:23 PM
Is Annie less of a c**t now that she left UB before they re-raped US players?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
05-31-2011 , 05:36 PM
Have to love Kid poker he really says it like it is.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
05-31-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Spiffysean
Is Annie less of a c**t now that she left UB before they re-raped US players?
since she left because they weren't going to pay her the big bucks anymore, I vote more.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
05-31-2011 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Have to love Kid poker he really says it like it is.
True, a very good quality.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
